Diego Hargreeves
201 posts
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thkraken · 6 years ago
Whelp it has officially been vertified!! Delilah has a chance to get surgery now if we raise enough funds.
If not we have 2 other options.
One is amputation if the vets agree this is an option, it will cost less and she can happily live on three legs.
The other is Euthanasia if she gets worse and we dont have the funds. This is the one I really dont want to do because she is so young and has so much life in her.
Any Donations given will go towards her care before and after surgery, the surgery itself, mediation and a large weight of my shoulders.
If you cant donate then please just share this around.
Thank you all.
Every little bit counts.
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thkraken · 6 years ago
Im asking alot, but I know how kind people can be on this site and while I hate asking for money. This is the only option I have without taking out a loan which I really dont want to do.
My Kitten Delilah will need to have surgery. She has a luxating Patella which means her knee doesnt stay where it is meant to. She is having trouble walking and us basically limping everywhere.
The surgery will be in the thousands as she will most likely have to got to a specialist clinic to get it done.
I have set up a givealittle page in hope that some of the funds will be raised.
Every little bit counts right??
Thank you all for just reading this.
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thkraken · 6 years ago
for muses that need a little love. 
❝  i’m here for you.  ❞
❝  let me help with that.  ❞
❝  i’m here.  ❞
❝  nothing’s gonna hurt you.  ❞
❝  if they do it again, you tell me.  ❞
❝  i’ll protect you. ❞
❝  i’ll make sure nothing bad happens to you.  ❞
❝  let me take a look…  ❞
❝  i’m a phone call away.  ❞
❝  you should have called me.  ❞
❝  here, sleep.  ❞
❝  if you wanna talk, i’m here.  ❞
❝  hey, shh, it’s okay.  ❞
❝  i’ll never let you go.  ❞
❝  you’re with me now.  ❞
❝  nothing’s gonna take you from my side.  ❞
❝  i’ll do what i have to.  ❞
❝  i need you to stay here, okay? i got this.  ❞
❝  it’s safe here.  ❞
❝  i’m fine, let me see your face.  ❞
❝  we’re gonna have to keep ice on that.  ❞
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thkraken · 6 years ago
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Diego Hargreeves
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thkraken · 6 years ago
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David Castañeda for The Hollywood Reporter.
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thkraken · 6 years ago
"Kitchen" he yelled back when he heard her call out. He had finished unpacking some items before deciding to get dinner ready. He had known she had gone it but he decided to cook for her. Nothing amazing just spaghetti and meatballs.
Hawaii had been a week away to remember. Amelia’s first Time on the beach, the first time they had a family holiday together and the first few nights where she slept through the night without waking for any reason. Spending time away as a family only cemented Jenna’s feelings for Diego and the fact that she would have as many kids as he would give her. Coming back home, it was almost as if fate smiled on them, within days of returning, they had found a house that was perfect. A little out of the city and with a spacious estate that housed a big enough house for a growing family.
A month after finding it, they began moving in, packing her penthouse into boxes to be taken to the new house. As Jenna tried to pack away the kitchen, keep Amelia occupied and not pack the things they needed for the last few weeks, she began to feel a little under the weather, which was unusual for her.
Shooting Diego a quick message she said she was stopping packing and taking Amelia to the play cafe a few blocks away in case he got home and she wasn’t there.
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thkraken · 6 years ago
Hey how r u? Just wondering in which episode do we see Diego use his power of holding his breath indefinitely? Can you please tell me because I can't find it or I missed somehow.
He doesnt have that power in the show. He does however have that power in the comics.
Just like Klaus can also levitate and has telekinesis in the comics but this isnt obviously in the show.
I am hoping if we get a second series they can expand more on their powers.
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thkraken · 6 years ago
Concept: Netflix!Diego DOES have the ability to hold his breath indefinitely like Comic!Diego, he just hates water so he uses it for other things like surviving chokeholds, winning bets, and eating entire plates of pasta without breathing
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thkraken · 6 years ago
Send “#b” and I’ll shuffle my music player, and use my favorite line from the next song as a starter!
