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A/N: Merry belated Christmas from me! I know this is my second Christmas fic this time around but I finally got the courage to write about Wife’s awful parents.
Summary: Javier puts his foot down during Christmas with your toxic family.
Pairing: Javier Peña x f!reader/you (no y/n)
Tags: Toxic family dynamics, psychological abuse, childhood trauma, Christmas, conflict and confrontation, sobbing, declarations of love, hurt/comfort, body/fat shaming
Word count: 5.7k
Link to this work on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/61942318
You get a call from your parents’ home number a few weeks before Christmas. Your mother and father haven't actually bothered seeing you since your wedding day last year but Lucas is four months old now and there’s suddenly a strange interest from them in being grandparents to your firstborn. Somehow, they talk you into spending Christmas with them and reassure you that they’ll take care of everything as long as you bring their grandson. The whole idea causes a ball of anxiety to settle in your stomach, almost imitating getting hit right in the solar plexus with how much your breath struggles to even out as you tell Javier about it. Your husband agrees reluctantly but not without raising a concerned brow, asking you several times - and with days between each time - if you are absolutely sure.
He even asks you now as he parks the car in your parents’ driveway, looking at you with a serious expression, brows furrowed while you sit stiffly in the passenger seat. You glance towards the front door, trying to act casual as if you’re staring at a wild animal who might pounce if it notices your anxiety. It is an odd feeling you get, staring at your childhood home but feeling more as if it is the scene of a crime. This house is not a memory of warm and fuzzy feelings but rather a place of constant criticism and unjust pain.
Javier says your name softly beside you. On the backseat, Lucas hiccups.
“Do I look okay?” You quickly ask instead of acknowledging the tone of his voice, fixing your hair without changing anything.
“Yeah,” he answers and tries not to comment on your nerves, “You look beautiful, mi amor (my love).”
The call from two weeks ago had your shoulders tensing up before you even answered the phone but the way they had reasoned you into revisiting the place of your hardest years has made your shoulders not come down again.
You sigh gently and unbuckle your seatbelt, “Okay. I can do this for just an afternoon. Let’s get this over with.”
You climb out of the car, Javier following you after carefully unbuckling Lucas and cradling him in one arm while balancing the diaper bag on the other shoulder. You leave his car seat, knowing how much easier it would have been to transport your son inside in it but Lucas has been fussy all night. You really wish he hadn’t because you don’t want to go inside with only half the energy that a good night’s sleep could have provided.
As you ring the doorbell, you take a look at Javier one last time, “Please don’t interfere. I don’t want to make everyone uncomfortable.”
“Baby, are you sure that—“
“Oh, there you are!” Your mother exclaims when she opens the door with a syrupy smile, “We were starting to wonder if you’d gotten lost.”
“Sorry. Life with a baby and all,” you shake your head with an embarrassed chuckle and try to ignore the tension in your muscles, shrugging your coat off your shoulders to reveal your wine-red button-up and dark skirt.
“Honey, I thought you knew we always dress up a little during the Holidays,” your mother says while glancing at your outfit with veiled disdain, “Where’s that nice blue dress? With the ribbons?”
“This is all that fits me right now, that isn’t maternity clothes,” you answer apologetically at the first jab of many. Beside you, Javier takes a step closer to you without saying anything.
“Anyway! Where’s the little man?” Your mother chirps, already having moved on and looking to Lucas who has started stirring in Javier’s arms. When she gets closer, about to reach out to run a hand over his little head, Lucas immediately starts whimpering as if he is aware of the unpleasantries that his mother has had to endure at the mercy of this woman. He knows the culprits before they’ve even revealed themselves.
“Oh, he’s a little fussy, isn’t he?” She laughs it off and retreats much to your relief, letting Javier bounce your son to make him settle down again. When he quietens down again, you share a glance with your husband who signals that everything is okay. You take a deep breath and let him handle the situation.
“Where’s Dad?” You ask to turn your attention away from your crying child, smoothing out a nonexistent crease in your skirt.
“I think he’s just about to get the turkey out of the oven,” your mother says, wagging a finger in Lucas’ face with a little smile, “Why don’t you go say hi and I talk to my grandson for a moment? Oh, look at you, Lucas! You’re just perfect, aren’t you?”
You reluctantly leave the three of them to head for the kitchen. You can feel each family photograph staring back at you as you walk through the hallway to your destination; a picture of your five-year-old self on a bike but somehow no picture of your graduation ceremony as if it has been decided where things went wrong before you could acknowledge it yourself.��
“Hey Dad, smells so good in here,” the kitchen does indeed smell wonderfully as you walk through the door. Your father looks at you over his shoulder, giving you a little smile and you try not to think about how he didn’t bother to come out to greet you.
“Mom and I were wondering if you were ever coming,” he notes while plating pieces of turkey meat. In the hallway, you can hear Javier striking up polite conversation. He’s handling your mother with his usual calmness, and you feel grateful for his presence yet embarrassed that you aren’t strong enough to handle it yourself.
You shrug a little, Javier’s presence giving you the courage to try and mirror said calmness, “Newborns, you know.”
“He’s four months,” he corrects.
“Right, time flies,” you reply with your confidence fading fast, the words coming out in a way that doesn’t quite carry the quick wit that Javier usually loves about you. You touch your arm, standing awkwardly by the counter, “Still figuring it out as we go.”
Your father doesn’t turn around, “Parenting’s not rocket science, you know. Your mother and I managed just fine without all the made-up nonsense you young people talk about these days.”
You jump a little as your mother puts a hand on your shoulder and says your name to get your attention. You look back at her, “Can you set the table? I put the tablecloth ready on the silverware cabinet.”
“Sure, Mom,” you smile, already heading for the dining room to escape from your father’s subtle judgments. You find Javier has already gone, an irrational thought popping into your head of how he has bolted and left you to deal with your mom and dad by yourself.
You glance into the kitchen as you start placing the plates in each of their respective places, “Where’s Javier?”
“He went to get the presents from the car,” your mother replies from the kitchen. You hear her take out a serving bowl from a cabinet.
“Oh, I should go help him wi—“
“He’s your husband, sweetie. Let him handle it. There’s no need to emasculate him like that,” she is suddenly in the doorway, staring you down in a way that makes your hands shake. Her gaze drops to the table and her brows furrow, “You’re using the wrong plates!”
You look up with a racing heartbeat, “What?”
She sighs your name audibly, “These aren’t the Christmas plates. We don’t use regular plates for special occasions. Honestly, I thought you’d know better.”
The words sting and you set down the plates you have been holding in case the littlest twitch will make you drop it onto the floor, “Sorry, Mom.”
“Ah well, now you’ll never forget it,” she jokes without humor in her voice as she opens the door to the china cabinet, pulling out the plates adorned with what you recognize to be hand-painted holly. You shamefully realize you know them from childhood Christmases and that they are exactly where they’ve always been.
Automatically, you gather the wrong plates to make room for the right ones. It’s Christmas, you remind yourself as you do it. It is one day. You can survive one day.
“See? Isn’t this much better?” She says cheerfully when your mistake has been corrected and while you nod, Javier reenters the house.
He joins the two of you, carrying a large gift bag in one hand and holding Lucas on the other arm. You immediately go to take him, doing a careful transfer until you can lay his tiny body against your shoulder while supporting his bottom.
“¿Todo bien? (Everything okay?)” Javier asks quietly when you follow him into the living room where the tree stands. He sets down the bag and tries to act casual, laying out the gifts and waiting for your honest response in the meantime. Apparently, you haven’t been as successful in hiding the distress on your face as you thought you had.
You force a smile that doesn’t reach your eyes and Lucas starts whining again. You bounce him gently, “It’s nothing. Just… Christmas stuff.”
Javier glances toward the hallway to the kitchen where your parents’ voices can be heard faintly over the sounds of cooking. His jaw tightens slightly and his mouth becomes a thin line.
“Don’t,” you say as firmly as you can muster because you wish he would, “It’ll only make it worse.”
“Dame un beso (give me a kiss),” he says instead, and you shyly lean in to peck him on the lips. Afterward, he pulls back but only after stroking Lucas’ back, “You’re both doing great, okay? Don’t let them get in your head.”
You are interrupted by your mother’s voice ringing out from the dining room, telling you that dinner is ready. Javier kisses you one last time before reassuring you that everything will be okay and that he is in your corner. You try to smile, tense as you take a seat with Lucas still in your arms.
The Christmas meal begins with polite conversation, your father asking Javier about work and your mother telling you about neighbors that you haven’t spoken to in years. You mostly just speak when spoken to, having decided to focus on your baby as he keeps wriggling in your arms in discomfort. You try to rub his belly, try to make him settle by giving him your attention but still, his tiny face crumbles and he lets out a string of small complaints.
“Maybe we could open presents while he naps?” You suggest hesitantly when your mother has given you enough judgemental advice, “He’s been so fussy all night, and I don’t want him to get more overwhelmed than he—”
“Oh, for heaven’s sake,” your mother says your name with a sigh. You hear Javier’s chair scrape against the floor, almost as if he is about to get up and get ready for a physical altercation.
“Let’s do whatever is easiest for the baby,” your father interrupts, placing a hand on your mother’s wrist. Her annoyance shines through her eyes but she nods with a smile nonetheless.
“Of course,” you hear her grit out, “It’s just… We’d love to spend time with him. We’ve already missed so much, and Luke needs his grandparents.”
“We’ll see,” Javier answers for you.
The dinner continues in mostly silence with turkey being substituted by pie, cutlery clinking against plates, and glasses being lifted and set down again. There’s tension so thick that it can be cut with a knife, your mother glancing at Lucas with a smile before it disappears from her face when she shifts her gaze to your direction.
Mercilessly, she finally speaks, “So, honey, have you thought about when you’ll start losing the baby weight?”
“Mom!” You exclaim in shock, surprised that sound comes out when your throat feels like it is about to close up completely.
In the same manner as one would spit out a drink in shock, Javier’s fork scrapes unpleasantly against his plate, and suddenly, your mother’s name falls from his lips like the sound itself leaves him with a bad taste in his mouth. She looks startled by the interruption, almost like a deer in the headlights of a car, but it doesn’t faze your husband, “My wife looks beautiful and she has just given me - us - the greatest gift which is our son. Let’s not diminish that, shall we?”
You try to feel the weight of Lucas against your chest instead of how you don’t feel safe within this house, with its bruises on the walls and its ghosts of a youth spent walking on eggshells. Lucas’ body is warm, a reminder that this doesn’t matter. He matters.
“I’m focused on taking care of my son right now, Mom,” you reply coolly with your lips resting on the soft hairs on Lucas’ head.
“Right, of course. I didn’t mean anything by it,” your mother argues, clearly flustered, “You know how important it is to stay healthy for the baby.”
“Your mother just wants what’s best for you, honey,” your father intervenes, trying to steer the conversation onto friendlier and safer topics but she has already gotten up from her seat.
“Why don’t I clear the table so we can move into the living room and open presents?” She mumbles, putting on a show by letting her voice waver. She has begun stacking plates before anyone can even say anything, practically fleeing the room and leaving you all looking slightly sheepish. Javier hides the roll of his eyes exceptionally well and he smiles when you catch him.
“I’ll put Lucas down for a nap,” you announce to what is left of the party.
Javier gets up alongside you to help you. He walks upstairs right behind you, a calming presence with the diaper bag in hand as you head for the guest room.
When you close the door behind the three of you, the tension seeps out of your body at having a quiet moment with your boys. The lighting in the room is soft and calming, almost making you want to lie down to nap with your son.
“There we go,” you say as you gently place Lucas on the bed while Javier rummages through the bag for his pacifier. Lucas blinks up at you, his tiny fists balled and his chubby legs kicking excitedly. He lets out a happy gurgle.
“Oh, now you’re happy,” you tease softly and kneel by the bed to rub his tummy, “Picky with who we’re smiling at, are we?”
Javier joins you by the bed and offers Lucas his pacifier. Your son stretches his arms and reaches for his father, letting out a high-pitched giggle around the pacifier. However, as he suckles gently, accompanied by your soft touch that has now moved to his chubby cheeks too, his eyelids start to grow heavy.
When his breaths have slowed, you do whatever you can with the pillows to create a safe space for him to sleep. You create a barrier around him, ensuring as well as possible that he won’t roll over.
“You know, you’d think that they would have set up a crib for him if they’re so desperate to see him,” you murmur bitterly as you adjust the last pillow.
“You sure you want to go back down there?” Javier asks carefully.
“Can you grab the baby monitor?” You ignore his question at first but Javier is already handing you the monitor, ruining your attempt at not addressing the situation further. You sigh and get up from the floor, “I can get through it. If it’ll make them stop pestering me for a visit for a while.”
“I swear, one more word out of her mouth and I’ll open my own,” Javier says with anger simmering just beneath the surface. He drags you into his arms when you stand up again, hears your sigh of relief at being squeezed. It calms your nervous system so effectively that you slump.
“Believe me, I feel like I am going insane,” you whisper into his neck and shoulder, grabbing aimlessly at his strong frame and inhaling his scent. He returns the desperate touch by simply rubbing your back in slow circles.
“Yeah, I don’t know how you stay so calm,” he kisses your temple a few times.
“Trust me, humans can endure a lot when they know there’s a time limit,” you chuckle humorlessly and pull away, “Let’s just do the gift exchange and leave.”
Downstairs, your parents are waiting for you by the tree. The collection of presents is sparse this year due to the short notice but you find it relieving to know that the gift exchange will be over quickly.
Placing the baby monitor on the coffee table, you sit down on the sofa but don’t allow yourself to relax into it. Javier drops down beside you but leans back into his seat, his hand resting casually on your thigh to ground you.
“Let’s get to the gifts. It’ll be nice to end this day on a happy note,” your mother says overly cheerfully, pretending to have forgiven and forgotten all about the situation earlier. She reaches for the first gift under the tree while your father stands ready with a bag for the wrapping paper.
“That’s mine,” Javier tells her with a little smirk in your direction. He holds out his hand until she gives it to him, “To my beautiful wife. Merry Christmas, baby.”
“How thoughtful,” your mother mumbles and sits on the edge of her armchair.
“Javi, I thought we weren’t on gifts this year,” you scold playfully but there’s no seriousness to your voice. You finally smile and this time it is genuine, feeling his gaze on you while you impatiently rip the wrapping.
“I know what I said but I know you’ll love it. It’s more for Lucas anyway,” he informs you shyly.
Inside, you find two pairs of identical fuzzy and comfortable socks with a dinosaur print on them. However, one pair fits Lucas’ tiny feet and the other fits yours. Your whole demeanor changes with the sight of your gift, your face lighting up with a bright smile, “These are so cute!”
“For your cold feet. Thought you could use something cozy while you take care of Luke at home,” he moves his hand to rest just above the small of your back, his palm smoothing over you on top of the fabric of your blouse.
Your parents sit idly by. They stare at the gift with confusion and arrogance, clearly holding their tongue over how ridiculous they find it. Your mother picks at her fingers, “Interesting.”
“Interesting? Aren’t they adorable?” You hold the matching socks up happily, not sure what to expect but not even your mother’s judgmental expression can bring you down right now. To really rub it in, you kiss Javier’s mouth gently in front of them, “Gracias, esposo (Thank you, husband).”
But the happiness is short-lived as your father goes to get the next present from the small pile. He searches for a moment amongst the few there are, deliberately seeking out the present that you have brought them, most likely to be able to leave the room soon due to the obvious tension. He has never been one to intervene.
“You shouldn’t have,” your mother tuts with a small smile as she carefully unwraps it in her lap, her fingers doing everything they can to not tear the paper so she can reuse it.
When the framed picture of Lucas is revealed - a photo taken during an afternoon when he was particularly happy and smiling - her smile develops into a slightly wider one even if it looks against her will. She studies the picture with your father looking over her shoulder.
“We thought you’d like something to remember him by,” you encourage her to say something.
Your mother places the photo on the coffee table, her hands smoothing out the wrapping paper while she talks, ��It’s lovely, sweetie. Though I’m sure we’d have more memories if we got to see him more often.”
You tense up beside Javier. Out of the corner of your eye, you see him do the same but he squeezes your hip to tell you that he is right there. Anxiously, you curl your fingers into your skirt but your mother isn’t finished.
“I just don’t understand why you’ve been so distant,” she continues, cold in her tone. “You hardly call, which would be fine but you visit even less than that, and now you’re letting Lucas sleep through his first Christmas. It’s not like you’ve gone back to work, so what is it?”
“Mom, please,” you say quietly but it doesn’t veil the wavering of your words, “I’m doing the best I can.”
“Are you?” She challenges, “Lucas has been fussing all night, hasn’t he? Maybe he’s picking up on your stress.”
You hear Javier say your mother’s name as he had during dinner, low and with warning. At the same moment, the baby monitor crackles with the sound of Lucas’ tiny complaints. The sound pulls you from your seat, your instincts to go to him overriding your desire to defend yourself from further abuse. However, your mother’s voice rings out behind you just as you take your first step.
She rolls her eyes, “Oh, just let him cry a little. You’ll make him clingy if you keep running to him every time he whimpers.”
You stop in your tracks, finally turning around to look her in the eye with your own eyes narrowed. You can see Javier watching you closely while you talk, “Mom, if he cries, he needs me.”
According to you, she has already gone too far but it seems that she cannot stop once she has started, “You know, you really should stop babying him so much. He needs to learn to self-soothe.”
Tears of frustration start to build in your chest and you can feel the muscles of your throat start to tighten as they rise to your eyes, “Jesus Christ, Mom, I’m not going to stop babying my baby.”
Her final blow comes out with a deliberate intention to hurt you, “There you go overthinking again and snapping at your mother. He is whimpering. Honestly, sometimes I wonder how Javier puts up with it. You can be such a bitch when you’re stressed.”
The room falls dead silent and the first tear escapes your eye at the cruel nickname… then a second and then a third until you start to cry silently and hopelessly. You suddenly feel like a teenager again, suffering from forced proximity. Your father opens his mouth but nothing comes out, seemingly not able to figure out how to defend his wife for once. It is the final straw for Javier.
“What did you just say?” He firmly cuts through the silence. He has gotten up from his seat and has stepped in front of you to shield you protectively from your mother’s line of sight. His nostrils flare with anger that might explode into rage at any moment but he keeps his voice steady, “You better not have said what I think you did or I am wondering why you haven’t apologized already.”
Your mother’s eyes widen at the idea of consequences. She splutters, caught off guard, “Apologize? Javier, don’t be ridiculous! I’m her mother—“
Javier laughs dangerously and condescendingly and looks away with a roll of his eyes. He shakes his head, not afraid to let the room know that he thinks she sounds pathetic without even calling her out on it. He crosses his arms over his chest, “You got a hell of a way of showing motherly love then; all you have done is tear her down today.”
“Javier,” your father tries to interject, “Let’s not make this into a scene.”
“No,” Javier turns to him, his jaw muscles flexing slightly underneath his skin with how much anger is flowing through him. The simple word makes your father sit up straighter than before - a testament to Javier’s days in Colombia - but Javier is not done, “You don’t get to lecture me about making a scene. Not after sitting there and letting this happen. She is your daughter.”
When your father has shut his mouth, looking uncomfortable by his defeat while he leans back into his seat with no intention to follow up on his words, Javier’s fury settles on your mother once more, “What’s your goal here, exactly?”
You’re aware that it isn’t just a simple few tears falling from your eyes anymore but rather a silent stream that has your face puffy and sensitive. It is accompanied by grief over your younger self not having had someone like Javier in her corner. You sniffle audibly, feeling as if you have been punched in the gut with how much it hurts and humiliates you to sit idly by. Your mother catches a glimpse of you behind your husband but it doesn’t seem to have any effect whatsoever.
“There’s no secret agenda here, for God’s sake. I didn’t mean anything by it,” she sneers, trying to keep her demeanor straight despite the humiliation of getting called out being evident on her face.
“Yes, you did,” Javier argues immediately and fiercely, pointing his index finger at her in an accusing manner, “You knew exactly what you were saying. You wanted her to hurt. Well congratulations, you’ve succeeded. Unfortunately, your daughter is a lot nicer than me and handled your words with a lot more grace than you deserve. I will not be doing the same thing.”
Your mother’s composure falters. She says your father’s name helplessly but he looks at her with tired eyes, full of quiet disappointment. Even if he is absent and passive like always, his refusal to intervene further is a sign that he would never go as far as his wife has just done. He shakes his head in disapproval, “Why’d you do it? We were having such a nice time too.”
She gapes at your father while his gaze drops to his lap, shrinking herself slightly at the realization that she is outnumbered and has to face your husband alone. Javier takes a step closer, radiating authority when she tries to avoid further confrontation, distaste so clear on his face for how he has lost her attention for a moment. When you let out a quiet sob, too paralyzed in your spot on the couch to go to your whimpering child, his face hardens further and he continues, “Listen to me.”
Your mother looks up reluctantly. She appears to be on the brink of an attempt to turn his words against him and argue right back once more, but Javier cuts her off before she can even start.
“You don’t talk to her like that again. Ever. And you most certainly do not question her ability to be a mother. She is a perfect mother and God knows, she hasn’t gotten it from you. Lucas is a happy, healthy, and thriving baby because of her,” he takes a breath, and for a second, it seems like he might be done but then, “You hurt my girl, you understand that? And if you ever speak to her like that again - actually if you even speak about her like that again - I will personally make sure you don’t get to have Lucas in your life.”
“Are you threatening us?” Her composure slips even more.
“No, ma’am, I am instructing you,” he replies coldly, “If you can’t respect his mother, we’re done here.”
Javier turns to you now, his face softening immediately at the sight of you sitting teary-eyed on the couch with your hands clutching the baby monitor. He says your name so softly, a sound that has always felt like an unfamiliar and unwelcome sound within this house, and gently pulls the piece of technology out of your hands.
“Listen to me, baby. Go wait in the car. I’ll get Lucas and his things,” he instructs you, placing the baby monitor on the coffee table behind him without looking away from you. He helps you to stand when you find yourself nodding.
When you’re up from your seat, he puts a hand on the small of your back to guide you towards the door. He doesn’t say anything, doesn’t let you linger in the room.
“You don’t have to leave,” your mother protests with obvious surprise that you and Javier are carrying out the promise of consequences. She begins pushing herself to stand.
“Sit down, I will not let you disturb any of the peace she has left,” he commands harshly when she tries to take a step toward you.
Your mother falters, stunned by his audacity, and sinks back into her seat.
The moment you’re out of the front door, your legs start shaking so badly beneath you that you aren’t sure if you’ll even make it to the car. The walk feels endless, like climbing a mountain, the neighborhood surrounding your childhood home quiet because everyone is inside with the happy family that you never got to have growing up.
Until now. You have it now. However, you have left them to fend for themselves on the battlefield to slide into the front seat of the car. You rub your chest as it feels tight but it soothes nothing and suddenly, the tears come harder than they had in the living room. You rest your head against the glass window, screwing your eyes shut and feeling drips of hot tears on your cheeks.
Memories come flooding and you have no power to stop them, pictures of many nights spent in solitude in your room because it was the only illusion of sanctuary in the house before you. The sound of your mother’s scoffs, her unbearable ability to make you feel small, inadequate, and unwanted. Her year-long cruelty feels like a knife in your chest but your father’s silent complicity twists its blade too, makes you think that you were never worthy of defending.
Yet Javier had done it so effortlessly, had done what you’d wished someone would have done for you in your entire life, and he had done it without any hesitation. You are shattered by another night believing the worst about yourself, yes, but you realize that a part of your sobs comes from relief too. Suddenly, it all feels silly and you don’t know why you have always stopped Javier from speaking up for you since you met because his words - she is a perfect mother - have taken the power out of your mother’s incredibly fast.
You hear the front door open and a shaky sob leaves you at seeing the two of your boys approach the car. Javier has the diaper bag over his shoulder whilst cradling Lucas against his chest, his face serious. He moves in long strides to get to you fast, not saying anything as he buckles Lucas’ sleeping form into his car seat before climbing into his own seat in the front.
You sit up again, eyes still brimming with tears that streak your face. You feel overwhelmed like you have run a marathon or fought a bear or a monster.
Javier puts on his seatbelt but doesn’t put the key in the ignition yet. He looks out of the windshield for a moment, breathes a sigh of relief. The car is quiet except for Lucas’ soft breaths as he sleeps.
Right until Javier says your name when you don’t automatically turn your head to look at him, ashamed of how the day has progressed. It is Christmas, after all, and Lucas’ first one ever too.
“Mírame (Look at me),” he says in a gentle murmur.
You shake your head, unable to answer with how tightly wound you are. You feel his hand under your chin, carefully pulling you by your chin until your eyes meet his. His outline is blurry from all the tears but his voice cuts through the fog in gentle firmness.
“I love you so much, and I love our son, okay?” He says it like it is a promise, “They aren't ever gonna to talk to you like that again because I won't allow them to. Do you understand me?”
You silently look at him through your tears, nodding weakly. He reaches to brush your tears away with a knuckle.
“Everything’s gonna be okay because you don’t have to see them if you don’t want to. You just have to let me take care of you,” he continues and cups your cheek instead, “And right now, I say you’re done with them for tonight. Actually, for as long as you fucking want.”
“I want… I don’t…” You say at first but then, “I’m sorry.”
Javier furrows his brows, “Why are you sorry?”
“Because that’s my mom,” you try to speak around a fresh sob, “And you married me and I trapped you with my fucked up family.”
“Hey, heyheyhey,” he shakes his head, moving his other hand to cup your whole face now. He leans over the console of the car and rests his forehead against yours. When you simply cry harder, he pulls you into a hug, “You didn’t trap me, okay? You didn’t. I’m here because you make me happy. You make me so happy, baby, and Hell knows, I needed a bit of taking care of when you met me. Let me return the favor.”
His body is warm, soothing, and grounding. His embrace squeezes you hard enough to make you calm down, giving you a moment of quiet peace in your mind as you begin to take in his words. You feel the same. You want to say it but you’re afraid that you’ll never stop crying tonight, so instead you find the courage to say those words that you should have told yourself years ago, “I don’t think I want to go back.”
“What do you want to do then?” Javier pulls back to look at you. He moves back into his own seat again and starts the car to give you time to think clearly about his question.
“Can we go to your dad’s?” You ask hesitantly.
Javier’s brows rise slightly but he doesn’t argue, just nods as he puts the car in reverse. Before reversing out of the driveway, he pulls you in to kiss your forehead softly.
“Claro, mi amor (Sure, my love),” he says simply, “He’d love to see us.”
If you would like to follow my writing then go follow @notjustjavierpena-fics and turn on notifications 💖❤️
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It's Never Too Late Masterlist
Summary: You are an elementary school teacher who just moved to Texas for a fresh start when you meet a very handsome man from the Laredo Sheriff's Department coming to give your class a presentation.
After your co-workers pull some strings for you to meet again, you and Javier Peña find yourselves falling head over heels for each other.
Story takes place post Narcos Season 3 in Laredo, Texas, starting May 1997.
Paring: Javier Peña x OFC (Reader is an elementary school teacher whose nickname is Osita, no use of y/n)
Warnings: SMUT (18+ chapters containing marked with * and each chapter will also have its own warnings), language, fluff, romantic comedy, reader has physical descriptions, Javi being so soft and getting all the love and affection he deserves, you two being the biggest weirdos so in love
Status: Ongoing
Let me know if you want to be added to a tag list for new chapters as they come out! :)
Main Story:
Chapter 1: I D.A.R.E. You
Chapter 2: What's Cookin', Good Lookin'?
Chapter 3: I Wanna Be With You Everywhere*
Chapter 4: Add You To My List*
Chapter 5: You're The One That I Want*
Chapter 6: Dinosaurs, Dates and Diners, Oh My!*
Chapter 7: School's Out for Summer*
Chapter 8: My Favorite Cowboy*
Chapter 8.5: 007- Peña, Agent Peña*
Chapter 9: I Promise*
Chapter 10: Happy Birthday, Javi*
Pt. 1*
Pt. 2*
Chapter 11: Abe Froman, Sausage King of Chicago *
Chapter 12: I Love You. I Know. *
Chapter 13: There's No Place Like Home*
Chapter 14: Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas*
Chapter 15: She Shoots, She Scores*
Chapter 16: The Lone Star State*
Chapter 17: No Ifs, Ands, Or Butts*
Chapter 18: Hole in None*
Chapter 19: Good Luck, and Goodnight*
Chapter 20: I Do
Pt. 1*
Pt. 2*
Chapter 21: Paradise* (New 11/7!)
Spin-Off Series:
Forever and Always*: Slices of life following the Peña family after their first child
One Shots (In chronological order of the main storyline):
Movie Night*
Dirty Laundry*
You're My Home*
Not Yet*
Happy Valentine's Day, Javier Peña*
The Mouse and the Motorcycle
You Make Life Worth It
Take Me Home
Plaid Pajama Morning
Agent Peña*
Every Inch*
Soup for Breakfast
Whatever My Wife Wants*
Oh, Baby
Peanut Butter and Pickles
Sail Away
You Make Lovin' Fun*
Everybody Knows That I'm a Good Girl, Officer*
Javi and Osita before work
Javi's DEA Jacket
Javi's Tac Vest
Javi and Osita when they argue
Javi being distractingly cute
Javi when he's sick
Javi helping with Osita's pregnancy cravings
Osita when she's pregnant
Osita after a bad day at work
Javi coming home after work to his kids
Javi and Osita deciding how many kids they want
Javi and his daughters at the Eras Tour
NSFW Alphabet- Javi and Osita*
1K Followers Celebration Asks and Answers
Never Too Late Playlist
Mood board
Timeline of NTL
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'the way we were' masterlist
18+, minors please do not interact, warnings/tags included for each chapter
Paring: Joel x F!Reader, pre-outbreak and post outbreak (no Y/N)
AU (I kept was the outbreak and common characters. Joel's backstory is different, and the way he finds Jackson is different. No Ellie... yet.)
Fic Summary: You worked for Joel and Tommy a few months before the outbreak. When the outbreak happens, you and Joel get stuck traveling the country and keeping each other safe. Neither of you spoke about the feelings you had for one another pre-outbreak, and in a post-apocalyptic world, it seems like survival should be your only focus. But feelings can't be ignored forever.
Fic tags: Explicit Smut (18+ MDNI), Smut, unprotected sex, creampie, oral sex (m and f), fingering, masturbation (m and f), Language, Themes of death/depression that can be graphic at times, Canon-Typical Violence, Alcohol Use, Age Difference (Reader is 10 years younger than Joel), slow burn, mutual pining, angst, trauma, SA referencing later but I will put a big warning on those chapters
Status: complete
Look What We've Become - sequel
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Eighteen - Extra Scene
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
I think most of these could be read stand alone, I tried to add a brief backstory to these if it was necessary
Chronological Order:
Moving Day
The Contractor
All Yours
Three Days (part one)
Recovery (part two)
credit to @cafekitsune for the dividers
#joel miller fanfiction#joel miller x reader#joel miller x you#joel miller fic#joel miller x f!reader
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Surprise! (3)
Drew Starkey x fem!singer!reader
Summary: reader and Drew celebrate the release of the ‘Perfume’ music video!
Warnings: fluff, smut, oral (f receiving), praise, swearing, male masturbation, dirty talk, missionary position, sex on couch, daddy kink, protective piv sex, boob worship (?), drinking wine, fangirling
Part one, part two, part four
taglist is full :(

