thisdivinecomedy · 30 days
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I got to figure out how to say no to another date my tía set me up with.
GAYDDIE in season 6B + bonus:
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thisdivinecomedy · 30 days
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buddie + acting like a married couple ↳ 9-1-1
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thisdivinecomedy · 30 days
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requested by anon
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thisdivinecomedy · 30 days
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9-1-1 ↳ Every time someone said Eddie is a great father
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thisdivinecomedy · 2 months
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thisdivinecomedy · 2 months
I will never be over the "do more". Eddie Diaz, former army medic, current first responder, got thrown off the top of the ladder truck by an energy blast, got up, climbed back up, noticed his partner was hanging from the ladder, went up something that can be classified as a wet lightning rod without securing a line for himself while screaming himself hoarse, tried to pull Buck up once he reached the top before accepting he needed to lower him down, pushed his captain out of the way before being instructed to drive the ambulance, something we saw him do a handful of times before that, jumped off the driver's seat as soon as it stopped, took over compressions, shocked him and restarted his heart, followed the gurney as they took Buck away, and to top it all off, he yelled at a team of doctors. He knows the drill, he knows they always do their best, but he needs someone to go as far as he would because he can't do more than getting Buck to the hospital. That scene is insane.
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thisdivinecomedy · 2 months
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thisdivinecomedy · 2 months
Please oh please if there’s even a small chance of Buddie becoming canon, make Chimney be the first one to find out about their relationship and have to keep it secret, it would be hilarious
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thisdivinecomedy · 2 months
Everything about the shooting scene is perfect. The moment when time stands still and Buck is covered in Eddie’s blood. Eddie falls and Buck can’t even move. Buck refusing to take his eyes off of Eddie even as chaos and panic ensues around him. Eddie using all of the strength left in his body to slightly reach out for Buck. Buck finally snapping back to the present and climbing under a fucking ladder truck, even though the last time he did that he was being crushed. Buck finally getting to Eddie and pulling him as hard as he can. Buck finally getting Eddie in the truck and not giving anyone else the chance to hold his body together as much as possible. Eddie again using all of his strength to ask Buck if he’s hurt. The silence after Eddie is rushed into the hospital and Buck is left by himself once again. Literal perfection.
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thisdivinecomedy · 2 months
Davey: Oh, fiddlesticks. Jack: Look, I understand this is a tense situation, but let's watch the fucking language.
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thisdivinecomedy · 2 months
A white, openly queer main character shall be the fandoms favorite:
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But you, their Mexican counterpart who has struggled with their sexuality and self-acceptance? You shall be mine:
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thisdivinecomedy · 2 months
do you ever think about the fact that eddie's parents didn't show up when he was shot, but they did at the first chance to take chris away? cause i do
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thisdivinecomedy · 2 months
we talk about buck having golden retriever energy, and we’re not wrong, but have we talked about the ‘retriever’ part of golden retriever?
eddie doesn’t realize it happens at first, but he’ll mention offhandedly that he needs something — batteries, paper towels, toothpaste, whatever — and suddenly buck is showing up with said item, or the item will just appear in his house. he complains about needing to change the lightbulb in the entryway and the next time they get delivery, eddie turns the light on out of pure instinct and is pleasantly surprised that it actually turns on. or if they’re on shift, eddie will moan about having to figure out how to use the coffee machine, but by the time he gets up to actually make himself a cup, buck is there, handing it to him, made exactly how he likes it.
eventually, much later, when eddie figures it out, he complains about not getting flowers from his significant others, and waits buck out. when buck shows up with flowers in hand and wearing something nice, eddie is already wearing his date outfit, ready to go.
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thisdivinecomedy · 2 months
Need Buck and Eddie to solve a murder.
They are at a call and they both have a Bad Feeling, but the cops don't listen to it and think it was a suicide. Even Athena doesn't look much into it. But Buck and Eddie? They talk about it together over beers later that night. Pointing things out that don't make sense.
So, they decide, if the cops won't do shit, they'll have to do it themselves. Buck is the brains behind it, figuring out patterns and doing research, and Eddie is the muscle because he's army-trained and more sneaky. He spies on people or 'interviews' then without knowing. He's so charming that people easily talk to him.
And then in Buck’s loft they have a hidden murder board with red strings tying things together.
And they do solve it! The two of them, no outside help. But they argue about what happens next. Eddie thinks they should call the cops. Buck says they won't believe them and thinks they'll have to confront the killer.
They settle on a compromise. They'll go to the killer's house and before confronting them, they call Athena.
Of course things don't go great. A fight breaks out. Maybe Buck gets shot in the leg or something. Or Eddie gets tied up. But Buck was almost a Navy SEAL and he manages to get the killer down on the ground and knocked out, hands tied behind their back. And a literal moment later, Athena and other cops arrive.
(Bonus if they get medals for it or something, but they'll probably just get a speech from Athena and Bobby - Athena because it was fucking dangerous, Bobby because they didn't ask him to join the investigation)
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thisdivinecomedy · 2 months
You will not use AI to get ideas for your story. You will lie on the floor and have wretched visions like god intended
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thisdivinecomedy · 2 months
Okay but we make jokes about Buck becoming obsessed with Eddie after one compliment all the time but we don't talk nearly enough about how Buck smiled at him ONCE and Eddie became this blushing giggling mess that practically lives in Buck's lap
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thisdivinecomedy · 2 months
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There’s more than one way to say it
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