thisfangirl-divided · 4 years
K so I lied. I do have ONE art work that was supposed to be posted July 1st and I did it about a month ago. So Happy Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Month!
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About JA
I was 2 when I was diagnosed and am still dealing with it 14 years later. It was an obscure disease when I was diagnosed and most people still don't know it exists. So always remember, Kids Get Arthritis Too.
It is an auto immune disease so the problem is your own body attacking itself
It is only recently that it is being widely accepted and treated by doctors
It is not life threatening but it is definitly life changing
Kids of practically any age can have it
No one is 100% sure what causes it
Sometimes it feels like the medicines are worse than the disease
Most medicines are in shot form while some are infusions
You have to take a bunch of vitamins too because the medicine suppresses your immune system and you get sick easily
Kids often feel isolated which can lead to depression
There is no cure
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thisfangirl-divided · 4 years
Hey everyone! So you might have noticed (probably not lol) a severe lack of content. And there won't be any for a bit. I'm not making excuses, but this past week I lost a friend of mine and just haven't had the motivation to draw. I am planning to push myself into it a bit more in the next week but I won't have internet to post with. If you have an idea please share cause the art slump is real. I love all of you so stay safe! If you want some more clone wars especially Rexsoka here are a couple recommendations:
@lilrexsoka @luoiae @keysupersam @advcntura @saint-tries @cuteshinymew @eviescamander1204
And many more. I'm forgetful. Please feel free to add on.
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thisfangirl-divided · 4 years
Reblog if you're gay, lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, asexual, transgender or a supporter.
This should be reblogged by everyone. Even if you’re straight, you should be a supporter.
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thisfangirl-divided · 4 years
If you’re European, in a couple of weeks you will be denied any and all access to fandom contents on Tumblr and everywhere else on the internet. Here’s why.
On June, 20th the JURI of European Parliament approved of the articles 11 and 13 of the new Copyright Law. These articles are also known as the “Link Tax” and the “Censorship Machines” articles.
Articles 13 in particular forces every internet platform to filter all the contents we upload online, ending once and for all the fandom culture. Which means you won’t be able to upload any type of fandom works like fan arts, fan fictions, gif sets from your favourite films and series, edits, because it’s all copyrighted material. And you won’t also be able to share, enjoy or download other’s contents, because the use of links will be completely restricted.
But not everything’s lost yet. There’s another round of voting scheduled for the early days of July.
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What you can do now to save our internet, is to share these informations with all of your family members and friends, and to ask to your MEP (the members of the European Parliament from your country) to vote NO at the next round, to vote against articles 11 and 13.
Here you can find more news and all the details to contact your MEP:
Also, sign and share this petition:
We have just a couple of weeks to stop this complete madness, don’t let them dictating the way we enjoy our internet.
#SaveYourInternet now!
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thisfangirl-divided · 4 years
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My take on Anakin and Ahsoka from WritingOnTheWall's fanfiction "Skyguy" which is a WW2 AU. It is an amazing story and I fully recommend it.
Summary: Ever since he was a kid, Anakin Skywalker has always wanted to be a pilot. However, after the death of his mother and being left all alone with his adoptive sister Ahsoka, his hopes have been slapped away. Working as a mechanic at an auto shop in a small Nevada town, Anakin provides for himself and his sister. However, a series of events cause Anakin's dreams to resurge and return, this time forming into a purpose.
Deployed in the Pacific Theatre, Anakin will find himself taking part in the deadliest conflict in human history, and it is here where he will learn the true meaning of sacrifice, valor, and fortitude...if he can survive.
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thisfangirl-divided · 4 years
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thisfangirl-divided · 4 years
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Headcanon Time!
Order 66 doesn't happen cause why suffer when you can gave happy AUs
Ahsoka calls Anakin and they talk everything out during the Siege of Mandalore
Kix avoids being kidnapped clonenapped? and him and Anakin go to the Jedi Council
Palps is executed and Bail Organa is the new Chancellor (they wanted Padmé but she turned it down)
A ceasefire is called with the Sepratists and the clones are given rights with some being rehired as militia/secret service type jobs
Rex is hired as a drill instructor for the new army
The Jedi Order changes many of their stances after finding out how close they were to disaster
Jedi are allowed to marry, pushed mainly by Masters Kenobi and Plo
Ahsoka rejoins the order after the many policy changes and helps Anakin form a new force of Jedi tasked with freeing slaves throughout the galaxy
Rex and Ahsoka begin dating soon after the war ends and get married 5 years later
Ashla is born a year later and Dral 4 years after that
Ashla means "The Force" and Dral is mando'a for "Bright"
And yes, Dral's onesie was a gift from Rex's brothers mostly Cody
Sorry this is so long it's been in my head for awhile
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thisfangirl-divided · 4 years
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@cuteshinymew 's OC Jaig Tano
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thisfangirl-divided · 4 years
This is an appreciation post for the fanfic authors who aren’t included on rec lists
For the fanfic authors who don’t get art of their fics
For the fanfic authors who can’t get to 1000/500/100 hits
For the fanfic authors who don’t get comments/reviews
For the fanfic authors who write for small fandoms
For the fanfic authors who write rarepairs or gen fics
For the fanfic authors who get hate for the ships/characters/fandoms they write
For the fanfic authors who write in English despite it not being their first language
For the fanfic authors who don’t write in English
For the fanfic authors who don’t think anyone reads or likes their work
For the fanfic authors who aren’t big name fans
For the fanfic authors who don’t get requests in their inboxes
For the fanfic authors who can’t write stories that are more than a thousand words
For the fanfic authors who only write one ship
For the fanfic authors who are just starting
For the fanfic authors who have been writing fic for years
For the fanfic authors who use fanfic to practice writing
For the fanfic authors who write self-insert fics
For the fanfic authors who write about their OCs
For the fanfic authors who write to vent or cope
For the fanfic authors who are just waiting for their big break
Keep creating, I love you ❤️
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thisfangirl-divided · 4 years
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"Brothers in arms are brothers for life"
- 3x01 Clone Cadets
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thisfangirl-divided · 4 years
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thisfangirl-divided · 4 years
Art Requests
Hello everyone! I've been a bit busy lately but am jumping back in but first I wanted to put up a revised list of art request rules real quick
Nothing intending to be mean to anyone. This includes ship hate, racism, character bashing, actor bashing, or other stuff like that.