Two weeks had went by.
Two long, busy weeks of you not hearing much from Drew, other than the promotions and photo stills you would send him.
It was finally the release day, and within 18 hours, the video had already reached 200 million views.
You were currently sitting on your light grey couch, flicking through Netflix movies when your phone buzzed with a notification.
Drew Starkey: Hey, congrats on the success of the video. I’m still very honored you wanted me to he apart of it. You still down to celebrate?
In all honesty you were expecting Drew to stop talking to you after the shoot.
But within those two weeks, you were both extremely busy, so reaching out was hard.
That didn’t mean you two didn’t text at all, it was just two or three messages a day.
Drew was notorious for being a bad texter, not to mention how filled up his schedule was.
So you never took it to heart. Or, at least tried.
But seeing the notification that he actually still wanted to hang out, wanted to celebrate with you…
Your User: hi, thank you so much! i’m still so happy and grateful you said yes <33
Your User: and yes i’m still down to celebrate!! when are you free?
Maybe the double texting was too much, but you were already a glass of wine in, and texting your celebrity crush.
To your surprise, he replied pretty quickly.
Drew Starkey: I’m actually free rn surprisingly, are you?
You were in fact free, but ready was the better question.
No, you were not ready to see Drew fucking Starkey, especially looking like how you were currently dressed.
Only wearing sweatpants, a shirt that is three sizes too big, fuzzy socks, and no bra was not exactly presentable to meet the love of your life.
Your User: yes, but i look absolutely horrible rn
Again, another quick response.
Drew Starkey: I doubt that. Can I come see you?
You typed out a message.
That was what you really wanted to reply with, but instead went for something more nonchalant.
Your User: yeah, you want my address?
It was never good to share your address to anyone online, especially after only meeting in person twice.
But it was Drew Starkey. You would send anything to that man, no questions asked.
Drew Starkey: Yes please
You had spent the last 30 minutes frantically cleaning your apartment. Not that it was a complete mess, but you did want it to be cleaner than what it was.
A soft knock on your door was heard, heart pounding in your chest, hands shaking with nervousness.
Peeking through the peephole, seeing his familiar face was enough to make you almost back out.
Why did you have to be so fucking nervous? He was just a man.
Your fingers unlocked the door, opening it gently.
“Hey, Y/n.” Drew smiled warmly at you, holding a bouquet of flowers.
“Hi… come on in.” You grinned back, trying to hide the feeling in your chest.
Drew’s long legs guide him inside the apartment and he takes a second to look around.
It was cozy, and definitely you.
“I got these f’you.” He hums, holding out the flowers.
“Oh, these are my favorite flowers, Drew… you didn’t have to do that.” You awed, taking the bouquet as he practically handed it to you.
He knew they were your favorite flowers. He might have looked up y/n l/n’s favorite flower onto Google. Not that he would ever admit that, though.
“Really? Damn, lucky pick, I guess.” He chuckled, scratching the side of his neck a little sheepishly.
Putting the flowers in a vase, you realized that he was wearing sweats and a hoodie. It was 10:23pm on a Friday, and clearly you two were appreciating a night off.
It made you feel better about your outfit.
“Do you want anything to eat or drink? I have white or red wine, beer, vodka, soda, water…” You trailed off your options.
“What’re you drinking?” He hummed.
You nodded over to the coffee table, an open bottle of wine with a half filled glass on it.
“I’ll just have some of that, then.” Drew murmurs.
You grabbed another wine glass and walked over to the couch, hearing his feet behind you.
Sitting down on the couch, you got all comfortable underneath the blanket again, then reached over to pour him a glass of wine.
“Cheers, to the success of ‘Perfume’, and to you.” Drew says softly, holding his glass out for you to clink.
Feeling your face grow a bit warm, you tapped your glass with his.
“Cheers to you being amazing.” You took a sip of the wine, your eyes locked onto his blue ones.
“You have a nice apartment, by the way. Forgot to say that.” He hums.
“Thank you, I wanted to make it as cozy as possible for those rare times I am at home.” You explain.
"Yeah, I get that. Life nowadays is just so hectic." He agrees, blue eyes trailing over your face, as if committing each feature to memory.
"Well, yeah. You're all big and famous now," you tease.
He chuckles sheepishly, his large hand running along the back of his head.
"You have any big plans coming up?" He asked you.
"Yeah, actually. I'm supposed to be preforming at the iHeartRadio Jingle Ball festival in a week," you nod.
"Really? Damn. That beats me, then." He joked.
"What do you have coming up?" You questioned.
"Variety is going to have Harris Dickinson and I do that Actors on Actors interview thing."
"Yeah? That sounds fun," you hummed.
The two of you spent an hour and a half talking about life, success, and just got to know each other.
You both finished the bottle of wine and were now onto your second bottle, the two of you tipsy as you giggled on the couch.
Your body felt warm and you weren't completely sure if it was from the alcohol or the fact that a beautiful man was sitting a foot away from you on your own couch.
Drew felt the same, and one specific joke you made had him laughing a little too hard. His eyes creased in the corner as he smiled, those pretty dimples on display.
But when his large hand went to rest on your knee, the wine in your system completely fought off your anxiety, making you more relaxed.
You found yourself leaning into his touch, your hand resting atop of his.
"Your laugh is so cute, Drew," you murmured.
"Yeah? You're cute," he responded.
You bit your lip, eyes locked onto his. "Is that the alcohol talking or you?"
He grinned, shaking his head.
"That's me talking."
"You're sweet..." you trailed off, trying to ignore how butterflies filled your belly.
He just hummed, a comfortable, tension-filled silence falling between you two.
"So, you really had a crush on me for four years?" He teased, squeezing your knee a little.
"Oh, god. We're back at this now, huh?" You grumbled in embarrassment, although there was no real malice behind your tone.
He smirked, licking his lips. "We never left it."
"I certainly did."
"Yeah? You don't have a crush on me anymore?" He murmured, the playful tone in his voice making your stomach turn more.
"I didn't say that...." you trailed off, picking at the extra skin near your nails.
His eyes trail over your form again, taking in every inch of you he can see that's not hidden by the blanket on your lap.
"Hm? Sorry, I didn't hear you."
You rolled your eyes, face hot. "I'm sure you didn't."
He laughed, scooting a little closer to you so your legs were touching.
"'m just fucking with you," he said softly.
"I know..." you glanced over at him, eyes instinctively falling down to his pretty lips.
It had been too long since you felt them on you.
Maybe it was the wine, maybe it was the boost of confidence Drew had gotten, but he slowly leaned in, his free hand going to run his index finger and thumb on your chin.
"Is this okay?" He asked quietly.
"Yeah... yes..." you breathed out shakily, heart racing.
He hummed, gently connecting your lips to his own.
Feeling that familiar, addictive spark when his skin touched yours. You immediately kissed back, your left hand going to cup his jaw.
Kissing. You were kissing Drew fucking Starkey. And it wasn't for work, wasn't for cameras. He kissed you first.
Within moments, he was laying you back on the light grey couch, the fluffy blanket being left abandoned on the floor.
His tongue was in your mouth, sculpted body hovering over yours. Your thighs were spread for him to nestle in between, left hand still cupping his strong jaw, right hand in that soft brown hair.
On instinct you pulled a little on the strands, making him grunt into your mouth. He disconnected your lips, trailing sloppy, needy kisses down your jaw and neck.
Chests pressed together, it was as if you two couldn't get any closer.
"Mhmm... Drew..." you whimpered softly when he nipped at the skin of your pulse point.
"Yeah? That feel nice, sweet girl?" He murmured, voice muffled from his attention on your neck.
You nodded, legs squeezing him in between your body.
"Can I take your shirt off, baby?" He asked, not wanting to do anything you weren't desiring.
"Please.." you breathed out, heart racing, stomach flipping.
His large hand slipped the oversized fabric off and over your head, a small whine leaving him when he saw your pretty tits.
"Fuck, Y/n... you been hiding these from me?" He mumbled teasingly, continuing his line of kisses and nibbles down your collarbone, in between the valley of your breasts.
"All you needed to do was ask," you panted. Your back instinctively arched up, your chest needing some attention from his warm mouth.
He groaned at your answer, moving slightly down your body until he was eye level with your hard nipples. He swirled his tongue around the bud, blue eyes locked on your face when he sucked your nipple into his mouth.
Your body jolted a little, making him hold your side with his left hand, his right hand massaging the other stiffened bud.
He switched sides after a few moments, relishing in the sounds of your pretty moans and pants.
But something else was throbbing and aching, desperately needing his attention.
"Drew," you whined.
"Hmm?" He hummed, still worshipping your boobs.
"Need you."
"Yeah?" He cooed, reluctantly disconnecting his mouth from your right nipple as he continued to kiss down your stomach.
You nod, breathing short and needy. He got to the waistband of your sweatpants, looking back up at you.
"You can take those off too." You gave permission, already knowing what the man was going to ask.
He wasted no time in slipping the fabric down your legs, readjusting so his face was in between your spread thighs.
"Look how you ruined these panties, pretty girl... you're so needy f'me, huh?" He murmured softly.
All you could do was whine when he pressed a tender kiss to your clothed clit, the fabric absolutely soaked. It had been way too long since you'd had sex.
His large hand slid the fabric down your thighs, leaving you completely bare for him.
"So beautiful, baby. So beautiful..." he muttered, talking more to himself than you.
Your legs twitched when he flicked his tongue against your clit, hands digging in his hair.
"I know, baby. Let daddy eat this pretty pussy, yeah? Just sit back and relax."
A needy whimper left your mouth, but you didn't respond. Not that you could, as he licked a stripe from your pulsating hole to the top of your clit.
He hoisted your thighs over his broad shoulders, moaning a little at your taste. His movements became more eager, beginning to lap at your cunt like a starved man.
Right hand in his hair, left hand gripping the couch. Your eyes rolled back, hips bucking up towards his face.
He made a grunt directly into your clit, another jolt of pleasure going into your body.
"Daddy... fuck..."
His piercing blue eyes were feeding off of your facial expressions, his cock throbbing in his own sweats.
He slipped two fingers into your cunt, focusing his mouth on your clit. His left hand slid down his own pants, beginning to palm his cock through his boxers.
"Yeah? Is daddy making you feel good, sweet girl?" He coos, whining a little as his own hips buck on the couch, desperate for more friction.
His noise and hips bucking made your cunt clench around his fingers, as if trying to pull him in deeper.
The knot in your stomach was already forming, almost embarrassing how quickly he turned you into a mess.
Legs trembling over his shoulders, hips rocking against his face and chin. You couldn't even announce you were coming, mind fuzzy from the pleasure.
He hummed when he noticed you releasing, continuing to lap up all your juices as he came in his pants.
When your body calmed down, he pulled away from your pussy and kneeled in between your legs.
He peeled his own hoodie off, revealing that perfect, toned body of his again. Your eyes drank in the sight, licking your lips.
“You’re so hot, Drew…” you murmured.
His ears were ringing, need coursing through his veins as he slipped off his sweats and boxers.
You had to physically hold back a gasp when you saw his cock for the first time.
People had always written it differently in all those guilty pleasure Rafe Cameron fanfics you would read when you couldn’t sleep.
But seeing it in person was just a whole new experience.
It was long and thick, which was to be expected. The man radiated big dick energy.
Pretty mushroom tip that was still leaking, his pubic hair slightly fuzzy as if he hadn’t shaved it in a week.
“Holy shit…”
“Mhm? Better than you imagined?” He asked teasingly, a smirk on his face as he grabbed a condom from his wallet.
You couldn’t help but playfully roll your eyes, a small snicker leaving you.
He rolled the condom onto his shaft, moving to hover over you again.
“Are you sure you want this, Y/n?” He asked softly, eyes gazing intently into yours.
“Yes… please fuck me, daddy.”
He let out a small groan, nestling himself in between your thighs. He used a long, strong arm to grab a couch pillow and tuck it under your hips.
You watched as he teasingly slid his head up and down your slit, tapping it against your throbbing bundle of nerves.
“Don’t tease me, please,” you beg.
Your pretty begging weakened his resolve as he slowly slid into you.
Whimpers and noises of pleasure left the both of you at the feeling, a course of energy being shared within your two bodies.
He kept pushing until he was all the way inside, giving you a moment to adjust as he captured your lips in his.
Your hands roamed over his biceps and back, loving the way the muscles flex against your palms. His skin was burning, adding to the electric feel.
When he felt you stop tensing around him, he began to slowly pull back, before pushing in, creating a delicious rhythm.
“Fuck… you feel so fuckin’ good, baby.” He moaned.
Your legs tightened around his hips, a noise leaving you as he rubbed right against that spongy spot.
“So deep, Drew… can feel you so deep,” you whined in between breaths.
“Yeah? You take this dick so good, pretty girl.”
His movements were getting a little rougher with every minute passing, both of you needing this.
Your crush on him for four years, the sexual tension you shared in the music video, the chemistry when you first met him on The Tonight Show.
It was all so surreal and felt like you were living straight out of a fanfic or dream.
His head dropped down to your chest, clearly having a thing for your hardened nipples as he nibbled gently.
Maybe one day Drew would fuck you without the condom and be able to feel your warm, velvety walls squeezing him without the protection.
He could dream.
“Shit, shit, shit.” You swore, the pillow under your hips allowing for his tip to kiss your cervix with every thrust.
“Mhm, yeah. Good girl.” He praised breathlessly, feeling a little lightheaded from everything.
The couch creaked a little beneath you two, your nails digging into his back.
He was already close, eyes fluttered shut as he lifted his head to press a kiss to your forehead.
His calloused thumb went to rub your clit, making your legs twitch around his sculpted hips.
Your cunt squeezed around his cock, your belly on fire with your building orgasm.
“You gonna cum f’me, sweet girl?” He choked out, hips snapping against yours.
“Y-yes!” You squeak, mind hazy, body trembling.
“Yeah… that’s it… let me feel you…”
His breathy words, deep penetration, and touch on your clit sent you over the edge again.
You moaned loudly, clinging onto his body as he talked you through your orgasm.
He was also talking himself through it, feeling his cock twitch as he spilled his seed into the condom.
His body was still against yours, both of you catching your breaths from the intensity.
He pressed a chaste kiss to your forehead again, his chest rising and falling.
“You okay?” He asked you softly.
“Mhm… ‘m good…”
You kissed his lips again, more gently this time. His nose brushed against yours when he pulled away, lips connecting to your cheek.
He reluctantly slid out of you, kneeling between your legs again as his blue eyes gazed down at your cunt.
“Did you bring any more condoms?” You ask after a few moments.
He looks at your face, then reaches over to grab his wallet. He pulls out two more condom wrappers.
You grinned, licking your lips.
“So are we going two more rounds or what?”
@slut4you @sweetlike-sugarplum @snowtargaryen @fastlovela @christinechickiee @ahgrace6 @evermorx89 @loren8818181 @eddiemuns0nl0ver @sophiesmovingcastle5 @chimchimjiminie16 @amel1ee @reader1402 @tqd4455 @rxeae @caraxes-syrax @shrimpybbq @drewstarkeysbabe @rafeswhoooreee @meropeeonmee @rafeluvrr @marvelahsobx @raeven-marie43 @fallout-girl219 @brendazzlingg @10ava01 @secretsideofbree @drewstarrrkey @p0gue420 @gibson-g1rl @kiiyomei @spiderstyles04 @sexualparkour @vinaluvsu @domainexpandme @mariadu2 @toterry @taliawz @always-reading @angvl3tears @iloveoldermenn @aesthetic-lyss @lover-girl-estxx @cadhlabear @kaiparkerwifes @herbookgarden @luvleyshif4 @caraxes-syrax @mymultiveres @reader1402 @dinnodallas @darkreymbow @vinaluvsu @sarahskywalker-amidala @christinechickiee @hoelesslyt @tincanhat @scenesofobx @james-bucky-barnackle @angvl3tears @belledawnidk @millietozier @vrsluts @chimmysoftpaws @brathwaite444 @urmanicpixieangelgirl
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'The soldier in the armour'
Marcus Acacius x f!reader









