A living BoS and resource blog for witches, wiccans, and other magical folk. I provide tarot readings and other magical services upon request. No curses, hexes, or other negative magic.
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I'm curious about the place that cain (qayin) plays in sabbatic craft, and how his position as first murderer relates to the theology and ethical stance of the tradition. I only ask because I like a lot of the thought behind traditional witchcraft, but have trouble with a patron ancestor defined by a fundamentally evil act.
Within the Blood Acre:The Path beneath the Wanderer’s Heels
Addressing the fairly complex spiritual concept raised by the question demands I providesome framework for discussion. Allow me to first touch upon a few of the preliminarypoints. We should beclear in our understanding that ‘traditional witchcraft’ as a term describes acollection of traditions, threads (no matter how loosely bound) or currents of ritual magic,spellcraft, and/or devotional mysticism whose commonality rests in an ethos ofpraxis. Within the coterie of initiatory lineages that are described by thatterm exist a number of different modes of belief that inform these separatepractices. With this in mind, we see there are a number of forms of TraditionalCraft that do not necessarily hold the same reverence for Cain/Qayin as a patronancestor or primogenitor of the Mighty Dead. Those who do typically fall underthe heading of what has been coined ‘modern traditional witchcraft’, yet evenhere we see varying degrees of emphasis placed on the lineage of Cain.
SabbaticCraft is one such form that observes and acknowledges the ancestry of Cain/Qayin, and whose inherent devotional gnosis is structured around Qayinite lore. Ifwe want to be technical, as Chumbley was (1), Sabbatic Craft more specifically refers to the lineageof practices existing solely within the initiatory body of the Cultus Sabbati, but in many respects has become synonymous with most magical work within the wider SabbaticCurrent with which the Cultus shares reciprocal influence. (and no, this does not include Michael W. Ford)
For the purpose of this missive I will address Cain and Cainite Gnosis as they apply to the Sabbatic Craft tradition and its mysteries, as best I understand them, from a point of perspective grounded in the greater Sabbatic Current.
Qayinite lore covers the entire breadth of mysteries surrounding the figure of Cain/Qayin, of which his role as First Murderer is an integral part. However, to consider this the sole defining feature of Cain, while observing it exclusively from within the paradigm of Sin and exclusion from Salvation, is a particularly Judeo-Christian or Abrahamic stance. As a whole, it is the transformationaljourney of Cain as ‘First Sorcerer’ that is embraced within the Sabbatictradition: the birthright resulting from the union of the Serpent/Samael/Lucifer (the Illuminer) and Eve/Lilith, the killing of Abel, and his subsequent path in exile. The last is of utmost importance, for it is here from which the exilicwisdom of Cain’s journey may be extracted. This is exemplified by Andrew Chumbley’sdescription of the devotional mysticism inherent within Sabbatic Craft (2),referring to it as the Faith beneath the Wanderer’s Heels.
It is not merely his birthright as the begetter of witchblood that presents Cain as an illuminative figure, but his extricationfrom societal bonds, the transgression beyond the boundaries or constraints ofimposed belief – even death, to arrive on the other side as the embodiment of theperfected sorcerer. The murder of Abel is the gnostic representation of that spark of transformation which ignites the flames of the torch that lights thepath through exile. To better understand this one must look at the relationship of Cain and Abel from both an allegorical and gnostic perspective.
Cain was known as ‘the tiller of soil,’ a farmer and ploughman, and indeed it was his offering of the fruits of the earth to Yahweh which led to his dispute with Abel. As we know from the tale, Yahweh showed favor for Abel the herdsman’s offering of animal sacrifice. This embittered Cain, thus leading to the slaying of his brother. On a purely mundane and material level, the biblical myth of Cain and Abel could serve as an allegory for early Middle Eastern civilization’s transition from that of nomadic herdsmen to a more agrarian based culture (3). Seen in this light, the third brother, Seth, would come to represent the joining of agriculture and animal domestication to form the future means of economic capital and resources.
