thoughtbutterfly · 6 years
i entered to win @grav3yardgirl MASSIVE MAKEUP GIVEAWAY! Check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/user/grav3yardgirl
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thoughtbutterfly · 8 years
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thoughtbutterfly · 9 years
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thoughtbutterfly · 9 years
I really fucking hate when I’m angry and hurt beyond what I can take, but I can’t cry because the person in the next room is the one who inflicted it in the first place;  he wouldn’t commiserate, he wouldn’t even ask what was wrong, he’d just shake his head and ignore me.  So I’ll just sit here on the verge of tears and not cry, cause the last thing I really want to do right now is add even more  humiliation to the emotion soup I’m already brewing.
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thoughtbutterfly · 9 years
So I have the weirdest thoughts when I'm asleep... What if someone made a gif of that part of Forrest Gump where he's running after his mama died, and he's all full on man beard, and he looks behind himself and sees that crowd of people, right? Well what if instead of that crowd of people it was a crowd of zombies? And it was captioned "Run Forest. Run." I'd imagine this has already been done. Maybe I've even seen it and that's where my 3AM imagining came from...I don't even know. I just know I woke myself up giggling.
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thoughtbutterfly · 9 years
My last boyfriend actually wanted to set me up with other women so he could watch us have sex.  “Don’t worry!”  he assured me, “I won’t touch her...I’ll only touch you!”  He kept on and on about my “type”...and made sure I understood that he was only ok with other women, that other men were right out.  He also made sure I understood that he didn’t want this other woman to be a third person in our relationship...he literally just wanted me find to a string of other women to fuck when he wanted something different to get off to.
Needless to say, we’re not dating anymore.
Can we talk about the weird one dick policy so many straight men have when they date bi women? How they will straight up say they are fine if you sleep with other girls but not other men (and really mean other penises because cissexism)
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thoughtbutterfly · 9 years
I think he’s Loki!  :D
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This guy came into being with no identity. It’s been a while since I had a give-away, so tell you what… Reblog this post with a comment saying who it could be. Be creative. It could be an existing character or an original character. It doesn’t have to be a Marvel character. He has male parts and brown eyes. I can’t change the parts but can probably easily change the eye color if necessary.
I will consider all reblogs up until August 15 Noon EST. 
For whosever I choose (and yes, it’s totally subjective), I will make a finger puppet of the character of your choice.
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thoughtbutterfly · 9 years
The guy is an actual Australian wrestler...and somehow that makes him even more awesome. I freaking love Ladybaby.
Were you guys aware of the existence of Ladybaby yet?
Because I think you need to know about Ladybaby.
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Ladybaby is the combination of J-pop and death metal that you never knew you wanted.
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thoughtbutterfly · 9 years
im always perplexed when i see fleeting comments about libras, geminis, and pisces being ‘fake’.
how can one be ‘fake’ if they are just expressing their traits. libras are genial, outreaching and friendly people. they also contour their personality to suit the qualities of their company. this is an unconscious archetypal blend. and they genuinely want everybody to get along. they are interested in people. if you mistake their charm for someone being ‘fake’ to your face, then you are missing out on a beautiful friend. and further, if they are concerned enough about offending you to hold back parts of themselves they think will offend you, then their big heart cannot be that ‘fake’.
geminis are mutable and multiple. again, there is an unconscious personality restructure, not so much with the surroundings as a backdrop, but more a seamless changeability where another inner self takes on the dominant role. the gemini does not wake up in the morning and think ‘oh, i’m going to put on this mask today and be this and this’… the gemini is too lazy. if they are not interested, they will likely not waste their time on someone they deem boring or not worth getting to know. their personality shifts are not ‘fake’, because deep down it can be confusing and maddening for them. each of the geminis different ‘personalities’ are quite real.
lastly we have pisces, the water mutable. this is rapid fusion into new environments and a fluid shift in expression. their ‘two faced’ reputation emanates from the two fish they are symbolized by, and each of these fish are as legitimate and real as the other. they display the expression they feel the environment needs, and again, this is an unconscious variation. pisceans can’t help but be sucked into the collective energies and reflect them like a porcelain mirror
just because a person is dynamic and adapts into new environments, does not mean they are ‘fake’. because a person happens to be multifaceted, and expresses a multitude of talents, opinions, and qualities does not mean their personality is illegitimate or they are conscious of their changeability. for these people, two or three things can be correct at once. the personality is not defined, it floats and contours. i think its kind of spectacular
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thoughtbutterfly · 9 years
My feels....
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You were right about me.
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thoughtbutterfly · 9 years
This is way to awesome not to reblog.
I often see foxes referred to as “catdogs” on Tumblr, but I wonder if folks realise how true that really is.
There’s a phenomenon called convergent evolution that occurs when two taxonomically unrelated species exploit the same ecological niche. The features that are needed to best take advantage of a given niche are pretty much the same everywhere you go; thus, over time, those species will become anatomically and behaviourally similar, even though they’re completely unrelated.
And foxes? Foxes are what you get when an ecosystem has no native small felines, so a canine species evolves to take advantage of the ecological niche that would have been exploited by a small feline, if one existed.
In other words, a fox is literally what you get when a dog tries to cat.
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thoughtbutterfly · 9 years
Yeah, I saw you, redneck man in Walmart. I saw you even though the Muslim woman didn’t. Lucky for her, you saw me. If you’d approached her like I know you were going to, you and I would’ve had a problem. Yeah, I’d have probably lost my job…but it would’ve been worth it to keep her from feeling the weight of your hatred.
It makes me sad that I had to think of her as brave for following her religion when it should just be another of her personal freedoms. It makes me even more sad that people like you can’t separate the actions of overzealous people from those who actually follow their religions with their hearts. The worst, though, is that when I described the situation to one of my coworkers he thought I was going to bad mouth her, and was amused until he realized I had taken her side…then he became considerably less so.
I long for the day when we can all practice or religions in peace, without having to worry about strangers being a danger to us because of it
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thoughtbutterfly · 9 years
Its Gage Creed from Pet Sematary. :D
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Horror Movie Villains: Children
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thoughtbutterfly · 9 years
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thoughtbutterfly · 9 years
Just THE TRIO reuniting… no big deal…. :’DDDDD
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thoughtbutterfly · 9 years
This honestly had me in tears.  I’m so excited.
The behind the scenes video from SDCC!
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thoughtbutterfly · 9 years
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