12 posts
25/M/Canadian 🇨🇦/Tickle Sadist/CNC Tickling
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tickly-duck · 3 months ago
A Nightmare Come True
Possibly me deepest and darkest desire ever would be for someone to find my blog, stalk me irl and plan a life-long personal tickle hell just for me.
I imagine someone out there would take interest in my blog, find out who I am, where I live for the sole purpose of giving me exactly what I yearn for - endless severe tickle torture.
Maybe they would pose as a tinder date, only to roofie me and bring me into their cold, damp, sound-proof basement in their cabin located in the middle of nowhere - miles and hours away from the closest civilization. Even if sound did manage to escape my underground cell, there wouldn't be a single soul to hear my pleas for help and mercy.
I'd be laid on a special bondage bed tailored just for me with points of restraint holding me down from head to toe. On my forehead, neck, wrists, torso, legs and toes - all completely restrained and rendered unable to move a muscle besides my vocal chords (lest I get gagged).
The dungeon would host an array of tools ranging from brushes to electric devices modified to tickle me anywhere, for however long. Gags that would render me incapable of uttering a single sound or gags that force my mouth open to tickle the roof of my mouth. Hoods that deprive me of every single sense but touch, further alienating me from the world that no longer remembers me.
But my captor remembers, they remember all the times I've practically begged for a stranger to come and turn my cruel, selfish desire into a reality.
Where can I find someone like this?
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tickly-duck · 3 months ago
Why Am I Like This?
I've been craving the feel of someone's fingers running all over my body, teasing me and bringing me to the edge of insanity. I'm so eager for the sensation that I almost feel like I'll lose my mind if I don't experience tickling soon. As much as I want it, I know there's a chance I'll regret it, but the desire is overpowering my rationality. I can't wait any longer, I just need someone to tickle me until I'm begging for them to stop.
I want someone who will take me to the edge of my limits and surpass them, pushing me to a point of no return where all I know is regret. I crave the feeling of being completely overpowered and vulnerable, with no escape from the intense and overwhelming sensations.
I need to be in bondage so severe that my limbs ache, that no matter how much I struggle and fight, I have no way to escape the fate that I've sealed myself to.
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tickly-duck · 5 months ago
I want..
To be tied up in bondage that I could only dream of Escaping from.
I want my toes to be tied and as taught as physically possible
I want my arms to stretched so far above my head that it hurts and my torso is so stretched out that you can see every single rib clearly
I want a ler that doesn’t give a fuck about my wellbeing and only sees me as an object to fulfill their tickle torture fantasies
I want them to WANT me to hate it so much that i’d do anything to make it stop
I want them to not stop no matter what I say
I want them to sit on my hips and drill their fingers into my ribs repeatedly and relentlessly until I’m screaming for mercy
I want them to then turn around and squeeze my thighs to the point of tears
I want them to constantly remind me that I’m psychical incapable of doing literally anything to make the torture stop and that they’re in full control of what I’m feeling - and they want It to be hell for me
The more I genuinely beg for it to stop, the better It is for them
I want them to go down to my feet and call in a friend…
I want 20 fingers attacking my soles fast and hard
I want them to focus on the balls of my feet - driving me insane with unbearable sensations that I didn’t when think we’re possible
Finally, I want my feet to be oiled throughly, making my soles extremely soft and sensitive
Hairbrushes. 2 of them. One for each foot, scrubbing so hard and so relentlessly that I’d rather die than endure another second of it
I want them to laugh at my agony
I want them to continue until my eyes roll into the back of my head and blackness overcomes me as I passout
And for it to start all over again when I wake up
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tickly-duck · 1 year ago
Lees, which position would you rather be tied-up in? Lers, which position would you tie your Lee up in?
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source: https://twitter.com/YH_beijibei/status/1771820144894914974/photo/1
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tickly-duck · 1 year ago
A bondage idea: lower body
A wall dividing two small rooms, both soundproof.
An adjustable opening on the very bottom in the centre of the dividing wall where the Lee can be inserted so their upper body is in one room, and lower body in the other. [You’d be able to somehow adjust the opening so it clamps back down around the Lee’s waist/stomach comfortably and securely]
The upper body totally free to move from the lower belly up, [wouldn’t be able to sit up or anything due to their hips being in the other room] they could hit the wall, flail their arms or whatever they want.
In the lower body room the legs would be stretched out, slightly elevated and spread apart by raised individual stocks that are bolted into the ground, each foot tightly toe tied.
Their knees would be casted over so they’re unable to bend them [this renders the Lower body basically useless as their ankles are in stocks and theyre also locked down from the waist so all they can do is barely rock from side to side, being unable to bend your knees is incredibly annoying]
This is perfect for foot tickle torture, thigh tickling and hip tickling.
