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Has anyone done this yet?
I couldn’t help myself, my hand just slipped.
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when a book I was loving has a terrible ending
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My lovely followers, please follow this blog immediately!
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The spread of the black death.
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Just as gorgeous as ever
Thank you random anon!  Always fun to see I still have my stalkers--I mean followers... ;) just kidding, of course.  Have a great day!!
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This is a personal post... no need to read!
So I COULD say, as I near my 21st birthday, that I am exactly who and where I hoped to be.  That'd be a damnable lie, of course, but I could say it.
If I'm telling the truth, though, it's more along the lines of... I've changed majors and careers several times but am happy with my current choice.  I entered college having drank a few times, never smoked but now I love a good scotch and cigar, or a drunken cig with friends.  I never would have dyed my hair, chopped it off, gotten multiple piercings, or a tattoo, and now I am growing my hair out from a pixie to do so again, it's a bright red color, I have multiple ear piercings and am looking to get more, and I have a consultation about a tattoo in the next week or so.  I was satisfied with who I was, but never happy, and now, as I struggle to get a grip with my eating disorder and anxiety problems, I am learning the happiness, and realizing that I need to learn satisfaction again.  I've learned to deal with distant friends and understand intention or lack thereof, I know that I am sexy to my boyfriend, and that he loves me, but I understand and appreciate the importance of having a life separate from that of my significant other.  I attend drawing classes where I have risen above and beyond what I ever imagined my abilities to be, I've been asked by someone very important in my life to sing for their debut album, and the other day someone stopped me just to tell me how pretty I was--and I believed them!
I am so different from 18 year old Alison.  I am so much more.
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I don't think I have ever seen a more literal description/picture of how jim and I sleep.  It's just missing the one frame where he's shaking me awake to get me to stop grinding my teeth.  Whoops?
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Hell yeah!
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So I realized that I haven't been on tumblr in a while... aka basically several months... which means I haven't shared my face with various levels of cyber stalkers in several months, either, so here ya go!
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Candied Grapefruit Peels
I love fresh squeezed juice. It’s one of Sunday’s little pleasures. Sure, I could make it anytime I want to but I never do. I always feel too rushed during the week. But Sunday is perfect. It’s a day of fresh squeezed juice, pancakes made from scratch and, if it’s warm enough, an afternoon spent in Dolores Park.
But every time I make it, I am a bit annoyed by all the left over peels. In fact, I feel this way anytime I eat or use citrus fruit in a recipe. And one can only add so much citrus to their worm composting bin, ya know? Sure, the city composts too but it still feels wasteful. Especially since it takes quite a few grapefruits to fill up a glass. Even more so if you are making orange juice!
This country wastes too much food so I am always looking for ways to eat what is usually discarded. And while I haven’t gone full-on freegan (or even tried it), candying citrus peels seems like a reasonable compromise. Right?
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You were my new dream.
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It must be why he worries about them more than the rest of the Fellowship, in my opinion.
Pft! I’m so not crying myself while making this gifset ;w; Insomnia antics I tell you
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