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thweird · 1 month ago
Punk 101: Lace Code
Lace Code is one of my favorite things, and so it happens to be the Punk 101 post that I’ve worked on the most. I’m sorry (I know I said at some point band shirts were up next 😬)
*Long Post - if you see anything thats wrong or missing, please feel free to leave a note or message me*
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To start, it is important to talk about where Lace Code came from, and where it is now. Using lace colors on your boots (doc martins specifically) started with London Skinheads in the 70’s. Their white and red laces were typically symbols of white supremacy, and in some groups those laces had to be earned.
I’ll eventually do another post on Skinheads, but for now all you need to know is that the Skinhead subculture is historically known for being racist and violent. I always feel the need to point something out when talking about Skinheads: NOT EVERY BALD OR SHAVEN PUNK IS A SKINHEAD!
Later on in the 80’s, Lace Code became a popular way for many Punk subculture to communicate things such as their stance on racism and their sexuality. Now, in many areas, Lace Code is dead, but not everywhere!
Lace Code applies to ladder laced black combat boots (typically people wear docs). Each color represents something different, and this can vary by area, so it is important to check your local scene
How to ladder lace:
Traditional ladder laces are shown on the left, and quick release ladder laces are shown on the right. And here is a site that goes step by step
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What do The Colors Mean?
(Colors mean different things in different places. These are the most common meanings and the ones I personally know - check your local scene to ensure its not different for your area)
Orange: Anti-Racist // Anti-ICE // No Meaning
Yellow: Anti-Racist
Green: Environmentalist // Peace // No Meaning
Blue: Killed a Cop
Purple: Queer // Gay
Pink: Feminist // Queer // Gay
Black: No Meaning
Patterned: No Meaning
Red: Nazi // Neo-Nazi // Anarchist
White: White Supremacy // Nazi // Neo-Nazi
Note: no one can stop you from wearing whatever you want, but in some areas you should be mindful because there are still people who follow Lace Code, and if youre seen with red or white ladder laces, you might be in for it
2nd Note: Its always advised that you dont wear ladder laces when traveling if you are unfamiliar with the Lace Code of the area you are traveling to for safety purposes
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thweird · 1 year ago
Everyday Arguments - Rose-Tinted Comic
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thweird · 4 years ago
so i’m playing the new dangaronpa game and personally i think it’s an major improvement from the previous three games. dunno why they added the skeleton with the blue hoodie though. i feel like i’ve seen him before…
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thweird · 7 years ago
date the person who says, “have fun, be safe, and call if you need anything” not the person who gets mad at you for going out w/o them
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thweird · 8 years ago
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thweird · 8 years ago
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thweird · 8 years ago
CT: How would you like your coffee? Wash: As dark and bitter as my soul. CT: One glass of milk coming up.
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thweird · 8 years ago
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*eye twitching*
I couldn’t resist. Based off this beautiful post
Now taking requests and commissions!
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thweird · 8 years ago
Imagine York being drunk and trying to pick a fight with Maine. Maine just picks him up one handed and puts York in his room like “No goodbye small child I will not fight you off to bed now”.
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thweird · 8 years ago
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I will go down with this ship
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thweird · 8 years ago
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thweird · 8 years ago
Locus: Felix, I've... fallen for you.
Felix: You might wanna get the fuck up then buddy
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thweird · 8 years ago
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thweird · 8 years ago
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*Hangover by Taio Cruz playing in the background*
Sorry it’s not exactly what you were looking for, first anon.
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thweird · 8 years ago
Cuz every inch of you is perfect from the 
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to the 
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thweird · 8 years ago
Where’s my drunk York fic where he gets fucking wasted with North and Wash, and then barges in on a meeting The Director is having with important UNSC members and proudly announces and gloats to everyone he’s nailing the Director’s daughter
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thweird · 8 years ago
Imagine Agent Florida in a minibus with the other freelancers on a roadtrip
- North is the only one that is trusted enough to drive so he ends up stuck in the front with York - York is in control of music and if anyone has to hear gasolina one more time, murder is going to happen - Wash shouts for them to stop the bus because he spotted a cat by the side of the road at least three times - Florida finds himself pretty much sitting on Wyoming and nobody’s entirely sure how he ended up there. He also sings along to every single song and keeps attempting to initiate games to keep everyone entertained - Wyoming gets physically kicked off the minibus after half an hour and is only let back on after he promises that he won’t make any more knock knock jokes - Connie, Wash and Maine end up in the three-person group of seats at the back of the bus, but Maine takes up about two of the seats so Connie is on the verge of falling off the edge of the seat for the entire journey - South is ready to launch North out the window for bringing up the fact that she always used to throw up on family car rides, because everyone keeps jokingly asking her if she’s feeling carsick (the answer is yes) - Carolina and Tex become engaged in the most competitive game of I-spy that any of the Freelancers have ever seen. The game is only ever interrupted long enough for the two of them to complain about York’s music choices every few minutes
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