122 posts
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tibegirl · 8 years ago
The blind side
The ability to avoid the struggle, rush, happiness, excitement and turmoil moments happening right next to our side. The little voice Deep inside telling us to feel it then we're molded to think "that's not me" those that are willing to help out, have to fight all the oddsmakers.........
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tibegirl · 8 years ago
If you ever encounter a person who have done harm & betrayed your family in the past, what would you do???? would you be forgiving? Disrespectful? Or would you just let it go because it’s not your battle field. I should have followed my instincts & have a genuine conversation with the person. 06-17-17
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tibegirl · 8 years ago
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“I don’t communicate my feelings. My entire family was like that. We’ve always sort of just swept things under the rug. I think that’s what makes me a good ER nurse. I don’t take things home with me. I can separate myself emotionally and just focus on what needs to be done. But it also makes me pretty bad at relationships. I met Gavin while traveling in Europe last year. We traveled together for two weeks, then he came home and met my family, and then we went to Mexico for a week. After that we talked every day. Gavin was the opposite of me. He was warm and happy and touchy. He’d even tell random strangers that they looked nice. But I pulled back the moment we got too close. Because I don’t like the feeling of being dependent on someone. Gavin was killed in a car crash at the end of January. He was alone in England and I didn’t even find out until days after it happened. I’ve tried to handle it like I always do. I try not to think about it or talk about it. But it’s not working so well this time. I’m taking things more personally at work. If a patient comes in the ER with similar injuries, I always ask myself: ‘What if this was Gavin?’”
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tibegirl · 8 years ago
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“I was taking a law school admissions test in a big classroom at Harvard. My friend and I were some of the only women in the room. I was feeling nervous. I was a senior in college. I wasn’t sure how well I’d do. And while we’re waiting for the exam to start, a group of men began to yell things like: ‘You don’t need to be here.’ And ‘There’s plenty else you can do.’ It turned into a real ‘pile on.’ One of them even said: ‘If you take my spot, I’ll get drafted, and I’ll go to Vietnam, and I’ll die.’ And they weren’t kidding around. It was intense. It got very personal. But I couldn’t respond. I couldn’t afford to get distracted because I didn’t want to mess up the test. So I just kept looking down, hoping that the proctor would walk in the room. I know that I can be perceived as aloof or cold or unemotional. But I had to learn as a young woman to control my emotions. And that’s a hard path to walk. Because you need to protect yourself, you need to keep steady, but at the same time you don’t want to seem ‘walled off.’ And sometimes I think I come across more in the ‘walled off’ arena. And if I create that perception, then I take responsibility. I don’t view myself as cold or unemotional. And neither do my friends. And neither does my family. But if that sometimes is the perception I create, then I can’t blame people for thinking that.”
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tibegirl · 8 years ago
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“I’m not Barack Obama. I’m not Bill Clinton. Both of them carry themselves with a naturalness that is very appealing to audiences. But I’m married to one and I’ve worked for the other, so I know how hard they work at being natural. It’s not something they just dial in. They work and they practice what they’re going to say. It’s not that they’re trying to be somebody else. But it’s hard work to present yourself in the best possible way. You have to communicate in a way that people say: ‘OK, I get her.’ And that can be more difficult for a woman. Because who are your models? If you want to run for the Senate, or run for the Presidency, most of your role models are going to be men. And what works for them won’t work for you. Women are seen through a different lens. It’s not bad. It’s just a fact. It’s really quite funny. I’ll go to these events and there will be men speaking before me, and they’ll be pounding the message, and screaming about how we need to win the election. And people will love it. And I want to do the same thing. Because I care about this stuff. But I’ve learned that I can’t be quite so passionate in my presentation. I love to wave my arms, but apparently that’s a little bit scary to people. And I can’t yell too much. It comes across as ‘too loud’ or ‘too shrill’ or ‘too this’ or ‘too that.’ Which is funny, because I’m always convinced that the people in the front row are loving it.”
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tibegirl · 9 years ago
I think the mind set of being a medical students is beyond any measures. The expectations and judgment of your close circle of people matters so much. Hang in there, you're almost done. Success stories like you give a hope to someone like me that's inspired & hope to be in medical field.
