thtsmai · 2 days
Honestly, being fat is FULL of perks.
1) Eating is great. Fuck, nothing feels better than eating an entire pizza, leaning back, and just letting those warm calories settle into your body. Just talking about food has me craving a family size meal from McDonald’s right now. Like, if I’m not actively feeling new stretch marks form, I haven’t eaten enough.
2) Having a fat belly, a fat ass, fat thighs, fat arms, fat tits, etc. feels SO GOOD. Seriously, just sitting here with my hands on my belly, admiring the mass and girth of this gut… I hope everyone had the opportunity to experience that one day
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thtsmai · 1 month
Just beautiful🍟🍔
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thtsmai · 2 months
Hope this is every guys future
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Twinks don’t exist in the future
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thtsmai · 2 months
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Sit back, relax and enjoy the food
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thtsmai · 2 months
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The future is fat
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thtsmai · 2 months
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thtsmai · 5 months
Its really so much better, more people need to realize.
Give in, get fatter🍟🍔
Being fat and lazy is sooooo much easier than being fit and active.
Diet and exercise is awful. Having to restrict what you eat. Getting all sweaty and achy after working out.
Whereas being lazy you get to relax all day. And you get to eat what you want with no limit.
I encourage you all to give in and just get fat. It’s just better believe me! 😈
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thtsmai · 8 months
Fast food companies need to take over the world already. So many of you are already so fat and addicted to fast food but don't you think it'd be better if they took it farther ? Malicious advertising making sure you never stop thinking about the next new delicious menu item thats gonna add thousands of calories to your waistline. More and more fast food places pop up in your area. Soon theres not a fast food place farther than a mile at any point. As you get fatter, the only clothes that fit are specifically branded for the fast food corporation. You waddle around parading the very same company that made you into a giant pig, making sure others around you know where to go so they can meet the same fate. Soon the labs begin adding addictive chemicals to the ingredient to make sure you literally cannot go without their food. Soon even the workers are too fat to work, wheezing as they struggle to waddle past one another to make the food, some even turn to just eating it right then and their. Doesn't this sound great ? I know you'd love it.
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thtsmai · 8 months
Not american, still very proud of this achievement🍟🍔🍕
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American men get fatter, women get thinner in 2015.
Congratulations American men, you just got 3 lbs (1.5 kg) fatter! The average American man weighed 196 pounds (90 kg) in November, according to Gallup, up 3 pounds from a year earlier. This actually marked an interesting divergence between men and woman, where men are now collectively 5 lbs (2.5 kg) fatter than women in 2015 from the year before. That is because the average woman actually lost 2 lbs (1 kg) since 2014, weighing in at 155 lbs (70 kg). Last year, 42 percent of men reported that they weighed more than 200 lbs (90 kg), up from 36 percent in 2014. That’s the biggest percentage-point change in either gender in history! I am happy to report that I, too, went from below 200 lbs to above from 2014 to 2015 along with 6% of my male peers.
With 322 million people in the country, that works out to a total human biomass of around 56.5 billion pounds (25 billion kilos). That’s 1 percent more than the previous year and the biggest collective gain since 2011. Collectively, we Americans of the male gender packed on 586 million pounds (260 million kilos) last year - 90 lbs of which I proudly claim credit for :O
Based on the standard of 3,500 calories per pound, more than 2 trillion calories were added in 2015. That’s enough energy to power all of New York City for 14 days.
In addition to the 28.0% who are obese, another 35.6% of adults are classified as overweight, with 34.6% normal weight and 1.8% underweight, as reported in 2015. Now all we need to do is get 4% of the normal weight people to become obese, and then we will outnumber them. Teaming up with the overweight, we are about 62.5% of the population.
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thtsmai · 1 year
As Obesity spreads further and further around the world, sight like these will become more and more common. It can't happen fast enough🐷🍔🍟
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thtsmai · 1 year
Give in, get fat 🍟🍔
In the future, there will be more obese people than skinny people. The world will inevitably change to suit its new majority, wider seats, bigger portions, less moving, everything designed to accommodate our large, soft bodies. You'll never be underfed again, you'll be stuffed big and round, everyone around you will get heavier, until 'fat' won't even be considered fat. It'll be totally normal. It's our future, and it's the way things are meant to be. Why resist? Just give in to it. Let the world mold you into shape.
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thtsmai · 1 year
inspiring pics that make me wanna get FATTER
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thtsmai · 1 year
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thtsmai · 1 year
I love seeing the obesity epidemic become more apparent
I love going out and seeing fat people all over the place, a sign of the slowly but surely fattening world. Contrasted by the few thin/fit people left
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thtsmai · 1 year
Fitness is obsolete. In the modern age there's no reason to be physically fit. There are no predators chasing you, nor prey to hunt. The food comes to you now - and plenty of it. So why bother with being able to run or jump? The only level of physical ability you need is to waddle to your front door to collect food deliveries. And if you have a helper to bring the food to you, then your fitness level can be even less. You can afford to be soft and weak now. So bury those muscles under a thick layer of lard and let them wither away.
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thtsmai · 1 year
Reblog if the FATTER you grow the higher your sex drive becomes 😍😈💦💦💦
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thtsmai · 1 year
I'd never want to leave🥵🐷
Overeat -> fatter -> lazier -> hungrier -> eat more -> even fatter -> even lazier -> even hungrier -> ♾
Once you get caught in the cycle, you can never leave...
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