thingsbandguyssay · 11 years
How does it feel to be fucking alive?
Austin Carlile (Of Mice & Men)
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thingsbandguyssay · 11 years
"I once saw Jared Leto and got an erection. True story."
Alex Gaskarth (All Time Low)
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thingsbandguyssay · 11 years
"I have an irrational fear of getting hit by bicycles. The thought of it scares the crap out of me!"
Rian Dawson (All Time Low)
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thingsbandguyssay · 12 years
"Aww, that kid just called me a faggot. Ain’t that cute? You know… I really like you and you’re not like all the other boys so… will you take me to prom and then fuck me in the backseat later?”
Gerard Way (My Chemical Romance)
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thingsbandguyssay · 12 years
"If a problem arises, there's no use complaining over it; stop talking about it and do something about it, that's what I say."
Austin Carlile (Of Mice & Men)
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thingsbandguyssay · 12 years
"In the beginning, everybody that gets to work with me, thinks I'm nice. But three weeks later, they hear a bell ringing. Then they realise I meant everything I said during that first week. It's not my fault people are not taking me serious from the first moment."
Andrew Eldritch (The Sisters of Mercy)
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thingsbandguyssay · 12 years
"You should always try and spell properly on the internet... because you don't want people to think you are a dumb ass."
Shaun Diviney (Short Stack)
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thingsbandguyssay · 12 years
“I like that people feel like they can trust their own secrets with our band. It's kind of cool. Not only is it an outlet for them to escape to when they listen to the record, it's also some place they can go to. I think it helps to connect to the band more.”
Tyson Ritter (The All-American Rejects)
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thingsbandguyssay · 12 years
"Kind of feel like raising a Tamagotchi......need some more responsibility in my life!"
Clint Owen Ellis (The Getaway Plan)
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thingsbandguyssay · 12 years
"Putting on a wetsuit is one of the most demoralising processes in the world - there's nowhere to hide"
Mark Hoppus (Blink 182)
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thingsbandguyssay · 12 years
"This was loosely based on a fairly weird night out I had in Bergen, Norway, once. It involved a jacuzzi, a bizarre hotel room and a bit of skinny dipping. I'm not going into any more detail."
Matt Murphy (The Wombats) on their song 'Jump into the fog'
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thingsbandguyssay · 12 years
"I regret walking in on Jack's mum vacuum cleaning in her underwear."
Zack Merrick (All Time Low)
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thingsbandguyssay · 12 years
"Guys don't feel anything...I don't, unless I'm writing a song. Guys have like five feelings and girls have like 105"
Tyson Ritter (The All-American Rejects)
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thingsbandguyssay · 12 years
"I guess this paper cut is the tree's way of getting the last laugh"
Jonathon Cook (Forever the Sickest Kids)
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thingsbandguyssay · 12 years
"Nobody knows how they're going to die and nobody knows when the last day they're going to be around is, so I just take advantage of each moment I have."
Austin Carlile (Of Mice & Men)
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thingsbandguyssay · 12 years
"This security guard was showing off his pepper spray and accidentally sprayed us all!"
Clint Owen Ellis (The Getaway Plan)
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thingsbandguyssay · 12 years
"My manager always says that if there aren’t girls in the crowd, you know the band’s never going to last. Dudes want to get out some angst, but after that angst is gone, they’re over it. Girls want to learn the lyrics, sing along forever. They love it in a different way. They nurture it."
Gabe Saporta (Cobra Starship)
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