thievingbat · 5 years
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“Does this happen often?” Kuronue chuckled and went on a quick hunt for his brush. He found the wide, stiff bristled brush where he’d left it and returned within moments to stand behind Yusuke. The brush was gently pulled through his unruly hair. Just to be a tease, he leaned forward to murmur against the younger demon’s ear, “I like it like this. More for me to pull.”
[ @thievingbat ]
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“Yo Kuro! I uh– Looks like I had another Mazoku growth spurt in the middle of the night or somethin’. Think ya could help me out?” Preferably with a pair of scissors, but a braid or ponytail, for the time being, wouldn’t hurt either.
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thievingbat · 5 years
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thievingbat liked your post:Why are my sons such shits? 
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Trash boi sees you, Kuro!
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thievingbat · 5 years
lmao that feel when you been hiatus’d and just getting so many por.n bots
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thievingbat · 5 years
                         repost  &  tag  away!  
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BOLD all that applies to your muse. italicized  -  somewhat true / it’s iffy struck out - the true answer he doesn’t know about himself
eyes:   blue | green | brown | hazel | gray | gray-blue | other. ( violet-indigo )
hair:  blond | sandy | brown | black | auburn | ginger | grey / white | multi-color | other.
body type:  skinny | slender | slim | built | curvy | athletic | muscular | chubby | overweight
skin:  pale | light | fair | freckled | tan | olive | medium | dark | discolored
gender: male | female | trans | cis | agender | demigender | genderfluid | other | doesn’t like labels | don’t have any definite headcanon either way
sexuality:   heterosexual | homosexual | bisexual | pansexual | asexual | demisexual | other  | doesn’t like labels
romantic orientation:  homoromantic | heteroromantic | biromantic | panromantic | aromantic | demiromantic | sapioromantic | unsure |  doesn’t like labels | polyamorous
species:   human | undead | shapeshifter | demon | angel | witch | ghost | incubus / succubus | werewolf | alien | mutant | vampire | fae | demigod
education:  high school | college | university | master’s degree | PhD | other
i’ve been: in love | hurt | ill | mentally abused | bullied | physically abused | tortured | redacted | brainwashed | shot | prefer not to say
positive traits: affectionate | adventurous | athletic | brave | careful | charming |confident | creative | cunning | determined | forgiving | generous | honest | humorous  | intelligent | loyal | modest | patient | selfless | polite | down-to-earth | diligent | romantic | moral | fun-loving | attractive | charismatic | calm
negative traits: aggressive | bossy | cynical | envious | shy | fearful | greedy | gullible |jealous | impatient | impulsive | cocky | reckless | insecure | irresponsible | mistrustful|paranoid | possessive | sarcastic | self-conscious | selfish | swears | unstable | clumsy| rebellious | emotional | vengeful | anxious | self-sabotaging | moody | peevish | angry | pessimistic | slacker | thin-skinned | overly dramatic | argumentative
living situation:   lives alone | lives with parent(s) / guardian | lives with significant other |lives with a friend | drifter | homeless | lives with children | other
parents/guardian:   mother | father | adoptive | foster | grandmother | grandfather
sibling(s):  half-sister | half-brother(s) | sister | brother(s) | none | other ( a colony he doesn’t know )
relationship:   single | crushing | dating | engaged | married | separated | it’s complicated
i have a(n):  learning disorder | personality disorder | mental disorder | anxiety disorder| sleep disorder | eating disorder | behavioral disorder | substance-related disorder | PTSD | mental disability | physical disability | redacted
things i’ve done before:  had alcohol | smoked | stolen | done drugs | self-harmed | starved | had sex | had a threesome | had a one-night stand | gotten into a fist fight |gone to hospital | gone to jail | used a fake ID | played hooky | gone to a rave | killed someone | had someone try to kill them 
tagged by: @imbruedinfear tagging:   you.
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thievingbat · 5 years
Kurama looked back down and away to hide the smug smile on his face. He knew Kuronue wasn’t really bothered, but it was great to get him to be all dramatic. “Is it? Hm.” He tilted his head to the side, then chuckled. “You’ll have to prove that to me, you know that, right? It’s hard to say I know your skill anymore.” Not that he had any doubts that Kuronue was in top shape– or at least better off then he himself, all human and out of practice. He just wanted to see.
He couldn’t help but laugh at the joke. Eat the rich? Well, he wasn’t into cannibalism, but at this point
 “Or guillotines. The French had great ideas.” It would be more classy than eating them– or, perhaps, they could eat the rich with some nice Chianti? That was culturally relevant. Hannibal Lector, really aesthetically savvy there.
