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#QAnon, #Trump and #disinformation
Why Q is Complete and Total Disinformation and Trumps playing you
First off, I’d like to say that for months I’ve been covering the lies of the QAnon movement on my channel CipherNews and its massive disservice to the once former “truth” community.
It’s not fair that so many people are so disillusioned and read into lies, propaganda, and blatant disinformation and take it as some 4D chess strategy that simply DOES NOT HOLD WATER IN ANY FORM.
I’d like to start off by saying that your opening statement about those who criticize Trump haven’t done their research should be revised to “we will allow him to do anything.” I beg to differ to saying that about anyone. This is EXACTLY the kind of dangerous, irresponsible rhetoric I have tried so hard to steer people from. Do you really believe Donald Trump is beyond reproach? He is the POTUS, so questioning the most powerful leader in the world IS THE RESPONSIBLE THING TO DO. Otherwise, you have a dictatorship, and fawning courtiers INSTEAD of citizenry, or have we really forgotten that?
Ever heard of shooting fish in a barrel? You know, the euphemism for an easy catch in a small pond, just shoot the barrel of fish. That’s entirely what QAnon is, a barrel of fish for folks dreaming Donald is here to save us. If you machine gun 1000 random predictions, and 10 of them come to pass, well then by all means we have a Nostradamus in our midst, right? Wrong. It’s completely false, and you referred your entire argument off of made up, fan fiction, A.I. patriot algorithms called: you guessed it, QAnon.
I like to call QAnon, QAnonsense, because that’s really what it is. The very first post officially was on Nov. 1st, 2017, and it was posted on 4chan previously (some say this was when Q was still real, but alas it never was lol). This random fan fiction/algorithm/soap opera material can now be downloaded in heavy pulp form, and disseminated by dreamers and paid shills (like Army Psyops/IBM-Q/Cambridge Analytica/Jesuit Dr. Jerome Corsi, etc. etc.) at 8chan.
Q has been consistent in one theme however, their (and it’s a they, an entire Psyops core Army Intel group, and computer geeks, with one well placed shill working directly with Trump).....if you didn’t know it before, Hope Hicks tweeted for the President ALWAYS. Now another staffer does this....
Ever wondered why Alex Jones was entirely shrouded by intelligence officers like Jack Prosobiec (Office of Naval Intelligence), Dr. Jerome Corsi (connections to Mossad, CIA, and MEGA Group, if you haven’t heard of them they give Mossad the marching orders), and Dr. Steve Piecinik (He RAN and black ops unit in the CIA, and STILL writes scripts for Hollywood, your fave destination for entertainment right? haha). It’s because where Infowars is located in in the heart of the Central Intelligence Agency’s contractor hub there in Austin, TX. They are on Al Duvane Blvd., and they rent their bldg. from contractor Honeywell. Honeywell is a huge contractor for the DoD, and IW is neighbors with RFID, satellite and intelligence personnel services. They were founded in the same year as their parent group, Stratfor, a private intelligence firm that directly sells information to private clientele, works directly with the CIA, Mossad, and MI-6 through George Friedman their owner who himself has a penchant for supplying the Israelis as much intel as they ask for. Infowars is the most well known, controlled opposition group on the right and are there to provide half truths, while misleading everyone esp. when it comes to NOT covering anything untoward on Donald Trump, who is also heavily tied in with Making Israel Great Again through lobbyists like AIPAC, Friedman, and his friend Sheldon Addelson (casino magnate, and benefactor of the Las Vegas shootings in new legislation). Infowars pushes Q as well, and the evil of that is false hope, lies, and misdirection.
The subsection you covered entitled ‘WAR TRIBUNALS’, is a provision that has exactly no stipulation attached to it, other than being a trust for the event of such need of that provision. If indeed it meant an immediate ‘round up, and trial of Hillary and company’ by all means that would be wonderful, but there will nothing of the sort. This is also applicable to former President Obama, because it’s more rhetoric being rolled out on the right, where they okay to our desire for tradition and justice not the hallmarks of a conservative individual? Yes. They pander to your desire for it, and all anyone who really understands this material wants to point out is that it’s fantasy. I deal completely in reality in this subject, and caution of the side of err when presenting speculative information as a “what if”, and not hard data. That’s what QAnon is, speculation and it’s poorly done at that.
