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thugsclub · 4 years ago
Thugs Club - chapter 4
Contains NSFW
Callie, normally so excited when it came to talking engines with Jeff, felt like she was sleepwalking through it today, and it didn't take Jeff long to notice.
"Look, it's this money isn't it?"
"Yeah" she admitted. I mean all my life I've been just scraping through, all these low paid jobs and then signing on in between and suddenly literally millions of pounds appears in my bank account. I don't want to give it back"
"I don't suppose anybody would" Jeff looked guilty for a moment, as if thinking about his own healthy bank balance.
"But I don't even think it's about the money now. Even if I gave it back, he's never going to leave me alone because he knows I know he's up to something and he's shitting a brick about it"
"Putting the "colon" in "Colonel?" Jeff suggested.
Callie laughed out loud and instantly felt better.
"Why don't you make some coffee?" Jeff suggested. "I'll finish up here and be in in a minute"
She was just pouring water into the cafetiere when her phone rang in her jeans pocket. Withheld number. She tentatively answered.
"Hi honey" a woman's voice said "Is that Euphemia? Or do you prefer Callie?"
"Callie is fine" she sat down at the kitchen table.
"I'm Ashleigh, I'm the Colonel's secretary. The thing is, it's difficult. My employer is under a lot of strain right now so I thought I'd better explain. And knowing you have an older man to take care of too-"
"What? You mean Jeff? He's just helping me with my apprenticeship, that's all"
"I'll tell you something about the US Government." Ashleigh continued "You know how in movies there are departments that are really important that are so secret the president doesn't even know about them?"
"Yeah?" Callie rolled her eyes.
"That's what we're dealing with here. I know it looks and sounds like something corrupt or dirty is going on, but it really isn't. It's just a level one secret" Callie snorted at that.
"We just need the money back and need to know that you and your Jeff will never mention it to anyone. Western civilisation could be at stake here"
"Nice try!" Callie whispered under her breath.
"And I know you know how these older men are. Sometimes we need to calm them down. Sometimes that involves sucking them off-"
"What!" Callie screached "I've never, ever given Jeff a blow job!" she heard a noise and saw him in the doorway, raising an eyebrow at her.
"I'm going to message you my number" Ashleigh said. "Please get in touch if you've got any questions, or I'll be in touch with you if the money doesn't come back" the call ended.
Jeff was pouring out the coffee, adding cream and those nice brown sugar crystals "What is it now?"
"His secretary, trying to engage me in girl talk. She seems to think we have the same kind of relationship she has with him where she gives him a blow job when he gets mad about something." she explained the rest of the call. Jeff chuckled when she got to the bit about the secret government department that the president didn't know about.
"Dear me. It's all rather violently American isn't it? And I'm old enough that a girl called Ashley in any spelling sounds a bit strange. Girls were all called Patricia or Maureen or Linda when I was growing up" he took a long swig of coffee. "Okay, how about this? They get their money, or they get our silence. They don't get both."
"Blackmail?" Callie's eyebrow shot up.
"Oh I don't know" Jeff said "I wouldn't exactly call it that"
Kneeling in front of him, Ashleigh took the Colonel's dick in her mouth. The blue power suit was unflattering, and it was hot inside the rubber Margaret Thatcher mask, but at least her employer had calmed down a bit since his nap. When she explained that she was dealing with it herself, he had seemed positively happy, and now he was making gleeful grunting noises which she was trying her best not to think about .
He came with a strangled moan, ejaculating violently into her mouth. She reluctantly swallowed and let him go, discreetly helping herself to some bourbon to take the taste away as he did his trousers up.
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thugsclub · 4 years ago
Thugs Club - Chapter 3
They decided to do the move to Riverhall straight away, going straight to Callie's flat in the 32 coupe and picking up the essentials. She had college classes that day, but seeing as it was the key skills ones and she was already perfectly good at reading, writing, maths and computers, they decided she could well afford to miss them and instead catch up on some technical work instead.
