10 posts
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thrfted · 3 months ago
My other boyfriend had me gigglin and kickin and swingin my feet
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??!!! omg i don't know if anyone's ever sent me an ask just to say they liked a posthabsjs THANK YOU!! 🥹 🩷💕🤍💗💌🩷 kuroo's silly but i fr don't know if i'd win that battle,, like he rlly Could date seb before me 😭 on the bright side maybe he'd realize why i like him LOL
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thrfted · 3 months ago
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GN!reader x Atsumu Christmas themed fluff/crack(?)
hello! short drabble to celebrate being free from finals (;`・ω・)ノ
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You do a double take as Atsumu walks through the door and hangs up his jacket. He whistles a random tune before greeting you, “I’m home!”
“Atsumu, what are you wearing?”
“Huh?” He turns to look at you. “A headband, duh.”
“...With a little something at the end?”
Your boyfriend tilts his head from side to side at your observation, the plastic mistletoe at the end of the branching pipe cleaner swaying with him.
You’re pretty sure it’s not supposed to be hanging quite as low as it is.
He shoots you a smile, a teasing lilt to his voice at the end, “Was the last one so it’s a little broken, but it’s for anybody who happens to walk up t’me.”
His face from your spot on the couch is mostly covered by his surprise, and you do your best to not laugh at what you think is him wiggling his eyebrows. Humming, you stand up. “So if I don’t stand in front of you... you don’t get a kiss?”
“What– babe.” Atsumu’s amusement turns into a gaping mouth and gasp. “Do you not want to kiss me?”
“Well, I didn’t say that.” You take a step toward him.
Then to the side of the couch.
He squints. “Are you walking away from me?”
Your foot hits the couch’s back leg and you start to pivot, a smile making its way onto your face. “No?”
“Yer walkin’ away from me!”
“No I’m not, what, hey, ’Tsumu—”
He drops his bag and starts targeting you, socked feet slipping as he rounds the couch with arms outstretched. “C’mere!”
All the while the mistletoe headband swishes and swings with each leap, and you snort as Atsumu almost runs into the coffee table. “’m gonna get ya even if I can’t see with this thing on!”
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thrfted · 3 months ago
i really didn't think i'd have followers at this point (hii thank u 🤍 !!!) but if u guys could have ur ages in ur bio or pinned that'd be awesome ! 🤞 will be blocking minors or ageless blogs in the future 🫡
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thrfted · 3 months ago
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Mix of other + our world headcanons (Italics is in the other world’s language!)
For the anon who requested! Vry glad you liked Mr. Crawling’s, thanks for the trust w Silvair :D Feel like I see him a lot.. nicer..? than most hcs I’ve seen and I’m not sure if that’s good or bad for mebjfhdsfhjd
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(seen in ending 3) Mr. Silvair loves studying and learning about you, but he still feels bad if you seem upset or get hurt. If or when he doesn’t understand why you’re upset, he’ll ask what he did and apologize. He values learning about these differences in emotions, communication, perspective, etc.
He isn’t naturally physically affectionate, but he doesn’t refuse your requests or affection! He at least pats your head or back, not letting go until you do (unless he’s got things to do). Initially confused, he admits it feels nice when you hug him and that he’s started looking forward to (or at least expecting) it.
^ You can ask him for a forehead kiss or two, even if he doesn’t get why. He understands that it makes you happy and it isn’t like it’s doing him any harm anyway!  You’ll probably have to show him what a kiss is though. Will he find it amusing if you become flustered kissing him first? Say “Cute”? Probably.
You and Mr. Chopped become close friends too, sometimes (playfully) gossiping to each other about Mr. Silvair while he’s off doing experiments. There’s a few times Mr. Silvair seems to get jealous by the amount of time you guys spend together, especially if he catches you laughing at Mr. Chopped’s antics. He takes initiative and tries to have one-on-one time with you after that.
Maybe he does tie his hair back and we don’t know it, but I think he’d appreciate the idea if you brought it up! Sometimes it’s a half-up look, a simple ponytail, or you braid it back if you want. As long as it’s out of his face and not difficult to take out, he doesn’t mind.
