The Zhark
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thezhark · 8 years ago
Ya know i get so sick and tired of people complaining about how all they want is equal rights for everyone. That is such bullshit and lies. Lets take a look at what REAL equality is. The fact that everyone on this earth is what, a human. We all breathe we all bleed we all live we all die. Its not about the color of our skin or the country we are from or whether or not we have a penis or a vagina or neither or both. Its not about our sexual preferences or religion, or how much money we make, or where we live or what we eat or drink or smoke or any of that. People say they want equality, but in asking for equality you are denying that very thing for everyone else. Now at this point i know the sheep are like whoa hey man that’s not true you are a racist bigot blah blah. But lets stop that thought process right now, nip it in the bud and lets continue, i will explain everything that i believe. When a specific group asks for equality they have now separated themselves from the main group. I understand the need to fit in, to have a place to find a purpose with oneself. For some its sexual preference, for others its the color of their skin, for others its a particular entertainment group that they identify with and as such are labeled nerds, or geeks. For others its religion, whether it be a cult, Christianity, Muslim, Buddhist, Asatru, or whatever. Also i am going to digress just to point out how much equality is absent in this world. The words Christianity and Muslim and Buddhist, obviously large religious sects had a spell check option with the first letter being capitalized, while Asatru did not....why do you suppose that is? Do you think that those who believe in the old gods have any less faith then those who follow the larger religions that think themselves superior? I for one do not....and yet they are not allotted the same respect, nor the same opportunities, simply because its thrown into a single “Pagan” category. Does that sound like equality to you? Ok back to my original point, everyone wants to fit in, to feel like they belong somewhere, to the point that they will sacrifice everything that they know and hold dear to themselves and what they no is right and wrong. A good example would be the Jonestown incident. He was able to recruit so many people to his cause just by giving them something to believe in, a hope for the future for comradeship, just for something to grasp and somewhere to belong. It has been the hubris of mankind since the beginning of time there are the strong, and there are the weak who will follow them. Lets look at Adolf Hitler. How many people had to have known what they were doing by massacring millions of people was probably wrong. And yet it continued, why? Because the weak will follow the strong. Rather then allowing other people to tell you how to feel or to make you think the way they want you to think, learn to free yourself, free your mind. Re-think everything that you hold dear right now, take all of your rhetoric all of your beliefs all your faith and values and virtues and honor and pride. And throw it all away. Empty your cup, so that you may fill it again with everything. There is more to that statement then just equality but lets start there. Whites and blacks and racism.....what a joke. For a people obsessed with something that no one who suffered through lived through to this day, it is still being used to make people feel sorry for them....example, “ black people were enslaved for years, we deserve free healthcare, free money, free college, oh and the right to be as racist as we want for years even though we suffered from racism for years and should no better then everyone else”. Does that hit too close to home for some of you? Well good, lets take it further. I saw something the other day, a movie called Dear White People explaining what it is like being black in a white dominated dont get me wrong that may have been true 10-15 years ago, but it isn't now. On social media there is a word going around called Whitesplaining which seems to be okay. Lets take a look at if the situation was reversed, their would be an outrage, and yet in similar situations of where “black” people think they know what its like to be “white”. And so i say its blacksplaining. But lets throw all the bullshit garbage out for a second....Who said it was okay for us to just throw people with different skin colors into a category of just black and white. That is the problem with the world today people think there is a black and white a good and evil a hot and cold. Almost always it is impossible to separate everything into such easy categories. Grey is in everything there is always light skinned people who are stuck in between both of “white” and “black” there is always warm and there is always neutrality. And i know what i’m going to get from this revelation, “ well you dont know what the fuck you are talking about honky, you wouldn't know racism if it jumped up and bit you in your cracker ass”. Am i right? Well lets review that statement....and now lets move on :) . Having lived in Sharpstown, Tx for an extended amount of time, a favorite nickname i was referred to was white boy. Now like i said before, had the situation been reversed and i replied whats up black boy what do you think would have happened to me? Being one of 2 white males in the entire school, you can imagine what it was like. Or if you are close minded and ignorant you cannot up to you if you want to free your mind of what you think you know. Eventually i got tired of putting up with it and i learned to fight back and not deal with it. Why? Because it was wrong and here is the winner, racist! My favorite is when i see people post online that black people cant be racist that makes me laugh the most. Lets look at roles in movies, because of “racial equality” it is okay to cast black people as hmm lets say Heimdall, Human Torch, Deadshot, just to name a couple. But they always manage to get the black roles right, they always manage to have black actors play black people. Is that bullshit? Hmm lets see what if we had cast someone white to play Django, or Luke Cage, or Shaft, how about Martin Luther King Jr.? I’m guessing some people would have a problem with that....So tell me how is that equal? What if we cast Jackie Chan to play Malcolm X would that be okay? Because if not, then it isn’t equality is it? I’m finished for now but if you have any questions or comments or anything i wont shy from any of you feel free to message me :) . I would prefer to keep it intelligent but i know that that’s probably not going to happen Haha. So thank you for your time if you read all of this, i know i have a lot of incomplete thoughts but i would enjoy discussing them further if you wish. My door is always open.
-The Zhark
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thezhark · 8 years ago
Stuck in this place, a space, not big enough to run to or from Wherever we are, to where we want to be. A vision a sight to see, elemental adversity is a must for me. Emotions, these twigs on the tree of perception, it is the erosion of our hearts beat. Who can say what we feel what we hear, what we see what we fear. What is real what is fake, why not just seize what we want? Why not just take....take what we want take what we will live for the moment and pay for the thrill. To live without living is death without dying, to ponder if your soul will be flying or frying. Imaginations combined into all false faiths. Dark words spoken from the mouths of unholy wraiths. Discrimination abounds hear their audacious complaints manifest into inebriation. Annhilation of our humanity amongst celebration of our depravity. Throw stones, throw spears, throw insults and jeers, we fight for what is right, and what is right? Is it wrong to be strong, correct to be weak brought to our knees in this sinkhole we sink. What is next what is left, do we savor each breath? If so then why, why do we try, why do we cry. When it gets to that point why do we die? Our north wind blows our fragile hearts to ice, the ocean carries the hopes of mice. Of us of them, of him of her, dreams aspirations each hope well preserved. Do we speak though not spoken, do we move though not moved. Do we reach for the unreachable when there is still so much to lose. Avarice an accomplice in the machinations of our despair, look to the future and you will see how we will fare. Look to the past never forget what won't last. Selfish and selfless are one in the same, think you are good? Learn to recognize your shame. Humility is reality, and lies are the truth, in a one way mirror you cant see your youth. What is fading what is passing what is coming to an end, in all else your life is just around the bend. Not the beginning not the middle, its the end of it all, and also my riddle. -The Zhark
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