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thkraken · 6 years ago
‘  the world is a little happier with you in it.  ’ ‘  i have the right to be happy and i will not let you or anyone else take that from me.  ’ ‘  i’m done apologizing for who i am.  ’ ‘  i am stronger now and i will not say sorry.  ’ ‘  let this moment be your starting point. let this moment be the one when it all began.  ’ ‘  if you have nothing, you have nothing to lose.  ’ ‘  it’s never too late to rebuild yourself.  ’ ‘  healing takes time, but it will come.  ’ ‘  your warmth and kindness is more beautiful than you know.  ’ ‘  your feelings are valid.  ’ ‘  your opinons are valid.  ’ ‘  your happiest moment is still yet to come.  ’ ‘  turn off the light and close your eyes. it can wait until tomorrow.  ’ ‘  self love is a daily commitment.  ’ ‘  don’t let those thoughts that are telling you can’t keep you from trying at all.  ’ ‘  not today. i won’t let it defeat me.  ’ ‘  stop punishing yourself. please. you don’t deserve it.  ’ ‘  breathe.  ’ ‘  you don’t deserve that! demand better!  ’ ‘  i hope you find what your soul really needs.  ’ ‘  i hope you find the happiness you yearn for.  ’ ‘  there is a point where you have to let go of the anger.  ’ ‘  even if your voice was shaky and you stuttered on your words, you still spoke up and i am so proud you did.  ’ ‘  there’s something incredible about you and i can’t quite tell what it is. maybe that’s the magic in it.  ’ ‘  i know you want more and your heart is driven like that, but don’t take on too much.  ’ ‘  people aren’t always going to do and say what you want them to and that’s okay.  ’ ‘  you are a living, breathing masterpiece.  ’ ‘  some might not understand your beauty, but you are art nonetheless.  ’ ‘  quiet down those thoughts. it’s not worth it tonight.  ’ ‘  try to have gentle thoughts.  ’ ‘  your intrusive thoughts are just thoughts and nothing more than that.  ’ ‘  i love you… i always have.  ’ ‘  i tell myself i don’t care, but i care too much.  ’ ‘  maybe you and i exist together on a different wavelength than the rest of the world. perhaps, we are on a separate frequency.  ’ ‘  concept: we’re both in our softest pajamas, your arms around me and our legs are intertwined. you kiss the back of my neck and tell me you won’t ever let me go.  ’ ‘  look close enough and you’ll find how much i adore you in every subconscious thing i do.  ’ ‘  there are countless parts of you i’ve yet to meet, yet to memorize. nevertheless, i’ll keep wanting to get to know you even when i know everything.  ’ ‘  you make me feel loved in my unlovable moments and beautiful even in my ugliest ones.  ’ ‘  oh darling, how deeply you’ve become a part of me. i can’t help but feel something is missing when you’re gone.  ’ ‘  i can’t help but feel something is missing when you’re gone.  ’ ‘  thank you for never making me inadequate or dumb or inferior.  ’ ‘  your constant love and respect has given me incredible strength and confidence.  ’ ‘  thank you for seeing all the good in me.  ’ ‘  every night i image you beside me.  ’ ‘  it breaks my heart that you can’t fall asleep with me in the same room or the same city, but i always remember that even an imagined silhouette of you is better than nothing at all.  ’ ‘  the spaces between your fingers are where mine fit perfectly.  ’ ‘  by some miracle, the universe created you. of all the infinite combinations of atoms, somehow that infinity filtered down to form you.  ’ ‘  what people think of you is not equivalent to who you are.  ’ ‘  the moment i let myself believe i was going to be okay was the moment i finally was.  ’ ‘  protecting your own happiness ins’t selfish.  ’ ‘  you deserve every ounce of happiness.  ’ ‘  a week, a month, a year without you is nothing compared to the lifetime we’ll spend together.  ’ ‘  tomorrow is a new day. and a new day after that. it’s never too late to start over.  ’ ‘  i finally realize that i no longer need your approval and i never really did.  ’ ‘  maybe i will be okay in the end.  ’ ‘  maybe i will find all that i’m searching for.  ’ ‘  maybe i will figure out all that i am.  ’ ‘  whatever. whatever. whatever. let is pass right by you.  ’ ‘  you are not a failure. please believe that.  ’ ‘  you are only presented with obstacles you are strong enough to conquer.  ’ ‘  it’s been long enough. it’s time to forgive yourself.  ’ ‘  your bad days don’t make your good days any less good.  ’ ‘  even in your darkest times, the sun still rises.  ’ ‘  your existence wasn’t a mistaken accident, it was a creation from almost nothing to something incredible – a miracle even.  ’ ‘  your feelings are your own. no one should be allowed to define them for you.  ’ ‘  ever since our storylines intertwined, i haven’t stopped smiling. you are the best plot twist.   ’ ‘  your thoughts are something that deserve to be heard.  ’ ‘  sometimes it’s not meant to be, but that doesn’t mean there’s no value in it happening.  ’ ‘  your greatest love story is the one you have with yourself.  ’ ‘  i have the right to be happy and i will not let you or anyone else take that from me.  ’ ‘  your existence alone has altered the world. you are more important than you know.  ’ ‘  thank you for letting me forget all the bad, even just for a second.  ’ ‘  you were built for whatever is thrown your way. you are ready.  ’ ‘  no matter what your mind is telling you, please know that you are enough.  ’ ‘  what i can’t fathom is how we can be so close yet so far away.  ’ ‘  you are not a bad person for having bad thoughts. forgive yourself.  ’ ‘  you are growing from this.  ’ ‘  you will heal in time.  ’ ‘  your strength and kindness is more beautiful than you know.  ’ ‘  i’m just trying to be happy and stop thinking about what other people think.  ’ ‘  i want to be someone who sees magic in ordinary things.  ’ ‘  be extra. enjoy things and show it. stop apologizing for it.  ’ ‘  why do you keep trying to impress people who don’t matter?  ’ ‘  let go of the hate. let go of the anger. let go of the resentment. just let it go because it’s holding you back.  ’ ‘  you’re really cute and you make me really happy.  ’ ‘  show me your genuine care.  ’ ‘  why are you beating yourself up over things you can’t control? breathe.  ’ ‘  people annoy me too easily. i need to cut that shit out. i’m not cool enough to be trying to pull that.  ’ ‘  underestimate me and give me the ability to prove you wrong.  ’ ‘  you don’t have to have everything figured out.  ’ ‘  you’re not a bad person for being angry.  ’ ‘  forever is an adventure with you.  ’ ‘  you are not a failure. please believe that.  ’ ‘  you’re my favorite reason to stay awake.  ’
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thkraken · 6 years ago
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For once in your life, I need you to listen to me, okay?
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thkraken · 6 years ago
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int: “…on like the emotional side, i feel like klaus and diego kinda have the worst of all the kids throughout the show”
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thkraken · 6 years ago
Diego had a great time in Hawaii. He had an actual holiday with his family. Something he never had growing up and he would make sure Amelia had plenty of holidays that she would remember.
Coming home, they had found the perfect house for Miss Amelia to grow up in. He got a few days off to help move things but he soon had to go back to work and that's were he found himself most days.
He had just finished work when he got her message. He sent one back telling her to have fun and he went straight home. He had a shower before he began to unpack a few more things, that would probably get moved when Jenna got back home but at least he was trying.
Hawaii had been a week away to remember. Amelia’s first Time on the beach, the first time they had a family holiday together and the first few nights where she slept through the night without waking for any reason. Spending time away as a family only cemented Jenna’s feelings for Diego and the fact that she would have as many kids as he would give her. Coming back home, it was almost as if fate smiled on them, within days of returning, they had found a house that was perfect. A little out of the city and with a spacious estate that housed a big enough house for a growing family.
A month after finding it, they began moving in, packing her penthouse into boxes to be taken to the new house. As Jenna tried to pack away the kitchen, keep Amelia occupied and not pack the things they needed for the last few weeks, she began to feel a little under the weather, which was unusual for her.
Shooting Diego a quick message she said she was stopping packing and taking Amelia to the play cafe a few blocks away in case he got home and she wasn’t there.
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thkraken · 6 years ago
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Diego Hargreeves being unnecessarily extra™
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thkraken · 6 years ago
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(ง •̀_•́)ง
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thkraken · 6 years ago
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Diego + his scar
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thkraken · 6 years ago
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Grace + cheering up Diego
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