If you enjoy/are comfortable with it, he might ask for your help with experiments, or… you? Your blood sometimes, at least. But he respects you if you’d rather stay away, even if he’s disappointed for a while.
Both of you spend quite a bit of time walking and talking while trying to find a new room when need be. You start to teach him your language, and he uses a few words and phrases when possible.
Mr. Silvair is more focused on experiments rather than interior decoration. But whether you ask to decorate his place in the other world or show him your home in ours, he grows a fondness for your taste. He even brings home things that remind him of you to see if you'll enjoy them.
^ In the same branch, if you bring something you think he’ll like, he takes good care of it, making sure its always somewhere safe!
Of course, he can’t really do the same studies in our world, or at least get his subjects in the same way. Be warned that he may or may not want to go out and find test subjects… somewhere…?
But on the bright side, it’s literally a whole new world! With so much available to him, at least he has other ways to learn than capturing and cutting things or people up.
Mr. Silvair as a good cook / kitchen helper? Really good at cutting up food, even if he doesn’t want to eat it.
In general he’s pretty good around the house! He remembers chores and keeps his space tidy for both your sakes, helping out wherever he can.
His hair is already pretty, but imagine how nice it’d look and feel after a shower! You keep running your fingers through his hair and he tilts his head. “You like? Pretty?” You nod and ask “Me pretty?” and Mr. Silvair smiles. “Pretty.” (Subconsciously, he starts paying closer attention to your hair or appearance, and how you take care of yourself.)
^ He isn’t particular about scents (other than preferring subtler ones) and will likely use whatever you use unless asked otherwise. Don’t expect him to pick up a hair or skincare routine though.
The first few days especially, Mr. Silvair is so focused on seeing and learning as much as possible, that he’ll likely be up late. He doesn’t really get the whole day and night thing, so you have to tell him that rest is good, and that you’re worried for him. “You worried?” “Yes. We rest.” “...Okay.”
His understanding of love is still different from yours, but (I think) he does care about you, and loves you in his own way! He makes sure you’re safe, helps you when you’re injured, and enjoys spending time with you. I’m not sure if he’d say “I love you” (since he doesn’t comprehend what that really means) but he’d at least reassure you that he likes you and finds you interesting :3
^ Though I’ll say if you’re a romance genre fan in our world, he picks up on the usage of “I love you” in media and if it matches his emotions, he might try it out and see how you react
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thrfted · 3 months ago
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GN!reader x Osamu fluff
can't have hot coco without thinking of the song from the polar express...
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“I can’t believe I’m dating you.” Osamu shakes his head, leaning back into the couch with his legs spread wide.
“You’re a hater.”
“Am I?”
“Yes, and to the love of your life no less. Unbelievable.”
He crosses his arms with a snort. “Hon, y’can’t even see your hot chocolate at this point.”
“For now, you hater.”
You blow at the drink’s rising steam, keeping your sleeve between your fingers and mug (it’s one Osamu made for you on a pottery date, a little cracked after a couple of dishwasher runs before being noticed). The pile of marshmallows on top, slowly melting, swirl as you stir. “You just don’t get it.”
He does, sort of, at least. But he wouldn’t be himself if he didn’t give you shit every once in a while.
“No, guess I don’t.” Your boyfriend watches, tilting his head with a half-smirk. “Care to explain?”
Shrugging, you bite a few marshmallows at the top. “I like sweet things. Can you blame me?” 
You bring your lips to the mug’s edge, and Osamu squints at the steam still rising high from your drink. “Hey, be careful.”
“I am- fuck!”
“Stop. Stop it, don’t say anything.”
“Wasn’t gonna.” Osamu breathes out a laugh, bringing a hand up to hold your cheek, thumb running across your bottom lip. He watches you carefully, eyes lingering on your mouth as you poke out and bite your tongue. “You good?”
Drops of hot chocolate fall onto your lap, and you finally remember the drink still in your hand with a huff. “No.”
