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Emma Swan In Every Episode
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Jennifer Morrison on the many Captains in her life
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Goodbye, Once Upon a Time (2011-2018)
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that signature pirate family spin
       -requested by anonymous
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 My armor’s been on for such a long time that sometimes I forget I don’t need it with you.
100 days of captain swan: Day 12
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# the snowing trifecta.
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Do you ever stop and think about the fact that the child of our OTP is literally named after the theme of the entire show? Like… they could have named that kid anything (don’t lie, I’m not the only one who was expecting a dead relative name, and it would have been in A&E’s wheelhouse to also name her Alice), but they didn’t. They gave her a brand new name, and one that has been the heart beat of this show since the pilot graced our tv screens. 
How many other shippers can say that? How many can say that it is canon that their OTP’s kid was named after the central theme of the entire show? I just… it gives me tingles every time I think about it. 
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Once Upon a Time Top 50 Episodes: 26. 2x06, Tallahassee
Keep reading
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The baby who played Hope Swan-Jones!!
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Hope Swan-Jones ❤️❤️
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do you ever sit back and reminisce about the old captain swan days? like sometimes i just think back to season three and the day the promo for good form came out and the captain swan fandom LOST IT. like truly lost it like never before. because that was the moment our little crack ship turned the tide and had canon potential. and then we actually got the episode. and then their relationship blossomed and we got a full two episode time traveling adventure of our faves finally coming to terms with their affection for each other. we got “you traded your ship for me? aye” I MEAN THATS A MOMENT I’M GOING TO TELL MY GRANDCHILDREN ABOUT. and then from that moment on it was pure captain swan bliss. i mean sure we had our hearts ripped out a million times (quite literally for some of our faves) but in the end we endured and had so many pure moments. we got hugs, and kisses, and PANCAKES, and engagements (plural!!) and A WEDDING, and now a bABY. we truly shipped the best ship of all time.
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The script : Hope Swan-Jones , ME: *raymond Holt VINDICATION*
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Posting this bit from the script in case you wanted to see it and read the narration
OUAT Ep. 7x22 || Leaving Storybrooke
Copyright @ ABC
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This makes me emotional
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