But within the Cain mythos, the struggle between Cain and Abel also serves as a spiritual metaphor for the process of self-overcoming that is intrinsic to the Gnosis of the Crooked Path. The clay-born Abel (son of Adam) is slain by the half-angelic Cain, whose true father is Samael/Lucifer (whom some call Lumiel). As Michael Howard notes in his book The Children of Cain, “This struggle between the bright and dark ‘twins’ is reconciled by the third brother Seth, the ‘Man of Light’ or ‘Perfected Man’ (no gender bias is suggested by these terms and they should be regarded as unisexual in nature). In some forms of modern traditional witchcraft the bright and dark twins Cain and Abel are represented by the Oak and Holly Kings and the Green Man and Lord of the Wild Hunt who rule summer and winter.”
From an historical perspective, Cainite Gnosis may possibly be traced to the ancient doctrines of the Cainites, an antinomian Gnostic sect described by the 2nd century CE Church Father Irenaeus in his heresiological treatise Against the Heresies. Among its teachings, the Cainite sect is notable for its “soteriology of ‘Passing through All Things’ in order to receive […] illumination. This antinomian and transgressive view of Ordeal as a specifically spiritual arena finds philosophical resonance in the Sabbatic Tradition (4).” A similar notion of self-overcoming by way of ‘passing through the Fire,’ so to speak, is apparent in some Qabalistic teachings and Left-Hand Tantric practices, as well as playing a key role in the non-dualistic form of gnosis present within Sabbatic praxis.
Daniel A. Schulke, current Magister of Cultus Sabbati, further expounds upon this philosophy and its spiritual processes as they apply to the Sabbatic Craft in his essay Cainite Gnosis and the Sabbatic Tradition:
“As it relates to Cain, the Crooked Path of the Witch is reliant on a magical formula of Transmigration of the Flesh. The movement from the profane man (Abel) through the refining Fire of Transmutation (Cain) to a purified state of gnosis (Seth) is one means by which to re-present this process. In this schema, it is worth noting that Abel and Seth occupy hypostatic places in the journey of the initiate, with Cain being the active or dynamic force of progression between the two. This mystical pilgrimage of transembodiment, played out on a moment-to-moment path of the Sabbatic Initiate, is the very essence of the Crooked Path. Moving from a state of transgress against God or society, to that against self, to that against transgress itself, the mystical state of perpetual ‘selfovercoming’ catapults the initiate beyond the sphere of the mundane into confrontation with that which lies Beyond. It must be noted that in the schema so described, Cain is the sorcerer who holds the profane in his left hand and the sacred in his right, the Master of the Chariot who “serves with both hands alike”.
The CrookedPath in both ritual praxis and as a way and means of mental re-conditioning promotes self-liberationfrom imposed ideals and outer constructs of belief, however, in no way does it encourage “fundamentally ‘evil’ acts.” It is the way of Bane and Blessing,placing moral choices firmly within the domain of personal responsibility as tended by each individual practitioner. This is quite in keeping with the overall ethos of Traditional Craft.
“Thus is the sorcerer, wherever he may wander, become one with the Path of Cain, and the wisdom of the step is declared anew. First, by the stance of Exile as one apart and alone. Second, for the path declared, but also transgressed, its points of oscillation betwixt cure and curse: here the way is bifurcated and become Crooked. Third, for the threefold patterning of Exile, Pilgrimage, and Sojourn that is the bridge linking point-to-point-to-point in crystallisation of knowledge of the Way.” – Andrew D. Chumbley
References and Resources
1. Opuscula Magica Vol.1, Andrew D. Chumbley, Three Hands Press.2. Cultus Sabbati: Provenance, Dream, and Magistry, Andrew D. Chumbley. 3. The Children of Cain, Michael Howard, Three Hands Press.4. Cainite Gnosis and the Sabbatic Tradition, Daniel A. Schulke.
additional readingQutub, Andrew D. Chumbley, Xoanon Publishing.Way and Waymark: Considerations of Exilic Wisdom in the Old Craft, Daniel Schulke, Xoanon.