Chuckling, Osamu takes the mug and puts it on the coffee table before turning back to you. You close your eyes and let your head fall into his palm. “This is literally the worst day of my life.”
“Did it at least taste good? Or was it just hot?”
“Just hot.”
“Mm.” Osamu rubs your cheek, his touch soft, and you almost forgive and forget his earlier judgement.
Whatever appreciation you felt morphs into indignation, and you open your eyes just to smack his shoulder. “I knew it! Shut up, it is not a mountain. It’s maybe a melting hill at this point.”
If your eyes were open, you’d see his lips twitch upward before he pinches you.
“The mountain of marshmallows not help ya out?”
“Yeah? The melting hill of—”
“I will kill you, Osamu Miya,” you try to threaten. But your words fall flat as you both laugh and his hand, warm and familiar, continues to hold your face until the sting on your tongue dulls. (And you can’t be too mad when he adds more marshmallows and blows cool air on your drink before handing it to you again.)
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thrfted · 3 months ago
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GN!reader x Kuroo fluff/crack(?)
you know who i'm talking about and going for. feel like it makes the most sense
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“What do you mean you don’t want to marry me?” Kuroo’s voice rings loud.
You bite your lip. “Babe, you have to understand—”
“You’re picking him over me? Your boyfriend of 4 years?”
“He’s like, my other boyfriend. And I’ve liked him longer!”
“You’ve—I’m about to throw up.”
“You’re being dramatic and you know it.”
“Oh my god, this is how those Christmas movie finance boyfriends feel, isn’t it?” He gasps. A hand slams against his desk, and you assume the other over his mouth as his voice gets muffled. It’s quieter, disbelieving, “You’re picking this guy made of 500 pixels over me.”
Tetsurou’s character leaves your crops half watered in favour of walking over to yours. His voice gets low and you try your best not to laugh, or think about everything you wanted to get done today. “Tell me you’re joking.”
“Tetsu, listen,”—you move your character closer—“you haven’t played his heart events, you don’t know him like I do.”
“I don’t know him like you do?” He almost yells. “He doesn’t know you like I do!”
“In my heart he does!”
“Throwing up. I’m throwing up right now. You’re laughing and I’m throwing up.”
“You can marry one of the other love interests!” You offer, trying to reign in your amusement and pacing around your boyfriend’s still character. “What about, uh, Harvey? Is he your type?”
“No, no, no, no,” he refuses, adamant. “I know what I’m gonna do.”
The time ticks away and you wait, even though both of you wanted to go to the mines before it got late. The sound of typing and clicking comes through your headphones, but Tetsurou remains un-moving.
It’s when you swear you can hear him writing something down that you furrow your brows.
“...Tetsu,” you call out. “Tetsu, what are you doing?”
He finally moves, coming up to you and lowering his voice one more time. “Looking up that guy’s favourite gifts and marrying him first so you can’t.”
“Wh— Tetsurou!”
“I’m getting so many frozen tears”—he starts to run from you and cackles—“I’m homewrecking this homewrecking!”
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thrfted · 3 months ago
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SFW GN!Reader HCS after the blissful love life ending.
Italics is in the other world’s language! Sometimes more the implied message rather than a direct translation. I'll probably do Mr. Hood later too :3 !
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Your bed is much more comfortable than anything in the other world, and it only makes it better that mr. Crawling gets to be in it with you. He grows accustomed to your nightly routine and is always excited to cuddle up. Big spoon, little spoon, facing each other—all of it makes him as happy as can be!
(^ As someone who still has a twin size, some of us have to invest in a much bigger one lol)
Generally so so affectionate and loves when you’re physically affectionate !! You can kiss his head and he’ll giggle, maybe point at his face and ask “Again!” You leave kisses all over his face, and his hands pull you in close when you finally kiss his lips.
One of Mr. Crawling's strongest traits is his patience—especially when it comes to you. The first day you come home without him trailing behind (much to his dismay, and honestly yours), he’s at the door to greet you, smiling and giggling as you wrap your arms around him. You find out he hadn’t done much but wait for you to come home. (With no complaints of boredom on his part, and all the worry on yours.)