 Cannibalism aside, they would have to compete anyway. “I don’t think Yusuke knows about you. But I assume you would come regardless of Reikai’s plans.”
“We could spar sometime if you really want. I imagine I’m rusty as all fuck, and I know my energy’s not what it should be.” Resurrection was unnatural, and his body had no qualms reminding him such. He could feel faltering when he tried to summon up his spirit energy and he wasn’t even going to attempt his dark magics until he was away from humans that could get hurt. Kuronue had once been strong, powerful enough that he wasn’t fucked with. But a part of him worried that he wasn’t the same.
Unlike Kurama, he certainly had no issues with eating someone. He did try to pretend to be civilized for his fox. Especially now that he was all human-hearted and such. “What’s a guillotine? Is it fun?” Kuronue shifted so that he could nuzzle the exposed neck so close within his reach. He was looking forward to watching this tournament, intrigued by the prize and by the notion of getting away from humans and their rules for a bit.
“Good. I’ll enjoy seeing what you can do now. And watching blood fly, of course.”
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thievingbat · 5 years
“Have to make up for weakness. Much like you do.” He teased, his voice pitching just a bit lower in a mimic of his teasing purr. If Kuronue was going to play this game, he could match him wit for wit. Besides, it was amusing to fee him fluster, even slightly. Kurama quirked an eyebrow and looked up. Oh my, that was an interesting sort of tense. 
He hummed thoughtfully, head tilting to the side. “It’s some sort of battle royale between demons and psychics for the amusement of the rich.” Or something. He shrugged. “We’re supposed to win it, then dismantle it. Yusuke didn’t have a terrible amount of information”
“Well that’s just fucking rude,” he declares, mock offended. He gives a small squeeze, entirely different kind of squeeze, to the lapful of Kurama. Kuronue was a manipulator of shadows, dark energies, and blades. He had no qualms fighting head on if he absolutely had to but as far as he was concerned there was no reason for him to prove ‘honour’ or some bullshit when he was fighting.
The bat wrinkled his nose. He supposed they had once included themselves among ‘the rich’, but mostly they stole from ‘the rich’ to amuse themselves and build their own wealth and power. They had both come from nothing, had stolen wealth and hoarded it so that they could grow a power base. Entirely different than the way others worked, or so he told himself. “I saw something on the Internet the other day. It said: eat the rich. I like that. But I also like the idea of senseless violence, so really I don’t have a foot to stand on.”
“I’m assuming, of course, that I’m coming along.”
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thievingbat · 5 years
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thievingbat · 5 years
Kuronue did have a point. His mother treated him like a child– and to her perception, she was. It wasn’t a wonder she kept asking him about girls in his class, regardless of interest. Which he had none of. Still, it was an eye-roll worthy tease. He had to wonder what his mother thought of Kuronue staying in his room like this, really. 
He shifted a little in Kuronue’s lap as he was pulled, adjusting lanky limbs into comfortable positions. If nothing else, it was nice to be the little spoon for once in his life, warm and safe and comfortable. It was familiar in a way that continued to throw him off kilter, yet he wouldn’t complain, instead using Kuronue’s shoulder as a head-rest. “Oh, that’s half of the charm of this form.” He smiled. It was deceptively sweet. “No one expects me to fight back. No one can believe who I am. So I let them bat me around a bit. Give me some non-lethal wounds. Get wrapped up in their pride and boasting– and then it doesn’t matter how powerful I am. They won’t notice when I slit their throat.” He rolled his shoulders in a lazy shrug. “You shouldn’t worry about hurting me, really. I’m still very sturdy, in my own way.” 
Kuronue gave a quiet snort of air through his nose in short lived laughter. It was sometimes a little hard to reconcile his notion of his life partner and this smaller, softer human-ish person. But then, as disgustingly cheesy as it sounded, their souls recognized each other. There was no way he could have mistaken him for anyone else once they were close. It wasn’t half bad being under Kurama’s supervision and learning about modern humanity.
He liked video games. And the books. And clothing was fantastic. The human world still bored him quite frequently and he missed the chaos and mayhem of the demon realm. Eventually they would return and he’d really be able to have fun again. It was a bit frustrating not being able to cut down someone that truly annoyed him.
“Aww, you’re fighting almost like I do. I’m a little proud,” he teased, a laugh in his tone. Kuronue’s arms tightened for a second, his words registering in his brain (and his lower half) before he did his best to relax with a loose smile. “We’ll have to see about that. Sometime. So what’s this tournament thing?”
