The Maze Runner Thomas Tickled
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Thomas has been in pain recently and Newt has a way to relieve him of his pain and bring a smile back to his face.
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tickledreams27-blog · 5 years ago
It was 5:00 at the glade. Thomas and Minho had just come back from running they had been out since 5:30 that morning. While they were out running they occasionally stopped for a break for a drink or a fruit on one occasion when they stopped Minho noticed Thomas was hoping from his right to his left foot like he was in pain. When he mentioned it to Thomas he screwed up his face and said it was nothing, but Minho could tell he was in pain. He decided to tell Newt, who Thomas was closer to, about it. They had just come back from running, and Thomas went to sit at his favorite part of the forest. When Newt much to his annoyance came to join him... "Sooo, Tommy my friend how are you" "What do you want Newt" Thomas responded "Thought you needed cheering up" Thomas sighed "Sure you did" "What! you look sad" "Since when did you care " A look of hurt flashed over Newts face and then disappeared. Thomas saw it and felt a pang of guilt. "Sorry" "Give me your feet" Newt said. "What" "I'm gonna rob you of your pain Thomas raised a brow "And how, may I ask are you gonna do that " In response Newt brought out a bottle of ointment from his jacket. Then slapped his thighs twice indicating for Thomas to put his foot on him. Thomas grinned and put his feet up. The blond pulled off Thomas' shoes and sock' to reveal Thomas's size 7 feet. He pored some oil straight onto his right foot and Thomas screwed up his toes. "Sorry its cold" "For a guy who can handle so much pain your a big baby" Newt grinned. "Shhh I'm trying to relax" Thomas replied. newt continued massaging his foot and Thomas almost fell asleep until. "Ahha" Thomas made a noise halfway between a pig and a human and pulled his foot back so fast he almost kneed himself in the face. "Newt raised one eyebrow is it that bad" Thomas shook his head "no I-I-It's not  that." "If you say so". Thomas nodded so Newt continued. 30 seconds later again Thomas snorted and pulled his foot back. "Ohh my gosh, just relax man" Then it hit him and a grin slowly started to spread across his face. Suddenly he put Thomas' feet in a headlock. "H-Hey what are you doing." "Thomas, are you ticklish?" Newt asked Thomas gulped "Um no" "You sure" He asked starting to scrape his fingers along his sole just underneath his toe. Thomas screamed and dropped down so he was laying on his back. Still restricted by Newt holding his feet. "Ahahahah, Newt let gohoho!" "Nah Tommy boy this is the first time I've heard you properly laugh since, well I can't remember. Can you?" While Newt was talking Thomas was in hysterics, "Stohohop!" "Naa Tommy your not ticklish so why are you laughing" By this time Thomas had managed to turn around so he was lying on his front, still desperately trying to escape Newts headlock. "Ahahahah Ohoho mhyhy GGohohoddd!. I'm gonna pee myselahaaaaaa!" Inbetween Thomas' ranting Newt had prized back Thomas's toes and and scratched underneath them causing Thomas to scream again, this time it was a piercing shrill which ran through the night air, all the way to the ears of none other than Gally and Minho who dropped the Maps in their hands and ran towards the scream. When they got there their jaws dropped. Thomas the heroic keeper of the runners, Killer of the Grievers, Protector of the glade was being tickled to the point of begging for mercy. They made their way over grins plastering their faces. "Oh hey Tommy, how you doing?" "Huuuu" "What I don't understand you" "Hehellppp mehe" "Yea guys" Newt laughed, he needs help cheering up he's been acting like a shank all week" "Nohoho!" The next 10 minutes were almost the worst of his life. Newt had left his feet and sat on his legs and started squeezing just above his knees and thighs causing Thomas to go mad while Minho pulled Thomas's failing arm above his and attacked his armpits. Meanwhile Gally was on his middle pretending to count his ribs. "Don't want your enemy finding out your weakness Greenie, they could figure out a way to get under you skin." Gally said "Nohoho Gally pleeaasse" "Please what Greenie" "Dohon't dooo ihihit" "Ohh what this" Suddenly he lifted up Thomas' shirt and started again only now it felt one hundred times worse. Ahahahah pleeaasse Ihi'm shorhry" "Don't worry Greenie I forgive you" "Thehen sthoppp" Suddenly his laughter turned silent and he started choking Alright guys that's enough"Wait I wanna do one last thing". Newt  sat on his middle and lifted up his shirt. "Hey Tommy, you like rasberries" No-No-No Newt pleheheeaasse" Newt ignored him and put his face next to Thomas' Navel