thisbelmiro · 2 years
POV : (Male/Female Reader)
You quickly rush towards your apartment room. Room 404. The letters on the door had always been the first thing you saw, drenched or dried. The quiet hallway had eased down the atmosphere a little, and you were able to hear your own thoughts without being muffled by the overwhelming winds.
You unlock the door to your home, and sniffed in an attempt to clear your airways. Closing the door with a big sigh, you hear footsteps coming out from the kitchen getting louder and louder.
It was her.
"Oh my! What happened y/n? Did the rain caught you first again?" She looked up at you with her puppy eyes, the usual eyes you see when similar things had happened.
"I... guess it did." You spoke, in the most somber, monotone voice.
Not having time to think, you felt the touch of her soft, warm, petite hands touch your gigantic, cold, rugged hands. It was a much recognizable contrast, what a person has to do to stay afloat.
She pulled you over to the couch, and took off your coat. Your coat was surprisingly large enough to fight the rain, letting its every inch soak itself to keep your work clothes dry.
Letting it fall on the wool-layered floor, she pushes you down on the couch and embraces you. Letting all her worries cascade down to her feet.
"I-I'm sorry! I was so worried when the rain started to knock on the window." Her warm breath of sorrow landed down your neck, along with the warmth from her embrace.
"No it's completely okay! I should be sorry for coming home late! I know we were going to watch an hour long movie once I got home but I guess it's a little too late for that..."
She stayed silent, still keeping her embrace. You rested your back on the couch so she could lay down on you. You were not in the best shape, but you are willing to do everything to keep her comfort.
Laying the rest of your body on the couch, she turns to her side to meet your eyes. You make contact with her tired eyes, seemingly from waiting all night long for you to come home. The warmth from the fireplace kept you much more warm and comfortable, and the light seemingly dancing in her pupil's reflection.
Several minutes had probably passed, and all you could hear was the exchange of breathing sounds, creating an ambience in the room along with the crackling of the fire, creating one singular symphony. Her head falls onto your chest, putting her ears on it to listen to your heartbeart.
You lift your hands up, with the last remaining energy you have, to feel the texture of her smooth, silky hair. You move several strands of her hair behind her ears, revealing her entire beauty, just like removing grains of dirt from an emerald.
It was almost true, her eyes were a dark basil green, encased with a wolf gray color around its perimeter. Her lashes were curved upwards, like a plant in its search for light.
You didn't see it for long, as her eyelids were starting to cover a quarter of it, with your own vision becoming a little darker each and every time.
You drift away to sleep, in her arms, with the knocking of raindrops on your apartment window.
Such a great feeling, don't you think?
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thisbelmiro · 2 years
Aespa Winter Imagines
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She posed for the camera, as I looked through the lens and got hold of the button. A perfect golden ratio, I thought. I wasn't much of a photographer, but to see her like that in the outfit that I had chosen for her, I was even ready to be a painter. She had really became the new Marie Antoinette. Paris belonged to her, and I liked that idea.
"You look super stunning, yeobo."
I turned the camera down and smiled as I had seen a preview of the results, looking charming as ever in her picturesque outfit. As she should.
Her excitement started to grow as she scrolled through the collection of images. From all the other pictures, one particular picture had caught her attention. Returning the camera, she grabbed my shoulders and pulled me into her arms. From this point on, I had stopped shivering as her warmth radiates onto my skin. Her soft petite hands securing me even more.
I had never realized how comforting it felt to be in her touch. To feel secure around her, and to feel significant. Realizing just how heartening her touch was, I felt like wanting to caress her in the cold rainy days, and keep her close under the blankets.
"We'll always have Paris."
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thisbelmiro · 2 years
"Once the moon breaks the clouds, unfathomable horrors shall strike upon the mainland."
Anything the scroll says shall come true. Four weeks had passed since the discovery of the curse, and the entire dynasty has been left in catastrophe.
A few days before the incident we had witnessed a blind monk charge into the palace grounds. The man had titled himself as 'the Fool'. Nobody in Hanyang, not even in the palace grounds knew who he was, even the aristocrats. There were no possessions of a tag, and it was likely that he did not have one at all. As much as he looked like a fool, he would at least have some sort of identification.
"They are coming! The dynasty is in the brink of collapse!" the man cried repeatedly.
The palace guards had forbidden the man from stepping any further into the grounds. He was later banished into the pit, and when the guards came to check on him the next day, he had left without a trace. All the locks and bars bad stayed intact, and the dirt left no prints, almost as if nobody had been there since the last captive.
Uncanny and bizzare things started to happen weeks later, even outside of Hanyang. One day the crown prince had all his hair rejected from his body. He was despised by the people for allegedly disrespecting his family, and the king himself. The next day a clinic crowded with injured cavalrymen burned into crisps. All patients had perished after the building was swallowed by the Earth, leaving a giant crater that left people in shambles.
The king had declared all military units to close and fortify the Northern and Eastern gates of Hanyang, and with the sudden drop of temperature, soldiers were devastated in the frigid dark.
To the survivor who have managed to live through this devastation, I wish you a long life and great respect from the people of the dynasty.
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