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orriculum’s witchcraft masterpost ✨
✨ 101 - basics :
there are some accepted standard methods used widely in witchcraft,
unpacking witchcraft - spell types
some basic terms to know
methods for spells
grounding, a quick how-to
when to cast a spell - by weekdays
when to cast a spell - by time of day
how to cleanse
how to charge
nullifying spells
about jar spells
jars and mold
“beginner” spells
grounding masterpost
disposing of spell materials
✨ 202 - your own path
your own path is where you diverge from the standard things you learn at first, and may require you to write your own spells or adjust others to your needs.
how to write your own spells - resources
understanding herb associations with rosemary
how to substitute in a spell
how to write curses
how to write glamours
searching spells by ingredient
how to adjust a spell
✨ tools:
tools of witchcraft overview a witch’s wand
building a broom/besom
correspondence resource
on making moon water
herbs for spells : grocery store vs. home grown vs. edible wilds
a witch’s book
✨ you should know:
“to be a witch” falsehoods
other witches and you
witchcraft and the law
difference between a witch and a herbalist
self care for the witch
low effort witchcraft
when your spell fails
tarot and pendulums can get it wrong
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I just recently found out that another polytheist whom’d I’d thought of as a friend holds extremely racist and xenophobic opinions.
As disturbing as that has been, it was made even worse by the corresponding surprise that they assumed I share their views.
So, I’m going to spell this out so no one here can claim to be ignorant of my views:
I reject and oppose racism, xenophobia, classicism, sexism, misogyny, mysoginoir, transmysoginy, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, sanism, ageism. There’s probably more, but this makes a good start.
This is my opinion about the Greek and Roman gods:
The gods are not “Greek” or “Roman”. They existed before Greeks or Romans - or any human being - existed. Their decision to appear in human form was a divine kindness, since their true form can incinerate humans who behold it. They can appear in any form they choose. Humans should never flatter themselves that they look like the gods. The appearance of the gods in human form does not imply that the gods accept humanity as their equals. Humans have the potential to become divine, but it is a privilege that must be earned.
The gods became patrons of the Greeks and Romans of their divine kindness, NOT because the Greeks and Romans were exceptional among humanity, and certainly NOT because the physical appearance of the Greeks and Romans was like that of the gods or valued more highly by the gods than the physical appearance of any other humans.
The gods see humanity as ONE species - the human race.
Therefore, the gods may be respectfully imagined in any combination of human skin-tone, hair color, or bodily proportion which is beautiful to the artist.
The gods’ most basic expectation from humanity is not worship, but virtue. Xenia (hospitality) is one of the oldest virtues of human-kind. Racism and xenophobia represent the diametric opposite of xenia and, furthermore, demonstrates the hubris of belief that anyone is somehow “better” than another based upon where they or their ancestors were born.
If anyone wants to stand out from the rest, to be a truly extraordinary human, they should strive to practice virtue, for that is - sadly - the rarest quality to be found in this selfish and violent world.
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This is the Lucky Ace. Reblog to recieve a wad of cash that is oddly specific to your current needs.
#tumblr money spells are rediculous#but i need it#itll probably come in the form of more rush wirk#and i will cry
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On Kitchen Magic
There are a lot of misconception about kitchen magic on here. (It’s nobodies fault this is how social systems work) I’d like to clarify somethings out of my years working professionally and decades of cooking experience and the effect it has on people and lives in general.
The magic isn’t in the intention, or correspondences, or the direction your stir, or sigils and designs you draw into dough, or the herbs you grew in your window.
The magic is in the cooking. Want to be an amazing practitioner? Want to get to the level where you can wield real power with it like other forms of craft? Practice Cooking.
Forget everything about magic and learn:
1. Knife skills- your knife should become an extension of yourself. Practice different techniques. Supreme, Brunoise, Chiffonade, etc. Your knife is more than a wand it’s also a weapon. There’s something incredibly grounding about it. 2. Mise en Place- Just like with ceremonial work- everything in its place. Make sure you’re keeping your work space clean as you go. Prepare things ahead of time like- peeling & blanching veg, prepping meat, anything you can ahead of time. When everything has a place nothing can slow you down or get lost. 3. Food Knowledge- Sure you know basil is good for attracting wealth but what color does it turn water when its boiled? How to keep it from bruising while making pesto? How long it takes to blanch? What species do you buy at the market and how does it differ in flavor from others? Just an example. You need to know everything about everything. A chef never stops learning. Learn how to eyeball measurements. Start baking by weight. Make something from every country. Make old old old ancient recipes. Ferment! Never! Stop! Learning!