summary: Your mother Lucilla arranges a marriage between you and general acacius to protect you from the emperor's geta obsession. Acacius doesn't love you but he is a man of honor and has swore to protect you.
warnings: angst, age gap, power imbalance, abuse of power, patriarchal society, smut, violence, mentions of blood, mention of children
wc: 12k (so far)
status: ongoing
dividers by @/saradika-graphics
chapter i
chapter ii
chapter iii
chapter iv
chapter v
#marcus acacias x reader#marcus acacius fanfiction#marcus acacius x f!reader#marcus acacius x you#marcus acacius x reader
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The Princess & The Pilot: A Sneak Peek
hellllllllo babies!!! I'm just finishing up the last bits of the fist part of my newest series that I hope will be out either late late tonight or (more likely) sometime tomorrow. But I wanted to give you a bit to tide you over until I get everything ready.
This is going to be a Lando x British!Princess!Rreader forbidden romance with every bit of opulence and drama you might expect when there's a member of the royal family involved ;)
I've taken some MAJOR liberties with the British Royal Family. As in, I've like completely rewritten it :D I have been a royal watcher for YEARS and am not the biggest fan of Charles or Camilla or Harry SO I wanted to do something different. Hence, the new Royal House of Windsor:
Our story begins when you're forced to attend an engagement in your older brother's place, where you happen to meet Formula 1 driver Lando Norris. Sparks fly when he takes you on a hot lap around Silverstone and the rest, as they say, is history.
#formula 1#f1 fanfic#f1 imagine#f1 x reader#mclaren#lando norris fanfic#lando norris x reader#lando norris imagine
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Rating: E 18+ (minors dni)
Pairing: Javier Peña x F!Latina Reader
Summary: When Javier met you, he felt as though he’d been punched. He had no idea how hard he would fall for you. Your soft smile and sweet scent. How you always catch him off guard and how tempting you look in those sundresses you’re always wearing. He constantly has to stop his mind from drifting to thoughts of you. And every time you’re near, he has to fight his body from touching you. He wants you more than anything but he has to stop. It can’t happen. You’re nearly half his age. And you’re his best friend’s daughter.
Warning tags: 16 year age gap (reader is 21, Javi is 37), reader written as latina, by a latina, for latinas 💕, dad’s best friend dynamic, secret relationship, pining, jealousy, strong language, smoking, drinking, ptsd, insomnia, family pressures, racism, depictions of anxiety, angst, masturbation, fantasy sex, sexual frustration, teasing, heavy petting, fingering, squirting, breast play, hair pulling, oral sex, praise kink, dirty talk, piv sex, dom/sub dynamic, begging, semi public sex