How many times has Q promised indictments that never come to fruition? A plethora of them, beginning in Nov. 2017 and nothing has come of it, and it won’t. It’s based totally on what? Tradition and justice, the groupspeak of the right side of the paradigm that traps conservatives, as the left does for liberals. It’s all cleverly accomplished with speculation. Speculation left cover is Russiagate, that enflames the right and delights the left with the prospect of impeachment, while the right delights in QAnon, with dreams of sugar plums and Guantanamo’s dancing in their heads. Neither is real, and their intent is deadly because you’re missing the important fact that both sides are losing to the agenda, BOTH. Liberal or conservative the death of our freedom is at stake. They love for you to focus with heated intent on your lefty neighbor while Washington via marching orders from New York originated from London are carried out. That’s reality, not fan fiction, not hope like Barack Obama offered, but what’s real. Focus on the people who created Communists (Antifa, Marxists, Leninists, Socialists) and Fascists (Corporatists, Neocons, Zionists, Islamicists ) and them playing them off like puppets against each other. While we squabble over who got into what country, fling cultural and racist jokes around, and generally keep our heads in the sand.....know who’s winning? Donald Trump, right? You’re right, because we are losing every time he does.
Military tribunals are mostly fabricated for the benefit of those watching. Nuremberg, Germany, 1945 for example. While slime ball Nazis were captured, put on trial, and summarily dispatched ( and that’s a good thing) the key Nazis in science, military and finance were smuggled out of the country into Argentina, SA. The program was called ‘Operation Paperclip��� which is now declassified. The founding of Nasa (awfully close to Nazi in pronunciation) was predicated on Dr. Werner Von Braun, the inventor of the V2 rocket and high ranking officer in the SS. He was given a new passport, identity, and was immediately brought in to the US, like many of his friends. Even Hitler supposedly survived, and retired to SA but this can’t be proven as of yet.
So if any tribunals were EVER set to take place for war crimes against humanity, why Donald Trumps “good friend Dr. Henry Kissinger” would top the list for indictment. He’s personally responsible for the deaths of literally millions of people in his lifetime, but he’ll NEVER see a day in prison and/or the death penalty for his work. Why? The swamp dictates it. What would you say about a guy who lied to the entire world, and said the fate of the Earth itself was balanced upon toppling a rogue state bent on nuclear destruction, only to find it was all fabrications, lies, embellishments? This lie resulted in the deaths of over 500k children, and millions of innocent adult lives in the process? Should they be put to death for such a crime? Most would say, absolutely. But Trump offered that man a job, instead of the gas chamber and his name in John Bolton. The same guy that lied about WMDs in Iraq, the lie that Trump consistently mentioned in his run as despicable now becomes his most trusted advisor? But he had to do that too, I imagine?
H.R.McMaster was appointed by Obama, and was no boy scout. He’s a fellow at the CFR, and helped craft a secret bombing/invasion strategy for that administration, and all Bolton will do is make it public. That’s for the Iranian War, by the way, the one that’s now on par to happen with Bolton’s appointment. Complete with wherefores and whys, the Talpiot Plan, the expansionist New Israel plan will succeed since Syria is now demolished, and Iran is the last of the free countries NOT associated with Rothschild banking interests, along with North Korea and Cuba...all nation-state enemies, isn’t that a coincidence?
