thisismimietrying · 8 months
What is a dwindling mercerial high?
The word “mercurial” refers to a swinging, unpredictable temperament that fluctuates and changes (there’s also a folklore-ian aspect to it with reference to hat making and inhaling mercury fumes that were poisonous). 
Mostly a “mercurial high” is described by Taylor as a dwindling one because while it’s nice, there’s also an anxious, anticipatory edge to it of “How long is this time going to last?” In this instance, the thrill of an “illicit affair” is not meant to last long and there is a sharp, inherent danger to them in that you know it must end at some point and likely end horribly because what affair doesn’t. 
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thisismimietrying · 10 months
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✨My name is Taylor and I was born in 1989 ✨
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thisismimietrying · 10 months
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✨My name is Taylor and I was born in 1989 ✨
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thisismimietrying · 1 year
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WELL. SO. I’ve been counting down for months and finally the ‘I Can See You’ video is out. I wrote this video treatment over a year ago and really wanted to play out symbolically how it’s felt for me to have the fans helping me reclaim my music. I had my heart set on Joey King, Taylor Lautner and Presley Cash starring in it. Joey and Presley had been in the video for ‘Mean’ when they were 9 and 13 and they are back and so ridiculously bad ass!! Taytay is INCREDIBLE in this (didn’t have a stunt double!) and shout out to Tay Lautner for being so awesome to hang with on set. The Tale of 3 Taylors 😆 I always wanted to direct fight scenes/a heist storyline and had the most incredible time plotting this out with my amazing DP Jonathan Sela. So proud of this one. 
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thisismimietrying · 1 year
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It’s here. It’s yours, it’s mine, it’s ours. It’s an album I wrote alone about the whims, fantasies, heartaches, dramas and tragedies I lived out as a young woman between 18 and 20. I remember making tracklist after tracklist, obsessing over the right way to tell the story. I had to be ruthless with my choices, and I left behind some songs I am still unfailingly proud of now. Therefore, you have 6 From The Vault tracks! I recorded this album when I was 32 (and still growing up, now) and the memories it brought back filled me with nostalgia and appreciation. For life, for you, for the fact that I get to reclaim my work. Thank you a million times, for the memories that break our fall. 💥🐉🏰  Speak Now (MY VERSION!) is out now. 
PC: Beth Garrabrant 
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thisismimietrying · 1 year
we really are on a journey. we are meant to feel lost because that is literally the point. we are going to uncover pieces of ourselves the longer that we are alive. trust the process and surrender! you will find your way!!
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thisismimietrying · 1 year
it is what it is. i dont want to hope. dont want to put any expectations. just let it flow.
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thisismimietrying · 1 year
u gotta step into the daylight, and let it go.
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thisismimietrying · 1 year
Crying (Taylor’s Version)
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thisismimietrying · 2 years
some people are part of the trip but not the destination.
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thisismimietrying · 2 years
Al-Latif: the one who saves you in the subtlest of ways, such that you don’t even realize you were in danger.
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thisismimietrying · 2 years
Kamu tahu apa yang paling membuatku menangis dan bersedih hati?
Saat aku berdoa tapi aku meragui Allah mendengar isi hati.
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thisismimietrying · 2 years
Our Brain.
Ini hari aku belajar satu benda pastu saje nak share dengan engkorang apa yang aku dapat. Hee
Pasal cara terbaik untuk improving our brain. Apa yang kau tahu tentang human brain?
Ok baca sini.
Otak manusia jika dibedah tidak akan rasa sakit langsung kerana ia tidak mempunyai receptor dan tidak bertulang tetapi mengandungi lemak semata yang banyak membantu sel-sel berhubung sewaktu berfikir, membaca dan bekerja keras. Average weight of the brain is 1.5 kg. It sends and receives messages through nerves and nourished by oxygen through blood supply. You can become a better thinker by learning how to use your brain to its maximum potential.
The best suggestion for improving our brain is :-
1) learn a new language. Umpamanya bila kita speaking english or arabic, perlunya switch off kan bahasa melayu yang biasa kita guna. Kalau tak, kita takkan mampu berbicara dengan baik sebab otak kita macam google translate lah jugak. Tak semua bahasa ia boleh translate dalam satu masa. Heh
2) become an amateur critic. Tapi tak bermakna awak seorang pengkritik. Awak boleh bagi pandangan yang bernas, solusi yang terbaik to others.
3) stop disrupting your focus. For instance, if you’re reading a book, please stop listening music or reading sambil watching television (boleh kalau nak tengok tv tapi off sound dia) becoz our brain can’t doing two benda in the same time.
4) learn to play a musical instrument. Such as piano, guitar becoz ia lebih banyak membantu otak bergerak. Kalau tak percaya, cer tengok orang barat mereka lebih suka hantar anak derang masuk kelas piano. Sebab apa?? Dengan belajar piano, kita akan menggerakan keseluruhan jari dan itu membantu merangsang our mind.
5) solve puzzles jugak salah satu cara lain merangsang minda.
6) avoid crowded areas. Duduk di tempat sunyi atau aman lebih banyak membantu kau berfikir dan menghasilkan idea yang baik.
7) write using a pen or pencil every now and then. especially time study, walau bukan untuk ingatan masa panjang tapi at least kita akan ingat apa yang kita tulis.
8) drink plenty of water. Ni penting.!
9) eat chocolate sikitpun takpe setiap hari.
10) eat turmeric.
11) eat yogurt. (Yogurt putih tau yang asli tu !)
Em em itu je kut.
ohh ya! Lagi satu benda aku nak tambah. Banyakkan baca al-quran sebab ia dapat menguatkan otak kita, tidak cepat lupa dan tidak mudah nyanyuk. Inshallah.
Ingat satu benda. Otak kita umpama CPU. Kita download video, files ,macam-macam lagi. Lama-lama ia akan berat. Naa samalah macam our brain. Tak semua maklumat kita boleh ingat. Kadang kita paksa otak untuk ingat semua benda. Kita lagi memberatkan otak kita seperti CPU tadi. Jadi cara untuk release tension , lepaskanlah sebahagiannya.
Kita marah orang, maafkan. Ada benda yang tak puashati, ada masalah kita luahkan. Kita yang jenis pelupa ni, tulislah kat mana-mana. Bukan semua benda kita boleh simpan dan ingat. Sometimes kena jugak tulis. Break down information into manageable chunks. Tulislah dalam diary ke notes ke mana-mana jelah yang senang untuk kita buat reminder.
p/s : aku suka lecturer tadi ajar. Laju gila dia cakap tapi tersusun and smooth je. Best! Cuma dia banyak soal orang muahahaha
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thisismimietrying · 2 years
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thisismimietrying · 2 years
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thisismimietrying · 2 years
Day again and day again; every morning the sun looks you in the eye and lays the burden of days upon your shoulders, lights the way you are to walk– and though you are tired and your feet singe on sun-scrubbed sand, you will trudge on. You will follow the breaks in the clouds until the sun loses herself to night, and you two will spend the night wondering: where do I rest? when is it dark? how far must I go until the horizon feels like home?
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thisismimietrying · 2 years
you drew stars around my scars and now i’m bleeding
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