4. Cook- You can’t just read. or watch. You need to apply yourself in the kitchen. Get yourself a good chef’s knife if you dont have one, a solid cutting board, a decent saute pan, a pot made of non-reactive metal, tongs, and a plating spoon. Do not pay more than like 5 dollars for a plating spoon. These are all you’re really gonna need to make just about anything. Certain things you’ll acquire when you take interest in specific things (say candy thermometer, silicone brush, uhh, baking pans, all sorts of things) but you don’t need a lot to start with at all. Your fuck ups will teach you something and might actually be your best creations. Do not ever be afraid to make something even if you think you’ll fail. 5. Passionate and Getting Good?- DO NOT GO TO COOKING SCHOOL Cooking school is a scam unless this is something you know you want to do for life. I cook professionally and even I don’t want to cook for life this business isn’t cut out for everyone and that’s okay. Go stage at a restaurant looking for work. TONS of restaurants hire people with no experience because they want to teach. I’ve quit positions because i’ve been over qualified thats how bad they want to teach sometimes. Seriously! Go learn from real chefs who are in the shit everyday. You’ll learn far more this way, you’ll get paid for doing it, and you’ll start building your cooking resume up. This is obv an optional step but if you really wanna hone your skill and love cooking I just gotta beg you dont waste your money on cooking school. My most successful peers never went or dropped out. Everyone who did go and is still actually cooking works middle management and hates their life.
In conclusion- Until your technique is second nature your magic will be weak. Start worrying about the flips, tricks, correspondence n glitz after. Obviously I’ve got the teaching bug myself and I’d love to continue to share industry tips some secrets. Maybe even teach some classes. You don’t need a lot to get started but it’s an overwhelming field to jump into just like anything else. Consider this a 101. Keep your nails short and clean. Keep your hair up. Wear a clean apron. Wash your hands on entrance. -Chef 🔪
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This is well phrased. For myself, I tend to see will as not just energy but effort applied.
For example, if I bake a loaf of ritual bread, whatever words or visualization I apply to it, for example, an invitation to prosperity, is the intent. The act of actually baking the bread, especially kneading, is the effort I put in to accomplish my goal.
I can bake a loaf of bread without any intent attached and it’s just bread. Gas in the tank but no where to go.
I can write ‘i get money’ on a sticky note and tape it to some wonderbread but I’m not going to expect much return from that. Intent, but no effort. We’ve got a direction, but no gas in the tank.
I think by viewing effort as fuel to magic we can turn almost any work we do into witchcraft, from knitting to washing dishes. Every perfect burger you flip at mcdonalds is effort towards your intent. Literally anything can become a step in an elaborate hidden ritual. This works best when we meet the magic half way and make the action you pour your will into something that works towards your intent. If you’re doing a ritual to get a job, you make the effort/will filling out applications, and grind your way through that process with the conscious belief that it is fuel for your spell.
It’s also important to remember that effort/will are relative. It might not take much effort for me to put a ‘get money’ sticky note on a loaf of wonderbread, but for someone else- someone with limited funds for whom that wonderbread is a luxury, or someone with chronic pain or limited mobility, that simple action might generate a ton of effort.
Definitions: “Intent” and “Will”
Time for another witchy vocab lesson! I see these two fellas being used interchangeably here all the time, which makes for some easy-to-avoid mistakes.
Intent and Will are two parts of the “formula” for effective spellcraft. The “formula” has a lot of permutations, but essentially, Intent + Will + Action = Spell.
Intent is the statement behind your spell. For instance, if you’re making a sigil for a better memory, “having a better memory” is your intent.
Will is the energy that fuels your spell, like putting fuel in a fuel tank. With just the intent and action, you’ve got an empty fuel tank. If you’re making a sigil, the charging process uses your will. (Assuming you’re using a secular model.)