When Jeff showed her to her room, Callie was pleasantly surprised, although she couldn't figure out why she was. Despite knowing Jeff, she had somehow pictured the spare bedrooms at Riverhall as looking like something out of a country house hotel with Laura Ashley chintzes everywhere. And of course there was the spectre of ex wives and girlfriends adding to that image. In fact the room was painted a sort of purple grey, with a modern leather headboard bed, a matching leather armchair, and large chrome framed posters of blues legends and classic American cars on the walls. Incongruous was a rather old fashioned heavy wooden desk.
"I moved it in here because I thought it would be useful for your college work" he said before disappearing downstairs with her phone (which was a relief because it felt like a ticking time bomb at the moment). She unpacked and lay down on the gloriously comfortable bed - much more comfortable than the one at her flat - and thought about Jeff lugging that desk into the room, arm muscles straining, a sheen of sweat on his forehead, for her benefit. It gave her feelings she wasn't quite upto admitting having.
Downstairs, she heard the ominous sound of her ringtone - The Clash - and heard Jeff pick the phone up "Hello, Callie's phone here"
She went to the stairs and hung over the banisters, watching Jeff at the kitchen table.
"Oh hello it's you Colonel. Yes she told me all about it." Callie's heart was thudding. What if they had tracking on her phone?
"Oh, my name is Geoffrey Arnold Beck and I'm a professional musician. I was in the Yardbirds - you're old enough to remember them Colonel - and the Jeff Beck Group, then... Oh I'll tell you why it's my business. You threatened a young woman of my aquaintance for a mistake you made yourself.... what is it then? Uprising in Latin America? Arms to Saudi Arabia? Assasination of the president? Huge amounts of cocaine?... look, I don't care. I'm just telling you to piss off and leave Callie alone. Make your own sodding bed!"
By the time she got to the kitchen, Jeff was looking at her phone. "Callie, the trouble with these things is that you don't get the satisfaction of slamming them down the way you did with the old fashioned sort. Angrily poking at the end call thing doesn't really cut it does it?"
"You're enjoying this aren't you?" she asked, feeling a bit dizzy.
"Certainly am!" he shot her a smile. "Look, it's okay, why don't we get down to some good old physical activity to get some of that tension out of you. Get changed!"
Callie stared at him for a second, before he said "The workshop!" and she laughed and went back upstairs to get her workshop clothes on.
"It's got worse!" the Colonel hissed at Ashleigh. She's got this guy Jeff Beck on her case. He's a rock star from the old days! He's still famous enough that we don't need his name involved as well" he rushed over to the filing cabinet and started flinging documents onto her desk "Get rid of these now!"
Ashleigh dutifully started feeding them into the shredder.
"Faster!" he grabbed a handful and shoved them in, and then another one.
"I don't think-" the shredder made a hideous graunching noise and shuddered to a halt.
"Hey" the Colonel gave it a huge kick "Ashleigh, help!" he kicked it again, and, on getting no result, grabbed handfulls of half shredded paper out of it and started hysterically ripping it up into smaller and smaller pieces "Ashleigh, get your ass up and help!" tiny peices of paper were floating all around the room.
"Will you calm down!" she shouted, in such a commanding voice that he instinctively turned, looking sheepish.
"Go and have a little nap! I'll get the repairman, I'll get the rest of them out of here. And then I'll do the thing!"
"The thing? In the outfit?"
"Yes. The thing. In the outfit. Just go to bed and let me deal with this."
His shoulders sagged "Thanks Ashleigh. What would I do without you" he stomped off upstairs.
Ashleigh took a large swig of bourbon, straight out of the bottle. She deserved a fucking pay rise.
Callie and Jeff were back in the workshop but something had gone wrong. She couldn't focus on what he was telling her anymore. She just kept staring at his fingers. Long, flexible and covered in oil. "Sorry, what did you say?"