Chapter One: Mucho Gusto
Chapter Two: Pa La Calle
Chapter Three: Choque
Chapter Four: Agua Dulce
Chapter Five: Partida
Chapter Six: No Te Vayas
Chapter Seven: Llámame
Chapter Eight: En La Oscuridad
Chapter Nine: Respirar
Chapter Ten: Quédate
Chapter Eleven: Aguas Profundos
Chapter Twelve: Atados Juntos
Chapter Thirteen: Floración Coming Soon…
Please send me an ask or comment on this post if you want to be added on the tag list.💕
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[SUMMARY: You are forced to marry General Marcus Acacius to save your brother.]
Forced marriage, smut
(I know nothing about his character in this movie so bear with me, this is probably all inaccurate but I hope you enjoy it!)
“You will make a beautiful wife” he whispered before he abruptly put his arm around your waist and pulled you against him. You gasped as your body roughly slammed into his unexpectedly.
“You look at me when I speak to you” he demanded. You looked up at him noticing his eyes soften when he realized the fear in yours.
Henry and you were not close siblings, the hate you had for your older brother was an understatement. A gladiator who was wanted dead by many…you didn’t blame them. You never understood how he could become a gladiator after your father was murdered by one. You despised those deadly fights. You heard the rumors about your brother and things he had done which is why you chose to stay away from him….that was until he came to find you.
Being dragged into a carriage you were forcibly taken somewhere by your brother and two other men. Struggling to break free from his hold you screamed in frustration as he pulled you out of the carriage and dragged you into a place you had never been.
“What are you doing?!” You screamed attempting to pull your wrist away as he continued to pull you along.
“This is where you will stay now” he explained.
“What?” You asked in confusion before he turned to you.
“They want me dead. You’re the only thing that can save me from it. You’ll submit yourself as a wife-“
“No! No! Henry please” you screamed realizing what he was doing, realizing what his plan was.
“You will submit yourself to General Marcus Acacius. It has to be done” you stood in shock at the mention of his name.
“You are absolutely insane-“
“Shut up” he snapped.
“You know who this man is! You know what he’s responsible for!” You screamed as your brother simply ignored you.
“Henry please, whatever it is we can work something out-“
“The deal is done!” He yelled loudly just as the door opened. Quickly he stood straight and forced you to turn as you held in your tears.
General Marcus Acacius had arrived.
The man who was responsible for your father’s death.
Wearing a red and gold like cape you could feel the intimidation from his presence just as he laid eyes on you for the first time. Quickly looking away from him he made his way to your brother. He stood before Henry and with the corner of your eye you could see him look at you.
“So this is whom you’ve bought for me”
“Yes General, she is my younger sister. She now belongs to you” your heart dropping at your brother’s words.
“Very well. You may go” Henry turned to you once more before leaving the room, leaving you alone with Marcus.
Nervously you swallowed as he slowly walked towards you. You couldn’t look at him, you refused to. Standing right before you, his eyes analyzed every part of you when he noticed a single tear rolling down your cheek. Just as he lifted his hand close to your face you flinched, he didn’t move for a moment before gently brushing away your tear with his thumb. General Marcus had no idea what pain he had caused you, he did not know how you felt about him.
“My future wife” he spoke low watching as your chest rose and fell with each breath you took. He took another step closer towering over you as you almost stumbled back.
“You will make a beautiful wife” he whispered before he abruptly put his arm around your waist and pulled you against him. You gasped as your body roughly slammed into his unexpectedly.
“You look at me when I speak to you” he demanded. You looked up at him noticing his eyes soften when he realized the fear in yours.
“I’m..sorry General” for the first time he heard your voice. He didn’t let you go, his hold on you still firm before he slowly raised his hand and gently caressed your face.
“You will be taken care of. Protected by all means.”
“Yes, General” you responded obediently.
“Marcus” he corrected you before releasing you and taking a step back.
“I will have your room prepped. We are to be married before the day ends tomorrow-“
“Tomorrow?” you whispered slightly shocked.
“If you need anything please do not be afraid to ring for my servants. They are now yours as they are mine. You will be taken to your room shortly.” And with that Marcus left the room leaving you confused.
Married tomorrow? This couldn’t be happening…not like this.
After being escorted to your room and being sure you were left alone you began to pace back and forth thinking of a plan. Panic rising through you at the thought of marrying the man responsible for your pain. You had to find a way out of this even if it cost your brother his life. He didn’t deserve to live, he wasn’t a good man. Being a wife to General Marcus Acacius? Absolutely not. How dare he forcibly submit you to him…how dare he…
Looking out your window you spotted several guards monitoring the premises in the front. There had to be a way out in the back and you had to find it fast.
Silently leaving your room you looked in every direction making sure Marcus or any of the servants wouldn’t appear. Hell you had no idea your way around this damn place but you were determined to figure it out. Hearing a voice not too far you quickly froze against the wall until you heard their footsteps walk in the opposite direction. Running down the dark hallway you finally came across a large door, you were sure it led to the outside. Risking it all you quietly pulled it open to see Marcus himself in a dark room turning to you with a glass in hand.
“What do we have here?” He placed his glass down as your lips parted taking a step back.
“I um-I was just-“ you couldn’t find the words as he walked towards you, his arm reaching behind you to close the door. The flicker of the candle hanging off the wall reflecting off his eyes as he leaned closer.
“You were what?”
“I um…I was-“ your heart racing as you struggled to make up an excuse but what good was it in doing so.
“I…I can’t marry you” you blurt out as he furrowed his brows.
“Excuse me?” He took another step forward as you anxiously stepped back against the door.
“I can’t I-“
“You were trying to leave” he spoke low with a tone of realization before he turned away from you.
“I’m sorry Marcus, it’s just-“
“Do you have any idea the possible dangers you could’ve come across walking out of here on your own?!” He unexpectedly yelled loudly as he turned back to you. His response confusing you at the fact that he even seemed concerned. Yet as concerned as he may have seemed the anger was clear.
“Do you?” His jaw clenched as he looked down at you waiting for a response.
“No” you whispered.
“My future wife is to not walk freely outside the premises after the sun sets. Is that understood?”
“Is it?” He hissed.
“I…I don’t think you heard me…-“ you spoke hesitantly shocking yourself that you even said anything at all.
“I..I can’t do this. I won’t be your future wife-“ before you could even finish your sentence he grabbed your arm pulling you to him.
“I’m afraid you don’t get to make that decision”
“It’s not fair” you whispered.
“Would you rather me leave you without protection, as I know your brother did not offer you such-“
“The only protection I need is from what’s in here” you responded in fear yet you spoke your truth. He looked at you rather puzzled yet didn’t move away.
“I beg your pardon, my dear”
“You’re a murderer” you whispered as tears began to flow.
“You think I would hurt my wife, the woman who will bear my children” he whispered in disbelief as bis nostrils flared.
“Let go of me” you attempted to pull away but his grasp tightened.
“I will not have your children!” You screamed.
“You’re a murderer! It was your fault! It was all your fault-“
“What was my fault?!” He yelled in frustration.
“Your invasion! It..it led to my father being killed, my brother leaving me…I had no one else..no one. You took them away” you cried as his eyes changed. You cried knowing whatever may have happened wasn’t going to change a thing. Marcus stood silent as he slowly released your arm, guilt in his eyes as he remembered what was done.
“I’m sorry for what you lost but I refuse to leave you without protection. I will see you in the morning, I trust you know your way back to your room” Marcus left you alone in tears as you slid down to the floor in disbelief. You couldn’t believe this is what your life had become.
Marcus angrily paced to his master room, slamming the door shut. Angry at himself with regret for all he had done, angry at himself for decisions he was not proud of and could never take back.
The next day Marcus stood beside you dressed in white and gold. A golden crown placed around his head as one was placed on yours after saying your “I dos”. You hadn’t looked at him once, you kept a straight face in front of a crowd of people you had never seen. Marcus reached his arm out to you as you silently took hold of it walking beside him. With a smile he greeted and thanked everyone hiding his true troubled feelings. You dreaded thinking of what was to come that night knowing you would have to be intimate with Marcus. Feeling defeated you showed no emotion, simply staying beside him as strangers congratulated you.
That night you were escorted to his master room where you found yourself alone. Observing the detail in the room you slowly walked closer to the king size bed with satin covers just as you heard the door open.
Marcus stood by the door closing it behind him as he watched you anxiously await him.
You looked like a goddess standing before him,
he couldn’t help but admire your beauty as much as you may have hated him. Slowly he moved closer to you as you took a deep breath simply wanting to get this over with. Unexpectedly you began undressing yourself letting your dress fall to the ground revealing your bare naked body to him. His eyes instantly falling to your breasts down to your womanhood, he pressed his lips together as if he was trying to compose himself. He knew you had never been touched by another. He was hard and eager to feel you, his fingers gently brushing up your waist as he took in the sight before him.
“You are my wife” he whispered before looking up at you.
“But I refuse to have you this way” his words shocked you.
“But…we’re supposed to…” you whispered.
“Not when my wife holds such hatred for me” he stepped a foot closer.
“In your eyes I am not a good man but I would never force my wife into bed.” he turned away leaving you shocked and confused as you quickly grabbed a robe that lay on a chair beside you.
“Marcus wait!” You rushed after him.
“Where are you going?”
“I have arranged to stay in the guest room-“
“People will know” you responded worriedly.
“It’s just for a few days. I know this all happened rather quickly, I just wanted to give you some time. I never meant to hurt you or your family. It was out of my control….I hope one day you can forgive me.” And with that Marcus left the room.
That night you found yourself with conflicting feelings, conflicting thoughts. General Marcus Acacius was not acting like the man you expected him to be, he was not acting like the man you had hated all along.
In the morning you were greeted by him having breakfast with bowls of fruit placed before him.
“Please” he pointed at the chair across from him.
“Join me” he watched as you sat down while looking at all the fresh fruit available.
“Which one is your favorite?” He asked making you look up.
“Um…strawberries” you responded softly. He delicately slid the bowl to you making you smile, something he realized he had never seen.
“Marcus” you whispered.
“Thank you…for last night.” Just as he was to respond one of the servants came in letting him know a man he had been waiting for arrived. Marcus stood up but before leaving your sight he leaned in towards you across the table with sincere eyes.
“There is nothing for you to thank me for.”
Days went by as you adjusted to your new life, your new routine along with your new confused feelings and thoughts.
You found yourself unexpectedly nervous with Marcus going to the arena. Never had you witnessed a fight with your own eyes but you always heard how brutal they could be. Of course being his wife you had a front row seat to witness it all and you didn’t know how you felt about it.
Sitting in a chair beside a few others you watched as Marcus showed himself to the crowd whom cheered loudly. You could feel your heart beating hard in your chest as his challenger came out. Marcus pulled out his sword, turned in your direction and looked you in your eyes before he began to fight. It felt as if you were holding your breath as the crowd roared with excitement. You couldn’t stand watching but you also couldn’t take your eyes away. The swords clashing together loudly until the man slid his sword against your husband’s arm. Blood instantly dripping to the ground as you stood up and gasped. The fight only getting bloodier as you continued to watch wishing it would end until Marcus suddenly drove his sword into the man’s throat. Covering your lips in shock you watched as the man fell to the ground as everyone cheered.
Just like that, your husband remained victorious.
Running downstairs to meet him inside you noticed just how bloodier he was as he got closer.
“Oh my God..” you whispered practically running to him.
“Are you alright?” You asked as you frantically looked at his arms searching for wounds until you found a large one along his arm.
“Yes, I’m-“
“Oh” you gasped looking at the wound as he watched you curiously not having expected you to be at his aid. Not expecting you to be filled with concern.
“It’s only a scratch” he assured you.
“A scratch?! You’re bleeding!” You looked up at him noticing the amused look in his eyes.
“What?” You took a step back composing yourself.
“You were afraid”
You stood silent for a moment realizing just how concerned you were from the moment the fight began. Your feelings were conflicted, why did you find yourself caring about a man you once hated?
“I’m not, I’m just-“
“You most certainly were” a grin appearing on his lips as he stepped forward.
“I’m not. We should get you cleaned up” you awkwardly reached for the towel and bowl of warm water that was left for him as he began to remove his armor. Silently he sat before you as you took the damp cloth and delicately began to clean off the blood on his arms.
“We should have that wrapped up” you spoke as you observed the wound not noticing the way he had been looking at you.
“Mhm” he agreed without taking his eyes off you. Taking it upon yourself you took some bandage and wrapped up his arm that best you could. Cleaning off the bloody cloth in the bowl you looked up and began to gently wipe his face. Your heart skipping a beat as his dark eyes distracted you. Slowly passing the cloth over his overhead feeling his curls brush against your skin you suddenly felt his hands grab your waist.
“Marcus..” you whispered knowing you would give in. He quickly stood up and pulled you in and before you knew it, his lips were locked with yours. Dropping the cloth on the floor behind him you wrapped your arms around him as he kissed you passionately. Moaning into his lips he carried you onto a table placing himself between your legs. You didn’t stop him as he caressed your face looking down at you. He knew you wanted him as much as he had been wanting you.
“What if someone comes in here?” You whispered as he leaned his forehead on yours.
“No one will” he assured you.
“Besides…you are my wife, I will have you wherever I please” he panted as he removed any clothing in his way and pushed your dress above your knees.
“But Marcus-“ you suddenly cried out as he pushed himself inside you. Grabbing onto him you panted as he held himself still. Looking into your eyes he watched as yours widened filled with shock and innocence.
“I’m sorry” he whispered roughly.
It hurt, of course it did. You had never even touched yourself to now have a man of his size break into you…yet you didn’t want him to stop. Pulling himself out he thrust his hips once again making you whimper.
“Do you want me to stop?” He whispered. You quickly shook your head pulling him closer.
“No, no, don’t. Please don’t” you practically begged brushing your lips against his as you spoke. He kissed you as he continued to move, his tongue swirling with yours as he felt your arousal with each stroke. You moaned as the pain slowly disappeared and was replaced with pleasure, he could feel it. A feeling you had never felt before, it was hard to contain yourself.
“Oh Marcus…” he kissed your neck as you rolled your eyes back. Just when you thought it couldn’t get any better, the pleasure built up in a way you didn’t expect.
“Marcus-“ you gasped.
“Mhm” he knew you were about to cum, he could feel it.
“Wait I-“
“No no, don’t fight it” he whispered. Something intense was happening and you didn’t think you could handle it.
“But it’s-“ you practically cried unable to speak.
“I know baby I’m right here,” he moved his hips faster feeling you tighten around him.
“I’m right here” he panted caressing your face, his thumb brushing across your lips as you squeezed your eyes shut.
“Let it go” he demanded when you moaned loudly as your body shook uncontrollably. He watched mesmerized as an orgasm took over you, your eyes in a trance. Feeling you cum all over his cock he could no longer compose himself. Just as your body relaxed he pushed in deeply releasing his warmth in you, a deep groan against your ear you felt his body collapse against you. Once he slid out you looked down and noticed blood on your dress.
“I’m bleeding” you looked up at him confused.
“It’s ok, it was your first time” he responded out of breath thinking of how he first entered you.
“I should’ve been more careful, I apologize”
“Don’t” you whispered as you slowly covered yourself. Marcus dressed himself and slowly helped you off the table.
“Will it always feel like this?” You asked looking up at him.
“No, I will be more careful next time you have my word-“
“No I meant…the way it felt after. Will it always feel that…good?”
He smirked looking down at you.
“What?” You raised a brow.
“I will make sure my wife always feels that way whenever I have her” he caressed your cheek with his thumb when you noticed his wound was bleeding again through the bandage.
“Marcus” you whispered brushing your fingers over his arm.
“Just a scratch. Come, help me patch it up in my room” he reached his hand out to you with a smile, you knew very well would continue in his room and with a smile you took his hand and walked along with him.
#marcus acacius x reader#marcus acacius x you#marcus acacius fan fiction#marcus acacius x female reader
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[SUMMARY: Your older brother works for Pablo, Javier gets close to you to get information. He unexpectedly falls for you and gets you pregnant without telling you who he truly is, only becoming more protective of you.]
“You’re pregnant. I’m not letting you out of my sight.”
Angst, violence
Being the younger sister of a man who worked closely with Pablo bought a life of secrecy. You were watched like a hawk on everything you did and your brother Jose wasn’t nice about it. Until the day came that you met a man, what was suppose to be one encounter, turned into feelings that grew deeply on both sides. Javier and you secretly saw each other in the night at a motel as much as you were able to. You told him you didn’t want your brother seeing you around with a man yet you didn’t explain the true reason as to why….although you didn’t have to. Something you didn’t know was that Javi was a DEA agent. He knew more about you than you were aware of, and what was meant to be a source to get an inside look at Pablo’s world was now a trap for Javi, as he had unexpectedly fallen for you.
Things slowly became more complicated when you realized you were falling for this man. There was no way you two could truly be together, your brother didnt trust anyone being apart of what he was apart of he and treated you like a child. You knew this could only get Javi killed. Things only took a turn for the worse when you realized your period was late. Your heart sunk at the thought of a pregnancy,how were you suppose to go to through with this? How were you suppose to tell Javi?
Maybe it was best you didnt.
The next day you met with Javier with the mindset of that being the last time you would see him, pregnant with his child or not.
Opening the door to your motel room, Javi rushed in pulling you against him as he kissed your neck.
“I missed you baby”
“Javi..” you whispered as he pushed you against the wall. His hands moving up your waist as his lips covered yours, it was hard to deny his kisses but you had to.
“Javi-“ you turned your face away feeling his lips softly against your cheek.
“What’s wrong?” He asked in a low voice. You struggled to fight back tears as you pressed your lips together before turning back to him.
“Javi….I…I don’t think we should see each other anymore…” his expression quickly changing, your words feeling like a physical hit to his chest.
“What are you talking about?”
“We can’t be together…you know that..” you looked up at him as he raised a brow. He wondered if something had happened with your brother to make you now say this.
Something he wasn’t suppose to know.
“Where’s this coming from?” He asked in a serious tone, you looked away.
“It’s just the truth, it always has been..I told you how my brother is and this has gone on long enough-“ you moved away from him grabbing your purse.
“Where are you going?” He continued, following behind as you moved quickly.
“I have to go, I have to be somewhere-“
“Where? What the hells going on?” You could hear the frustration in his voice but you couldn’t allow it to let you give in. From what you knew Javi had no idea who your brother was and you wanted to keep it that way. It was impossible to have a relationship let alone a child with anyone with the life you lived.
“Maybe someday I can explain...” Without giving him a chance you quickly left with tears falling from your eyes as you rushed downstairs. Javi cursed at himself before rushing out into his car catching you getting into a cab. Slowly and discreetly he followed you before realizing you pulled up to a doctors office. Parking a block away he waited for you as you walked inside and leaned back in his chair.
About an hour later he caught you walking out making him sit up in his seat. He noticed you looked more uspet than you originally were and furrowed his eyebrows slowly following as you walked.
The doctor had just confirmed you were pregnant.
More than the hurt you felt about feeling like you could never tell Javi, you were afraid.
Your brother was not a nice man and if he found out you were pregnant you were sure he would find out who it was and kill them.
“What the hells going on baby?” Javier whispered to himself as he watched you quickly walk off and turn the corner.
Javier drove back to the station as Murphy looked up at him with raised brows.
“Anything new from your source?” He smirked as Javier remained serious and sat down across from him.
“Something wrong?” Murphy leaned forward noticing Javier was actually upset.
“What’s new on Jose?” Javier asked changing the subject.
“That’s something I thought you would know? Or are you too busy fucking his sister?” Murphy laughed before realizing Javier wasn’t finding anything funny. Not saying a word he left to the back room to listen over the conversations that were had in your home with the phones that were tapped.
The sound of your voice instantly playing on those tapes, he could hear the fear in you as you spoke to your friend Jenny.
“I don’t know what to do, Jenny. I can’t tell him-“
“You have to tell him.” Your friend could be heard on the other end as Javier listened closely.
“My brother…my brother will kill him, you don’t know how dangerous Jose can be.” You explained in a shaky voice.
“He’s never to know that I’am pregnant, promise me-“ you begged not knowing Javier heard you loud and clear. In shock he sat up staring blankly at the cassette player. Repeatedly rewinding the clip of you saying you were pregnant, releasing smoke from his mouth as his cigarette dangled between his fingers. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing.
“Jesus Christ..” he whispered realizing the danger he had put you in. If your brother found out you were having any kind of a relationship with a DEA agent….you would be dead. Javier wanted to get you the hell out of there. Continuing the recording he listened carefully to what else was said.
