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tiboysworld · 3 days ago
Farm lad 🍆
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tiboysworld · 3 days ago
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tiboysworld · 6 days ago
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tiboysworld · 2 months ago
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tiboysworld · 2 months ago
Diapered Team Captain
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He thought an innocent picture on a random site would keep him safe that no one would find out. Unfortunately for 18 year old Kevin when he went to school the next day to get ready for baseball practice he would find himself in a very different situation.
Kevin had ruled the team and was very strict and very forceful, he had forced several team members out for not performing up to par. He wanted the team to win big his last year in high school. In most cases he was considered a jerk to many and today was the day that they were all going to take him down a peg.
So now almost a very minute Kevin walked into the changing room to meet his team was he jumped, but before he could even say anything a gag was shoved in his mouth and tied around his head. He felt a large nipple fill his mouth and realized that the gag was just a giant pacifier and he really had no choice but to suck on it.
He then saw a lot of the other guys cheering and laughing, he knew then that this all had been planned then a thought crossed his mind about the picture that he posted last night. He realized that obviously someone on the team found it and now they were all going to come after him. Kevin did his best to try to fight the other guy’s off of him but with no luck.
“You know so many of us thought of you as a tough guy, all of us were too worried to even challenge you. But that’ cute picture you posted shows us that you’re just a little boy and it’s time for you to learn how to be a good boy” Paul Kevin’s second on the team and former best friend stated holding up his phone to show off the picture.
All Kevin could do was whimper around the pacifier as the guys that were holding him began to strip him of his clothes. For the last few months Kevin had always worn his practice shorts underneath his regular jeans and now the secret that laid underneath was going to be revealed. His button-up shirt and undershirt were ripped away, his jeans followed suit leaving him just in his shorts which were also ripped away.
The guys froze for only a second or two before they all started laughing. You underwear that Kevin was wearing looked like little kids training pants with police cars and fire engines on them. They were very thick and to the looks of them damp. Kevin had started wearing these in secret, it helped give him comfort, this only proved that he wasn’t a big man but very much a little boy in need of being taken care of.
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 I guess little Kevin has been having some accidents, and by the looks of it your training pants need to be replaced with a proper diaper” Paul stated looking at the obvious wet patch on the training pants
Kevin was fully picked up then and taken to the shower stalls and there he saw a couple of the guys that he kicked off the team just a couple weeks ago standing there in just their boxers holding would look like shaving cream and a razor. Kevin tried his best using everything he had to get out of the situation he knew what was coming.
But it was useless he wasn’t strong enough to break away then he felt his training pants get removed, then received a hard smack to his bottom. He looked to see that Paul had taken off his belt and was going to use it to fully punish Kevin like the little boy they now realize he is.
Kevin moans trying to say something anything to make it all stop, but it’s no use Kevin has smacked a few more times with the belt and laid over Paul’s knee naked. Kevin was already in tears but not from the spanking but by the utter humiliation of what he was suffering through.
“Bad little boys who don’t share get spankings like you’re getting right now Kevin” Paul stated spanking Kevin’s bottom between every word.
“this is also what bad little boys get for wetting their training pants, you obviously are far from the 18-year-old man you’re supposed to be but we will change that everyone out on the field will see it too” Paul continued until Kevin fell limp sobbing in pain.
Kevin had no time to register or ask what he meant by “everyone on the field” he was in just too much pain. Now that Kevin was submitting to what was happening to him Paul stood him up and with the help of a few of the ex members of the team they began shaving all of his body hair off. Kevin cried and sobbed with every part of it as he was completely left hairless as a newborn. It’s also revealed to all the guys how small of a manhood Kevin actually had and they just giggled.
“Very good little Kevin nice and smooth like the little boy you are, now I think it’s time for us to talk about your accident. You see you can’t be a big boy and have the accidents like you just did. Those training pants are ruined and think if you accidentally made a poo poo in them” Paul said speaking to Kevin like he was a little kid.
“So me and the rest of the team have decided that the best thing for you is to be put back in a diaper until you’re ready to be a big boy and learn how to use the toilet but that’s probably a long way away”.
Kevin wanted to fight again but the very way Paul was talking to him and even bringing up a proper diaper just made Kevin hard. His now hairless manhood stood completely upright proving how badly he wanted this treatment and that diaper.
“Look everyone looks like baby Kevin does want his diaper!” A couple of guys called out.
Everyone laughed knowing this was exactly what Kevin deserved since he obviously wasn’t a man like they were. Kevin was led back to other lockers were he saw a changing mat laid out with a very thick very babyish diaper was waiting for him.
To Kevin’s surprise the gag around his mouth was undone and removed but he was still told not to speak. “Now that we have made sure to punish you and remove your big boy hair we want you to do one thing and say that you want your diaper” Paul stated.
Kevin looked at Paul and everyone else in the room but instead of trying to run away he just froze and Paul continued. “We have established that you are just a little boy, you wet your training pants and your baby weiner is hard from the very thought of wearing that diaper. Now admit it or you’ll be spanked until you do”.
Kevin turned back around looked down at the plastic changing mat but more so the diaper, he had seen those diapers online and fully wondered what it would feel like to be put in a diaper again a real diaper. Somewhere beyond the humiliation and his pride all he wanted was to really wear that diaper but more importantly be put into it like the baby boy he wanted to be deep down.
“I’m ready to be a good baby boy and wear my diaper” Kevin stuttered out sounding almost like a real little boy.
“Why do you need your diaper Kevin?” One of the guys who shaved him asked.
“Cuz I wet my training pants and I’m not a big boy like all of you” Kevin lisped out sounding every bit as a 3 year old but the team wanted him to be.
There was more laughter but most of all there was acceptance and they knew full well that they brought Kevin their former team captain all the way down. Without any further hesitation Kevin laid on the mat no longer covering his soon to be diapered weiner, as Paul slipped The pacifier this time without the gag part back into his mouth.
Kevin let the process happen as Paul lifted Kevin’s legs by the ankles like you would do a real baby and the diaper was slid underneath him, when his sore bottom touched the diaper, he just felt more excited. Baby powder was heavily sprinkled over Kevin’s soon to be diapered area and the diaper was closed. Kevin didn’t care about the eyes on him he just felt like he was in heaven.
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Kevin was completely lost in the feel of a diaper the smell of the baby powder, he felt like a real baby, a real baby boy something he truly wanted to always be. Yes his team had taken away his manhood and his ability to run the team the way he wanted to, but they gave him something better in return.
Most of the team had dispersed realizing that this really wasn’t a true punishment for their captain, but also they gave him something he was missing. The few guys that remained finished getting ready for practice leaving Kevin happily laying on the changing mat enjoying his diaper and sucking away on the pacifier.
Paul just looked at the big baby with a big smile, Kevin was now fully a baby. Now it was time to show everyone at the school and Kevin’s family exactly what he was…
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tiboysworld · 2 months ago
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tiboysworld · 2 months ago
smoking encouragement (english)
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tiboysworld · 2 months ago
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tiboysworld · 3 months ago
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Back at it
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tiboysworld · 3 months ago
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tiboysworld · 3 months ago
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tiboysworld · 3 months ago
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tiboysworld · 3 months ago
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tiboysworld · 3 months ago
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tiboysworld · 4 months ago
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tiboysworld · 4 months ago
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tiboysworld · 5 months ago
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