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Food and Drink
The food and drink you consume on a daily basis can affect your teeth and gums as well as your general health. A poor diet can cause tooth decay and can even lead to gum disease. Food and drink high in sugar, will increase the amount of plaque present on your teeth and this can cause tooth decay. Eventually, plaque causes tooth enamel to break down and this is what causes a cavity.
In this blog, we will suggest what types of food and drink should be avoided and what types of food and drink you should try and consume more of in your diet.
What types of food and drink should I try to avoid?
Any food and drink that is high in sugar should be cut out of your diet, as the more food and drink you consume with added sugar, the more plaque that will build up on your teeth.
Try to avoid foods such as sauces like BBQ sauce and tomato ketchup. These sauces tend to be very high in sugar even in small servings. It is highly recommended to avoid candy as most candies are just pure sugar. Hard candies can do further damage to your teeth by chipping or cracking them when trying to bite down on them. There are many more foods that can be extremely high in sugar like breakfast cereals, yogurt, frozen pizzas, biscuits, cakes and chocolate and many more different foods.
The drinks that you should try and avoid the most out of any other are full-fat fizzy drinks/soda. These drinks are packed with sugar and have proven over many years to be really harmful to your oral health. Although fruit juices can be high in vitamins, these juices also tend to be very high in sugar and are also known to be bad for your teeth. There are many more drinks that can affect your oral heath such as sports drinks, iced tea, flavoured green tea and coffee, vitamin water, energy drinks and certain types of alcohol and many other different drinks.
What types of food and drink should I include in my diet?
A varied diet that is rich in vitamins, minerals, fresh fruit and vegetables can help to prevent gum disease and tooth decay, as long as you stick to brushing your teeth twice a day, two minutes each time.
Try to include foods such as apples in your diet. Apples are full of vitamins and the acidity of an apple can help to eradicate bad breath as it helps to kill bacteria that causes bad breath. Green vegetables like spinach and lettuce come with a variety of dental benefits. As well as antioxidants and iron, they are also full of beta-carotene which helps to keep your teeth strong and healthy. There are other foods that are brilliant for your oral health such as fish, nuts, raw vegetables, cheese, milk and sugarless chewing gum.
The best liquid that you should definitely drink every single day, is of course, water! Water with fluoride is especially good as it helps to strengthen and clean your teeth. With every sip, water cleans your teeth by removing any leftover foods or acids in your mouth. Milk is also very good for your oral health. Milk is rich in calcium, which helps to strengthen bones and teeth. Milk also contains a protein called casein, a substance that helps fight tooth decay by strengthening tooth enamel. There are other drinks that help to improve your oral health like low-sugar vegetable juice, low-sugar fruit juices, clear tea and root beer.
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Why Is Dental Health Important? 4 Reasons You Can Give Clients as a Restorative Dental Hygienist
When many people think of dental health, they think of keeping their smile looking bright. While this is certainly a nice benefit, keeping gums and teeth healthy is about so much more than that.
Our mouth is often one of our body’s main defenses against harmful, disease-causing bacteria, and regular care can help clients reduce their risk of infection, discomfort, and pain, while also promoting a healthy microbiome in the mouth. Good dental health has much more of an effect on our bodies than many may think, and it’s important to teach clients why taking care of their mouth means taking care of their bodies as a whole, too.
If you want to become a restorative dental hygienist, read on to find out more.
1. Practicing Good Dental Hygiene Can Help Prevent Periodontal Disease
As you may know, our gums provide support for our teeth, but bacteria that isn’t properly cleaned out can infect tissue, leading to gum disease like gingivitis and periodontitis.
Periodontal disease is one of the most common oral diseases on the planet, and is estimated by the World Health Organization to be the 11th most prevalent global disease. Typically, periodontal disease is caused by tobacco use and poor dental hygiene. In addition to encouraging clients to stop smoking, you can help them take care of their teeth. Recommending regular brushing and flossing can help them keep their gums healthy and prevent periodontal disease.
2. Restorative Dental Hygienists Know a Healthy Mouth Can Lead to a Healthy Heart
Periodontal disease has also been linked to cardiovascular health—in fact, people with periodontal disease have a greater risk of heart disease than those without.
Why? Although research is still ongoing, there is evidence that a bacterial inflammation in the gums can spread into the bloodstream, potentially causing clots that can eventually block the arteries to the heart. In order to lower the risk of heart disease and control bad bacteria, a restorative dental hygienist can suggest that clients care for their teeth and gums, including brushing twice a day, flossing to remove food or plaque, and using a recommended mouth rinse.