he put his toung in it and started licking the hole. Gally and Minho cringed while Thomas fell into silent laughter again. Alright Newt that's enough. Hang on. Then Newt blew the biggest rasberries Thomas had ever had. Then he screamed the loudest he ever had. He didn't remember when he fell asleep but the last thing he rememberd was Gally saying"That has got to be the cutest laugh I have heard. When Thomas opened his eyes the first thing he saw was the hammock he was lying in not his he noted. Then last nights events came flooding back to him and he suddenly felt sore all over his body. Then he realised what day it was and what time it was. "Oh Shuck Alby's gonna kill me" It was the day of the 55th annual runners meeting and it started in 10 minutes. He quickly splashed cold water on himself, in Newts shower, and brushed his teeth while putting his shoes on. He got dressed (In Newts clothes) and headed outside. Unfortunately Gally was coming toward him he froze for two seconds a look if terror flashing over his face. Then Chuck ran up to him. " Hey Thomas where were you last night, what wrong you look like you've seen a greiver". "Look chuck, I'll explain later I gotta go" "Hey Tommy my friend" H-H-Hi G-G-Gally." Gally raised on eyebrow well aren't you late for the M-M-M meeting. Y-Yea b-bye." "Wait i''all walk ya I'm glade rep today anyway" "K-Kay bye chuck" Chuck just stared open jawed" "Here" Thomas looked at the water Gally was offering him and nodded. "Th-Thanks" "Sooo Greenie how come you so ticklish hu?" Thomas immediately regretted drinking that water and choked it out he took two steps away from Gally then started walking again" "Relax Greenie I ain't gonna touch ya" Thomas rolled his eyes and huffed, ge didn't say another word till they got there. "Hurry up Greenie or I'm gonna start without ya" "K I'm ready" "So this weeks issue is. Alby stuck his hand in the box and pulled it out,"Lack of challenges and battles". "So to start lets hear what ideas people have um Zart you start." " Well I think we should have more games to pass the time" Alby nodded all in favor raise your right hand." Thomas was about to raise his when he saw Newts hand scrape his side. So he didn't raise his hand to block Newts hand with his elbow. "Thomas, you don't agree?" Alby asked "N-No I agree" "Ok motion moved" Gally raised a hand "Yea", Alby asked "What type of games" Jack one of the younger boys raised a hand. Alby nodded to him. "Sup Jack" "I think we should have tickle fights". That when Thomas regretted the water decided to take a swig of. "Phhhchha" "Ehuehueu". Alby raised one eyebrow "Greenie you sure u ok". "I-I'm fine" "See me after Greenie" "Wh-Wha-Why" "And you Newt" Newt rolled his eyes, and huffed out his cheeks. "Sorry Newt you got a problem" "Nuuh" "Good, where were we, oh yea tickle fights all in favo-" "Wait Alby don't you think that's a bit immature". "Hmm, maby, what do you think Gally?" "Maby" "All in favor 80% put up their hand and Alby smirked "motion moved"... After the meeting Thomas and Newt were sat on chairs infront of Alby. "You two wanna tell me what's going on" He was talking to both of them but looked directly into Thomas's eyes. Thomas met his gaze for a second, then his face burned red and he looked down at his feet. Feeling Alby's gaze Thomas started squirming in his seat. Alby sighed fine you can go." "Bu-" Thomas started to protest. Alby raised a brow "Hu" "Newt glanced at Thomas and he shut his mouth "Nothing" "Fine, Newt leave. "What why" Alby glanced at Newt and smirked. Newt smirked back and nodded at him then toward Thomas, Alby grinned and nodded. Newt rolled his eyes and smirked again. Then stood up and left. Alby retired his gaze back to Thomas who started squirming again. "You know for a runner you squirm quite alot" at the word squirm Thomas started squirming harder. Alby chuckled "Alright Greenbeen lets get started." "Started on whaaaaa". Mid sentence. Alby had tackled Thomas to the floor pinning him securely underneath him. Thomas tried to shove him off but with no avail. "Sooo Greenie Gally told me something interesting about you" "Whahit? Pleeaasse Alby I'll do anything, don't do it Alby pleahehese" "I-" He didn't get to finish because Alby had started prodding his sides "Nahahahhahhuhuhuhahahguhhu." "Duhugrn" "Hehellppp mehehe!!" Newt was just closing the door when he heard Thomas' piercing scream. He smirked and shook his head. As he headed out into the cool air he steppes and laughed to himself as he listened to Thomas's laugh, loud enough to rouse anyone and music to his it was the type of laugh that was contagious and bound to make anyone laugh or smirk along with him. He started to feel like Thomas coming the the glade may not have been a bad thing after all.
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