Funny thing about evangelicals (I’m a Christian, but I’m not duped into believing Israel is STILL the apple of Gods eye) they believe mostly that it’s Gods will to see Israel as a state (not Biblical) and that by serving them we can graft ourselves onto Gods will (it’s not)
Jesus said Himself that after the Temple was built and destroyed the second time, the Children of Abraham would be scattered as the four winds and they were because they turned their back on God, and they still despise the name of Jesus of Nazareth seeking a God-King to resurrect the Third Temple and rise triumphant to take his seat in the Temple. So if evangelicals are backing this, they are calling for Antichrist because THATS EXACTLY HOW THE ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION WILL ARRIVE. Do you know who the Third Temple Building Commission just placed on a tribute coin right beside the second builder, King Cyrus? Donald Trump. You know the one they’re already calling Mosciach or ‘messiah’ in Israeli circles?
But by building the Third Temple, it IS prophecy spoken of by St. John the Divine in Revelations as the End of Days. The Jerusalem-American embassy is one thing, but the Temple? If that happens, well you know.
So Donald Trump is Christian for sure? You believe that he has confessed with his mouth and lauded the Creator of all things, Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as his own? Never. Not once, not a hint, not even a peep. He’s never confessed it, it was reported as such by evangelical false teachers like Jerry Falwell’s son, who despite all objections by most of Liberty University NOT to do so, is going forward with a film saying that Donald Trump was sent by God himself to “save the world”. That’s blasphemous at best, and worthy of an eternity of torment at worst.
So forgive a silly good ole boy, North Cackalacky no-nothing bumpkin as we’ve been so ubiquitously described in wholesale detail, but I’ve read the Bible since I was able to read at age 6. This IS the strong delusion that the Lord Jesus spoke of, and it shows through in every apologists language with Trump. It’s beyond scary, as if God Almighty himself smiled upon us on June 14, 1946 in Jamaica burroughs of NYC and gave us Donnie, complete with a lunar eclipse visible in the MidEast three hours later. Although he was born under the sign of Gemini, the sun was positioned directly betwixt the horns of Taurus giving us the solar disk/horns of Horus in Egyptian mythos. His mother MARY, was from Scotland, and married Fred CHRIST Trump. His grandmother, Elizabeth Christ Trump, died and left Fred and Don her real estate holdings on JUNE 6, 1966 (6/6/66). He attended military school around 13, where he was considered a bully, and made okay grades, was the son of a wealthy business man, and shared the initials of another boy who did exactly the same: military school, 13, bully in fights, and found who he really was. You remember the other boys name, right?Damien (6 letters) Thorn (5 letters) or the same as Donald (6 letters) Trump (5 letters) and same initials.
Trump Tower is located on 5th Avenue, and features Donald’s apartment prominently in the film, “The Devils Advicate” on Floor 66 of the property. The gilded home is dedicated to Apollo the Sun god (or Apollyon in Greek as mentioned in the Bible, Revelations).
The base of Trump Tower is diagonally encased by 7 obelisks, and 6 black shadows, featuring an inverted triangle at the bottom. The triangle is made of bushes numbering 6 shrubs on each side, and each equidistant triangle features a 60 degree angle on all three sides. His son-in-law and fellow real estate mogul Jared Kushner, held a property on 5th Avenue as well and paid 1.8 Billion for it (3 x 6) at 666 5th Avenue, home of Lucent Technologies, makers of RFID technology. Kushner was also dispatched to carry out Trumps MidEast Peace Treaty, because you know what comes after Peace & Safety, no?
He’s been prominently featured in many films, tv shows, and his numerology appears with him constantly. Predictive programming has shown Trump for decades in his arrival, and again Presidents are selected rather than elected as I’ve said before. If he weren’t supposed to be there, he wouldn’t be! He’s doing more damage than anyone, because his supporters will seemingly follow him into hell itself, so let’s hope that’s not done in the literal.
But no, after 25 years of constant research, and deep research on Trump (especially after the Syrian debacle) I’m told that I just haven’t researched enough? Maybe you should consider its you who hasn’t done as much. Trump supporters remain so defiant, arrogant, and constantly......FOREVER apologetic. Why the need to double, triple, quintuple down on a guy who continually throws the collective United States under the bus?