Dental hygienists can instruct clients on how to maintain good oral health
3. Dental Health Is About More than Just Teeth for Restorative Hygiene Training Students
Many clients may assume that dental health only involves having a nice white smile and fresh breath, but, as you learn in restorative hygiene training, the teeth are only one component.
The mouth is a gateway into our body, and good dental health can help it defend us against disease. Our saliva contains antibodies that fight off viral pathogens like the common cold, and helps wash away harmful bacteria, while the papillae of our tongue can collect germs and lead to bad breath. Our mouth is also the first step in the digestive process, and keeping it healthy can also help keep the microbiome in our stomach and immune system balanced.
4. Good Oral Health Can Help Detect and Prevent Oral Disease
As a restorative dental hygienist, your clients’ mouths give you a window into their general health, including early signs and symptoms of disease. Systematic diseases such as HIV/AIDS and diabetes often appear in the mouth first as lesions or other related problems, but it can be hard to identify these warning signs when your clients practice poor dental care.
In order to help catch diseases early, it’s a good idea to take clients through the steps of good dental care, and explain how this can help when trying to locate abnormalities such as lesions, growths, or anything that looks out of place.
Are you interested in a career where you help others?
Contact CADH for more information about our restorative hygiene college.
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Wisdom Teeth Removal Tips
Wisdom Teeth are the back molars that come in last, usually between the ages of 18-25. These molars are typically removed due to lack of space that can cause shifting of the surrounding teeth. If you are experiencing pain and discomfort, you may need to have your wisdom teeth removed. Below are a few things to keep in mind following a successful wisdom teeth removal surgery.
What to Expect:
Wisdom teeth removal can be uncomfortable to some degree; however the amount of pain varies from person to person and how many teeth are removed. It’s important to note that the anesthesia wears off approximately six hours after the procedure, which is when you may need to use the pain medication your doctor has prescribed.
Foods to Eat:
Eating after having your wisdom teeth removed can be difficult, as you will most likely not be able to eat your typical foods. We always suggest to stock up on soft foods beforehand so that you’re adequately prepared. Below are a few suggestions:
• Applesauce • Jell-O or Pudding • Yogurt • Oatmeal • Soup • Mashed Potatoes • Smoothie
Foods to Avoid:
There are quite a few foods to be on the lookout for, as they can cause a significant delay in healing time and potentially cause complications.
• Anything that can get stuck in the extraction site, irritate the gums, or reopen the stitches (i.e. rice, quinoa, or types of seeds). • Hot, crunchy, and spicy foods that can cause irritation.
*Please note that you should also refrain from drinking through a straw to avoid dry socket that occurs when a blood clot loosens due to the suction.
Taking proper care of the wound after surgery is crucial, as it plays a detrimental role in the amount of time it will take to recover. Full recovery can take anywhere up to two weeks to following a wisdom tooth removal surgery. It’s very important for you to follow the aftercare instructions provided to you after the procedure. If you think it’s time to have your wisdom teeth removed, give us a call! Doylestown Office Phone Number (215) 938-7860
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3 Benefits of Dental Implants
Missing a tooth? Meet your new best friend—dental implants. Before choosing to opt for a dental implant, it’s important that you understand the in’s and out’s of these replacement teeth and how they will benefit your smile. When replacing a tooth or a gap with a dental implant, you are not only giving your smile the perfect finishing touch, but also allowing yourself the normalcy of a full set of teeth. Below are three reasons as to why dental implants are the best tooth replacement option.
Lasts A Lifetime: Dental implants are made with a combination of titanium (yes, the same titanium used in airplanes and spacecrafts!) and jawbone that creates a sturdy foundation for the replacement tooth. This replacement tooth is able to withstand numerous years of regular wear and tear when paired with a proper oral hygiene routine that is consistent and thorough. This powerful replacement tooth (or teeth) is permanent—so you won’t have to worry about getting a new one anytime soon. To ensure that you keep your dental implants in tip top shape, take the initiative to clean your implants after enjoying any foods or drinks—just as you would with your natural teeth.
Can Prevent Gum Disease: By having a dental implant in place of a gap, you are able to prevent any debris or bacteria from being trapped within the crevices between your teeth and gums. In fact, a dental implant can give you the appropriate amount of space you need to maintain a daily brushing and flossing ritual, reducing the risk of irritation of your gums, like periodontitis.
