No Ones Pet, Everyone's Nightmare
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was bored. tinkered.
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November me vs. December me
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"And you my love are everything to me." Thyrius assures her softly.
Thyrius holds to her and closes his eyes. “I love you so much Harper.”
“I know. I love you too,” She said cradling the back of his head. “You are everything to me.”
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Thyrius holds to her and closes his eyes. "I love you so much Harper."
Thyrius blushes but he nods. “I just want to be the mate you need and want.”
“You are. You always are,” Harper assured him, hugging him as close as she could with her belly between them. “Always.” 
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Thyrius blushes but he nods. "I just want to be the mate you need and want."
Thyrius leans and kisses her cheek softly. “I love you..thank you for being supportive..I’ve been upset for awhile but I don’t want us to be like we were in the beginning.”
“Some of those fights did end in very fun ways, but you’re right,” She agreed with a nod. “Too many things to take care of now.”
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Thyrius leans and kisses her cheek softly. "I love you..thank you for being supportive..I've been upset for awhile but I don't want us to be like we were in the beginning."
Thyrius looks to her and he just smiles faintly. “Maybe…I don’t know.”
“It’s just an option. If you need it,” Harper told him squeezing his hands.”I’m not saying that you do.”
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Thyrius looks to her and he just smiles faintly. "Maybe...I don't know."
“I’m not in pain..I just..I don’t know.” He whispers. “It’s hard to explain I guess…I just am very angry about my past.”
“My father…He can make people forget things. Perhaps he could help those memories fade so that you can be more at peace.”
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"I'm not in pain..I just..I don't know." He whispers. "It's hard to explain I guess...I just am very angry about my past."
Thyrius takes her hands and holds them. “I’m not unhappy when I’m with you or. I don’t. I don’t feel unhappy if that’s what your worried about.”
“We wouldn’t have two more children on the way if that was the case,” She assured him. “I just don’t…I don’t want you to be in pain.” 
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Thyrius takes her hands and holds them. "I'm not unhappy when I'm with you or. I don't. I don't feel unhappy if that's what your worried about."
Thyrius looks to Harper and he eases up. “You weren’t supposed to hear that.” He frowns and he looks down ashamed.
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Thyrius looks to Harper and he eases up. "You weren't supposed to hear that." He frowns and he looks down ashamed.
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Hey, I was never happy. I was just less pissed off.
Uther Pendragon (via totallycorrectmerlinquotes)
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Harper tried not to think about Thyrius’s mother. She knew only the bare minimum of what had happened between him and her, but it scared her all the same. She couldn’t imagine harming her children. She held Albus a little closer for good measure.
“Let’s try to get some sleep now, sweetheart,” She said not letting him go now that he was back in her arms and feeling better. “You’ve had a long evening and I want to be sure that you’re well rested.”
Albus lets out a yawn and he nuzzles his mother. “Yus mummy.” 
Robert stands and he and Thyrius talk low, Robert sensing Thyrius has those feelings of deep rooted sadness, not just from his mother but also guilt of not protecting Draco or Lenore. And the abuse from the previous elder werewolves. 
“I didn’t mean to upset you Thyrius.”
“You didn’t...I’m always upset..It’s just in my nature.”
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           ✘ Dark hues grew lighter as the Beast heard that he was being followed, “B e a r s?”  a stiff gaze moved to the nosy ones hues, the soft yellow glow hiding under the dark orbs, the Beast turned his torso to face the other being more- sitting up taller, –”Bears don’t live in this area– they live more west.” Bears did- but the Beast had a shelter hidden deep in the snow covered woods- “ If youre a hunter Thyrius, remember  all the bears sleep in the winter.”
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“I’m a hunter of sorts..” Thyrius replies, his eyes got a bit wider, he could see the yellow glow under the others dark eyes. He has now confirmed to himself, this is a bear man. Thyrius then begins to try and figure out a way to calm this man down. Because clearly, he’s trying not to get killed. “I don’t hunt bears.” Thats a lie, but he wasn’t wanting to kill this man. Thyrius lets his emerald eyes shift to a glowing red color, and then back to emerald. Trying to signal..That he’s a beast of curious natures as well. 
“I’m not here to hurt you..” Thyrius then just says outright. 
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Robert smiles and he nods and rubs his hands together. “Of course, can’t have our little prince have a belly ache now can we?”
Albus whimpers and his belly makes a sound and it makes him cry some more. Robert puts his hand to the pups belly and a bright light glows under his hand. And he rubs soothing  rubs, and his whimpers begin to stop. 
“It was having a very difficult time digesting.” Robert explains. “His tummy is not ready for raw meats. I’d give it another year before he can have them in a moderate amount. He should stick to milk and veggies for now.” Robert recommends softly. 
“It smelled so good.”
“Oh I know my handsome prince I know it does, but your belly is not yet ready for such delicacies, it could cause some major tummy aches and some major problems if you try and eat..So lets just wait another year, and see where we stand there, okay?”
Albus nods and is thankful his belly doesn’t hurt anymore, he gets a few tickles form grandpa and it make shim wiggle and laugh. 
Thyrius smiles to his father “Thanks dad.” 
“Of course.” Robert chuckles softly. “You had troubles eating raw meat too..And then you had trouble just eating..But that was for different reasons..” Robert runs his hand though his sosn hair and Thyrius bows his head and accpets the scratches. Child abuse from mother caused such issues. 
Thyrius nods and he heads to go and grab his father, who comes happily and moves to sit down next to Harper. 
“What seems to be the trouble my precious grandson?” Robert asks softly looking to Harper and then to the adorable sick wolf.
“Somebody thought he might be ready for raw meat, but it was a little too soon. His belly hurts and he’s not so used to that.” She held his paw gently trying to be comforting. “Think we can clear that up for him?” 
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“I have a ship. A ship I will absolutely, very gladly get back on if you let me out of here,” She grabbed onto the bars of the cage shaking it some. 
“And where is your ship? We can not release you to just go off and be merry, taking your sweet time with things..We will bring your ship to you.”
🔑 ((Can be a totally separate verse from the Kingstons verse))
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Thyrius comes in, his men having captured this trouble maker. He looks into the cage and narrows his eyes. She’s not human, she doesn’t smell like a human. “So..Your the trouble maker…”
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                   ✘ “I am Dov.” He said again looking at the stranger, slightly disappointed  about what the man told him about it not snowing out side, his fingers lifting the glass taking a sip from the liquid, he really didnt enjoy the taste but he had seen a Human drinking one, Large breath puff out of his chest as he leaned onto the counter,– he wasnt good at small talk,- or talking- the Beast  was better at speaking when he was a B E A S T– but like this,- Dark hues look down at the bar, “Why are you here Thyrius?” He muttered softly.
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“Pleasure to meet you Dov..Interesting name that..But a good one.” When asked th question Thyrius puts on a fake shocked face. As if why would be be asked why he would come to a bar.
“Me? Oh..I just followed a trail..Hey, do you know if there are any bears lurking about these parts?” Thyrius asks curiously, just to see how the other might react. Thyrius, all about pushing those limits of others, because he’s an asshole. And needs answers, and the only way to do it, is to be nosy.
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