this-is-telophase · 4 hours
hi if ur unaware georgia 🇬🇪 (where i live) has officially banned gay marriage, gay ‘propaganda’, gender reassignment surgery and anything ’promoting’ it. a trans model, kesaria abramidze, has been murdered as a direct consequence of this legislation. if you have a queer georgian in your life pls let them know they are loved and let this solidify why we Need pride and hope cause jesus fuck man
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this-is-telophase · 5 hours
"I really enjoy this fanart, I hope the artist continues mak-" Tell them!
Tell them! Tell them! Tell them!
If you enjoy a piece of fanart or fanfiction, you say that to the person making it! Comment saying, "This is really good!" Say what you enjoy! Hell, just keysmash, if that's your prerogative! Just do SOMETHING MEANINGFUL to tell the artist that you saw and enjoyed what they made
I once read some fanfic that was a quickly made oneshot that the writer had little intention of going back to and commented, "This is amazing! The character interactions were so cute and you got everyone's voices down pat! Reading this was a wonderful time :D" Three months later, much to my delight, they added a second chapter.
I saw a fancomic of a relatively obscure game I like and when I reblogged it I said everything I loved about the comic and near immediately the artist messaged me saying that they were happy I liked it so much and planned on making a follow-up.
If you want to see more of the things you like then you NEED to let the artist know. If you read a fanfic, make a quick comment about what you liked. If you see something on Tumblr, you should never just like it; The very least you should do is reblog it.
Say more nice things about the things you like! The people making it will love to hear it, no matter how simple you think the praise is!
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this-is-telophase · 7 hours
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this-is-telophase · 7 hours
Chinese weighlifter Li Wenwen successfully defended her title, winning the gold medal in the women's over 81kg category at the Paris Olympics on Sunday!
In her private life, the Li is actually a fan of traditional Chinese Hanfa.
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(Saw this post on Facebook and loved it, and since Facebook always steals Tumblr posts, I figure I can do the reverse and steal this Facebook post)
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this-is-telophase · 18 hours
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this-is-telophase · 18 hours
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this-is-telophase · 18 hours
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this-is-telophase · 18 hours
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I was today years old. That is disgusting.
No Child Left Behind is one of the worst things to ever be incentivized in schools. It was signed into law when I was 14. Reading Rainbow was my show as a kid. LeVar Burton played a big part in why I became an avid reader to date. The joy of it. It's an adventure around the globe and through different time periods without stepping on a plane or time machine.
Children parrot behavior. In grade school, I always wanted to read the same amount of books as my teachers (50 books) and managed to double that each year. Before No Child Left Behind, book fairs and Scholastic catalogs were a serious matter like your grandma's Fingerhut catalogs. Libraries were (and still are) a wonderland.
Reading comprehension and proficiency in schools has been declining for decades. A crisis. The joy of books isn't pushed anymore and I'm always saddened by it. It's one of the reasons why I post my book reviews and recommendations on here, as well as posts from others to encourage reading and (novel) writing. Kids will parrot your behavior while the education system sadly fails to return as that example.
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this-is-telophase · 20 hours
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this-is-telophase · 20 hours
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this-is-telophase · 20 hours
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this-is-telophase · 20 hours
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Homes are expensive because of landlords hoarding them for profit, not because of regulations.
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this-is-telophase · 22 hours
If your pharmacy is Walgreens and you've got a complicated medical situation and need to argue with your insurance a lot, you probably want to be downloading all your prescription records regularly, and keeping copies of the old versions:
Something's apparently happening that can cause batch edits to old database entries when a new prescription for a medication is entered: either they're actually perma-overwriting portions of the old entries with the newest ones, or there's just something wrong with the website/app that's making it display inaccurate data to the patient. This can make it impossible to be certain of your dosage, prescriber, copay, etc for a given time frame.
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this-is-telophase · 22 hours
btw I’ve found these stretches from the WAK blog very helpful when knitting a lot:
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Plus make sure to take breaks regularly - and stop if anything starts to hurt!
especially with gift knitting I know it can be tempting to push through it for a deadline, but it’s really not worth causing long term injury. (And anyone knit-worthy should be understanding of that, imho.) Stay well :)
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Oh hey, it’s me under my other name! I’m loving painting my art piece and seeing other WIPs from the writers and other artists is exciting! This is gonna be great. :) (The example piece is Deus Ex instead of Dragon Age but I didn’t have a polished DA piece alas.)
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Irusu - Page Artist
Irusu spends the time she's not wrangling cats or creating book covers for indie authors looking for RPGs to fill the Dragon Age: Inquisition-sized hole in her heart.
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Imagine showing up to work one day and people are like "jesus fucking christ there's a corpse in here", herd you to the back room and everyone who sees you also agrees that there is now a dead body where you are sitting, with the appropriate amount of shock and disgust about it. You figure it's some kind of a prank that they're pulling, but also the people that you know aren't into pranks, or aren't very good actors, are treating you like a corpse. They go weirdly back and forth between talking about you as if you're not there, and politely asking you to stay still while they figure out who you're supposed to call in case of a dead body randomly appearing.
Paramedics show up, study you thoroughly and agree that while they can't see any apparent sign of death, you are, indeed, dead, and ask you to climb aboard the ambulance. You're taken to the temporary corpse storage that hospitals have.
On the way there you ask them whether this kind of shit happens often, and while they won't look at you, the paramedics agree that they've never had a talking corpse before, though they won't question the fact that you're moving on your own.
You're eventually led to a morgue, where you're shown a slab to lay on, and at this point you don't really even question it, you just climb onto the Corpse Shelf and lay down, maybe have a little nap, with no idea what's going to happen next.
Then you wake up to someone walking into the morgue, who has the shit scared out of them when you move, and they're like "dude what the fuck, you're not supposed to be here, this place is for storing dead bodies" and when you're like "aw man sorry I thought I was a dead body" they have no idea whether you're joking and they don't care, you're just chased out of there.
And you just kinda go home and take a shower, show up to work normally the next day and nobody questions it.
And basically that's probably how those ants feel when scientists spray them with the Pheromone That Dead Ants Smell Like, and just hang out at the dead-ant-pile until the smell wears off.
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this-is-telophase · 2 days
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