Restores Chewing Power: One of the biggest advantages of dental implants is being able to fully chew and eat again! In fact, studies show that many patients fail to even find a difference between a natural tooth and a dental implant, as they look and feel just the same. With the ability to chew properly, you’re able to maintain a normal and healthy balanced diet (and life) by being able to eat a variety of your favorite foods.
When looking for a replacement tooth option, consider dental implants. Need more information or want to learn more? Give us a call at Billerica Office Phone Number 978-667-8600 to explore the next steps to regain not only your smile back, but your confidence too.
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“Gift From the Heart (GFTH)”-Saturday, April 6th at CADH!
Mark your calendars and join the big-hearted faculty of CADH on Saturday, April 6th, 2019, for the annual “GIFT FROM THE HEART (GFTH)” event at the CADH dental clinic in Mississauga, Ontario!
“Gift from the Heart (GFTH)” is an event where registered dental hygienists across Canada open clinics to provide oral health care to the public who may be financially unable to receive dental hygiene care or who have difficulty accessing dental hygiene treatment all at no cost! The “Gift from the Heart (GFTH)” event is a day set aside for registered dental hygienists across Canada to share their skills and knowledge with those who need it the most.
For the event at CADH, a team of oral health practitioners comprised of dental hygiene and dental assisting students, will work together to provide oral cancer screenings and preventative dental services for individuals and families in the community. All of us at CADH couldn’t be happier to provide the public with this great opportunity!
For more information about the event or the location of the event, please visit:
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Want to Become a Restorative Dental Hygienist? Here’s Why Dental Impressions Matter
Dental impressions help to create an accurate and detailed picture of a client’s teeth. For clients, it’s a relatively painless procedure, although it can lead to some gagging or other discomfort. Among clients who have a cavity in need of repair, though, a dental impression might be a little less comfortable. Fortunately, the benefits offered by dental impressions are many. In fact, they are quite important to the work performed in dental offices, and to the work of restorative dental hygienists.
Want to learn a little more about why dental impressions are so important? Continue reading to find out!
Dental Impressions Are Useful for a Variety of Procedures
When it comes to several different dental procedures, dental impressions have quite the role to play. Because they provide an incredibly detailed rendition of teeth, dental impressions can be useful for making take-home whitening trays for clients who want to really get their smile to sparkle. Dental impressions can also help clients who grind their teeth, as the impressions can be used to make a custom mouthguard. Dental impressions can also be used when crafting dentures, as well as veneers, crowns, and bridges. Dentists may even use dental impressions as a resource to analyze teeth and jaws, which can help them make decisions about a client’s care, such as whether they need surgery.
Dental impressions are important to many different dental procedures
Graduates of restorative dental hygiene training know dental impressions help to ensure that crowns and bridges fit perfectly within the mouth. This helps to make sure that the tooth both looks and feels natural. More than that, though, it helps to ensure that crowns and bridges don’t irritate the gums or lining of the mouth. Clients can feel comfortable, as well as confident about their smile.
A Record that Pros with Restorative Dental Hygiene Training Can Turn to for Future Procedures
While dental impressions are essential to many different procedures, students at restorative hygiene college may know that they can also be useful when a client doesn’t need any work done in the immediate future. This is because dental impressions can act as a record of a client’s teeth, which can then be used at some later point down the line.
Dental impressions can provide a record of teeth for professionals to use for future procedures
If ever a client chips a tooth, for example, their dental impression can be a handy resource to turn to. Having this resource available can help to replicate their original smile, even when the damage has been done. For this reason, it can be a good idea to have dental impressions made of healthy teeth.
Are you a dental hygienist looking to upgrade your skills and access additional career opportunities?
Find out how the Canadian Academy of Dental Health and Community Sciences can help you become a restorative dental hygienist.
The post Want to Become a Restorative Dental Hygienist? Here’s Why Dental Impressions Matter appeared first on CADH.
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Dental Treatment For All The Family
Dental Care Group welcomes new patients of all ages to all of our practices that are currently taking on new patients, no matter what your requirements may be. People have different dental needs at different stages of life, but one thing that should remain the same, is that you should visit your dentist and a hygienist on a regular basis to ensure that both your oral and dental health remain in top condition.
Our practices all have teams of highly-qualified dental professionals that are highly committed to providing effective treatment for all the family. Let’s take a look at what our dentists can do for patients at various stages of life…
Babies and Children
Bringing your child to the dentist from a young age is an important step in helping them to have good oral health for life. Early visits to a dental practice, can help to familiarise youngsters with a dental practice and to see a dentist as a friendly face whom they enjoy visiting every six months, so that they can show off their progress on looking after their teeth.