He just said out of HIS MOUTH.....let’s go for the guns first, THEN due process
Keeps company with porn stars instead of his wife and baby at home
Never asked God fo forgiveness, and NEVER confessed it’s his own mouth publicly saying he is saved by the blood of Jesus
Is a freemason, whose sworn blood oaths to protect all his brethren even at the point of death over his own family, and definitely his country
This is why the Swamp won’t be drained!
Won’t touch the Clintons despite all the rhetorical garbage he spews about ‘draining the swamp’
Why Billy C. is Donnie’s golfing buddy. As a matter of fact, he rode out to Jeff Epstein’s Lolita Island at least once (boarding records), and he used to hang out with Epstein in the early 90s as a matter of fact....
What does Don say about Jeff in this article, and his penchant for beautiful women on the “young side”?
A closer look into exotic meals consisting of pizza and ice cream may be the death knell for certain politicians, hence the swamp gets deeper, sigh.
Trump totally said the Saudis had a huge part in 9/11 though
.....buuuuuuuuuut the gave them the most advanced spy tech any nation could own....
Are we getting a national ID card or what? So what’s the next step AFTER folks lose their Nat. ID card? Guess we’ll have to go with wearable tech, or an RFID? Hmmmm.
UraniumOne was a big story, and it should have been but Trump selling off Native lands/national parks so private interests could get the mineral/energy rights? That okay, though.
Starts a trade war with the country we sell materials to cheaply, so they come back that way as finished products....think they won’t come back with higher price tags? Don’t hold your breath for Walmart’s continually falling prices
What about Isis? They’re destroyed right? Nope, the British and Americans let a good number of them go late last year, so they can be repositioned to attack other countries and false flag others like France
They are totally mocking all the QAnon bull, because the same people who expose it in Hollywood (like Piecinik) are working with the folks churning it out...disinformation, exaggeration and half’s a meme now for goodness’ sake lol
I even challenged Q, calling them out because they are totally full of it, months ago
But with aaaallllllll that, let’s get to what’s coming soon to rhetoric near you:
-we simply MUST invade Iran, because.......(fill in false flag here)
-I’ll never sign another bill like that again, hrrrrmph
(guess what?! you could’ve vetoed it the FIRST TIME), but we gotta....xxxxxxx xxxxxx rhetoric, um blah blah blah
-semi autos in all fashion will be banned (I fought really hard for it though, constituency)
Don’t fall prey to any more lies, and seek God instead looking for heroes in men.
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Will the sane Truthers please stand up? 12/6/2017
Pinch me. I MUST be dreaming....why is the world completely upside down from a mere 9 or 10 years ago?
I remember sitting in coffee shops, meeting with a handful of like minded people who saw the direction in which our country was headed: runaway federal spending, devaluation of our currency, and a merging police state. We couldn’t even chat 15 min. without someone mentioning a cashless society and martial law.....the former being foremost in our minds, and the most heinous abuse of government tyranny, and the destruction of the dollar’s power; then there is now....people in the current “truth” community promoting Bitcoin, and begging for Trump to invoke martial law “to drain the swamp”? What the h. e. double hockey sticks happened?
What in the wide wide world of sports is going on here?
It doesn’t matter what Trump does, what reckless policy is performed (Syrian bombing, Kissinger meetings to escalate against Iran, and now defining Israel’s geopolitical future), there will ALWAYS be a fan boy in Alex Jones. Just a short 5,6,7 years ago he was still telling us about the fake left/right paradigm, the inside job of 9/11, and the occult connections of major world leaders. But now, just a short while later, no cheerleader outfit can be shorter, or brighter for Trump with pom poms to match. Nothing Trump does (like going back on nearly every campaign promise he made: Hillary/prison, descalating wars in the ME, or boasting the LARGEST presence of Bilderberg attendees EVER from any WH administration) is terrible, it’s just he’s playing 5D underwater backgammon in a capsized canoe, right Alex? I’m not buying it, or the bone broth that supports you. Why don’t you come on out and tell us what you really think about the Q-Anon posts? Is that direct enough for you? It would be for the rest of us realize it. But make no mistake, you’ve made your case for Trump and his insistence of meddling with Israel’s political landscape. Spare us the history lesson as well, because anyone whose read up on the history of US Presidents and their promise to “move the US embassy to Jerusalem” dates back to 1995. So are we “Making Israel Great Again”, too? Saudi Arabia’s new best buddy?