No smut please. As much as I love reading it, I can't draw it.
OCs are very much welcome. I'll have to talk to you one on one to get descriptions but I LOVE drawings OCs for other people.
It doesn't just have to be Star Wars or whatever my current obsession is, I have a LOT of fandoms.
I always love drawing for other people so don't be afraid to ask! Love all of you and stay safe
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thisfangirl-divided · 4 years
Here have an Auntie Soka...
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thisfangirl-divided · 4 years
I always like meeting new people
Reblog if
It’s 104% okay to come to your DM and just say, “Hi, can we be friends?” And then start asking you random questions.
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thisfangirl-divided · 4 years
Tag Game
Thanks!! Here goes nothing 😂
Instructions: Answer the questions and tag 10 followers you’d like to get to know better.
Name: Gabby but I also use a short hand of my tag Fangirl/ed
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Pices but I don't really use them
Height: 5' 8"
Sexuality: Straight
Favorite Book: I have to pick one?! Ok ummm... probably Harry Potter because I grew up with it
Current Time: 10:23 pm
Average Sleep: No joke either 4-6 hours or 12+ 😂
Dogs or Cats: Honestly dogs but I have both
# of Blankets I Sleep With: 2 but one is a weighted blanket
Dream Job: Director of Athletic Bands at a college is my number one dream
Favorite Animal: oh gosh soooo many! My favorites are Polar Bears, Penguins, and Koals though
Blog Established: March 2020 if I remember right
# of Followers: 18?! I'm honestly suprised 1 person deals with my randomness and crappy art.
Reason for URL: I created the name awhile ago after seeing those "This house... divided" tags on cars. Thought it was perfect since I have so many fandoms.
Something I'm Grateful For: A LOT. But I'm going to throw out the Rexsoka Groupchat I'm in. They are amazing people that have made quarantine that much better.
Tagging: @saint-tries @eviescamander1204 @cuteshinymew @lilrexsoka @keysupersam @advcntura @luoiae
These guys are incredible and I recommend their blogs to anyone. If you have already been tagged don't worry just know your awesome 💙
Tag Game~
Hi guys!! I was tagged in this by @rex-is-best a few days ago! I have been meaning to get to this and was recently tagged again by @ahsokathegray so here I go!! I won’t be tagging them but rest assured I love their blogs too! Check them out if you don’t already follow them.
Instructions: Answer the questions and tag 10 followers you’d like to get to know better.
Name: I try not to post my ~real~ name but if you’re really curious you can message me!! But for fandom purposes call me any variation of my user and I’ll get the hint 😂
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Virgo
Height: 5’3
Sexuality: Straight
Favorite Book: oh gosh it’s been a while since I’ve had the time to read an actual book (college you know) but probably The Outsiders?
Current time: 8:00 a.m.
Average sleep: uhhh honestly my sleep schedule is very irregular haha. Maybe 7-9 hours?
Dogs or Cats: Dogs. I’ve had them all my life!
# of blankets I sleep with: one! My comforter. I cannot stand sheets honestly lol.
Dream job: anything where I get to work with people!
Favorite Animal: ooo I absolutely lose it when it comes to sting rays! They’re so cool!
Blog established: recently actually! I believe it was in April 2020?
# of followers: currently 197! I still have a headcanon prompt I need to do from 100 followers so 😅 I’m trying to get it done before 200! But thank you all for following!
Reason for URL: I feel like it’s pretty obvious? But haha I liked that it was Captain Rex / soka. I thought it flowed pretty well :)
Something I’m grateful for: honestly, I’m really grateful for the clone wars community! You guys are so talented it amazes me!!
Tagging: uhhh I’ve seen this go around for a while now so if you have already done this no worries!! Just consider this tag as me saying hi and I like your blog! @lilrexsoka @cuteshinymew @the-feral-lady @sorrythisusernameisprobablytaken @luoiae @tatertotthotlife @thisfangirl-divided @ninjachick0117 @jaigcaptain @kopykunoichi
Check these guys out! They all are great blogs with amazing artwork/writing and content.
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thisfangirl-divided · 4 years
Hey I know your request stuff said to “keep it clean” so ignore this if you want to (though I’m gonna assume you meant a different thing with that) but could you draw Anakin eating live bugs while Rex and Ahsoka watch in horror? Bonus points if Ahsoka has to hug Rex for protection lol (also I’d love tired background obi-wan too but if that’s too much I understand)
Thank you for this idea and I am SO sorry it's this late!! I hope you like it! Although I really need to practice Anakin smh
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And for everyone, what I meant was that I want to keep this blog able to be viewed by anyone so no rated R or M.
💙Thank you for the request and much love 💙
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thisfangirl-divided · 4 years
This is incredible!
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my baby yoda/the asset acrylic painting i did a couple of months ago :>
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