Fissure sealants and fluoride varnish are available to all children at our practices to help protect and strengthen their teeth against decay. Should decay be found, prompt intervention makes the process much more bearable and avoids the need for distressing procedures such as tooth extractions. Early warning signs of orthodontic problems will also be picked up on, making treatment easier.
Teenagers and Adults
Teens and adults require regular dental check-ups to avoid problems such as tooth decay and gum disease. For those who experience tooth staining, teeth whitening is a popular option, whilst regular visits to the dental hygienist help to ensure tooth cleaning routines are efficient, helping to avoid problems such as bad breath.
Pregnant women
Pregnant women are more susceptible to conditions such as gum disease and enamel erosion. Nodules (pregnancy granuloma) can also often develop on the gums. Nodules are harmless, but visiting the dentist helps to reassure patients.
Older people
Getting older doesn’t need to mean that you will lose some of your teeth. Your dentist can help you to keep your natural teeth healthy. However, if you do experience tooth loss, your dentist can provide you with dentures or bridges as replacements. Some of our practices offer Dental Implant treatment which is the best way to replace any missing teeth. To find out more about how the Dental Implant procedure works, please click here.
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Wisdom Teeth Removal Tips
Wisdom Teeth are the back molars that come in last, usually between the ages of 18-25. These molars are typically removed due to lack of space that can cause shifting of the surrounding teeth. If you are experiencing pain and discomfort, you may need to have your wisdom teeth removed. Below are a few things to keep in mind following a successful wisdom teeth removal surgery.
What to Expect:
Wisdom teeth removal can be uncomfortable to some degree; however the amount of pain varies from person to person and how many teeth are removed. It’s important to note that the anesthesia wears off approximately six hours after the procedure, which is when you may need to use the pain medication your doctor has prescribed.
Foods to Eat:
Eating after having your wisdom teeth removed can be difficult, as you will most likely not be able to eat your typical foods. We always suggest to stock up on soft foods beforehand so that you’re adequately prepared. Below are a few suggestions:
• Applesauce • Jell-O or Pudding • Yogurt • Oatmeal • Soup • Mashed Potatoes • Smoothie
Foods to Avoid:
There are quite a few foods to be on the lookout for, as they can cause a significant delay in healing time and potentially cause complications.
• Anything that can get stuck in the extraction site, irritate the gums, or reopen the stitches (i.e. rice, quinoa, or types of seeds). • Hot, crunchy, and spicy foods that can cause irritation.
*Please note that you should also refrain from drinking through a straw to avoid dry socket that occurs when a blood clot loosens due to the suction.
Taking proper care of the wound after surgery is crucial, as it plays a detrimental role in the amount of time it will take to recover. Full recovery can take anywhere up to two weeks to following a wisdom tooth removal surgery. It’s very important for you to follow the aftercare instructions provided to you after the procedure. If you think it’s time to have your wisdom teeth removed, give us a call! Billerica Office Phone Number 978-667-8600
Wisdom Teeth Removal Tips published first on https://facialoralsurgery.tumblr.com
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3 Benefits of Dental Implants
Missing teeth? You may be trying to decide what replacement procedure is best for you; dental implants, dentures or maybe even another option. When it comes to choosing, we always recommend dental implants. Dental Implants are a permanent solution to a lost tooth (or teeth) and have many benefits over some of your other options. To help make your decision a little bit easier, we’ve created a list of the top three benefits of dental implants!
1. Dental Implants Act Like Natural Teeth!
One of the most well-known benefits of dental implants is that they look and act just like your natural teeth. When properly placed, dental implants are nearly impossible to detect. Unlike dentures, which are removable and can cause discomfort to the wearer, dental implants are surgically placed into the jaw and provide no discomfort.
When dental implants are implanted to your jawbone, they provide the utmost of stability. This means that you can continue to eat your favorite foods, speak normally, and enjoy your improved self-esteem!
2. Improves Your Oral Health
Losing a tooth can have a big effect on the overall health of your mouth. When a tooth is lost, your gums begin to recede, which then causes the teeth to begin to shift, ultimately weakening your jaw bone which causes major problems for the rest of your remaining teeth. Dental implants provide stability to the jaw and prevent the surrounding teeth from shifting.
3. Reliability
Due to the permanent nature of dental implants, when properly taken care of, the implants can last a lifetime! Luckily, taking care of your implant is simple. Simply treat the implant as you would your other teeth, with the help of proper brushing and flossing.