And truthers, out there....are you SERIOUSLY suggesting martial law is the answer? Really? Have we learned nothing of the past, Lord Acton’s admonishment, or the current plight of North Korea? Martial law is putrid, self-serving, and the epitome of tyrannical evil but the average Trumper out there see’s the lemons dedicated to lemonade....and it’s scary. Scarier than ANYTHING I’ve ever seen before: people who prided themselves on justice BEGGING for their own capture and demise. That’s what it is. Do you understand? Dachau, Auschwitz, or Pyongyang take your pick it’s just plain EVIL. So no, Q is not your hero and Trump’s little Twitter stunts verifying he is directly working with this person/persons is clear.....and they are promoting it. Death to freedom, tyranny, and the last remnant of we call America, you ask? I’m not on board, and many more who will figure this out won’t be either.....if it’s not already just too late.
Will Way is an independent writer, journalist, and Youtuber. He is pro-American, libertarian, Constitutional, and a believer in human rights for all.
Copyright 2017 and beyond. All Rights Reserved by Will Way.
#martial law#qanon#q patriot#4chan#8chan#bitcoin#donald trump#cashless society#military intelligence#regime#fema camps#false flag
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Stand up for what you believe in, and don’t let cowards back you down!
Just this evening I realized I’m on the right track. Did my research. Read up on my leads. Found the clips I wanted to incorporate in my latest video, and launched hoping someone, yes anyone might see it.
Well, they did. Not a huge response per se, but for me it was great as a small Youtube channel. There are so many wonderful people looking for answers, and I’m searching with them, so this was a fine opportunity to make a few friends, and gain some subscribers (finally a few, been a while lol).
Everything is as it’s expected, as my content is counterintuitive to most but eye opening for others. With this in mind, detractors are frequent and are actually welcomed since what I’m seeking is discourse and at least the chance to share my view of the world with others. But there be dragons.....
Threats and gag reflexes
I don’t take kindly to threats. Threats from old teachers, your parents when I was younger (clean your room!) and the local library after you forgot to turn in a book last week (sorry guys😉) are okay. They happen, no big deal. But when I’m given the threat of NOT posting my views and ideas because they don’t fit the delusional confirmation bias of short sided people, it’s another thing altogether.
Let’s make this so very clear, you can see it off my shiny noggin...
There, are we clear now? Like the crystal your mommy told you not to play with, but did anyway (it was probably yesterday for some of these folks, don’t want to scare developmentally arrested people).
You have a voice, so use it but save the daggers for dart boards
Listen, differing opinions are fantastic, it’s what makes the world go around. Growing, ideas, and getting out of your own headspace to explore the that’s exciting! Be kind to others when indifferent (folks usually are to me when I’m out of line, and hopefully that isn’t much) conversations occur. But most of all, never threaten others. It show just how feeble, weak, and small minded you are. Outside of that, have at it. Exercise your mind, your views, and remember what the United States and the 1st Amendment offer....freedom of speech, exercising mine right now matter of fact....I want a now I close 🍪
God bless you, and please feel free to’s your “rights muscles”- use it or lose it!
Will Way is an independent writer, journalist, and Youtuber. He is pro-American, libertarian, Constitutional, and a believer in human rights for all.
Copyright 2017 and beyond. All Rights Reserved by Will Way.
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Q-Anon: Salvation or damnation?
All the recent excitement and study of the recent Q-Anon posts via 4Chan have been all the buzz in the conservative research community. With this said, all great sagas have a beginning, and this one should concern us all.