“I’ll be at the bar tonight working, I should be home around 3.” You continued with a sigh.
“You should be careful in that place, you know how those men can be there.” Your friend responded.
“Yeah well I have to work. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Fucking shit.” Javier slammed the tape off and quickly paced out the room.
That night Javier showed up at your job, he watched you from afar as you served a group of people in front of you. He watched as a man approached you trying to create conversation with you barely looking up at him. Your mind seemed elsewhere.
“Hey lady, I’m talking to you!” The man yelled making you look up as he shook his glass in your face before a smile slowly spread on his lips.
“There she is” the man grinned as Javier took a step closer, the man seemed familiar to him.
“Let us get 5 tequila shots, you bring it to our table over there and we’ll give you something nice.” The man winked at you as Javier looked back at the table he was pointing at, he knew those men. These men were rivals against Pablo’s cartel and they must’ve known your brother worked for him.
You were a target.
“I’ll be right with you,” you assured the man with a smile realizing you needed to go to the back for more ice from the fridge. The man sat down with his men as you made your way to the back, Javier quickly moved through the crowd rushing to get to you before you could come back out. Just as you were about to come out Javi grabbed you by your arm making you gasp.
“Javi!” You looked at him confused as he looked around pulling you out the back door.
“Where are we going?! What are you doing?!”
He wouldn’t respond, simply pulling you to his car.
“What the hell are you doing?!” You pulled your arm back.
“Get in the car. Now.” He spoke low yet sternly.
“No,I’m in the middle of my damn shift.” You went to walk around him but he stopped you. All he could think of that moment was that you were pregnant. Pregnant and afraid, too afraid to even tell him and all he wanted to do was protect you.
“Get out of my way, Javi.” You looked up at him as he refused to stand out of your way.
“Im not letting you go back in there, baby.”
“And who the hell are you to say?!” Once again trying to walk around him he stopped you with his words.
“They’re here for your brother.” He finally blurt out making you stop in your tracks.
“What do you mean?” You looked at him confused, what did he know of your brother?
He didn’t say a word and he didn’t have to. The look on his face said enough for you, as many questions as you may have had, you knew you had to move fast. Quickly you followed him out to his car and sat beside him as he drove off.
Looking around the motel parking lot Javier walked you to the room. You rushed inside pacing around the room as he closed the blinds and locked the door.
“How did you know those men were there for my brother?” You asked crossing your arm. Standing across from you with his hands on his hips he looked away.
“There’s a lot of things you don’t know, sweetheart.”
“Then tell me! What the hell do you know of my brother?!” You yelled at him walking up to his face.
“I know your brother doesn’t protect you the way he should.” He looked you straight in your eyes. His words making you take one step back, you raised a brow.
“What are you saying?” He looked down at you pressing his lips together, his silence only frustrating you more.
“Dammit Javi-“ you suddenly took a step back placing your hand over your mouth. The sudden feel of nausea creeping through your stomach like you had never felt before, Javier took a step forward raising a brow.
“What’s wrong?”
You quickly turned away only to be hit with a wave of dizziness, you leaned on the table beside you trying to balance yourself until you felt Javier’s hand around your waist. Taking a deep breath you stood still taking a sip of water he gave you from a bottle. Not looking up at him you didnt realize the concern he had in his eyes. The danger you were in, him knowing you were pregnant and not knowing what the hell that meant for either of you.
“How far long are you?” He finally blurt out low, his question making your eyes practically bulge.
He knew.
“What?” You looked up at him confused.
“When were you gonna tell me? Or were you planning on never telling me?” You didn’t understand how he could have possibly known, who could’ve told him.
“Javi…I-“ just as you were to explain a loud bang was heard at the front door making you jump.
You were followed.
You gasped as Javier quickly pulled you to the back toward the bathroom as you looked behind and noticed the door knob begin to move.
“This way!” Javier opened the bathroom window carried you up and quickly followed behind. You could hear men on the other side as Javi pulled you up by your arm practically dragging you to his car.
They hadn’t noticed a thing yet.
“Where do we go?” You asked in a panic as Javier quickly got in and began to drive off just as gun shots went off. The side view mirror getting shot at, you screamed covering your ears ducking down as he stepped on the gas harder and sped off.
“You ok?!” He yelled loudly not taking his eyes off the road, unexpectedly reaching his hand to your stomach. A conversation that was yet to be finished.
“Yes, I’m fine..” you realized where he placed his hand and looked over at him. Things calmed down as he adjusted himself in his seat and pulled away, grabbing the steering wheel he continued to drive.
Once he was sure he lost them, the rest of the drive was silent. Who the hell was he, and what the hell was this all about?
“Who are you?” You finally whispered.
“It’s better you don’t know-“
“Like hell it is!” You screamed slamming the door.
“You know who my brother is, you knew those men were targeting me….you know that I’m pregnant, you obviously have been watching, oh God- you’re a cop” you looked at him shocked as he continued to drive.
“Is that what this was?” You began to laugh sarcastically.
“I was your little informant-“
“No.” He quickly responded staring straight ahead.
“That’s exactly what this was, I’m so stupid..” you shook your head.
“That’s probably why these men are after me and if my brother finds out-“
“Nobody is gonna do anything to you, I won’t allow it.” Javier snapped your way.
“Take me home.” Your tone was blunt as your mind raced.
“I’m not taking you home, you don’t know where those men can follow you to. Not to mention-“ he looked your way with a hesitant look.
“You’re pregnant. I’m not letting you out of my sight.” As much as he wanted to keep you safe, this wasn’t the way.
“Take me home, Javi please, I know my brother… he will suspect something. He will find out something..please.” You turned to him with worried eyes. If it was up to him he would never leave your side but he knew you wouldn’t give in. He sighed and drove you to your brothers home a few blocks away, just as you were about to get out he grabbed your arm but you snatched it away. You had nothing to say to him, he knew you would be upset with him and all he wanted was to explain himself. Without saying a word you walked out and slammed the door as he watched you walk off into the distance, he of course kept close by.
The next day Javier walked into the station with Murphy rushing towards him.
“They spotted Escobar-“
“Where?!” Javier turned back following him out taking the piece of paper that Murphy handed him, stopping in his tracks he realized it was your home address. His stomach turned at the thought of you in the dead center of danger. What the hell was he doing there?
“This has to be a set up.” Javier whispered running beside Murphy.
“Well, only one way to tell.”
Sitting in a truck everyone gathered around cameras watching as one was perfectly giving the cops the view of you surrounded by Escobars men in your living room.
“What the hell are they doing?” Javier asked making Murphy look over at him, he could see the concern on his partners face.
“There’s her brother-“ one of the men pointed at the camera as he entered the room and suddenly yanked you up by your arm.
“Who have you been talking to huh?” Your brother yelled angrily in your face as Javi watched, his heart racing with a million thoughts running through.
“I haven’t spoken to anyone Jose, I promise. I-“
“Don’t lie to me!” He roared angrily making Javier begin to pace back and fourth with his hands on his hips.
“We’ve gotta get her out of there,” he stopped and leaned his hand on the table watching anxiously.
“No, we can get something out of this. Escobar never showed up but maybe they’ll give us where he is-“
“Or maybe we’ll get her killed.”
“Jose please, you know me, you know I don’t talk to anyone!”
“Then what the hell is this?!” He slammed a paper down on the table before you, a photo of you coming out of the doctors office where you had found out you were pregnant.
“You what?!” He slammed his hand on the picture making you jump.
“Shit..” Javier whispered out of breath.
“Jose please-“ before you could finish your brother unexpectedly smacked you knocking you off the chair. Javier’s clenched his jaw ready to run out of the truck before he felt Murphys hand on his arm holding him back.
“Son of a bitch..” he bit his lip angrily watching as you backed away from Jose while still on the ground. He knew the terror you must’ve felt, he didn’t give a shit who said what, he wasn’t going to risk anything happening to you.
“I’m going in.” Javier ran out making everyone turn to him.
“Pena! No!”
Javier bust through the doors with back up making everyone around you jump and move quickly. Most running out though the windows as you flinched staying down before looking up and realizing one of the cops was Javi. You froze with your lips parted as chaos erupted around you, he ran towards you and quickly lifted you up pulling your arms behind you.
“What are you doing?!” You asked through shock and tears.
“I’m getting you out of here,” he whispered discreetly against your ear before pulling you back against him and placing cuffs on your wrists.
“What the hell did you do, you little bitch!” Your brother yelled as he was placed in handcuffs before Javier pulled you away.
Standing alone in an interrogation room you, your thoughts were all over the place. This whole time you were dealing with a DEA agent.
You felt used, you felt like a fool.
A tear rolling down your cheek until you heard the door open you quickly wiped it away. In walked Javi silently closing the door behind him. You refused to look at him, he knew you were upset with him but that didn’t stop him.
Standing right before you, you looked to the side ignoring his presence until you he took a step closer and you felt his hand gently take hold of your face as he took a close look at the mark your brother left you.
“Get off of me,” you whispered abruptly pulling your face away.
“Listen to me-“
“Don’t. I don’t want to speak to you.”
“Well I’m not going anywhere.” He responded bluntly as he stood close looking down at you.
“I’m not the bad guy here-“
”You’re all liars!” You unexpectedly screamed turning his way.
“You could’ve gotten me killed! My brother or anyone else could’ve thought I was helping the police and they would’ve killed me!” You began to hit his chest until he caught your arms stopping you.
“I wasn’t going to let that happen” he shook you trying to snap you out of it.
“Oh please, Javi. You don’t know them. And you and Jose wanted to use me in your own way-“
“Your brother did anything but protect you, and I’m sorry about that baby I really am. But I’m not him, I wasn’t going to let anything happen to you and especially this baby.” His words catching you off guard and he saw it in your eyes. You caught yourself looking down at your stomach as Javier leaned in closely.
“You’re a cop, and my brother…my brother will-“
“He’s not gonna do a damn thing.” He assured you with a whisper. Still you stood in shock with the realization that you had a relationship with a DEA agent and now you were pregnant. Javi slowly placed his hand on your stomach as you looked down, for a moment you couldn’t move.
“Please let me help you..” he whispered as a tear rolled down your cheek. You shook your head feeling yourself begin to hyperventilate, it suddenly felt hard to breathe.
“Here sit down,” he pulled a chair beside you quickly sitting you down and crouched before you.
“Tomorrow I’ll take you to a doctor and make sure everything is ok, alright? I don’t want you to worry about anything.”
“That’s kind of hard, Javi.” You looked down holding back tears just as Murphy opened the door making you hear your brother yelling as he passed the hall.
“Where is that bitch after everything I’ve given her!” He yelled angrily, Javier quickly stood up and slammed the door shut.
“What are we doing?” Murphy asked.
“She’s not apart of anything-“
“Peña she’s a damn witness to a lot-“ Javier stood close in front of Murphy standing his ground.
“I’m not mixing her anymore into this shit than she already is.” He whispered low enough where you couldn’t hear. Murphy knew Javi wouldn’t give in, he silently stepped back before leaving the room.
“What happened?” You asked as Javier turned back to you.
“Nothing. They said you’re free to leave.” He took your hand walking you out quickly before anyone could say anything to you.
“I can go?” You asked a bit confused knowing you were the sister of a man that worked closely with Pablo.
“Are you sure?” You asked looking back as he discreetly pulled you out. Javier wasn’t new at breaking rules and he was willing to go through any of them and lie to you if it meant keeping you safe…
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PAIRING : Jude Bellingham x Black Reader
Summary : When her little sister, Rose is going through a heartbreak. Reader becomes overprotective and fierce. However, she is not the only one trying to protect her sibling. Jude is not as protective and fierce as her when it comes to Jobe.
Warnings (+18) : angst, mention of heartbreak, grief and depression, sexual innuendos and sexual tension.
The story is far from being completely done, but I wanted to share this sneak peek with you. The one shot might be a mini-series depending on how I decide to end it.
As per usual, your comments, reblogs and thoughts are welcome. Thank you for the love and support!
It has been three weeks since your sister has confessed the source of her pain. Ever since, there have been ups and downs. Although she tried to hide her pain, you could feel it in her eyes. Certain nights, just as you did yesterday, you could hear her crying in her bedroom. You wanted to help ease the pain, but you could not do that much. Only time could heal such wounds.
Tonight, you have decided to take her out to change her mind. You insisted she wears her most beautiful dress to match the standard of the restaurant. At first, she showed resistance, but she finally agreed. Who could decline nice cuisine?
Rose felt a bit uneasy about the fancy place, but she kept her composure. In terms of standards, you were the complete opposite. You loved fancy restaurants, hotels, and stores, but Rose did not really care. Sometimes, it reminded you of your parents—your mother, who loved fancy vacations, versus your dad, who loved a road trip or backpack type of vacation.
As you sat down, you immediately tried to start a conversation, hoping that it would change her mind. Yet, after a few minutes, you realised that no conversation could help her forget about the constant ache in her chest.
”Are you okay, Rose?” You asked with worries in the voice. Seeing your sister down had a clear impact on you. It reminded you of the darkest days and months of her depression.
Rose was kind, bubbly, and always smiling. She was a light in a dark room. The one that could brighten your entire day. The complete opposite of you, who rarely smiled at people and always had a guard up. Contrary to Rose, you understand how ugly the word and people can be.
”No. I used to come here with Jobe.” That was the first time in weeks that she pronounced his name.
”Why haven’t you told me? We could have gone somewhere else.” You said, reaching out for her hand. Her eyes glistened at your tender gesture.
”I know it’s your favourite restaurant. It’s okay.” She reassured you.
”Do you want to talk about Jobe?” The question was not innocent. He had such an impact on your life, but you barely had any information on him.
She let out a defeated sigh. ”It’s weird. I blocked him from every single platform, but I cannot stop thinking about him. It hurts. Is that love?”
”Yes, it’s clear that you fell in love, so it’s normal to feel hurt. How did you feel when you were with him?”
”Like the most precious and beautiful woman in the world. He was a great flirt or boyfriend, whatever. I was stupid enough to think that I’m special.”
”Stop saying that, Rose.”
”It’s simply the truth. He was cute, spoiling me and love bombarding me, and I gave in.”
Spoil her? If they were the same age, how did he get the money? ”Spoil you?”
”Flowers, chocolates, accessories—I could go on. Anything I wanted, he would get it for me.” You took a deep breath, understanding why Rose was so heartbroken at the situation. This little piece of shit pretended to be a good man.
”Show me a pic. I need to see if he’s really that cute.” You joked making both of you giggle.
”Don’t disrespect me, big sister.” She pulled her phone out and showed cute pictures they took during dates. If he was not a knob, you would have approved. They looked extremely cute together.
”Yeah, he’s super cute. Nice choice.” Rose shook her head with a smirk. ”Yeah, too bad he’s a jerk.”
”How old he is?”
”My age. He’s 19.”
You furrowed your brows. ”Where he got the money to spoil you then?”
”Hum. He comes from a good family.” Rose gulped, an indicator of lies. You ignored why, but something was off about his status and money. As you were about to ask one more question to your sister, a thick Birmingham accent interrupted.
”Rose? Is that you?” The not-so-stranger asked, completely disturbed by her presence in the room. There he was. Jobe. The idiot who broke her heart into pieces. He did not need to say it. You knew it as Rose's entire posture and mood changed. For the moment, you preferred to observe the scene before you. Business will be handled later on.
”Jobe?” She stopped, her chest raising up and down, displaying her level of distress. Before Jobe could say a word, Rose rose from her chair.
”Fucking bastard! I thought what we had was real, but no. You just wanted to get into my panties.” She explained, refraining herself from yelling at him in such a luxuriant place. Jobe stopped to take a look at her. His eyes showed pain and confusion.
”Rose, what are you talking about? You blocked me, mate.”
”Well, you ghosted me, mate.” Rose fiercely replied, making you proud. She was not showing any sign of weakness, and you were here for it. He deserved no sympathy from her.
”Wait, let me explain. It’s not what you…” Before he could add another word, Rose interrupted him.
”No, I’m not listening to you, Jobe. I just should’ve known better than trusting a baller.” Rose discreetly stole a glance at you, knowing that she hid that information. She looked down, furious at herself for even replying to his DMs in the first place.
”Rose, please.” He whispered desperately. For a slight moment, you could feel the hesitation coming from Rose, and you refused to let this young lad play with her heart. Without hesitation, you left your chair.
”Hello, Jobe. I’m Y/N, Rose’s big sister.” He turned his head to look at you and extended his hand. ”Nice to meet you. Rose talks about you all the time.” You frowned at his extended hand, intimidating him.
”I don’t know where you come from or who raised you, but you’re going to stay the fuck away from my little sister. If you didn’t want a relationship with her, you just should’ve been honest about it. Instead, you decided to behave like a coward. You had your fun with her, but time’s up.” His jaw clenched, but he preferred to put his focus on Rose.
”Rose. Are you serious? You don’t even know my side of the story.” By the way Rose stared at him, you understood that a part of her wanted to listen to him. You needed to put an end to it.
”No one cares, young boy. Have a nice evening.” Jobe looked down, pleading Rose with his eyes one more time. Rose turned her head, giving him the cold shoulder. Her arms were crossed as she fought her curiosity and pain.
”Rose. You’re making a mistake, darling.” He whispered.
”I highly doubt it, Jobe.” Rose nonchalantly responded, not bothering to even look at him. No other words were pronounced. Jobe looked defeated. His posture changed. He had less confidence. The time has come to make things clear. You took a few steps forward, invading his private space.
”Don’t you ever, ever approach my little sister again. Otherwise, you’ll regret breaking her heart for the rest of your life.” You spat between your teeth, shattering any hopes of reconciliation. Jobe gulped, looking away from your burning stare.
This conversation could have gone on, but a new frame came between Jobe and you, adding some distance. ”Oi, what’s going on here?” Another thick Birmingham accent.
The stranger turned his head, revealing a very familiar face. British football prodigy: Jude Bellingham. Everything makes sense now. Jobe was never going to do the right thing with Jude Bellingham as a brother.
Due to the lack of response, he turned to his brother again. ”Why do you look so defeated? What happened, mate?” Jobe wanted to respond, but your death glare discouraged him.
”Nothing special.” He lied, which made Jude turn to you.
”Okay, what’s going on?”
”Why don’t you ask your little brother?”
He let out a nervous laugh. ”I’ve just did, maybe you should pay more attention.” You placed your hands on your hips, stunned by his audacity. Not only he paraded his arrogance, but he was also rude.
"Well, since you asked so nicely, your brother better stay away from my sister if he doesn’t want any troubles.”
”Can’t your sister speak for herself?” Another sassy response. This man was really pushing your button. Rose's eyes widened, prepared to step in your defence, but you stopped her.
”Can’t your brother stop being a fucking coward? Sleeping with her to ghost her right after, really?” You paused and took another step forward. You were unbothered by his status or fame. ”That’s some prick shit. I guess he learnt from you.”
Jude’s jaw clenched, completely stunned at your aggressive comeback and judgment. ”Who else to teach him that? Only another prick could teach him how to use women. Let me tell you something: this time you messed up with the wrong ones. I said tell your brother to stay away from my sister. I’m not your little fan, so I won’t mind doing what it takes to protect my sister.”
Jude also stepped forward, closing the small gap between you. His eyes are intensely staring at yours, looking for a sign of weakness he will never find. You could feel his breath and smell his cologne.
”You’re not the only one who would do everything to protect their siblings, trust me. One thing I know, your life must be boring for you to stop them from communicating like two adults would.”
You threw your head back with a laugh, trying your best to control your growing nerves. The last thing you need is to be blacklisted because of that douchebag. ”Rather have a boring life than being community dick. Do you need to fill a void, Jude? I have a few therapists in mind.”
”You’re detestable, mate.” Jude spat with a fake grin, showing his perfect white teeth. A poor attempt to hide his frustration.
”So are you, mate.” Usually, people fall at his feet the second they see his face, but you were built differently.
Rose decided to jump in the conversation and add her two cents: ”See, Jobe? All of that because of your cowardice. Shame on you.” Jobe shook his head in disbelief. It could not be the same woman he pursued for weeks. The brutal shift completely left him shocked.
”I promise, Rose, it’s not what you think. Let me explain to you.”
”Whatever, Jobe.” In the mean time, Jude and you engaged in an intense staring battle. Both of you refused to look away or down. Jobe and Rose felt embarrassed. They were the reason for that altercation.
With a gentle gesture, Rose grabbed your arm, inviting you to sit down. Before you surrendered, you directed your finger at Jude, ”Don’t think we’re done. Try my sister or me again, and we’ll see.”
”I like a challenge, hun.” He cockily responded with a serious face. You rolled your eyes and went back to your chair, not without rolling your eyes at him. If these two pricks thought they could ruin your night out, they were wrong.
Coming soon...
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controversially young girlfriend, lewis hamilton.
summary : the media crticizes y/n and lewis when they start dating due to their significant age gap. faceclaim : tyla a/n : been in the drafts for awhileeee also this is lowkey rly short so lmk if u want part 2?
y/nusername i can't call rn i'm doing hot girl shit