Taking action to replace your missing tooth sooner rather than later will result in less headaches in the future. If you are considering dental implants as a dental procedure, give our office a call to schedule your consultation at Doylestown Office Phone Number (215) 938-7860!
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3 Tips for Working on Patients with Dental Implants after Restorative Hygiene School
The Canadian population is getting older and that’s creating increased demand for dental implants, such as dentures and bridges. As such, it’s important for professionals to be aware of the unique considerations that go into caring for dental implants.
Simply put, dental implants are not like regular teeth. Restorative dental hygienists need to know the proper techniques for caring for dental implants so that their patients’ oral health is maintained. In fact, improper care of dental implants could damage them and cause patients unnecessary discomfort and even oral health problems. Here’s a look at three things to keep in mind when working with patients who have dental implants.
1. Restorative Hygienists Should Be Careful About the Instruments They Use on Dental Implants
The instruments that you use on dental implants should be carefully chosen, since instruments that are otherwise safe for natural teeth may damage dental implants. For instance, both plastic and metal scalers have disadvantages when used on implants. Metal scalers may damage the implant while plastic scalers can leave behind plastic debris.
Restorative dental hygienists should carefully choose instruments that won’t damage implants
When working on titanium implants, the scaler should also be made of medical-grade titanium. It is also important that you pay careful attention to the amount of power you are using as a scaler with too much power could damage the implant.
2. Restorative Hygiene School Helps Hygienists Educate Patients About Proper Dental Care
An important part of a dental hygienist’s job is educating patients about proper at-home oral health care. As such, you will learn how to instruct patients on proper oral hygiene procedures they can perform at home as part of your training at restorative hygiene school.
Patients with dental implants especially need to be taught about proper at-home care. For instance, titanium dentures are more likely to corrode when exposed to highly acidic foods and drink. Patients should also be instructed to use home-care products that have a neutral pH balance so as to also limit corrosion. Water flossers, when used in conjunction with traditional flossing, are also a useful tool for patients with dental implants as they can reduce bleeding.
3. Excessive Cement Can Contribute to Dental Implant Health Problems
Learning how to complete final cementation of indirect restorations is another key skill you will learn in your restorative dental hygiene program. When performing these tasks, it’s very important that you ensure you are not using too much cement. One of the most common causes of dental implant failure is excessive cement, which the body recognizes as a foreign substance. This can lead to inflammation and bacteria buildup.
When caring for patients who already have dental implants, you should keep an eye out for excess cement around the margins of the implant. If the dental implant appears to have too much cement, you should bring this to the dentist’s attention.
Are you ready to take your dental hygienist career to the next level?
Contact the Canadian Academy of Dental Health & Community Sciences to learn more about our restorative dental hygiene diploma.
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Teeth in a Day
What is Teeth in a Day?
If you have loose dentures or missing teeth and find it difficult to eat the foods you enjoy, then Teeth in a Day could change your life. Traditional dental implant treatment takes a staged approach, placing the crowns or bridges on the implants after a healing period, which means you would usually be fitted with a temporary denture, prolonging your discomfort and limited function. With Teeth in a Day, there are no dentures, you will have teeth fitted in just one day!
How much does Teeth in a Day cost?
Teeth in a Day can vary in price depending on each person’s individual needs. If you need all your teeth replacing using Teeth in a Day, then you could be looking at a figure of around £30,000. If you have Teeth in a Day treatment for just one arch, (upper or lower set of teeth) then the figure would be around £15,000. At Dental Care Group, we offer interest free finance for up to 12 months, as well as finance from 24 months to 60 months at an interest rate of 9.9% APR.
Benefits of Teeth in a Day:
• Greater chewing capability • Improved aesthetics • Improved speech • Greater comfort • Less Bone resorption • Improved confidence • Improved social life
Teeth in a Day might be right for you if:
• You wear old and worn partial dentures, which don’t stay in place properly • All of your teeth are loose and you fear the worst • You would not even consider full dentures because you feel there is a stigma attached to them and your lifestyle and career require implanted fixed teeth • You have suffered lifelong problems with dentures and you cannot eat the foods you like and feel there must be a better way • You have not seen a dentist for some time and have a dental phobia and you may feel it’s gone too far to save your teeth and are looking for a long term solution • The look of your smile and natural teeth depresses you and it affects your confidence and quality of life
For more information, check out https://www.dentalcaregroup.org/teeth-in-a-day/
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Everything You Need to Know About Dental Bone Grafting
What exactly is a bone graft?: Bone grafting is a surgical procedure done when you need to repair bone fractures or replace bone loss. When a tooth is missing or retracted from the alveolar bones that support your roots, gums and teeth, it eventually evaporates, causing facial features to shift and sag over time. This then creates potential problems such as pain in your mouth, not being able to speak properly, or chew food adequately. Fortunately, with the help of bone grafts, the bone that has been lost can be built again, which will not only heighten your appearance by providing strength back into your jaw bone, but also allows us to place a dental implant (artificial tooth) on top of it! In simple terms, the goal of bone grafting is to provide a safe, long-term solution to tooth loss!