Action is the word I use for the actions of the spell or ritual, the actual actions performed. (Cunningham & Co use a different word with the same meaning, but I have totally forgotten it.)
A lot of people use “intent” to mean both intent and will (”fuel tank obviously means you put fuel in it”), but it’s important to know that they’re two different components. Just “intent” means you’ve got a blueprint and no fuel, and just “will” means you’ve got fuel but no blueprint.
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The four different types of tarot readings
1.) You ask your deck a question. It gives you the complete opposite of what you want.
2.) MTV Roasts: starring you and your tarot deck.
3.) Me: hey tarot, I need to know what steps I should take in order to do the thing.
Tarot: You should do the thing.
4.) You draw five death cards. You only have one deck.
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Devotional Tarot Series: Freyja’s Feathers
This particular spread is inspired by the cloak belonging to Freyja referenced in the Skáldskaparmál and the Þrymskviða. It is sometimes called “Valshamr,” meaning “hawk’s plumage,” “falcon’s shape” or “the falcon feathered cloak,” and is imbued with a particular magic that allows user to become a falcon, granting them the power to fly. It can be taken as a symbol of independence or freedom. Thus, this is spread meant to reveal desires and the ways to obtain them; a way to for us to soar on Freyja’s wings.
The Self — This is the sitter and/or their desire. What are they seeking?
The Nest — Here is the origin of the subject matter. What motive underlies what it is that they want? How will that influence their goal?
The Quill — The foundation. How is the sitter meant to go about obtaining what they want? This is the initial step.
The Plume — What are the conditions that will influence their plan? Will the weather be fair or foul? These are eventualities to prepare for.
The Wing — How can the plan take flight? These are the things the sitter can do to put their ideas in motion.
May Freyja grant you success in all your endeavors, be they worthy of her name and it is my hope you gain your freedom in this life, wherever you may be!
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May the 10 of Pentacles bless your account with more money than you can spend. 💵✨
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Table for reading regular playing cards for divination
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Quick Tips
Clap three times to disrupt energies to quickly cleanse a space!
Sound has always been great for cleansing and disrupting stagnating energies.
I taught this little method to my baby brother when he was still small, and he used it often - and still does - after he’s had a nightmare or after he’s asked a particularly persistent spirit to leave his space.
This is easily customisable too! Try clicking your fingers or tapping out a rhythm on your leg for a quick cleanse!
Sometimes I even like to throw in a word or two - usually something quick like “go” or “disperse”.
Happy cleansing!
Bel x
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“What Is My Path and How Do I Find It?”
What is a Path in Witchcraft?
A path is the journey that someone takes as they practice witchcraft. Some use it to describe their past, present and future on their magickal journey. Others use it to represent what they would consider a “label” to themselves and their craft. In general a path in witchcraft is a word to describe that specific witch’s journey, views, experiences, focuses and future goals that surround their own personal magickal practice.
Everyone, absolutely everyone, has a different path because each person is an unique individual with unique interests, hobbies, views, practices and choices. This is why your path may vary so greatly from others around you, your friends and even your mentors/teachers. There is nothing wrong with this because it is your path, not their path.
How do I know what my Witch Type/Path is? Is there a test I can take?
No, there isn’t a test you take to determine what your path is or what type of witch you are. There is only one thing that determines that: you. You are the one who chooses your path and what you wish you focus on.
You don’t have to be any specific type of witch at all. You don’t have to be a storm witch or a green witch. You can be whatever you want. If you want a label and to focus your path onto one thing, then do it. If you want to be labeled as more than one thing, go for it. Do you just want to do whatever you want and have no labels? That’s perfectly fine too!
You decide what kind of witchcraft interests you by:
Researching: research every single thing you can find! Save your sources, read through articles, take notes and compare them to other articles, posts, blogs and writings on the same topic. Look at the differences but also examine who is writing: a person who is an atheist witch will have different views on the spirituality and morals of something compared to a Wiccan witch or a Christian witch. Examine who is writing the post, and take their views with a grain of salt and not as solid fact because everyone differs. If you agree with their views that’s great! If not, take it as something to consider. Research the scientific and medical relations of things as well, what I mean by this is each herb is a medicine and like medicine and drugs it has side effects, research it before ingesting it or using it. Research your crystals and stones to ensure you don’t ruin them or harm yourself with them. Science and witchcraft come hand in hand, remember that. It’s not fun sending yourself to the hospital because you overdosed on a herb you didn’t research well enough.