He'll sit as you play with his hair, trying out new hairstyles or putting in clips. “Me cute? Pretty?” he asks. And if you let him do the same in return, he'll giggle and compliment you too.
I think he’d look through your closet and enjoy watching you try on clothes too. He compliments you and feels each of the fabrics, liking the ones that feel softest. He might try on some of the accessories if none of the actual clothes (sort of…) fit, and is really happy when you match!
Mr. Crawling is a fast learner. You worry he'll feel overwhelmed with all the new technology and words and whatever else, so you focus on making sure he’s comfortable. But he points at things and ask what they are, repeating after you. “You teach me language?” he asks and you laugh softly before nodding. “I teach you language.”
He will accidentally touch a hot stove top or pot if you don't remember to warn him beforehand. Then whenever you cook he gets worried you'll hurt yourself, watching to make sure you're alright (forgive him if he pulls your hand away and says “Danger! Don't touch!”)
Since he doesn't know his birthday, you make the day you returned special instead! He's happy to just stay in with you, eating a good meal and watching or learning something new.
Mr. Crawling also learns when yours is and does his best to make it a good day for you too. He tries singing happy birthday and makes food with what you have at home, mimicking the meals he's seen you prepare.
You teach him how to call your phone while you're away. It's supposed to “be for emergencies,” but you both know he's going to call just to hear your voice, and who are you to complain?
I think he gets sad sometimes when he sees or hears you talking to friends—the way you communicate and laugh so easily compared to conversations with him. The other world's language itself is limited, and he hasn't learned enough of your own. You spend some evenings reassuring him, reminding him learning is a process, and it doesn't change your feelings!!
He does his best to learn on his own. You buy (exercise) books and show him shows for younger kids and he spends a lot of time alone with them, both to surprise you, and also just because he loves talking with you and wants to talk more and more.
The first time he speaks your language is a special day. After many days of calling out that you’re back, he decides to say it himself. “You home!” You almost drop everything in your hands, and that’s when he continues, “Miss you.” It feels odd hearing it in his voice, but he’s grinning so wide, and you won’t find out for a while just how excited and nervous he was waiting for you to get home.
One of Mr. Crawling’s favourite things to say and hear is “I love you.” Every time you say it, he gets all giddy and tries to get closer to you (as if that’s possible while already cuddling in bed). He says it a lot while you’re doing chores or really nothing, just to remind you and see you smile. There’s no way in his mind for those 3 words to lose their meaning, or become any less special.
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thrfted · 3 months ago
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warnings: #cw [xyz] (e.g. #cw blood, #cw yandere)
my works: all tagged #thrfted
oneshots, drabbles, etc.: #thrft finds headcanons, ideas: #thrft it
nsfw posts: all tagged #nsft
reader dynamics: #top!reader, #bottom!reader, #dom!reader, #sub!reader (check individual posts for gender (expression))
others' art: #art section
others' writing: #book section
me talking: #break room
asks: #mailbox, #anon, #[user]
other: #maple, #starred, #reference, #q
self-ships: #with love!
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thrfted · 3 months ago
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꩜ BYF .ᐟ
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Minors do not interact or follow. I don't blame you for seeing my SFW posts in the tags, but interacting further means you will be blocked. Ageless blogs will be soft-blocked the first time.
SFW works can be read as a GN!reader unless stated otherwise. NSFW varies.
I do not take requests outside of events, but please send rambles, prompts, thirsts, or anything you'd like to chat about :3 !!
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꩜ FYI .ᐟ
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For NSFW works and thirsts:
They can have any reader — fem/masc/gn, AFAB/AMAB, dom/sub, bottom/top. There may be a lot of fem AFAB reader for myself, but please feel free to talk to me about any dynamic!
They may have dark content. Please block tw's (#tw yandere, #tw somno, etc.) or me if needed!
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thrfted · 3 months ago
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maple .ᐟ adult. sheノxe. multifandom writer.
byf - tags - masterlists
(18+) please have your age in bio/pinned!
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[n]sfw requests: temporarily open :3
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