How it works: The procedure itself is done by using a piece of bone (typically from your own jawbone; however artificial is also an option) as the base for your implant. Depending on the type on dental implant you plan on the receiving, and the condition of your jawbone, the process of recovery can take up to several months for the transplanted bone to grow enough to fully support the implant. Once the jawbone is healed, titanium, screw-like posts act as the new implant’s roots for fully functioning tooth support. The final step of dental bone grafting is to make molds of your teeth and jawbone, which will then follow with the placement of your realistic-looking artificial tooth!
After The Procedure: Bone grafting is a very popular and safe procedure, with over two million surgeries being reported each year. Of course with any surgery, come a few risks. Common ones include infection at the source, damage to the surrounding teeth or blood vessels, nerve damage, and sinus problems. The post-procedure discomforts include swelling of the gums, brushing on the skin, and minor bleeding. Any discomfort after the procedure should only last a few days and can be managed with anti-inflammatory medication, as well as ice therapy.
Following a successful bone grafting and implant surgery, it is recommended to practice excellent oral hygiene and see your dentist regularly to ensure proper functioning of your implant! To learn more about bone grafting or think you are a qualified candidate to have it done, give us a call at Billerica Office Phone Number 978-667-8600!
Everything You Need to Know About Dental Bone Grafting published first on https://facialoralsurgery.tumblr.com
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Everything you need to know about Dental Bone Grafting
What exactly is a bone graft?: Bone grafting is a surgical procedure done when you need to repair bone fractures or replace bone loss. When a tooth is missing or retracted from the alveolar bones that support your roots, gums and teeth, it eventually evaporates, causing facial features to shift and sag over time. This then creates potential problems such as pain in your mouth, not being able to speak properly, or chew food adequately. Fortunately, with the help of bone grafts, the bone that has been lost can be built again, which will not only heighten your appearance by providing strength back into your jaw bone, but also allows us to place a dental implant (artificial tooth) on top of it! In simple terms, the goal of bone grafting is to provide a safe, long-term solution to tooth loss! How it works: The procedure itself is done by using a piece of bone (typically from your own jawbone; however artificial is also an option) as the base for your implant. Depending on the type on dental implant you plan on the receiving, and the condition of your jawbone, the process of recovery can take up to several months for the transplanted bone to grow enough to fully support the implant. Once the jawbone is healed, titanium, screw-like posts act as the new implant’s roots for fully functioning tooth support. The final step of dental bone grafting is to make molds of your teeth and jawbone, which will then follow with the placement of your realistic-looking artificial tooth! After The Procedure: Bone grafting is a very popular and safe procedure, with over two million surgeries being reported each year. Of course with any surgery, come a few risks. Common ones include infection at the source, damage to the surrounding teeth or blood vessels, nerve damage, and sinus problems. The post-procedure discomforts include swelling of the gums, brushing on the skin, and minor bleeding. Any discomfort after the procedure should only last a few days and can be managed with anti-inflammatory medication, as well as ice therapy. Following a successful bone grafting and implant surgery, it is recommended to practice excellent oral hygiene and see your dentist regularly to ensure proper functioning of your implant! To learn more about bone grafting or think you are a qualified candidate to have it done, give us a call at Gateway-Heritage Office Building Phone Number (215) 938-7860!
Everything you need to know about Dental Bone Grafting published first on https://facialoralsurgery.tumblr.com
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Why Professionals with Restorative Hygiene Training are so Important

As you probably know from working as a dental hygienist, dental offices wouldn’t be able to run very effectively without the skills that you and other dental hygienists bring to the job every day. Restorative dental hygienists are also incredibly valued professionals, as their additional skill set allows them to take their careers even further.
In fact, these professionals sometimes seem to be in a class of their own. If you’re looking to take your dental hygiene career to the next level, restorative dental hygiene training can help you become an even more valued member of your team, or access whole new opportunities. Let’s take a look at why restorative dental hygienists are held in such high esteem.