liked by sabrinacarpenter, addisonrae, gracieabrams and 3,678,447 others.
sabrinacarpenter angel face 👼
user728 ughh so so fine
user42 omg imagine serving this harddd
username22 she knows she's badd
user34 oml so so obsessed with u i acc cant
username99 mother
y/nlover more music plsss
user68 my icon my legend
username frrrr she's literally like my inspiration in life
lewishamilton we had decent race pace today but wasn't enough to convert a win. we will evaluate what mistakes we made and we will come back stronger

liked by charlesleclerc, georgerussell, francocolapinto and 5,829,620 others.
user727 my goat 🐐🐐
f1fan it's a struggle to be a lewis fan rn
user88 i'm so sick of the p10 curse i acc can't anymore
f1lover changeee your fucking car
georgerussell 💪
justanichident oh how i love britcedes
user89 still and will always be a legend
username11 we need more roscoe content lewis !!
y/nusername had the best time in brazil love you all ! 🇧🇷

liked by chappellroan, sabrinacarpenter, laufey and 3,818,919 others.
user727 aaaagh had the best time ilysmm
user99 her fits always devour
username22 obsessed with u acc
f1 we know this diva 💜
user728 F1 WHAT ARE U DOING HERE f1fan omggg y/n in the paddock when?? username28 omggg don't tease us like this
user782 what a cutie patootie
user44 ughh to be her
username26 ughhh she's so mother

y/nusername make me lose my breath make me water

liked by lewishamilton, sabrinacarpenter, madisonbeer and 4,829,728 others.
user44 damnnnn
username can we just collectively agree to dress like this 24/7
user99 omggg is it a new song tease username526 i'd die stoppp
username90 serving cunt
user414 oh i'm so ready for ny show
f1 interview with lewis hamilton after las vegas gp

liked by f1fan, justaninchident,user78 and 752,629 others.
user62 OMG OMG
user44 omggg i'm so ready to see bf lewis
f1lover guys he literally asked for privacy so let's respect it
user33 🙌
user99 betcha it's y/n
y/nusername nyc ily so so much !!

liked by lewishamilton, gracieabrams, wiffygriffy and 6,292,628 others.
user72 OMG WE WON
username a new single announcement healed me
user673 hearing y/n live was utterly insane she literally sounds angelic wtff
gracieabrams so so obsessed with you 💕
username42 yummy
user99 need her actually
sabrinacarpenter mwah mwah lysm
y/nusername xxxx
user52 the choreeography was so fucking good
username66 omggg yes like someone teach me those moves pls 😫
y/nusername last week on tour doesn't feel real 😭💗

liked by lewishamilton, alexandrasaintmleux, chappellroan and 8,626,526 others.
f1fan sir lewis hamilton IS THAT YOU?!?
user727 girlll whaaaaat
user42 soft launching THE lewiz hamilton is crazyyy
username25 isn't there like a 15 year age gap 😭
user25 omggg wait you're right user626 ewwww
user62 i applaud you y/n for giving us pic of lew
username omlll his tats i can't
user52 knawing at the bars of my enclosure username22 plsss 💀💀
lewishamilton 🫶

liked by y/nusername, charlesleclerc, landonorris and 9,720,562 others.
user82 holyyy shittt
username89 wowza didn't think that he had it in him
f1fan the age gap is wilddd
username22 y/n's face card is actually insaneeee
f1lover summer break (lewis's version)
user62 back tats 🫠

》 awww y/n's so so cute
》 15 years between you's is crazy
》 she could literally be your daughter.....
》 pls take good care of her
y/nusername in light of all the backlash on online that both i and lewis have recieved i have decided to take a break from social media. i will be back but for now this is goodbye. i love you all sm see you soon <3

liked by lewishamilton, sabrinacarpenter, landonorris and 12,682,720 others.
sabrinacarpenter i'm always here for you ❤️
user62 stopp wait no i kinda feel bad
username hope u guys are happy because this is what happens when you all hate for no reason
f1fan so sry you guys are being treated like this
user72 i'm going to miss you so so much
username12 ya'll really made her to do this like wtfff guys
f1lover they both don't deserve this
madisonbeer proud of you for speaking out and putting them in their place
user672 yesss queen shit
user89 fit still slaying tho
username44 take all the time you need we will be waiting for you <3
taglist ⭑.ᐟ
808 notes
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ੈ✩ My Barca Boy (smau) ੈ✩
pairing : Lewis hamilton x fem reader
summary: not liking Barcelona is a red flag
tw : fluff; hate
fc : ursula corbero ( money heist ; Tokyo)
a/n : thank you so much to @evasmlp for suggesting this ! lysm 🫶🏻
·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・ ・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚



liked by manurios, carlosainz55 and 1,386,927 others
yneldiablo Season 5 of heart heist
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user3 Our Latina in Tokyo
carlossainz55 giving the director headache by lying in the set 🙂↔️
yneldiablo oh please, you focus on your car driving
user4 umm, are they dating ?
user5 No
user6 YES
manurios mami, get me premiere tickets
manurios just slide into his dms
yneldiablo no, you are not getting anything money hesit related from me
user7 I love their friendship man
user8 notice how she is only friends with boys ? PICK ME
user9 picked you, now shoo @ user8
aron.piper Hi Y/N!
yneldiablo AHHHH ARON
aron.piper AHHHH EL DIABLO
user10 matched freaks 😙



liked by carlosainz55, aron.piper and 2,486,937 others
yneldiablo 4-0 …?
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user1 I can hear carlos screaming in Spanish
aron.piper ARSENAL 💪🏻💪🏻
user4 ask y/n to define football in her sleep and she will literally start with her speech
user6 Carlos’s face after finding out they lost 😚
manurios bestie, I hate to say this
manurios HALA MADRID
user7 uh, why is yn not following him anymore ?
yneldiablo he is blocked 🤭



liked by user1, user2, user3 and 347,286 others
f1wags Y/N Corbero, known for acting as Tokyo in Money Heist was seen cosy with Carlos Sainz
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user2 KNEW IT
user3 aren’t they like good friends ?
user4 isn’t she like dating Manu Rios ?
user5 she would never, he likes real madrid
user6 can’t they just be friends ?
user7 leave them alone man


liked by user1, user2, user3 and 642,276 others
f1news Carlos’s response when asked about his relationship with Y/N
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user2 that’s what the historians called them
user3 DIAPERS !?
user4 keep it in the family 💀
user5 wasn’t he like dating someone ?
user6 a model, Rebecca?
user7 why would he date her when he can one of the most successful actresses in his country
user8 yn is literally like his sister



liked by carlosainz55, lewishamilton and 1,765,386 others
yneldiablo Britishers can’t handle spice
comments on this post have been turned off




liked by user1, user2, user3 and 973,736 others
f1wags Y/N Corbero when asked about her recent post at The Tonight Show
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user2 He is probably crying rn
user3 OLDER MEN !?
user4 FERNANDO !?
user6 LEWIS ….!?
user9 bro, they have an age gap of 11 years 💀
user10 I smell daddy issues
user11 just let them be happy ..?
user12 Carlos really introduced our 7 time champion to anyone



liked by lewishamilton, carlosainz55 and 2,386,388 others
yneldiablo My Barca boy 💙❤️
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carlossainz55 this is who I get ewed for
yneldiablo yes Mr diaper
user1 ma'am really said older is what I like
user2 I mean if they are happy ...
user3 it's a little awkward tho
user4 they both are adults, so there should be no problem
user5 true, let's see how it goes
lewishamilton I love you too ❤️
yneldiablo 😭😭
910 notes
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"Uncle Charles?" : ̗̀➛ Charles LeClerc
summary: for the first time charles feels as if he's part of your family, all thanks to your car obsessed niece