Cater to Yourself: By this I mean look at what you as a person enjoy doing: your hobbies, your likes, your dislikes, your talents, your interests, etc. Use these in your craft, take these and put them into your craft. Are you interested in art? Use art supplies, drawing, painting and sigils in your craft. Interested in singing? Sing your spells and incantations, use song lyrics for spells, sing to cleanse a space or attract things. Enjoy collecting stickers? Use stickers to seal spell jars and sachets, use them like sigils and stick them to things, buy stickers that relate to correspondences via color, shape, or imagery. You can use anything you want in your path. If you are passionate about gardening, then your path can bring in gardening and plants into it. If you are passionate about cooking definitely bring kitchen magick into your path. If you just love reading, bring literature, writing and spell books into your path. Bring in your interests, make your path full of things you love. Don’t force yourself to be the “dark mysterious witch” if that is not what interests you. Why bring in tea magick into your craft if you hate tea? Your path is meant for you to enjoy it, it is to cater to you. If you like pink, glitter, candy and soda then use that! Use those things, because they are important to you. That means they hold magick in them, because they are special to you. You will find more success in doing things you love and working with tools you associate with.
Follow Your Own Beliefs: This is a big one, some people in our community will try to push that you have to worship a certain religion or deity. You do not have to worship anything or anyone to practice witchcraft. You do not have to be part of any religion, all who tell you otherwise are gatekeeping. If you wish to be Wiccan then be Wiccan, if you wish to be Pagan then be Pagan, if you wish to be Christian then be Christian, if you don’t want to bring religion into your craft at all that’s fine too. It is your choice what your beliefs are, and don’t let others tell you that you are wrong but give that same courtesy to others. Others will likely have different views and beliefs than you and so you should also give them the same respect for their beliefs as you expect them to give you. If you do wish to work with a deity or religion, research it and look into what it is like to be apart of it. Ask others who worship this deity how they do and their bond with them, this can help you figure out your own way to worship.
Why can’t others just tell me how to find my Path? I don’t want to research.
Well, that isn’t how it works I am afraid. Other people don’t know what is important to you in your core, they don’t know what holds your interest or what holds your passion. They can’t just tell you everything about your path. They can give you advice based off of their own experiences however, but this is not the same as them being able to instruct you as to what to do.
Research is apart of witchcraft, that’s just a simple fact. Yes you can ask around to people what things may be or for help but think of it like this: People don’t like feeling like google. Asking someone what the correspondence of a crystal is can get quite annoying if you or just several others keep doing it when you can easily search the phrase: “Correspondence of ____ in witchcraft” and find exactly what you need or to simply search that user’s blog for that specific crystal. Research for yourself, it is your responsibility to do if you wish to use witchcraft. You walk your own path and that means you are responsible for your own lessons. People have out there tons of amazing resources that you can use.
Common Falsehoods, Lies, Red Flags and “Dishonest Truths” about Witchcraft/Paths:
You have to be Wiccan/Pagan: As spoken about up above, this not true. You can follow whatever religious practice or belief you desire or none at all.
Cursing is Bad!/Three Fold Rule: This is another popular thing people will throw out at new witches to try to scare and shame them away from cursing, hexing and other acts of baneful magick. As a whole, this is a personal opinion. If you choose to curse that is your choice and others have no right to tell you that you’re a bad person for it. But, if you chose not to curse yourself, then that is your choice. Don’t drag others down or insult them for their choice.
You can only be one type/kind of Witch: No, you do not even have to label yourself as we talked about above. If you wish to label yourself as a “Sea Witch” or “Cosmic Witch” or “Green Witch” then do so. If you wish not to just focus on one thing then that’s perfectly fine! A lot of witches don’t label themselves as a ‘specific type’ of witch.