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thievingbat · 5 years
Kurama rolled his eyes as dramatically as he possibly could. “Yusuke is a child, Kuro. Hardly.” Not that he didn’t admire him, or his power, it was just– he was only a teenager, and a human at that. While they were close, he wasn’t going to begin flirting with him, especially due to his intense interest in Keiko. He shifted to put his cell on his side-table, humming thoughtfully as he tried to get his thoughts back on track. 
“I still fight. Relatively often.” The fact that Kuronue even asked spoke to how little the two knew of their current situations. Hidden under layers of fabric were crisscrossed lines of scars, light pink and at the end of healing, marks from blade and stone. This human body knew little peace, although more than his original form. “This body is tougher than it looks, really.” He looked down to his hands, flipping them over as if to study them. “It hasn’t been fully human in years– and humans are oddly more resilient than they’re given credit for.”
“I mean, physically your mother assumes you are as well.” Kuronue had no seriousness in his teasing. It was just fun to fuck with his fox a little bit since he could. He really wasn’t sure how much she really guessed or knew. But it was more than nothing. Kurama just had blindfolds on when it came to his recently on her deathbed mother.
There was a bit of shifting and shuffling so that Kuronue could have a lapful of Kurama. It was fun to have his partner small and able to be crowded by him sometimes. Especially when they were both lazy and relaxed, or Kuro was and Kurama was vaguely doing homework. He tilted his head back to look up into green eyes with a smile.
“I’d like to see that. People underestimate you, don’t they? I’d worry about making you bleed even in play -- but I’d like to see you make others bleed.”
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thievingbat · 5 years
[ voice meme] "Keep it PG, sweetheart, but what do you like about me?"
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[Let me count the ways!]
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thievingbat · 5 years
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‘ that’s doesn’t even rhyme. –how are you gonna remember that? ’ where did he read that anyways? off some old man’s shirt?
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His tongue is stuck out at her. What a brat. 
“I just did! Why’s it gotta rhyme?”
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thievingbat · 5 years
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“Wanna hear the best advice I’ve ever heard a human give?? ...Eat ass, suck a dick, and sell drugs.”
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thievingbat · 5 years
       The glimmer of a fang is enough to lock his interest on his guest, focus leaving the long-haired man only long enough to note an exchange of hands on the floor below and send a pair of men to take care of it. His arm snakes around the demon’s waist the very second his own personal space is invaded, and he leans against the back of the loveseat with a low chuckle.
       “I’m sure we can find something for you to do in my favor if you like.” Damon hums in thought, not hesitating in the least to reach and remove the ponytail keeping Kuronue’s hair tied up. “I don’t dance, but I wouldn’t mind you dancing for me.” His words are light, almost teasing despite an underlying dangerous tone, and he brushes his fingers through absurdly long locks.
       His fingers find their way beneath the demon’s chin, bringing his head to further face him directly, and another chuckle falls from his lips. “I would love to play with you.” A menancing glint flashes across both crimson and icy hues, and he grins — canine teeth now elongated. “Have something special in mind, sweetheart?”
Oh, he likes this. Kuronue suspects he made a good choice in coming up here at the casual way the man touches him. He’s interesting -- he suspects chaos clings to him as easily as air. The demon doesn’t resist having his crow-wing black hair dropped around his shoulders and looks at him with an amused look instead.
“No? But dancing is so much fun. Getting hot and sweaty; moving and letting the music move you.” His reply is near dreamy, having enjoyed his time when he was on the dance floor. Humans had finally gotten interesting. He liked their clubs and raves and drug-fueled parties. Kuronue grins back, wide and pleased, double fangs showing now, at the agreement to play.
His hand settles on the inside of the man’s thigh, his intrigue further sparked by the show of fangs. Not as human as he’d first thought then. “Depends on how much privacy you like. Right here and now? I’d like to get hot and sweaty an entirely different way.”
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thievingbat · 5 years
He was doing his very best not to interrupt Kurama’s life too much. He liked helping out Shiori, the human woman was growing on him more and more. He understood more also about why his fox wouldn’t leave her behind. Though he was suspecting she knew more than she let on - what sane human woman would allow a random ‘college aged’ stranger to just bunk with them for an undetermined amount of time - not that Kurama would listen to him when he tried to say as much. Oh well.
The point was, Kuronue was doing his best. Nibbling his possession marks into his partner, driving those teenage hormones wild, all that kept him pretty entertained. But also finding ways to keep himself busy. Books helped quite a bit. There were things called manga he enjoyed, the more fucked up the better. Paperbacks worked too -- he was catching up on human ‘pop culture’.
