thxrtexnth · 4 years
“Why does no one like this blog anymore?” I ask, forgetting that I was 30% into a theme revamp and just left it to sit months ago so anyone on desktop probably thinks I’m albsolutely incompetent by visuals alone.
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thxrtexnth · 4 years
Nickname idea for The Master
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thxrtexnth · 4 years
Like, imagine her standing over the torn, open shell of a dalek as it slowly dies, bullet holes littered in its exterior armor. She looks down and nearly smirks as she whispers one final phrase to the creature:
“Stay strapped or get clapped.”
I haven’t watched the ep yet but judging from the gigs alone I feel like Thirteen just wants a gun and to blow away anyone who crossed her
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thxrtexnth · 4 years
I haven’t watched the ep yet but judging from the gigs alone I feel like Thirteen just wants a gun and to blow away anyone who crossed her
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thxrtexnth · 4 years
...any Roses here who’d be interested in a reunion plot? (Or if you know one, tag them? 🥺👉🏻👈🏻)
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thxrtexnth · 4 years
Hi everyone.
My grandfather succumbed to covid yesterday.
I have lost half of my grandparents in less than two months.
Obviously, I have no muse to play such a character who seems to still have hope in the darkest of times.
If you believe in a higher power, please keep my family in your prayers. We are broken beyond repair. If you do not, just keep us in your thoughts.
Thank you all, and Happy Holidays.
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thxrtexnth · 4 years
Hi everyone.
My grandfather succumbed to covid yesterday.
I have lost half of my grandparents in less than two months.
Obviously, I have no muse to play such a character who seems to still have hope in the darkest of times.
If you believe in a higher power, please keep my family in your prayers. We are broken beyond repair. If you do not, just keep us in your thoughts.
Thank you all, and Happy Holidays.
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thxrtexnth · 4 years
...my grandfather would’ve been 85 today.
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thxrtexnth · 4 years
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Doctor Who Advent Calendar —Day 15: Oi! Merry Christmas.
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thxrtexnth · 4 years
Hi everyone.
My grandfather succumbed to covid yesterday.
I have lost half of my grandparents in less than two months.
Obviously, I have no muse to play such a character who seems to still have hope in the darkest of times.
If you believe in a higher power, please keep my family in your prayers. We are broken beyond repair. If you do not, just keep us in your thoughts.
Thank you all, and Happy Holidays.
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thxrtexnth · 4 years
Hi uhh my life has gone to shit so idk when I’ll be back
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thxrtexnth · 4 years
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@sclfmastery 👀
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thxrtexnth · 4 years
It’s 4:30am. I had multiple panic attacks and churned out a 7-page essay on Doctor Who in ~3 hours. I cannot sleep.
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thxrtexnth · 4 years
this doesn’t even need a caption.
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thxrtexnth · 4 years
Coming back to this blog after the holiday special hype and the off-tumblr rp group getting shut down like:
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thxrtexnth · 4 years
I’m having issues on all sides right now: school, family, personal, etc. Including multiple ill family members, a recently-developed medical condition that effects my life on a daily basis, and more. So I’m in no way coming back now. But once things have settled down, I will be. <3
Okay, actually bringing this thing back when I get the muse. I’m having a shit time off of Tumblr with rping for a few weeks now, and I think it’s best to stick with the tried n true.
Vent posts related to the matter will be deleted once this is posted. I was really upset for a few minutes and now I have a clearer head.
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thxrtexnth · 4 years
Okay, actually bringing this thing back when I get the muse. I’m having a shit time off of Tumblr with rping for a few weeks now, and I think it’s best to stick with the tried n true.
Vent posts related to the matter will be deleted once this is posted. I was really upset for a few minutes and now I have a clearer head.
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