Restorative Dental Hygiene Training Teaches More Advanced Skills
The main thing that separates restorative dental hygienists from other dental hygienists is the additional training they complete. Simply put, restorative dental hygienists can perform procedures that other dental hygienists do not have the requisite training for. For example, a restorative dental hygienist will know how to take final impressions, use provisional cements, bond and cement indirect restorations, set dental amalgam, and create composite and temporary restorations. These are all skills that you can learn in restorative dental hygiene courses and having them will help you gain plenty of respect from your colleagues in the industry, including your potential future employers.
Canada’s Aging Population Will Fuel Demand for Restorative Dentistry
Another reason restorative dental hygienists are so widely respected is because the demand for the skills that they possess is expected to expand. Canada’s population is aging very rapidly and that means restorative procedures are going to become even more important for maintaining the oral health and quality of life of an older population. Specific techniques and procedures are completed by the dentist, but restorative dental hygienists play an essential role in assisting the dentist with them.

The demand for restorative dentistry will increase as the population gets older
Obviously, dentists themselves highly appreciate having a dental hygienist on hand who is trained in restorative hygiene procedures as this makes their job easier and ensures they can more effectively serve the community.
Clients Look to Restorative Dentistry to Help Them Rebuild Their Confidence
Regardless of their age, patients can gain a huge boost in self-confidence with the help of restorative dentistry. When people have missing, misaligned, or damaged teeth, it can be extremely detrimental to their self-confidence. One study, for example, found that adolescents who considered themselves “less attractive” were far more likely to suffer from dental disorders, like malocclusion, tooth loss, and decay. When a person perceives themselves this way, they are more likely to suffer from social isolation and reduced quality of life.

Restorative dentistry can have a huge impact on patients’ sense of self-worth
Dental hygienists who have restorative hygiene trainingcan have a huge impact on these people’s lives. When a person undergoes treatment that gives them a smile they can be proud of, the improvement that does to their self-confidence can be profound. As a result, restorative dental hygienists can take pride knowing that they are not only helping improve the oral health of their clients, but they also play a role in improving their overall sense of self-worth.
Are you ready to enroll in a restorative dental hygiene school?
Contact CADH to learn more about our programs!
The post Why Professionals with Restorative Hygiene Training are so Important appeared first on CADH.
Why Professionals with Restorative Hygiene Training are so Important published first on https://facialoralsurgery.tumblr.com
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3 Benefits of Dental Implants
Missing teeth? You may be trying to decide what replacement procedure is best for you; dental implants, dentures or maybe even another option. When it comes to choosing, we always recommend dental implants. Dental Implants are a permanent solution to a lost tooth (or teeth) and have many benefits over some of your other options. To help make your decision a little bit easier, we’ve created a list of the top three benefits of dental implants!
1. Dental Implants Act Like Natural Teeth!
One of the most well-known benefits of dental implants is that they look and act just like your natural teeth. When properly placed, dental implants are nearly impossible to detect. Unlike dentures, which are removable and can cause discomfort to the wearer, dental implants are surgically placed into the jaw and provide no discomfort.
When dental implants are implanted to your jawbone, they provide the utmost of stability. This means that you can continue to eat your favorite foods, speak normally, and enjoy your improved self-esteem!
2. Improves Your Oral Health
Losing a tooth can have a big effect on the overall health of your mouth. When a tooth is lost, your gums begin to recede, which then causes the teeth to begin to shift, ultimately weakening your jaw bone which causes major problems for the rest of your remaining teeth. Dental implants provide stability to the jaw and prevent the surrounding teeth from shifting.
3. Reliability
Due to the permanent nature of dental implants, when properly taken care of, the implants can last a lifetime! Luckily, taking care of your implant is simple. Simply treat the implant as you would your other teeth, with the help of proper brushing and flossing.
Taking action to replace your missing tooth sooner rather than later will result in less headaches in the future. If you are considering dental implants as a dental procedure, give our office a call to schedule your consultation at Billerica Office Phone Number 978-667-8600!
3 Benefits of Dental Implants published first on https://facialoralsurgery.tumblr.com
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Winter Oral Health Tips
Winter is here and with it, comes the drastic change of weather! The cold temperatures are fun in theory, but what about the toll it takes on your health? Often times cold weather brings on a variety of pesky problems, like dry skin and irritated throats. But, the problems don’t stop there. In fact, your oral health is also affected by the change of weather. That’s why this season, we put together the ultimate guide on how to keep your oral health in perfect condition this winter season!