As some of the posts have definitely forshadowed subsequent events, as in Trump’s timely posts complete with follow up imagery (+++,etc.) that most are already aware of, what is being glossed over daily is the fact that one post in particular keeps getting avoided in the conversation. This is the beginning of the Q post dated 11/01/2017:
“On POTUS’ order, a state of military control will be actioned and special ops carried out....” and followed with “...We will be initiating the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) during this time in an effort to provide a direct message (avoiding the “fake news”) to all citizens. Organizations and/or people that wish to do us harm during this time [shots fired, criticism, what?] will be met with swift fury.”
(My first article covered the fallacy of the “fake news” phenomenon, as it used as a rhetorical mechanism to control the flow of information amid both supposed ‘sides of the aisle’ [loud whisper: it’s all a rasslin’ show])
What is MOST troubling about this is that this is someone extremely close to Trump, and some even say the President himself (I believe the prior). Nonetheless, this is staggering and those who did see the significance in this particular post have been more apologetic than cautionary about it.
Martial Law is NEVER the answer
It is completely insane to even consider such a proposition no matter who our leadership may be. The ridiculously insane stream of consciousness that ensued this post has only fanned the flames of our collective confirmation bias that something has to be done about ‘draining the swamp’, although swamp monster extraordinaire HRC still remains free and my prediction will remain so. Here are the Presidents’ own thoughts about pursuing the Clintons post-election:
“The nine most terrifying words you will ever hear are: ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help’”.
~ Ronald Reagan, 40th POTUS
Closing thoughts...
The conservative truth movement would have lost its mind in group fashion if Obama had ever dared to imply he was up to such thinking....this is what is being implied isn’t? That someone close to, or EVEN the President himself is Q and THIS is okay?
So a grid down, military units running town hall, check points, guns collected, curfews are okay? NEVER. Never, in any terms, fashion, or even a hint coming from the office of the President, or the ‘deep state’ he proclaims to fight daily. This is a talking point, and THE most widely accepted dangerous scenario ever posited on researchers, and only shoulder shrugs have been seen among most....except for this researcher, and a handful of others.
Copyright 2017 and beyond. All Rights Reserved by Will Way.
Pray now, ask for Gods guidance and find some semblance of understanding in your heart that this is the single worst idea to ever be floated among our community. This is playing with fire, and we will all be burned by it. The argument that even a Donald Trump could be trusted with ultimate power should make anyone shutter (I particularly find any POTUS running any form of martial law for any reason enough to board the next outbound plane, expat style). We have to be cognizant of the risks here, and not let our yearning for justice “Trump” our sanity.
Will Way is an independent writer, journalist, and Youtuber. He is pro-American, libertarian, Constitutional, and a believer in human rights for all.
#qanon#martial law#donald trump#truther#conspiracy#military#military intelligence#military intervention#national emergency#q patriot#4chan
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The War in Hollywood: Insiders risk Life & Limb to bring truth & justice ~ 11/28/2017
We can all name drop. Mostly we make the decision pass along the latest scandal, tragedy or escapade via the social media platform of our choosing. It’s so ubiquitous, that I can simply close the app I’m writing on right now, and open another app to launch a tirade at someone, something, and it may even be baseless (I work very hard to research, but realize I’m also very human and prone to mistakes; forgive me ahead of time, and I’ll make sure to retract those that are realized.)
Corey Feldman and his family are in danger...
Just today he posted another video appealing to watchers to donate to a second money raising campaign, as he rescinded his prior effort of collecting $10M. Due to unforeseen expenses, and extended wait times he is asking only for 10% of that figure, and with much faster access he is eager to get started on a project to spread awareness of child abuse in Hollywood that we hardly knew collectively just a mere 10 years ago. This writer has known this for a long time, but with no platform and scarcely an audience, it is impossible to make this epidemic known to many. Ah, but the Word of God and faith the size of a mustard seed...