One person on each foot, with a hairbrush on oiled and helpless soles
2 people for each thigh, one to relentlessly squeeze the insides of the thighs and just below the ass, and another for the rest of the thigh/elbow drilling above the knee cast and top of the thigh - for each leg
1 person per hip, to use both hands to drill cruelly into the hip bones at the base of the wall [this would be especially maddening for the lee because the agony Is just below where they’re able to stop it with their hands, but the wall is just in the way]
The lee would be completely immobile from the waist down but completely free up top. This gives them a false sense of hope, and drives them even more crazy when they realise over and over again that they can’t do any fucking thing to stop what they’re feeling
They can scream all they want [and they will] but never be heard. They’d be in complete silence only broken by themselves. Lying on the floor in an empty room, whatever happening in the other room being completely and truly not in their control.
The torture they’re experiencing isn’t an audible reality nor a visual reality. It would be purely sensational.
They could be screaming despretly that they can’t breathe and the torture wouldn’t stop or slow down for even a second
The desperation would be unbearable
And I’d do anything to be in that position
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tickly-duck · 1 year ago
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No, No, No!
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tickly-duck · 1 year ago
I want to be in a position where my feet are completely immobile and out of reach, toe tied and stretched to perfection, & I just want to be subjected to hairbrushes abusing them for at least 5 hours straight. I wanna see how many times my mind can go to mental purgatory and back. I wanna feel defeated and hopeless and broken over and over again. I want genuine non stop tickle torture that is completely out of my control. I want to be lying in a pool of my own piss and tears by the end of it.
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tickly-duck · 1 year ago
Absolutely adore the setup here!
Hey @spiffytickler didn’t anyone ever tell you that it’s *not nice* to torture innocent little girls~ 🥺😇😔😳🙈🥵🥵🥵
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tickly-duck · 2 years ago
This. This is exactly how a ler should think about their lee
Imagine how pathetic and helpless you would feel being tied up and tickled tortured despite your screaming and crying for it to stop. like this person is making you wail and beg…by tickling you. like, how humiliating. grow up.
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tickly-duck · 2 years ago
Someone talk to me about how you’d tickle torture me if you had the chance. In a colossal Lee mood.
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tickly-duck · 2 years ago
imagine- we meet up for a tickle session, i bring you to my basement as you’re nervous and eager to be tickled.. you let yourself be sat, strapped down, locked in the stocks and you remember that a safe word was never discussed as I’m putting a big red ball gag in your mouth…
you begin to panic, you’re fully restrained with your body strapped down, arms locked painfully above your head exposing your armpits, back curved painfully so your ribs are protruding and your feet exposed and immobile, you try and plead with your sad little eyes but this is happening.
your eyes go wide as you realize im setting up a camera pointing directly at you, you try and protest but you’re just making muffled noise, i remind you that - this is going to happen, you’re going to get tickle tortured, for hours and hours and there’s no way to make it stop, you can scream, cry, piss yourself, pass out. your soles will keep getting scrubbed, your ribs will keep getting drilled and prodded, your inner thigh tendons will keep getting relentlessly squeezed and kneaded.
and im going to laugh at your agony, i love knowing that you’re going through hell. and im going to record it and upload it everywhere so everybody knows that you’re nothing but a ticklish little bitch <3
now let’s lather those soles in baby oil and start with some hairbrushes :)
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tickly-duck · 2 years ago
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daydreaming about crawling into Daddy’s lap & looking up at him with love & admiration
he pulls me close & snuggles me for a moment, but then his grip tightens and he starts whispering in my ear...
“now, little girl, i told you that the next time we were together i was going to discipline you. do you remember?”
i struggle to regain a sense of autonomy but it’s futile; Daddy is much stronger
“young lady, where do you think you’re going?”
words escape me and all i can muster is a whimper...it can’t be starting already! we’re all alone and no one will be able to hear my screams. the gravity of the situation hits me like a ton of bricks
“please...” i manage to beg, barely above a whisper
his hand moves toward my side and i try, unsuccessfully, to catapult myself off of his lap and onto the floor
he catches me and smirks, flipping me onto the couch and pinning me with ease
“now, little girl...this is what’s going to happen...”
i watch in horror as his free hand approaches my side
“PLEASE no...wait...i can’t, i can’t do it...”
my begging is dripping with desperation and he hasn’t even touched me yet
his hand makes contact with my side, squeezing and clawing and grabbing, and i am beside myself
my screams are filling the room, but they don’t come close to expressing the depth of my suffering
he taunts me and continues to tickle until i’m a sweaty, hysterical mess
after what seems like hours, he finally stops
on the verge of tears, i reach out for cuddles and aftercare
he picks me up and carries me into the bedroom, where the bondage table and stocks are already set up
“we haven’t even started yet, little girl”
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