Cradled in his hands was one of the paperbacks he’d gotten called Hunger Games. It was rather ridiculous. Kuronue pressed his finger to his paragraph so he didn’t forget it and looked down at a face full of red hair. That Yusuke kid had called and it seemed like it was something of importance. He listened to half of the conversation, not bothering to focus to hear the other end as well, and returned to his book.
“Stop flirting with other boys when I’m in the room,” he teased. He tucked his bookmark into the book, deciding it was rather silly and boring. The bat wasn’t sure if he’d finish it after all. Kuronue lifted a dark eyebrow at the mention of a tournament. “Since when do you fight seriously? Aren’t you a little squishy for that?”
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To Kurama’s surprise, the first couple weeks of Kuronue being
 well, back in his life, were relatively low-key. Normal. He still attended school. His mother still cooked dinner, albeit for three instead of two. There were no demon attacks or sudden great heists. Just quiet days of Kuronue struggling to keep a diurnal schedule and sleeping with his head against Kurama’s leg while he did homework. 
It was nice, but unsettling. Quiet days had never been a thing in Makai, and with the bat here, it felt like something needed to be chaotic. Yet that chaos didn’t really come. Certainly, there were times when he was awake at two am because Kuronue was bored. And he had to be creative about hiding hickeys because even if he protested, they still ended up some places. But if they could be domestic, this was domesticity. Shiori hadn’t even tried kicked him out yet. 
It was almost a relief when Yusuke called, one of his rare, serious phone calls that weren’t him finding service at Genkai’s to bitch over the phone, or asking to hang out at an arcade, or tucked away in Kurama’s bedroom. He nodded a couple times, leaning back into Kuronue’s side, making sounds of understanding. An assignment, after quite a lot of radio silence. A tournament, it sounded like– some sort of massive brawl between demon and psychic alike. Mostly demon. And for whatever reason, they needed to compete and win. To take down the organization running it. Likely. 
Well, alright. That didn’t sound easy, but it was better than woolgathering. “Alright. We have two months then. Yes. I see.” He hummed thoughtfully. “At Genkai’s, I presume. Well, if nothing else, we’ll come out of it with the patience of saints.” A bark of laughter from the other end. Kurama smiled. “Tomorrow afternoon? Yes, I’ll see you then. I’ll bring snacks. Maybe that will soften Genkai a bit– no? Ah. Unfortunate that I can’t buy alcohol– no I’m not stealing some, Yusuke.” A thoughtful pause. “Well, I suppose I could. I’ll think about it. Yes
 yes. Okay. I look forward to making you eat those words.” A chuckle. “Yes, yes. See you. Good night, Yusuke.” He hung up with that, staring at his cellphone screen. 
He tilted his head up, looking at Kuronue through his eyelashes– as that was the only way he really could, at the moment. “I’m apparently fighting in a tournament.”
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thievingbat · 5 years
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Alright, he definitely was still amused at that. What on earth were the odds, getting caught like that. “At least you got off easy. He has me babysitting his baby spirit detectives.” Yeah, that was about right. Between Kazuma and Yusuke, they were are a disaster squad and Hiei only made it worse. He was the only thing keeping sanity and order among those hooligans. Hooligans who he loved, but hooligans all the same. “I don’t know how much he cares if I break human rules, but I’m at the whims of my mother, so he doesn’t have to.” 
He couldn’t help but smile at the light press of lips, tilting his head to better see how Kuronue reclined on his bed. A pretty sight, to be sure, as it always had been. “Better than my plans of leaving at ten. Humans live to near a hundred, these days.” He leaned back to find a comfortable position at his side, propping himself up on an arm to watch his face. “Besides, that’s long enough to deal with human banality. There’s only so much I can take.” He closed his eyes in relaxation, suddenly dreading the tedium of school all the more than typical. Now there was actually a reason to want to skip. Drat. 
“Hm?” He cracked open an eye inquisitively. Fun? Oh, of course that would be on Kuronue’s mind. “Look around. Not much. I garden frequently, and I do have a couple of friends that I spend time with, but most of what is geared toward fifteen year old humans bores me. I’ve tried some, but they’re worse than sleeping my days away. They’re pointless.”
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He reached up a hand and untied the ribbon holding his hair together, dropping it to the floor. He’d picked up a package of soft human hair ties to use on his hair instead, later. Kuro’s arms continued past his head so that he could lace fingers together and stretched, palms out. The bat wiggled a little to get more comfortable before turning his face so he could look at the redhead.