He looked amused. In fact he looked more than amused. He looked as though he could see right inside her head. "I was talking about nipples. You know, grease nipples? Bearings? That ring a bell?
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thugsclub · 4 years ago
Thugs Club - chapter 2
Here goes!
"So what's the problem, Cailleach?"
She always felt a little frisson of excitement when somebody used the whole name AND could pronounce it correctly. Most people just stuck with Callie. And Jeff looked hot today, in black jeans, large doc martens, and a black vest which showed off his shapely arms to perfection. She was glad she'd put on her favourite dress, a black one with red roses, with a low cute bodice and a nipped in waist. She'd washed her hair and the red notes in it really showed. Usually when she was in Jeff she was in jeans and a Tshirt, with a Rosie the Riveter style scarf over her hair. She thought she'd even seen him whistle under his breath as she walked through the door.
She explained the basic scenario over coffee and a muffin, while Jeff looked increasingly confused. "You have a Swiss bank account?"
"Yeah, you just need the right papers"
"But why, if there isn't even enough money to dodge tax on in there? What's the point?"
Callie thought about that "I don't really know. Just so I could say I'd got one I suppose"
"But you just said you haven't said to anyone you've got one because it's a secret"
"That's true. Anyway someone's put all this money in there."
"How much actual money?" Jeff asked "Wasn't there an account number or reference?"
"Some kind of code word. Eagle I think it was. and there's 14,380,70.00 quid in there"
He whistled "Sounds like dollars, or could that just be the ealge thing?" he whipped his phone out and typed something into Google "Yes. 20 million dollars. You could probably report it to the bank and get them to look into it. Or is it all very hush hush no questions asked? Or you could just keep the money and not having to worry about job searching ever again. Then again, if it's dirty.." he sighed "Another coffee and maybe another muffin?"
Ashleigh could have fainted with releif when she finally turned up the info she needed. Neither of them had slept that night, she'd been staring at the computer so long her eyes were going funny, and the Colonel had done nothing but pace round making tense phone calls and knocking back shots of bourbon.
"Got it. Her name is Euphemia Caillieach McCloud" she prounounced the first two names as ewfeemeea caylitch, but to her credit at least for the surname right.
"Finally! Some Scottish duchess in a castle with stags heads and tartan things everywhere trying not to be eaten alive by the taxman" Ashleigh privately thought the lack of sleep was sending him a little bit mad.
"She's in somewhere called Sussex. I don't think that's in Scotland is it?"
"Oh god, a Limey, that's worse. Did you get a phone number?"
Callie had gone to the ladies, and was just washing her hands when the call came.
"Euphemia McCloud?" asked the strident American voice.
Her heart sank "Yes, that's me"
"I'm a businessman in the States. A little financial transaction went wrong and I believe you got some money in your Swiss account?"
"Erm... yes. Was it yours? I'll transfer it back"
At that point, Callie thought she heard a female voice saying "Hey, Colonel" in the background. And he did sound more like a military man than a businessman, at least in her head. Could have been too much telly though.
"It was, and you will put it back into the account number I give you, and you will never mention it to anybody ever. I know where you live. I can get you fired from your job if I want to-"
"I don't have a job." Callie explained. "Look, why are you threatening me? I already said I'd give you it back!"
"That's not the point and not your business! Just do it and don't say anything to anyone ever! I mean it!" the call ended and the agressive sound of a text message arriving popped up, appearing to be a load of numbers. She went back and joined Jeff.
He looked instantly concerned "Is everything okay?"
"Erm, not really. This is getting weirder and weirder. I've just been threatened by some kind of psycho Vietnam Colonel" she told him about the phone call. Jeff was silent for a while, thinking.
"You know, if I was you I'd hold fire on putting that money back"
"Really?" she asked, surprised.