Your hand waved into the air as you noticed Charles appear in your parents’ garden, dressed still in bright red Ferrari after finishing for the day. There were children running around everywhere as you celebrated your niece’s birthday, with Charles appearing at the end of the day.
Despite you assuring Charles that he didn’t need to worry about attending, he was adamant he was going to make the time. When he appeared, your family were more than surprised, knowing just how busy Charles had been as the start of the new season loomed.
As Charles made his way over to you though, he was intercepted by a voice calling out his name, a figure running across and leaping up into his arms. Charles stumbled back as your niece leapt up and gave him a hug, her arms going tightly around his neck as Charles held onto her waist, carrying her over to where you sat.
“Happy birthday cherie,” Charles grinned, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “You look like you’re having a good time,” he added, taking a look around the garden.
“I was waiting for you to arrive,” she excitedly told him.
As Charles sat down beside you, he placed your niece back onto the ground, but she refused to let him go. With her still holding on, he leant across and pressed a kiss to your cheek to try and greet you, but your niece was having none of it.
“Did training go well?” You asked, unable to hold back your laughter as your niece invited herself to sit up in Charles’ lap, ignoring her friends who were calling for her to play with them.
The bond that Charles had with your niece had always been close ever since they first met. He was beyond amazing with her, which your sister was particularly a big fan of, finding herself getting giddy whenever Charles was around, never quite being able to leave him alone for too long.
“Yeah, for once, it actually went pretty well,” Charles smiled, his voice filled with relief after what could only be described as a tricky build into the preseason preparations.
As he sat with your family though, he was reminded about what was important. As much as he wanted the car to do well, what mattered the most was the people around him, particularly the little one in his lap who was over the moon to be able to spend her birthday with him.
“I’m happy that you managed to make it here though,” you told him, keeping your eyes on your niece, “and I think I know someone else who is pretty happy to have you here too.”
If he was honest, Charles wouldn’t have missed it for the world, although your niece wasn’t on his side of the family, he still absolutely adored her. He wasn’t blind to how close they were too, knowing that she was counting on him to show up for her.
“What’s been the highlight of your day princess?” Charles asked as your niece shifted to look up at him, her hands cupping against his cheeks. “There’s got to be one present that you can’t wait to show me later on tonight.”
Her head nodded, turning round to face Charles properly again. “My favourite present is your present that you bought me,” she proudly told him, recalling the Ferrari car that you’d bought her, well, a child sized one at least.
Charles’ smile turned up as she spoke, “I had a feeling that you’d like it. Maybe I can try and get some Ferrari clothes for you so that you can look the part too.”
Your niece nodded instantly, “I want to be just like Uncle Charles, that would be awesome.”
Your eyes flickered across to Charles, making sure that he was listening to. A gasp came from him, his eyes lighting up as he took a moment to make sure that he wasn’t just dreaming what he had heard.
“Want to be like who?” Charles asked her, wanting to hear it one more time to make sure that he was correct. “Who is it that you want to be the same as?”
“Uncle Charles,” she giggled, “I want to be able to drive really fast when I’m older and drive all of the cool cars.”
“Uncle Charles,” Charles whispered to himself, “well, that’s pretty cool.”
You reached across and pressed your hand against Charles’ shoulder to try and keep him together, sensing that he was feeling slightly overwhelmed. Your niece was unaware of what she had done, but hearing her finally call him uncle meant more to Charles then he could ever express.
“I’m going to go and ask mummy if I can play with the car soon,” your niece told you both, climbing out of Charles’ lap. “I want you to show me how to do it before you go home so I can be as fast as you.”
Charles helped her down before shifting his body to look around at you, letting go of a chuckle of disbelief. You smiled widely across at him, nudging against Charles’ arm gently.
“You must be pretty important for her to call you uncle,” you told him, brushing your hand through his hair. “She absolutely adores you Charles, apparently you’ve got your own mini me in the future already too.”
“She’s a good kid,” Charles hummed, still slightly in disbelief. “I’m trying to be chill about this, but inside my heart is absolutely racing right now.”
You could tell from the look in his eyes that it meant the world to Charles, your family were all special to him, but the children in your family were a little more. He loved being around them, entertaining them and making them smile, which he seemed to do perfectly.
“It sounds like I’ve got to find a pretty good present for next year too,” he chuckled, “do you think your sister might hate me for buying her a Ferrari?”
“I dread to think the state her house will be in soon,” you sniggered.
As guilty as Charles wanted to feel, seeing how excited your niece was about her gift made it all worth it for him. “I might have to go and apologise otherwise she’ll never speak to me again.”
“Well, you’ve definitely won the competition for best present this year,” you joked, slipping your hand into his. “She won’t be mad at you for too long anyway, she adores you, my whole family do to be honest.”
“They’re awesome,” Charles encouraged, “I’ve never known a group of people to make me feel so welcome in my life, I feel like I’ve always been here with you guys.”
“Now you’ve got no choice but to be stuck with us too.”
“I’m not complaining,” Charles noted, pulling you up from where you sat, twirling you around and letting you fall into his lap. Charles’ arms wrapped around your frame, allowing you to replace your niece in his hold.
“Seems you’ve got a future as a driver coach too.”
Charles’ head shook, unable to hide his excitement, knowing that over the next few days whilst he was home he’d be out playing with your niece, showing her the ropes of the new car that he’d bought her.
“How does it feel to officially be an uncle?” You grinned, pressing a kiss against Charles’ cheek.
“It feels pretty special indeed.”
˗ˏˋ 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ! ´ˎ˗
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Summary: The Reader is dragged into the Last of Us universe and has no choice but to watch the events unfold or will she be able to change what was already written?
Paring: Joel Miller x Fem!Reader (HBO Series)
Warnings: Age-Gap Romance, Angst, Fluff, SMUT, PTSD, Depression, Anxiety, Violence, Zombies, Injury, science is wonky, character death, swearing, plot holes, rusty writing, alternate universe
Main Song: Uneven Odds by Sleeping At Last
Dividers by @/saradika-graphics
Chapter 1: These Questions Take Shape Chapter 2: Roll Up Your Sleeves Chapter 3: Light Carries On Endlessly Even After Death Chapter 4: An Orchestration of Dissonance and Innocent Surrender Chapter 5: Our Mistakes Were Bound To Be Made Chapter 6: I Swear A Million Times To Hold You Just The Way You Like Chapter 7: Let’s Stay the Course and Let the Tension Make Us New Chapter 8: Darkness Exists To Make Light Truly Count Chapter 9 (Epilogue): There’s Some Kind Of Heaven Just Around The Corner
Chapter 10: Coming Soon…
#joel miller x y/n#joel miller x female reader#joel miller x reader series#joel miller x poc!reader#joel miller x reader#joel miller x reader masterlist#joel miller x reader tlou#joel miller x modern reader#joel miller x reader au
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need a rafe fic please where reader is part of the pogues, her and rafe have been on and off for forever obviously due to everything he’s done but deep down he’s so down bad for reader and maybe she’s pregnant instead of sarah and he doesn’t find out until morocco because the pogues are hovering over her idk angst fluff whatever you feel!!!
Two lines — Rafe Cameron
Summary : Fem!Reader is pregnant with Rafe’s baby, but he doesn't know until pope accidentally mentions her baby (season 4 ep 10 spoilers!! ⚠️)
Rafe Cameron x Fem!Reader



Warnings : mentions of vomiting & language (english is not my first language)
A/N : as requested 😉 hope u like it anon!
Two lines, and the father was long gone, off doing god knows what. Rafe was the last guy I'd hooked up with, and even after we broke up, we somehow kept finding our way back to each other, especially after the Kildare Enduro. He knew no one else could satisfy me the way he did, and so it became this endless cycle, break up, hook up, make up. What Rafe didn’t know was that I was pregnant. I hadn’t planned on telling him, at least not until we made up.
There I was, back on Rafe’s boat with my friends, setting off to Morocco in search of the Blue Crown and Chandler Groff. My friends had locked Rafe up, tying him up in a small room, just in case. We all knew better than to trust Rafe Cameron, not after everything he’d done.
I walked into the dimly lit room, carrying a tray with a glass of water, a plate of food, and a couple of aspirin for his black eye. The sight of him, bruised, tugged at something deep inside me.
“Here,” I murmured, setting the tray down on the table beside him. “I brought some aspirin, just in case you’re feeling dizzy or something…”
He snorted, cutting me off. “What? You’re just gonna throw it in my mouth like I’m a fuckin' seal?” He wasn’t exactly wrong, but his sharp tone made me bristle. “Nobody trusts you, Rafe,” I replied, my voice steady. “Not after what you did.”
His jaw tightened, and a flash of anger sparked in his eyes. “I saved your asses!” he shot back, his face flushing with frustration. “And not even a thank you was said.”
I took a slow breath, steadying myself. “I know, Rafe. I know,” I said softly. “Thank you, really.” I offered him a small, sincere smile.
He looked at me for a moment, his gaze softening just slightly. “You trust me, right?” he asked, his voice quieter, a bit more vulnerable. I bit down on my lip, feeling the pull he always seemed to have on me.
“Yeah,” I admitted, almost reluctantly. God, he knew exactly how to get to me.
He looked at the ropes binding his wrists and nodded toward them. “Then untie me. Get this shit off me.”
I shook my head, feeling a pang of guilt but holding my ground. “I can’t. I’m sorry.” I pressed my lips together, trying to keep my resolve. “Just… eat the food. We wouldn’t want you dying in here.” With that, I turned and walked out, the door closing softly behind me, leaving me with a sigh that I didn’t even realize I’d been holding back.
As I stepped out of the room, I was met by Kiara’s anxious expression, her arms folded tightly as she waited. The moment she saw me, her face softened slightly, though worry still flickered in her eyes.
"How’d it go?" she asked quietly, as if afraid to hear the answer.
I shrugged, trying to mask the mixture of emotions stirring inside me. "Same old Rafe," I replied, keeping my tone light, but my gaze drifted, unable to meet hers directly.
Kiara studied me for a moment before speaking again. "Soo... did you tell him?"
I frowned, genuinely puzzled. "Tell him what?"
She raised an eyebrow, giving me a pointed look. "That you’re pregnant, with his child."
Oh, right. That one.
I swallowed, feeling a sudden knot in my stomach. "Uh—no, not yet," I admitted, my voice barely a whisper. "I just… I don’t know how he’d react." My hands found each other, my fingers nervously fidgeting as I tried to imagine how that conversation would even go. "What if he doesn’t want to keep the baby?"
Kiara sighed softly and reached out, placing a reassuring hand on my shoulder. Her warmth grounded me, pulling me back from my spiraling thoughts. "Look," she said firmly, her gaze locking onto mine. "You have us. We’ll help you through every single part of this. That’s what friends are for, right?"
I looked at her, the tension in my chest easing slightly. Her words held a strength that I so desperately needed. "Yeah," I whispered, a small smile breaking through my worry. "Thank you, Kie."
She wrapped her arms around me, pulling me into a hug, and for a moment, the uncertainty and fear faded. In her embrace, I felt a flicker of hope—a reminder that I wouldn’t have to face this alone.
After battling fierce winds and waves, we finally arrived in Essaouira. The coastal city spread before us, its whitewashed buildings with blue shutters gleaming under softened storm light. Narrow streets twisted through the medina, lined with shops selling handmade crafts and drenched in a timeless, rustic charm.
The Atlantic crashed against the ancient medina walls, sturdy and weathered, while blue fishing boats bobbed in the harbor—just like the skiffs in the Outer Banks. The salty air and easy warmth of the locals, the slow rhythm of the sea, and the hum of daily life brought back memories of home, as if Essaouira was a Moroccan echo of the Outer Banks.
We continued to wander through the narrow streets of Essaouira, the sound of bustling market vendors and the distant call of seagulls filling the air. John B and Sarah led the way, their steps light and carefree, like they had no care in the world. Following behind them was Cleo, Pope, and Kiara, their conversations flowing easily as they walked, with JJ and I bringing up the rear. But it was Rafe who trailed behind, his presence almost ghostlike, like a lost puppy, following silently in our wake.
As we strolled through the maze of alleyways, I felt a sudden, sharp wave of nausea hit me. It was sudden, and intense, as if something in my stomach was threatening to rise up. I let out a soft huff, pressing my hand to my stomach, trying to hold back the overwhelming feeling of sickness.
JJ, who had been walking beside me, must've noticed the change in my posture because he looked at me with concern. "Y/N?" he called, his voice laced with worry.
"Oh god," I muttered under my breath, the nausea worsening, my head spinning.
"What's wrong? You okay?" JJ asked, his voice low, concern evident on his face.
I shook my head, barely able to focus on him. "No... I need to sit," I said, my voice strained. I felt like I was going to collapse if I didn’t stop moving.
JJ quickly guided me to a pile of carpets that were stacked outside a shop. The soft fabric felt like a relief under me as I sat down, trying to steady my breathing. The rest of the group quickly noticed, and soon I was surrounded by their concerned faces. Kiara dropped to her knees in front of me, her eyes searching mine, her hand resting on my knee in a comforting gesture.
"What's up? What are you feeling?" she asked, her voice soft and filled with genuine concern.
"I'm really nauseous," I managed to answer, my hand covering my mouth, just in case. I didn’t trust myself to hold it down any longer.
Cleo, who had been standing off to the side, stepped forward, her arms crossed over her chest. "She probably needs food. It’s been like two days..or what?" she said, her voice tinged with practicality.
"Yeah, the baby’s probably hungry too," Pope added, offering a casual shrug, as if it was just an obvious conclusion.
I froze, my stomach twisting. The mention of "the baby" caught me off guard, and suddenly, all eyes turned to me. Rafe, who had been hanging back, still distant, looked like he was suddenly paying attention. His gaze shifted from me to Pope and then back to me, his brow furrowing.
"What baby?" Rafe asked, his voice sharp, as if something about the situation didn't sit right with him.
Oh god, here we go.
Pope went silent, and I could feel the tension rise in the air, thickening around us. I glanced up at Rafe, who was now standing a few feet away, looking at me with an expression that was hard to read. His eyes narrowed as if trying to make sense of what he had just heard.
"No, seriously, what baby?" he repeated, his voice insistent, even stern now.
I took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the moment settle over me. There was no easy way to say it, but it had to be said. "I’m pregnant, Rafe," I said quietly, locking eyes with him. "With your baby."
The words hung in the air between us, like they were too heavy to carry. For a long moment, Rafe didn’t say anything. He just stood there, silent, his expression unreadable. The others were watching him closely, waiting for a reaction, but he remained eerily still.
I could feel the tension growing, an awkwardness settling in the space around us, as if everything had just shifted. My hands were shaking slightly, not from the nausea anymore, but from the weight of what had just been revealed. And Rafe, he was just staring at me, his mouth slightly parted but no words coming out.
"Go get her something to eat," Rafe suddenly snapped, his voice cutting through the tension that still hung thick in the air.
Without another word, he dug through his small waist bag, the leather creaking under his movements. I wasn’t sure what he was looking for, but then, with a small grunt of satisfaction, he pulled out a wad of cash—several bills, all stacked neatly together. As he unfolded them, I saw that he had about $400 in his hand, a small fortune for street vendors in Essaouira.
"Wait what?" JJ’s voice broke the moment of disbelief. He raised an eyebrow and shook his head. "They don’t take dollars, you idiot—"
"I said go," Rafe interrupted sharply, his tone hardening. There was no room for argument, no sign of hesitation in his voice. It was almost as if he was trying to regain some control over the situation, and in doing so, he completely dismissed JJ’s protests. His words were a command, not a suggestion.
The rest of us exchanged uneasy glances, the shift in Rafe’s demeanor catching everyone off guard. But without further discussion, John B, Sarah, Cleo, Pope, and Kiara reluctantly turned to start walking back toward the market, their steps unsure but obedient. JJ hesitated for a moment, clearly frustrated by Rafe’s abruptness, but eventually followed along as well.
Rafe’s eyes lingered on me for a second, his expression unreadable. He stood still for a moment longer, his gaze momentarily drifting over to the group before returning to me. He didn’t say anything else. His words had been clear, and I could tell that something about the situation had shifted for him.
"I don’t care whether you want the baby or not, but I’m keeping them," I said, the words tumbling out before I could stop them. My heart pounded in my chest, the weight of my decision pressing down on me. The truth was, I had made up my mind. I had to keep the baby, and nothing anyone said or did would change that. Not even Rafe.
Rafe’s eyes widened at my declaration, and for a moment, he just stood there, staring at me, his face unreadable. Then, he kneeled down, and he let out a sharp breath. "Hey, hey, hey—who said I don’t want to keep the baby?" His voice was calm, but there was an underlying tension to it, as if my words had hit a nerve.
I blinked, caught off guard by his response. The words seemed to hang in the air for a moment, and I wasn’t sure what to say next. His eyes were fixed on me now, intense, searching. It felt like something was shifting between us, and I couldn’t quite wrap my head around it.
"We’ll take care of them," Rafe continued, his tone softening just a fraction. "I’ll be with you throughout the whole journey, Y/N. You’re not doing this alone." His voice held a kind of resolve, as if he had already decided, as if he was offering something that felt almost too good to be true.
For a split second, it felt like the world around me had stopped moving. The noise from the market faded into the background, and all I could hear was the steady beat of my own heart. The words he said felt surreal, like they were echoing in my head. "I’ll be with you, 'aight?"
I blinked again, almost feeling like I was in a dream, like I had slipped into some alternate reality where everything suddenly made sense. But when I looked at Rafe, his gaze never wavering from mine, I felt a wave of disbelief wash over me. It felt like a nap dream, a momentary illusion that would disappear when I woke up.
"What?" I said, my voice coming out in a whisper of disbelief. "Sorry—"
Rafe seemed unbothered by my shock. He placed his hands on my knees, his movements deliberate. "You heard me, Y/N." His words were firm, and there was no mistaking the sincerity in them.
For a long moment, neither of us spoke. The air between us was thick with unspoken thoughts, and I could feel the weight of what he had just said settle in my chest. It was almost too much to process. I had always expected Rafe to pull away, to make this harder for me. But here he was, standing before me with something I hadn’t expected, a promise. A promise to be there. A promise to face this together.
My mind spun, trying to make sense of it. I glanced away for a moment, as if hoping the world would shift and reveal the truth. But when I looked back at him, his expression hadn’t changed. He was still looking at me with those steady, unwavering eyes.
"You’re serious," I murmured more to myself than to him.
Rafe didn’t flinch. "Yeah," he said simply, as if there was nothing more to discuss, as if the decision had already been made. "I’ll be there for you. For us."
For the first time, I didn’t know what to say. My heart was still racing, but for a different reason now. There was a part of me that wanted to believe him, to hold on to this moment, to trust that things might actually be okay. But there was also a part of me that was terrified of what this all meant, of how my life was about to change in ways I couldn’t predict.
I stared at him in utter disbelief, barely able to process the reality unfolding before me. It felt like some kind of miracle. My vision began to blur as tears pricked at the corners of my eyes, the emotions welling up and spilling over, probably caused by the pregnancy hormones, but I couldn’t stop them. I tried to blink them away, but they only gathered faster, until a warm tear rolled down my cheek.
Rafe’s expression softened when he noticed, his gaze never leaving mine. He reached out and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close in a way that felt so natural, so steady. He didn’t hesitate for a second, and his embrace was warm, reassuring, holding me together when I felt like I was on the edge of falling apart, and God, it felt good to be back in his arms.
His hand rubbed gentle circles on my back as he murmured, “We’re gonna be parents.” His voice was soft, filled with awe and disbelief, as if he was speaking the words for the first time and couldn’t quite believe them either.
I nodded against his chest, clutching onto him as tightly as I could. The weight of his words settled over us, the reality of what lay ahead, and as much as I wanted to be brave, I couldn’t shake the fear that started to consume my mind. I let out a shaky breath, my voice coming out in a whisper, “I’m scared, Rafe.” The words felt small, vulnerable, but they were the truth.
He pulled back just enough to look at me, his hands gently cupping my face as his thumbs brushed away the stray tears still slipping down my cheeks. “I know,” he said, his voice barely more than a whisper. “I am scared too.” There was a flicker of vulnerability in his eyes that mirrored my own, a glimmer of uncertainty about the unknown future that lay ahead.
“But we’re in this together,” he continued, his voice growing stronger, as if he was convincing himself as much as he was reassuring me. “I don’t have all the answers, and I don’t know what’s coming… but I’m not going anywhere.” He leaned down and rested his forehead against mine, closing the space between us. “I’ll be there every step of the way.”
His words washed over me, filling some hollow place I hadn’t realized was empty. In that moment, his presence felt like a lifeline, pulling me out of my fears, giving me a glimpse of something that felt almost like hope. The future was terrifying, yes, but it felt a little less daunting with him by my side.
I looked up at him, my voice steadying as I replied, “I’m glad it’s you.” And as I said the words, I realized just how much I meant them.
He offered me a small, crooked smile, a warmth in his eyes that I hadn’t seen before. “We’re gonna figure this out together,” he promised. “One step at a time.”
I nodded, taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly. And in that moment, held in his arms, I felt a little less afraid.
Suddenly, as if on cue, the rest of the group appeared, each carrying an assortment of food and drinks. It was almost comical, watching them return all at once, each of them holding something different, John B with a handful of pita bread, Cleo balancing a bowl of yogurt, JJ carrying bottled water, and Sarah clutching a small bag of fruit, including a shiny red apple that she immediately extended toward me.
“Here,” Sarah said softly, her face easing with relief as she offered the apple. I took it gratefully, feeling the cool skin of the fruit in my hand, and took a tentative bite. The crisp, sweet flavor flooded my senses, soothing the nausea that had been twisting in my stomach. They watched with eager anticipation, and as they saw me begin to nibble, their worried expressions started to relax.
“Feeling better now?” Pope asked, his voice gentle but laced with concern as he studied my face.
I swallowed another bite and nodded, a smile creeping onto my face. “Yeah, yeah… thank you,” I replied, glancing at each of them.
They exchanged glances, visibly relieved, and a sense of warmth spread through me as I looked around at their familiar faces, each one showing their own brand of care. I realized then just how much I’d come to rely on them, not just as friends, but as family. I felt a comforting wave of gratitude for each of them, knowing they’d been there for me without question, supporting me in ways I hadn’t even thought possible.
As I took another sip of water, Rafe moved a little closer to me, his hand resting gently on my thigh. His touch was subtle, but the gesture was enough to let me know he was still there, holding his promise to stay by my side. There was something calming in his presence now, something steadying that I hadn’t noticed before.
The others began chatting among themselves, sharing their own stories of haggling with the vendors, laughing about who’d paid the most for what they’d brought. They were giving Rafe and me a moment, I realized, a chance to talk without the pogues’ attention fixed on us.
Rafe leaned down slightly, his face level with mine, his voice low and steady. “You really okay?” he asked, his hand still warm on my thigh.
I took a deep breath, the initial dizziness and nausea fading, leaving behind a feeling of clarity I hadn’t expected. “Yeah, I think so." I paused, looking up into his eyes.
He smiled, a soft, almost vulnerable expression, and for a moment, he seemed like a different Rafe—one who wasn’t weighed down by pride or bravado. “That's good” His voice was filled with a sincerity that softened something inside me. "Don't want our little one and her mommy to starve, do we?" He smiled making me let out a low chuckle.
In this quiet moment, I knew, deep down, that I wouldn’t want anyone else to be the father of my child. Everything just felt right. Despite all the chaos, the ups and downs, there was a steady comfort in knowing me and Rafe would face it together.
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season 1 rafe with his gf & son
i have to be sooo truthful here in that rafe is like 90% the actual worst during the events of season 1 to high school gf!
he's still doing drugs and going to parties, never coming home until the early morning if at all
maybe he was on better terms with his gf for a while, but everyone on the island knows that the pair are always on-and-off
when they are good, rafe is surprisingly sweet to her. he's always opening doors and looking after their son so she can rest. rafe is so much more physically affectionate too during these times, with his hands always on her, stroking her hip or playing with her hair
and then when they fight, it's like all that goes away and he's back to ignoring her
she lives in the main house now as that's where their son's nursery is, but most of the time she's sleeping in the guest room after they argue
rafe's idea of family bonding is going to the country club, drinking his expensive whiskey and eating overpriced food. he likes seeing his son look around wide-eyed at the new sights and new people, and he enjoys having his son sit in his lap while he drinks, mumbling nonsense to see his little smile
he tries to take his son out golfing once only to realise that he couldn't be away from his mother for so long, much to his annoyance. it's fine though bc he's insisting they all go together next time - problem solved in his mind
rafe and high school gf! go to midsummer's together as each others dates. rafe wouldn't have let her go with anyone else anyway, but he likes the display of having her on his arm. he matches his suit to the floral design of her gown to make the statement even clearer (they have a child together and he's worried about people knowing she's his???)
he manages to hide a lot of the events that go on from his gf, but some of them still reach her ears courtesy of sarah, and he can't stand the disappointed look she gives him. sometimes though, he makes her sit down and listen to his explanation, trying to get her to see his side. he's so relieved when she nods and no longer looks at him in that way (but she still doesn't tell him he was right, he always notes)
when barry burns rafe, he's knocking on the door of the guest room with tears in his eyes, clutching his badly burnt arm to his chest. gf just looks at him wide-eyed, telling him to sit on her bed while she grabs the first aid kit. rafe can't help but let the tears stream down his face as she cleans, his head coming to rest on her shoulder as he sobs. that night is the first time he sleeps with her in the guest room, his head nuzzled into her chest as she cradles him
ok but if barry ever threatens his girl and kid rafe won't let it go. he's landing a punch on the drug dealer's face immediately, his rage spiking instantaneously. barry learns not to threaten them again after the second time he wore purple bruises on his chin
oh, sweet pretty gf has no idea what rafe has done to the sheriff, and he plans to keep it that way. he wanted to protect his dad, but he absolutely refuses to let anything happen to his own family. she's so shocked when he tells her of john b's actions, the boy having lived down the hall from them, and rafe plays into the role of protector again. he's got her in his arms as she cries about how he was around their son, and rafe just hums and tells her "i would never let someone hurt either of you, you know that right?". it warms his heart to see her nod into his chest.
sometimes his gf walks into the nursery only to see her son not in his crib, but she knows exactly where he is. pushing open rafe's door she sees the two of them in bed, her sweet baby cuddled up on rafe's bare chest as they both sleep. he needs to be with his son when he has a bad day, which seems to be more often than not nowadays
rafe is rapidly growing more mentally unwell and the only thing that seems to soothe him is his gf and son, and he spends as much time as he can with them. the little baby is always in his arms as he coos down at him, watching his kid's eyes brighten at the sight of his dada. rafe reasons with himself that everything he does is to protect his family and that he couldn't be wrong then, could he?
Oh this was a bit of a novel, but rafe truly has so many facets to explore, let alone once you give him a big motivator like a kid!
*i think i'm going to expand on high school gf! looking after rafe and his burn bc its such a vulnerable moment for him
#rafe cameron x reader#rafe cameron imagine#rafe cameron headcanons#rafe cameron blurb#rafe x reader
1K notes
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This is your boyfriend, Mom? | Beefy!Bucky Barnes x f!reader.



