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angel incarnate ambriel | 17 | trans + gay
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throneprince · 6 years ago
“Calling a male character hot means you’re attracted to males” listen buddy. When I see Tony Tiger on screen and I call him hot does that mean I’m attracted to him? Does that mean I want him to raw my ass until it’s nothing but floor dust? Does that mean I want him to call me his big hungry bungy and hold me in his big strong sexy arms?? actually this is a bad example can I start over
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throneprince · 6 years ago
Apps To Kill Time On
Keep seeing some posts circulating about popular websites and wanted to make a version for apps.
These are apps I’m way too addicted to. Am I missing any?
P.S. I’m on an iPhone so these are iPhone apps, but probably have an Android version too.
Edit: Sorry for all the time I’ve taken away from your life
Commaful - popular fanfiction, story, and poetry community 👑
Bettr - the reason my friends are jealous of my Insta
Spellbound - addictive horror 👻 and romance stories
Sweatcoin - get paid to walk
Helix Jump - legit the most addicting game on my phone
Tenkyu - tilt your phone and watch the relaxing magic happen
Calm - Award-winning app for meditation and sleeping better
Baseball Boy - addicting game where you smash a ⚾️
Hempire - become a plant mogul
Dune! - Ride the sand dunes like a baller!! so much fun
Betternet - free proxy/VPN to be anonymous/bypass school filters
Sling Drift - beep beep - level 70 is insane 🚗
Bumper - kill them all!!!!! 😈 (i alway win)
1Q - get paid to answer simple questions 
Wind Rider - fly through a city in a wing suit
Spill it - drop balls and break glass
Fire Balls - shoot balls at obstacles. gets pretty hard
Two Dots - a fun puzzle game. easy time killer
Golf Orbit - play golf on mars
Axe Climber - climb mountains (easy to learn, hard to master)
Splashy - bounce the ball accurately to survive. requires focus
Snakes Vs. Blocks - even more fun than the original snake hehe
Twenty48 Solitaire - best toilet game
Tornado - be a tornado and destroy everythinggg
Knock Balls - shoot down blocks with a canon - surprisingly relaxing
Wishbone - fun game for comparing stuff like hair, celebs, sports
Hole - fuck up a city muahaha
Dosh - get paid to shop
Yarn - stories that are seriously creepy af
You’re welcome 😉
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throneprince · 6 years ago
why do parents bust in your room like they trynna catch you cheatin on them with another pair of parents
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throneprince · 6 years ago
what depression is really like:
not showering regularly
not bushing your teeth regularly
living in filth
caring about your grades but not enough to do anything about them
thinking about suicide more than graduating
considering suicide whenever any problem arises
no motivation
no energy
walking is so hard
sometimes even talking is too much work because you’re so god damn tired
laying in bed for hours because you’re too tired to move
feeling nothing but sometimes everything
knowing you’re not alone but still feeling alone
that constant mindset of, “Who cares? I wont be around much longer anyways.”
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throneprince · 6 years ago
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throneprince · 6 years ago
2018 is finally ending and we get good shit like Deltarune, smash bros and live-action Pokemon movie with Ryan Reynolds as pikachu
2019 is gonna be a good year
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throneprince · 6 years ago
seriously though, straight trans men and women get shit on for being straight.
cis lesbians, gays, and bis get shit on for being cis.
unless you are 110% LGBT on tumblr then you are in some shape, way, or form a bad person who is an oppressor of some kind.
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throneprince · 6 years ago
Me, laying face down in bed: *flaps phantom wings*
Me: “how many of you are there even? Show thyselves you thots”
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throneprince · 6 years ago
Mental health professionals: hitting your kids increases the risk of mental illness and could make them more aggressive in adult life
Some guy with 3 aggrevated assault arrests and a drinking problem: well my parents beat me and I turned out fine y’all are a bunch of snowflakes
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throneprince · 6 years ago
shoutout to people going through puberty, that shit is exhausting 
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throneprince · 6 years ago
like, hate to break it to yall but being trans is NOT fun. it is not some fun choice of dress up that we can drop at any time. being trans is not comfortable or enjoyable. being trans, you quite literally do suffer until you can ease it with transitioning or other methods for you. just like depression, its suffering until you can get treatment to lessen the effects brought on by it.
this is not a bad thing. this is not some inherent transphobic statement. this does not mean you hate yourself. it’s just literally how things are and if you are shutting down trans people for venting and saying it how it is, then that is rather transphobic of you.
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throneprince · 6 years ago
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A Good Thing To Know!
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throneprince · 6 years ago
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Ive been tracing so many wings for art reference and also its therapeutic as fucK
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throneprince · 6 years ago
I was wondering how you can get your kin memories, is there anything special you do? I need help owo
dw anon! i can help yall.
while the majority of my mems are triggered by something or were found thru dreams, i have used past life regressions (PLR) before.
my PLR method is this:
- get into a meditative state
- visualise a room with a staircase. the staircase going up will lead to future lives. the stairs down lead to past lives. go down the stairs to the lower level and you should see doors.
- count the doors and look at their designs. every design has importance.
- find the first door (which may be down an even lower level) and enter it. you should see that life play out, or you may be in the first pdrson perspective of that life, but you can fast forward and reverse.
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throneprince · 6 years ago
Are you ever just overwhelmed by the horrifying thought that maybe, nobody ACTUALLY wants you around? And it’s not that you think everyone hates you, but it’s just that you’re not special to anyone? And that its really kind of sucky that you’re about 98% sure that nobody thinks “Wow, I just really like talking to her.” and that you could probably just disappear without anyone caring that much?
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throneprince · 6 years ago
atheists who get Extremely Mad when confronted by any form of ‘mysticism’ make me so tired…. like…… this world is rich with strange, unique ideas. it’s so utterly human to cling to the patterns of stars, to worship the moon, to imagine unseen forces as human reflections with life and personality. there is no harm in exploring these outlandish theories!! for the most part, it’s not ‘Crazy People Insisting They Know The Future’. it’s just people— regular people—seeing reflections of themselves in oral history and stars and playing cards.
let people have their fun. none of us know dick shit about how the universe works, anyway.
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throneprince · 6 years ago
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******GLOW BLOG******
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