Tip #1 – Tooth Sensitivity: Many find that they experience increased tooth sensitivity to cold temperatures. This can not only come from foods, but the chilly air outside too! If you find that you are experiencing tooth sensitivity, there are tons of tricks you can do to help avoid discomfort. These include using a toothpaste specially formulated for sensitive teeth, or even rising out your mouth with salt water!
Tip #2 – Cold Sores: Cold sores can appear for a variety of reasons, including cold weather and a weakened immune system. To prevent a cold sore breakout, start by keeping your hands off of your mouth area! If you do feel a cold sore coming on, immediately apply a topical treatment to the area to stop the infection in its tracks.
Tip #3 – Chapped Lips: Chapped lips is one of the most common ailments of the winter season. To avoid painful cracked lips this season, invest in a good lip salve with SPF+ to keep them protected. In addition, it’s important to mention that your body moisturizes from the inside out, so remember to keep up with your daily water intake to help to keep your lips moisturized!
Tip #4 – Cavity Care: Let’s face it, the best part of the winter season is all the delicious foods! It’s fine to give into temptation and indulge in sweet treats, but just be sure to properly brush and floss afterwards to avoid cavities! In addition, always remember to drink plenty of water to help rinse away food particles and bacteria from your mouth! Incorporating dental friendly foods into your winter diet to help with cavity prevention will also benefit you! Foods such as crunchy fruits and vegetables, cheese and other foods high in calcium, are all perfect for keeping your teeth and gums healthy this winter!
Taking care of your oral health is important. That’s why we want to ensure that your oral health is in tip top shape this season! If you would like to schedule an appointment with our office, give us a call at Gateway-Heritage Office Building Phone Number (215) 938-7860! In the mean time, stay warm out there!
Winter Oral Health Tips published first on https://facialoralsurgery.tumblr.com
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4 Study Tips for Students Beginning their Restorative Hygiene Courses
If you’re looking to take your dental hygiene career to the next level, studying to become a restorative dental hygienist is a great idea. The skills you will learn in restorative hygiene will make you more attractive to employers and open up new opportunities.
But once you’ve made the choice to go back to school, figuring out the best way to study can be a challenge—especially if you’re trying to balance school and a career, or if it’s been a long time since you’ve stepped foot in a classroom. To help you out, we’ve come up with these four study tips to help you excel in your classes.
1. Organize Your Study Time Around Your Restorative Hygiene Courses
For those who will be studying while also working, organizing study times is important. You may study best in the mornings, in the afternoon on your lunch break, or in the evenings. Whichever time works best, make sure you set aside some time every day just for studying. Studying consistently every day over the course of your program will help you retain information better than only studying sporadically before tests or assignments. Taking a restorative dental hygiene diploma that offers evening and weekend classes will make it easier to organize your study time since you won’t have to worry about classes and work interfering with each other.
2. Find the Perfect Study Space for Focusing on Your Restorative Hygiene Diploma
Where you study has a big impact on how well you study. Your study area should be clean, tidy, and distraction-free. Working in a messy room or while the television is on is not going to help you retain information very well. Find a place where you feel you can focus on your studies best. That might be at home, in the library, or at your local cafe (caffeine, incidentally, has also been shown to improve alertness and attention).
Find a space where you can study your restorative hygiene courses with minimal distraction
3. Figure Out Which Learning Style Works Best For You
Everybody has their own way of learning. Some are visual learners, for example, while others prefer to read information. Make your preferred learning method work for you. If you learn best by listening, for instance, you could ask your instructor if you could record them in class and then play back that recording at home while you study. If you’re more of a hands-on learner (and many people are), you’ll appreciate the fact that much of what you’ll learn in restorative hygiene courses is through hands-on practice.
4. Taking Breaks Will Help You Better Retain What You Learn In Your Program
Studying and working at the same time can be hard and you might feel pressure to spend all of your free time hitting the books. But not taking breaks isn’t good for your mental health or for your studies. Take short breaks regularly as you study, as doing so will help you retain information better. And make sure you still schedule time for yourself during the week so that you can relax and reenergize. That way once you get back to your coursework you’ll feel motivated and ready to learn.
If you want to study well, make sure you take regular breaks
Are you interested in taking your career to the next level?
Contact the Canadian Academy of Dental Hygiene (CADH) today to learn how to become a restorative dental hygienist.
The post 4 Study Tips for Students Beginning their Restorative Hygiene Courses appeared first on CADH.
4 Study Tips for Students Beginning their Restorative Hygiene Courses published first on https://facialoralsurgery.tumblr.com
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