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“There’s a strange culture in medicine. People are less friendly to each other than I imagined. I got an MD and a PhD in Neuroscience. I’m finishing my residency right now. I guess I thought that everyone would be compassionate, and would help each other, and would be nice to each other. And don’t get me wrong—I work with a lot of compassionate people. But the stress just erodes people. There’s a lot of tension and anger. We’re taught that 80 hours per week is normal and shouldn’t be questioned. But at the same time, a huge amount of work that medical interns do is administrative. It could be outsourced without affecting the quality of education or care. And the culture does real harm. I’ve had two friends commit suicide. One of them was studying anesthesiology at Yale and overdosed in a parking lot. The other jumped off the dorm building at NYU. There’s got to be a better way. I don’t know, maybe I’m just saying this because I’m stressed. I’m heading to the ER now. I’m almost at the end of my residency. I can see the end of the tunnel. But the tunnel is very damaging.”
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tibegirl · 9 years ago
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#gnash #ihateyouiloveyou
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tibegirl · 9 years ago
You my dearest left your fingerprint all over our hearts that even time failed to heal the scar. You my dearest touched us with a glimpse of unconditional love full of sweet memories. You my dearest still brings a smile on my face just thinking about you flowing your hand on my face.  You my dearest will be very much missed this month.  May Kidus Gebrael rest your soul in peace. 
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tibegirl · 9 years ago
It's that burn you feel deep inside. It's the uncertainty of your decision. It's the unspoken words play in your mind. It's the urge of finding ways to feel numb. Then you would think you should be tougher, stronger, & bigger.  It's blaming yourself to make your things right. It's the mood swings and loss of compassion. It's that moment you let people pass your line. Slowly getting under your skin then you would demand no distraction.  It's the moment you wish life could be like the one you imagine at your childhood. It's wrecking moment that makes you think about all things that happened and maybe things you could have done differently. Then for a moment you wish you can flip the page to find a way maybe a quote that would make sense now. It's that tough love, ride & die promise that sucks the life out of you. It's that non coming hope, eagerness or even a glimpse of an apology. Then you would wander why your loyal.  It makes you dought yourself. It makes you not to be grateful. Sometimes you find yourself listening to your favorite music; mine has been Birdy. Which always knock your self out to sleep mode. You would be much more peaceful than the daytime. When the sun rises & the light strike the window or when your alarm goes off or your phone beeps instatly. Then your mind wants you to wake up but your heart doesn't want to leave your bed. Flipping around your bed trying so hard to find a reason to feel better or to smile or anything to push you up.  I think I deserve more than just this or spending time on the Internet with no human contact. Something have to sense more than just these. I need to let go some old habits because at the end of the day I found out in a hard way that no one cares about you than yourself!!!!!
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tibegirl · 9 years ago
I wanted to watch this movie since my encounter of the trailer in my dorm room in college. I was very much touched by the trailer & the determinations of the movie crew to make an independent movie in Ethiopia. I felt so lucky to be part of the opening screening in Silver Spring MD. The film quality was beyond my expectation and the actors did a great job than any other time. I heart all the part of the cultural representation scattered throughout the movie, like Hirut father cleaning his hand using his scarf after tasting the food & so much more. I have a good time & hope lots of other would have a chance to be part of Difret too. @Difret #proudethiopian#culture#independentmovie#womens#education#bettermakeroom#mustwatch
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tibegirl · 9 years ago
Everyday encounters😡I'm talking!!!
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Happy Birthday, Hillary Clinton!
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tibegirl · 9 years ago
To have somebody who listens to everything you have to say, every wild and crazy thought in your head, is one of life’s greatest little discoveries.
(via the-taintedtruth)
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tibegirl · 9 years ago
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Where are you local from???? @taiye.selasi
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tibegirl · 9 years ago
I have grown up in a society that firmly held the belief of mourning & crying episodes of events during the loss of someone. In Ethiopian culture, a memorial event is organized on Day 3 then day 7 then day14 then day 30 then day 80 then 1 year then 7 years & it goes on and on. Don’t get me wrong, I love my culture deeply. It has been part of me but I never met a dedicated family that brings together a foundation to always remember & cherish their loved one wishes until today. Please take a moment to check out The Abel Desalgne Foundation & help out as little as you can to bring a smile to our angel, Abel!!!www.myabel.org
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tibegirl · 9 years ago
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tibegirl · 9 years ago
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Pumpkin Tortellini
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tibegirl · 9 years ago
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Imagine your doctor could take some of your cells, slide them into a compartment on a smartphone and tell you if you had cancer in just an hour. A team at Massachusetts General Hospital has created such a device.
The team is about to receive funding from the National Institutes of Health for a large clinical trial in Africa.
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