There are others, but they remain in the wings
For many years, and for some decades they have been telling us. They have been going along, showing at parties (and rituals) seeing and relaying it back through intermediaries. The sheer danger of the position they have been placed in demands it, although we never see it. Ask yourself: “Is everyone in Hollywood an evil, Satanic, child crushing abuser?” The precise and succinct answer is, no, so much so that it’s quite the opposite. Remember that a small elite puppeteer the many through their own intermediaries, mostly against their will and their own peril. This is not to say that MOST are innocent, but a large contingent seek justice and an even smaller group do so no matter the consequence. One can make the same claims against other groups altogether, but the same logic applies. Is EVERYONE at the FBI, CIA, Google, and Amazon a hand wrenching opportunist, or are there white knights remaining trying to change the structure from within? No and yes, and hopefully you see my point.
You already know some of the names who are synonymous with evil, so rehashing here is moot. I will say however, that the ones you DON’T hear about are even more important, and might be secretly starring in a role that aligns with your beliefs, your faith and a love for their fellow human beings. The lights are dimming, the audience has exited, and the cast only remain. Some of them are your biggest fans, so don’t ever forget it.
Will Way is an independent writer, journalist, and Youtuber. He is pro-American, libertarian, Constitutional, and a believer in human rights for all.
Copyright 2017 and beyond. All Rights Reserved by Will Way.
#hollywood#actors#elite#child abuse#child abduction#risktaker#behind the scenes#whistle blowers#white knight#corey feldman#crowdfunding
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#FakeNews: Fallacy & Sheepherding for Seekers of Wisdom ~ 11/27/2017
Since the “word wars” of the 2016 Presidential campaigns kicked off so long ago now, the term “fake news” was liberally used by the historical left in the media, while conservatives established their own following of journalists with historical right leanings.
Fast forward only a few months later, and the proverbial tables were turned literally, as then-candidate Donald Trump took the reins in the verbal tug of war that divided the United States into a strata of right and left splinters. The contingent of Trump supporters were vastly larger than relative support for Cruz, and on the Democratic side for Clinton and Sanders supporters respectively. In the end, the electoral college was the deciding factor.
Perspective: Yes, it still needs to be a factor in one’s reasoning....
When someone weighs the pros and cons of supporting one candidate over another, it’s highly personalized. Let’s face it: voting is second only to a declaration of faith in that someone’s public disclosure. Everyone leans one way or another (this author is absolutely conservative, and pro-American WITHOUT the trappings of “personalities” to promote!).
NO one wants you to declare anything here (unless you want to), BUT I do know one thing.....what I INSIST you do is so simple that you won’t believe what I’m about to say........THINK FOR YOURSELF!
Fake News, #fakenews, or FAKE NEWS❗️However it arrives, it’s designed to serve a particular purpose, a device if you will on yours truly or you as the reader: to dissuade you from looking further for yourself, and taking the word of the manipulator using it. Yes, I said manipulator, as in manipulation, control, running the narrative, all the above. Whether it’s good ole Donald, Hillary, an MSM anchor or a Tweeter it’s biased and should be seen for what it is.
Bias, be biased against IT
Listen, far be it from me or anyone else to tell you just HOW to think. Because if they do, RUN don’t walk the other way. I do wish you will consider my plea to all concerned that you keep an open mind, and understand the prevalent bias (WaPo left, Breitbart get it, ha).
So much information is OMITTED and that is what is so very troubling. MSM isn’t always fake news, and neither are conservative truther sites consistently. Use your own critical thinking skills to decipher facts from spins, be centrist before you come to any conclusions.......this, THIS is all this writer can ask.
Will Way is an independent writer, journalist, and Youtuber. He is pro-American, libertarian, Constitutional, and a believer in human rights for all.
Copyright 2017 and beyond; All Rights Reserved by Will Way
#bias#media bias#social media#fake news#manipulation#rhetoric#left right paradigm#conservative#liberal#centrist
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Truthers get overwhelmed at times, especially when they move past the left and right paradigm that are presented in Truth Levels 1 & 2.....don’t sweat it, you won’t forget it👍
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“The world can be a confusing and undernourishing place, IF your field of vision is too narrow. Embrace knowledge from every source you can, seeing past bias to quench your thirst for more.”
Will Way
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