thisisanindie · 4 years
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thisisanindie · 4 years
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thisisanindie · 4 years
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thisisanindie · 4 years
Do I need more characters? No. Do I have ideas for any more characters? No. Do I want a Ryan McCartan fc really badly? ...
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thisisanindie · 4 years
Okay ya’ll, I’m back so here we go
Muse pages- 1
Memes- 29
Drafts- 34 29
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thisisanindie · 4 years
“That’s not socially acceptable, though,” Zig argued, swatting Sasha’s hands away teasingly. “Hey, stop trying to steal my shirt,” he chuckled. “Get your own.”
“I don’t think anybody would complain when they saw your body,” Sasha countered with a small grin. The smile faded as he swatted his hands away. “Fine if you won’t lose yours, I’ll lose mine,” She teased, lifting her own shirt over her head and tossing it as his face.
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thisisanindie · 4 years
“Well you thought it was a possibility,” Dustin brought up. “Don’t wanna be too forward,” he said, “The dorky things kinda always worked for me in the past, don’t know if I’m really willing to just abandon it like that,” he joked. 
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Skylar looked Dustin over once more, trying to decide how she felt about this situation. “Hmm...” she hummed dramatically. “Wanna go get high?” She decided, figuring his answer would solve any debate for her.
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thisisanindie · 4 years
Sebastian Branstad
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Yes, Branstad. If you know Xander’s story, you know that a few years after being adopted, his adopted parents had a biological child which lead to Xander’s life changing dramatically.
This is that child.
Sebastian never understood why Xander always seemed sad or why his parents treated Xander so differently than they treated him. He definitely didn’t understand why Xander left one day and never came back.
He has been looking for his brother for most of his life now. When he turned 16, his parents figured out what he was doing and picked up and moved the family a few hours north. While he still tried to do his best to find him, his search was mostly put on hold until he turned 18. As soon as he left for college, he was back to his search for his brother. 
Afraid to just approach him, he is finding ways to meet and hopefully get close to people in Xander’s life. If they accept him, Xander has to, right?
Sebastian knew he was a male from a young age, but once he learned from internet stalking that Xander was gay, he was afraid to talk to his parents about it, afraid the reason that was the reason they treated Xander so differently.
It wasn’t until Sebastian met a trans co-worker of his father and had a conversation with the other that he had the conversation with his parents. To his surprise they were very accepting and did everything in their power to make his transition as easy as possible for him.
Sebastian is now in college, majoring in graphic design. He’s a bit of a flirt, but ultimately would do anything to be in a strong, healthy relationship.
That’s all I have for him right now, but I love him already.
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thisisanindie · 4 years
Okay ya’ll, I’m back so here we go
Muse pages- 1
Memes- 29
Drafts- 34
Lol jk replies are hard but I did my muse page so there’s that. I’ll post an intro post for him later
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thisisanindie · 4 years
Okay ya’ll, I’m back so here we go
Muse pages- 1
Memes- 29
Drafts- 34
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thisisanindie · 4 years
txt: ophelia ⇄ carter
Ophelia: he seems the type
Carter: he just texted me he's busy, you're getting me instead
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thisisanindie · 4 years
txt: ezra ⇄ toby
Ezra: why won't you love me the way i love you?
Ezra: if anyone is using anyone in this relationship you know it's not me
Ezra: i say that with affection
Toby: I love you in every way possible
Toby: I use you for cuddles that is all
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thisisanindie · 4 years
txt: joey ⇄ moony
Joey: joey hughes: taco dealer
Moony: sounds like a dream job
Moony: but thanks im never leaving my house again
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thisisanindie · 4 years
Well this didn't happen... maybe tomorrow
Don't hold me to it, but im going to try and do some replies today.
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thisisanindie · 4 years
Also i literally want to make new characters and Im a mess. Famous people need to stop having nice faces
Don't hold me to it, but im going to try and do some replies today.
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thisisanindie · 4 years
Don't hold me to it, but im going to try and do some replies today.
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thisisanindie · 4 years
I had to hop on a computer and fix a character page because I found the holy grail (not the greatest but 200+ gifs) of gif hunts and my child is back where she belongs
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