“I suppose humans would find some way to extend their lives finally. A hundred years is a blink if you’re not bored to death.” Demons didn’t actually live that long either, but that was mostly because the likelihood of dying as a pup or by stupid decisions was quite high. Those that did tended to become legends or at least well known. Kuronue was pretty sure he was somewhere around 800, but he’d forgotten exactly how long.
“Oh Spirits, you’re going to bore me back into my grave,” he teased. Kuronue imagined he could find some trouble or chaos to entertain himself while Kurama was busy playing at human. Within reason of course, he knew he didn’t want to go back to being dead. “I’ll find something to entertain myself when you’re away. Ugh, I think I am going to sleep. Today has been a very long day. I’ll pretend human hours tomorrow.”
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thievingbat · 5 years
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“No, just a legal age for sex. Everything else is perfectly legal.” But frowned upon, for sure. Too big of a perceived age gap, a high school and college age student. It didn’t stop people from doing it, but he was supposed to be behaving. “Also, humans are
 strange about public displays of affection.” He had to attempt explaining, even if he didn’t get it much himself. “I have a reputation at my school, I don’t want to trouble my mother by changing it.” Which dating an older man would certainly do. It was a triple whammy of dating older, dating in high school, and being gay. 
As for illegal things that were silly, though
 There were plenty, in the mind of a demon. Murder, for instance, if the person really deserved it. And public indecency. Drinking underage? Brawling. Most recreational drugs. 
Ah, he could figure those out on his own, though. He’d love to see the cops try and get Kuronue. Poor suckers. 
Kurama quirked an eyebrow out Kuronue’s magnanimous offer. How lovely, he would be dealing with a cranky, stubborn bat until he gave up or adjusted. “Don’t complain to me when you’re exhausted, then.” He hummed, joining Kuronue on the bed. “But don’t worry, it’s only for Mother’s life span. It’s not forever. Although I’m very unsure of whether I’ll ever be fully demon again.” Not that he was fully human. Far from it. “Or fully nocturnal.”
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Sex at his age was illegal but -- like most things -- only if you’re caught. Got it. Public displays of affection was certainly something he’d have to figure out how to navigate. Kuronue wasn’t very good at keep his hands to himself. He struggled not to laugh at the fact that Kurama attended human school. It was wild. He really did care about his human mother to remain and do all those things.
“I’m on probation with that baby prince. I’ll do my best to be on good behaviour,” he sighed softly. Though that certainly did not extend to being limited in touching Kurama. That was a human rule, not a spirit world rule. The bat had limited morals. It would take some navigating.
“That’s kind of fucked up, waiting for your mother to die,” he teased. Kuronue leaned over to press a kiss to the column of his throat before flopping back. It was interesting to feel the bed against his back without wings to get in his way. “You’ve always been strange. Now you’re just strange to humans and to demons. What do you do for fun?”
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thievingbat · 5 years
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Kurama couldn’t help but laugh, quickly stealing a kiss before Kuronue could fully disengage. He should have known he wouldn’t be allowed to have the final– not word, but action. That was Kurama’s privilege alone, and always had been. “I’m not of legal age, for a human.” He explained, with a sort of teasing amusement. “So I doubt my mother would much appreciate it. Nor would the law.” Not that they’d ever given a shit. Still, he had to withhold some things, just due to his lack of maturity. “So. Don’t get caught.” 
He returned to laying out the futon, folding blankets neatly on top. It took up a good space on the floor, a tiny bit oversized for a teenage boy. “Unfortunately. Humans do everything in the day, and while I tried to remain nocturnal as a child, my mother wouldn’t have it.” It really was just inconvenient. “We can work something out. I’m fine with being awake odd hours.”
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“There’s a legal age for intimacy? Isn’t it just common sense? You didn’t want to hold my hand earlier as well. Is that illegal? What other silly things are illegal?” 
Humans. So strange with all of their laws and different morals. He had a lot to learn, and he’d do his best not to upset Kurama in the process. Mostly. Kuronue wrinkled his nose at the thought of upsetting such a gentle lady like Shiori. He definitely believed her to have a spine of steel though with having raised a creature like Kurama.
The futon didn’t look uncomfortable and he was grateful that his partner at least had a decent sized bed. They could both fit if they cuddled, but he suspected he would use the futon at least a few times. As he watched Kurama set up the bed, he talked quietly. His body wasn’t used to operating in daylight hours, yet he was determined to adjust.
“Nonsense. If I’m pretending to be human - until you grow out of that silly idea - I’ll adjust. Sunglasses are a useful item that humans have created. They’re dark enough for my poor eyes during the bright hours.”
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