Pairings: Beefy Bucky Barnes x Single Mom reader. Themes: Bucky getting absolutely roasted by a six and half year old baby boy. Summary: Bucky comes over and meets your very protective son for the very first time. A/N: I'm in a phase where I like Bucky interacting with kids. . .🥲
The doorbell chimes, and you pull open the door, coming face to face with a broad-shouldered figure that fills the entire doorway. Bucky’s piercing blue eyes twinkle with humor, but there’s a hint of uncertainty in his posture, as if he’s unsure whether to step inside or bolt.
“You’re here!” you exclaim with a warm smile, stepping aside to let him in.
“Wouldn’t miss it,” Bucky murmurs, leaning in for a brief kiss before glancing around your living room nervously. “So, where’s the little guy?”
A shuffle of small feet behind you catches your attention. You turn to see your son peeking out from behind the couch, his eyes narrowing suspiciously as he sizes up the man who just entered his territory.
“There he is!” You wave your hand toward your son encouragingly. “Come say hi.”
Your son doesn’t budge, crossing his arms over his chest and glaring at Bucky like a miniature security guard. “So, this is your boyfriend?”
You can hear the disdain dripping from each word, and Bucky’s lips twitch into an amused smile. “I guess I am.”
“Mom,” your son deadpans, his eyes never leaving Bucky’s. “This is what you’ve been hyping up? He looks like he just rolled out of bed.”
“Hey, kid, I put in a lot of effort today.” Bucky gestures to his dark leather jacket, perfectly disheveled hair, and rugged stubble. “This is my ‘I’m totally put together but still approachable’ look.”
“Approachable?” your son snorts. “With that hair? You look like a drowned dog who’s been through a tornado and then zapped by lightning.”
Bucky blinks, surprised. He looks at you, then back at your son, and his mouth quirks up in a grin. “A drowned dog, huh? That’s original. So, what’s your excuse for your hair?”
Your son’s small hands shoot up defensively to his carefully combed locks. “My hair looks great, thank you very much. I didn’t put all this mousse in for you.”
You bite your lip, trying to suppress a laugh. “Be nice,” you whisper to your son, who rolls his eyes dramatically before turning his attention back to Bucky.
“Alright, old man—”
“Old?” Bucky interjects, eyebrows lifting. “I’m still in my prime, kid. What are you, five?”
“I’m six and a half.” Your son’s voice drips with indignation, as if Bucky has committed an unforgivable crime by getting his age wrong. “And you’re still old. You probably creak when you sit down.”
Bucky shakes his head, chuckling. “I don’t creak, but your mom might tell you I’ve got a few squeaky joints, yeah.”
“Ew, don’t—don’t tell me stuff like that.” Your son makes a gagging noise and then glares up at you. “Why is he even here, Mom? You know I’m supposed to have final say.”
“You have final say?” Bucky repeats, clearly intrigued. He shifts his weight, giving the boy a once-over. “What’s your name, anyway, kid?”
“Lucas.” He squares his shoulders, a defiant lift to his chin. “Got it memorized, old man?”
Bucky nods slowly, a glint of amusement in his gaze. “Lucas, huh? Alright, Lucas, I’ll try not to forget it.”
“You better not.” Lucas looks Bucky up and down, his brow furrowing in concentration. “Mom, this guy looks like one of those 90s action figures. You know, the kind where the legs don’t bend, and they’re so top-heavy they keep falling over.”
You snort loudly, unable to hold it in, and Bucky shoots you a betrayed look.
“Kid’s got a point,” you manage to say between laughs, and Bucky shakes his head, feigning exasperation.
“Oh, really?” Bucky folds his arms across his chest, staring down at Lucas. “Well, you look like a baby duck that wandered into a windstorm. All fluffed up and ready to pick a fight, huh?”
Lucas blinks, startled for a moment before narrowing his eyes, a grin forming on his face. “Better than looking like a grumpy cat that hasn’t had its coffee yet.”
You cough to hide your laughter, and Bucky raises an eyebrow. “Grumpy cat?”
“Yeah, with all those lines between your eyebrows.” Lucas steps closer, squinting as if he’s examining a rare species. “I bet you frown at the sun, too.”
You stifle a giggle, and Bucky sighs dramatically, placing his hands on his hips. “I’m starting to think you don’t like me, Lucas.”
“Starting?” Lucas tilts his head mockingly. “I’m basically giving you a head start, ‘cause if I really didn’t like you, you’d know.”
Bucky chuckles, glancing at you. “I like him. He’s got guts.”
“Yeah, well, don’t get too comfy, Gramps.” Lucas gestures to the couch with a flourish. “The only reason you’re even here is ‘cause Mom seems to think you’re ‘cute’ or whatever.”
“I am cute,” Bucky agrees seriously, causing Lucas’s mouth to drop open in disbelief.
“No. Way. You’ve got metal bits, and your beard is all scratchy, and—” Lucas cuts himself off, his gaze dropping to Bucky’s stomach. “And a jelly belly! Mom, did you know your boyfriend has a jelly belly?”
“What?” Bucky sputters, glancing down at himself with wide eyes. “I don’t have a jelly belly—Also this beard?” He strokes it like he’s pondering life’s great mysteries. “Your mom likes it.”
“Yes, you do!” Lucas insists, poking at Bucky’s midsection with a tiny finger. “Superheroes are supposed to be all muscle, but you’re hiding a squishy balloon in there.”
“Squishy balloon?” Bucky repeats, looking thoroughly betrayed as he turns to you.
“Lucas,” you chide gently, but your son’s eyes are wide and innocent. “Don’t be mean,” you add, fighting back laughter.
Bucky sighs and looks down at Lucas with a mock serious expression. “You know, I’m part super-soldier, part robot, and part… dad bod. It’s a package deal, kid.”
Lucas narrows his eyes, scrutinizing Bucky’s face. “I guess that makes you a little cooler, but you’re still a metal-armed grumpy pants.”
“Metal-armed grumpy pants?” Bucky echoes, eyebrows lifting. “Wow, we’re just racking up the nicknames today, huh?”
“Yup.” Lucas grins, then frowns again, cocking his head thoughtfully. “You’re also kinda like a… metal mop. All hair up top and a shiny stick arm.”
“A metal mop?” Bucky asks, his voice filled with mock offense as he raises his eyebrows. “You’re really on a roll.”
Lucas shrugs, the corners of his mouth lifting slightly. “I think it suits you.”
“Well, you’ve got guts, I’ll give you that,” Bucky says with a chuckle.
Lucas scowls, but there’s no real heat behind it. “You’re lucky, you know.”
“Oh?” Bucky leans down, hands on his knees to get on eye level with Lucas. “And why’s that?”
“‘Cause Mom likes you,” Lucas mutters, eyes flickering to you and back to Bucky, a hint of protectiveness in his tone. “But if you hurt her, I’ll tell everyone you still sleep with a nightlight.”
Bucky’s eyes widen in shock. “What? I don’t—”
“Yeah, okay,” Lucas interrupts, holding up a finger. “But I’ll tell everyone you do. Including all the Avengers.”
Bucky’s mouth opens, and then he shuts it, clearly struggling for a response. “You wouldn’t.”
Lucas just stares at him, completely unblinking. “You wanna test me, Mr. Metal Mop?”
Bucky glances at you, looking for support, but you just raise your hands innocently. “He’s tougher than he looks.”
After a long pause, Bucky leans down, lowering his voice conspiratorially. “Alright, kid, name your terms.”
Lucas pretends to think for a moment, tapping his chin. “You have to play video games with me… three times. No complaints. And no quitting when I beat you.”
Bucky looks horrified. “I—”
“Deal?” Lucas extends his tiny hand with a sly grin.
Bucky glances between you and Lucas, then sighs dramatically. “Deal.”
Lucas’s grin widens. “Oh, and one more thing—if I catch you throwing the controller in frustration, I’ll know you can’t handle losing.”
Bucky stares at him, completely lost for words.
“Just a fair warning.” Lucas pats Bucky’s arm as if he’s the one doing Bucky a favor. “Welcome to the family, Mr. Jelly Belly who’s gonna get his butt kicked at Mario Kart.”
You burst out laughing, and Bucky groans, running a hand down his face. “You’re really not gonna let this go, are you?”
“Nope.” Lucas shakes his head with a grin. “Better practice up, Grumpy Pants.”
“Practice? Against you?” Bucky scoffs, but the smile pulling at his lips betrays him. “Kid, I’m gonna wipe the floor with you.”
“Sure, Mr. Nightlight,” Lucas replies smoothly. “Sure.”
Bucky glances at you and then back at Lucas, a mischievous look in his eye. “You know, at this rate, you’re gonna start calling me Dad.”
Lucas pauses, then tilts his head with a confused look. “Why would I call you Dad?”
Bucky smirks. “Because you know I’ll beat you so bad at those video games, you’re gonna need a parental figure to console you.”
“Right, I can call you Dad,” Lucas’s eyes light up, and he leans in, voice dropping to a whisper. “Only if you pay me twenty bucks a week, Dad.”
Bucky’s jaw drops. “Twenty bucks?!”
“Yeah,” Lucas shrugs nonchalantly. “Think of it as a ‘dad fee.’ I’m expensive. Mom’s got good taste.”
Bucky looks at you, baffled. “Did he just—?”
“Oh, and I’ll need a ride to school every morning,” Lucas continues, holding up his fingers as he lists his demands. “And ice cream. Twice a week. But no toppings. I’m not greedy.”
Bucky bursts out laughing, shaking his head. “You really thought this through, huh?”
“Business is business,” Lucas says with a serious nod. “So, what’s it gonna be, Dad?”
Bucky blinks, then leans back and sighs dramatically. “Sorry, buddy, but I think I’ll just stick with Mr. Metal Mop.”
Lucas crosses his arms, a sly grin forming on his lips. “Your loss. Could’ve been Dad. Now you’re just gonna be the guy who cried during Shrek.”
Bucky’s shoulders slump as he glances at you, utterly defeated. “I’m doomed.”
“Yup,” you say with a grin. “But hey, at least you didn’t agree to the ‘dad fee.’”
“True,” Bucky mutters, then he turns back to Lucas, raising an eyebrow. “But for the record, I did not cry during Shrek.”
“Sure, Mr. Nightlight,” Lucas deadpans. “Sure.”
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