You have to use crystals/herbs/tea/etc: Nope, you are not required to use any specific ingredients, you don’t even have to use any ingredients at all if you don’t wish to. Use what you have hand and what you like. If you have a lot of candy, make candy spells; if you have a lot of crayons, make drawn and colored spells; if you have a surplus of toilet paper rolls, use those as poppets or for spell containers.
You have to have companions/familiars: Nope, you do not have to work with spirits or animals or anything like that if you don’t want to. Before you do get yourself a companion I recommend heavy research into spirit companions and make sure you have a way to communicate with them.
“Only women can be witches!”: Nope! Any gender, sexual orientation, race, etc can be a witch. If you practice magick and you want to be called a witch, guess what you’re a witch. If anyone tells you otherwise they are not worth your time.
You have to be trained/in a coven to be a witch: Nope! You can be self taught and you can work alone. Beware of toxic covens too, there are some out there who try to gender-shame and can be quite toxic in general. If you wish to be apart of a coven ensure that the rules of the group are ones you are okay with and that you aren’t pressured into behaving a certain way.
You have to have “witch blood” if you want to be a strong witch: huge lie right here; your bloodline and family history does not weaken or strengthen your magick. You don’t need to be from a long line of witches to be a witch, you don’t have to be “born a witch”.
Tech Magick/Emoji Magick/Pop Culture Magick/Modern Magick is terrible and is ruining true magick!: You will see this a lot on tumblr I am afraid. Lots of people trying to tell other witches that their paths/craft is not “true witchcraft” since it is not based on traditional witchcraft or religions. Don’t listen to them. If you want to practice modern magick and pop culture magick that is your choice and you are valid in every way!
If you’re mentally ill/disabled/sick you can’t be a witch: Spoonie witches exist and there are plenty of them! Just because you have found that you may not be as energized as other witches means absolutely nothing. You are valid, even if you use simple and basic magick due to low energy levels you are valid! You are still a witch.
You can only be friends with/date other witches: big red flag here! If anyone is telling you this, whether it is a mentor, teacher, friend or coven member/leader you need to find someone else fast. This is majorly toxic behavior used by some witches in this community to make you cut ties with others. It is an abusive manipulative tactic that you have to be aware of and avoid. You can be friends and date whoever you want (obviously within legal terms), whether they are a witch or not.
True witches practice magick everyday: Nope! You can take breaks! Especially when you have other things going on, you are tired or you just aren’t mentally/emotionally able to do witchcraft. That is perfectly fine. Take breaks, rest up, focus on other things - its okay. Take care of yourself. You aren’t being a ‘bad witch’ for taking breaks.
Everything is related to the supernatural!: No, the mundane is a thing. Not everything you see will be a mystical sign or message. Not everything that happens to you is because of spirits, curses, spells, etc. Rule out the mundane first such as medical problems or common sense/reasoning before you go leaping onto it being some great supernatural occurrence. Once the mundane is ruled out then you can consider other things.
Magick is better for you than medicine/doctors!: NO NO NO NO. Magick can aid in medical things if properly researched but never EVER substitute medical procedures, doctors or medicines for magick! Go and take care of yourself!
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What tarot can do for you:
Help you unlock the answers you already have. Be a useful tool to help put you on the path to achieving your goals.
What tarot can’t do for you:
Tell you the winning lottery numbers or the name of the next person you’ll fall in love with.
Think of tarot as a study guide, not an answer book.
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This is the Lucky Ace. Reblog to recieve a wad of cash that is oddly specific to your current needs.
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““All witches are selfish, the Queen had said. But Tiffany’s Third Thoughts said: Then turn selfishness into a weapon! Make all things yours! Make other lives and dreams and hopes yours! Protect them! Save them! Bring them into the sheepfold! Walk the gale for them! Keep away the wolf! My dreams! My brother! My family! My land! My world! How dare you try to take these things, because they are mine!””
— ― Terry Pratchett, The Wee Free Men (via gatheringbones)
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May the 10 of Pentacles bless your account with more money than you can spend. 💵✨
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