I can think of a lot worse things. Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine. 
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Worse then catching something that will cause you to throw up constantly, though I think that part of me is passed so I think you’re okay. Doors open. 
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Oh gosh, well I didn’t expect that kind of response but yeah... Though I would say I’m not the only one who has such here. Nice photo.
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thiswestonwrites liked your photo
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The boy with the pretty panties. 
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You’re always complimentary, I appreciate the approval.
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Anytime. Always a lovely sight. 
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militaryboundhunt liked your photo
At the risk of repeating myself, thank you.
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Even if I plagued you with whatever the fuck this is? Because if the answer is still yes, then it shows you’re a true friend. No need to apologize, you saw someone who’s in a relationship, it’s the first thought you go to. I’m glad you’re working on that though.
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Yeah, I mean worse things happen. I’ll be round once I have your food.
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You’re a friend, of course I’d come around whatever. Sorry though, worry is kinda my default. Being here is working on that though actually.
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It’ll be nice to have some more company, there is a couple that seem to be daring enough to come and see me despite my illness. You wouldn’t be, don’t worry I would have let you know if you were. But you’re good, Cameron, don’t worry.
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I think I could manage that for you. Well, that’s good to know. I wouldn’t wanna do something I shouldn’t.
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If I eat some of it, will you give me one of those smiles of yours? But yeah, I’ll try to get something into me, it’ll do me good. And me and Jude have an open relationship, other than kissing. You wouldn’t be crossing a line. 
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I won’t feel bad though I insist you try and eat some of it. Soup and bread isn’t that exciting but it will help you feel a little better. I’m glad you think so. I’d show you if it wasn’t crossing a line.
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Jude isn’t here at the moment, and I certainly don’t mind company if it comes with a face like yours. Don’t feel bad if I don’t eat it all, I’m just starting to get my appetite back. They suit you a lot. 
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Y’know, if you and Jude don’t mind, I could come bring you up some food from the kitchen if you like. And thank you, I like these ones myself.
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Better than what I was, not quite one hundred percent yet. But hey, that photo of yours certainly did something in making me feel that little bit energetic, even if it was just in the southern regions. 
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jamesashcroft liked your photo
Hey you, how are you feeling?
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Yeah, I’d guess. Really? Well you’ve been nothing but kind to me since I got here. It’s the one thing I’ve probably noticed the most about you.
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I must have been hit with the good genes stick, right? I’ll be sure to thank my parents for that. Never had someone say my kindness before though, that’s new.
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I’m glad you found so and I meant them all. You’re welcome Cameron and as I say, anytime. Alright.
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I’d say your looks but that’s pretty much a given. Your kindness too.
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Well... that’s flattering. Thank you for that James, I’ll make sure to remember that.
And what do you think it is people notice about me?
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Eyes, smile, blush. Number three. Good, because I don’t want you to think that you can’t come to me on the tougher days.
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Well I’m sure it isn’t the only thing people notice about you.
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Number three? And I know there are friends, don’t worry.
I’m glad you have, I like my charm to be noticed. 
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Because it’s adorable to see you blush, it can go in at number three of things I like about your face. It does make things easier, to have someone to just hold on the days that aren’t so good. And Jude.. he’s really good at making me feel better about myself. He knows how to take care of me. But you there are friends that can make this whole thing easier for you.
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I’ve noticed.
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And why would you want to do that? I’ll admit to being a little envious of what you two have and to kinda get you through this whole experience y’know?
What can I say, I can be very smooth when I want to be.
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You deserve compliments, so you’re going to get them and you’re not allowed to complain. And maybe all along it was my mission to get you red in the face, ever think about that? Yeah, I do have someone very wonderful and even though he’ll deny it, very sweet. I’m lucky to have him around even when he makes me sound like a fucking sap.
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Yeah, you enjoy cooking don’t you?
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You are welcome. I didn’t mind at all.
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That was pretty smooth James. 
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And with the compliments again. Seriously, I’m kinda red enough in the face as it is, not that I don’t appreciate your vote of confidence. It’s really nice to hear. Yeah, I mean, if you have to spend it here, at least you have someone wonderful to go to the trouble of making it special for you.
If it means you stop smiling, never. 
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It is, I wonder if it wasn’t for Jude I would have gotten away with turning a year older without anyone knowing. But, I guess he let the cat out of the bag and in the sweetest way possible. I wouldn’t say no to a poem from you, granted I’ve never been that big of a fan of them, but if it’s from you, I know it’ll be great. But if it’s just a happy birthday you’re giving me, then thank you, Cameron.
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