"I can't stand bullies. He sounds like a bully whose losing it because he knows he's being caught doing something he shouldn't be. He's probably going against his own government. He can't actually do anything to you because he'd be caught red handed in whatever he's doing. Let him sweat for a bit"
"But he said he knew where I live!"
"Look, Caillieach, why don't you pick up some essentials and come back to Riverhall for a bit? there's no shortage of spare rooms. I can even hang on to your phone for a bit and have a word with Colonel Arse if he rings back. And you can get loads of work done on your apprenticeship. What do you think?"
"Please!" Callie sais
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thugsclub · 4 years ago
Thugs Club
Beginning of a Jeff Beck fanfic series. Callie is being helped by Jeff in her apprenticeship, so she turns to him for advice when a situation gets hot!
You may remember me from previous Tumblrs such as overunder-sidewaysdown.
Wednesday was Callie's favourite day.
Mornings at college were full on, get your hands dirty days, with no paperwork or lectures, and afterwards Jeff would take her to Riverhall for some extra training in his workshop. They were currently rebuilding an engine, and were taking a break for coffee in the big warm kitchen, the dogs sat at their feet.
"So" Jeff asked after the technical talk had worn down "How's Peter Perfect?"
"Peter isn't" Callie winced at the thought of the last humiliating breakup.
"Want to talk about it?"
Callie looked at his face, the lines around his eyes and the scar on his adorable nose, and thought how much she liked him. It wasn't every rock star who would volunteer to spend time teaching the terminally unemployable how to build an engine, after all. She took the plunge.
"We decided to just be friends, but his version of just be friends included still having sex so I did, once, after we were just friends. So I finally told him where to stick it."
"Good for you. Look, if you don't mind me saying, do you think it might be an idea to take a break from sex altogether for a while? I mean it seems like every time you sleep with someone some kind of three act tragedy happens."
"You have a point there. I mean it is how I lost my last job"
"Concentrate on getting the apprenticeship done and getting into work. Don't worry about Peter Pervert" Jeff suggested "You can come down here any time you like and use the workshop if it'll help"
"Thanks" Callie said. She thought she might take him up on that.
When she got home, determined to have a healthy meal, an early night, and a new start in the morning, she logged on to her bank to look at her account. Not her regular Lloyds account, but the one nobody else knew she had. How many of those idiots who sneered at her for her years of unemployment and job hopping could say they had a Swiss bank account? There wasn't much money in it, but then you didn't need much to set one up, all you needed was the right paperwork. It was a fun secret to have.
But, as Callie looked at her balance, she got the shock of her life.
Meanwhile, in a large elegant building in Washington DC, over which flew an enormous stars and stripes, a white haired military man burst into a room so violently that his young blonde secretary jumped.
"Ashleigh, I heard from my contact that the money never arrived!" he hissed "I thought you said you sent it last night"
Ashleigh looked puzzled "I did, Colonel." She clicked away and flipped the screen "Account number ending in 426."
"426? 426? It says 462 here! Damn what have you done you silly little bitch!"
With a long suffering sigh, Ashleigh went to a filing cabinet and riffled around until she found a piece of paper "It says 426 here. In your actual handwriting"
She handed it to him, and he saw with a sinking feeling that he was right. He couldn't blame this on Ashleigh. He had fucked up, big time. Beads of sweat broke out on his forehead.
"See if you can find who's bank account it is. I want a name and I want that money back before it blows this thing wide open."
After a few moments of confusion, Callie knew exactly what she was going to do. She was going to ring Jeff.
"Callie!" he sounded flatteringly pleased to hear from her "What's up?"
"I was wondering if you had time for a coffee tomorrow. Something... weird just happened and I need your advice"
"Sure. Usual place"
"That would be great. And by the way it isn't about sex this time"
After reassuring him she was okay and it was nothing pressingly urgent, she ended the call and started preparing herself dinner, all while mulling over who can have put an obscene amount of money into her secret Swiss bank acount.
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