if you wanna start a fight you better throw the first punch, make it a good one. and if you wanna make it through the night, you better say my name like the good, the bad, and the dirty.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Katrina Law as a chef - HOIA: Chicken Hot and Sour Soup [x]
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Ivy: 😂 true! okay, i'm slowly backing away from the plants. unless you're trying to say i should just get one big one and no more?
Ivy: you're going to get upset...because of money. seriously you and em have been so great about supporting me, but i can't keep using on you guys.
Ivy: yes! hahaha she's ridiculous. chill out mum!
Ivy: i just got out of a marriage key, i don't want things to move too quickly and i lose myself again.
Kiera: i'm saying you should calm down with the plants 😅
Kiera: IVY!!! for God's sake, you know that i don't mind helping out!
Kiera: 😅 honestly!
Kiera: hmmm... but you said you want her to be your girlfriend. i don't think it would be moving too fast. clearly she really likes you from what you've told me!
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Ivy: maybe....yes. what's your point?
Ivy: yes! oh and did i tell you i have an interview coming up. there's an open professor position at kew. i'm going for it! it's perfect, plus if i get it, i can still keep my other job too!
Ivy: she's wild. i can't answer her calls on speaker around nic. i'm going to ask her soon tho.
Ivy: GOD NO. not yet! i'm not sure if i'm ready, nic is so understanding though, omg!
Kiera: I'm just wondering how many "small" ones em is going to tolerate 😂
Kiera: ohhhhh! sounds good. how come you want to get into that?
Kiera: hahahahaha what else is new. remember when I first got together with Freya? same thing.
Kiera: not ready? what's stopping you?
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Ivy: what if i get just a small one? she'd be okay with that, yes?
Ivy: great! i feel like i've known her forever!
Ivy: no, not yet! i want to ask her soon. although as far as mom is concerned it's official 😂 she's always like 'how is your girlfriend?'
Kiera: did you get 'small ones' before? 😅
Kiera: I'm so glad things are going so well!
Kiera: Hahaha! Of course! Mum would 😂
Kiera: Sooo.... Did you finally go all the way? 👀
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Ivy: i feel like a kid caught with their hand in a cookie jar
Ivy: i'm at a nursery trying NOT to buy any new plants
Kiera: guess i caught you at exactly the right moment
Kiera: let me remind you that you still live with emory.
Kiera: she's not gonna thank you if you greenify her whole flat
Kiera: how're things with your new flame going btw? 👀
Kiera: have you guys made things official yet?
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Of course Rosie was back again– she’d been scouting out the gym almost every day that week, and still no sign of any suspicious behaviour just yet. She hadn’t yet had a chance to . All she could do was stick around and wait for the right moment. There was, however, someone else she recognised. Kiera. Thank God one of the things she was good at was remembering names and associating them with faces.
Dumping the bar on her shoulders, she used the towel she’d hung close by to wipe away the small amount of sweat that had accumulated. Once again, she had not been going hard, keeping her eyes peeled for odd occurrences. “What– are you following me, now?” Rosie was sporting a lopsided smile as she moved to clear away the weights she’d been using. “I’ve been here all week; you haven’t been paying much attention for a stalker.”
For some strange and unknown reason, Rosie was actually kind of flattered that Kiera had kept an eye out for her. Though she’d never say it out loud, or even acknowledge it mentally. That was the least of her worries currently. Instead, she brushed the feeling aside and finished packing up. “I just finished my workout, actually. I guess you’ll have to wait to catch me for a few moments next week.”
“Would it make you uncomfortable if I said I was?” Kiera quipped. Truthfully, she hadn’t been following her, per se. But she had been keeping an eye out to see whether she could spot the beautiful brunette. Perhaps they had just always missed each other when it came to the time they had chosen to work out, but at least now they were here at the same time again.
“I just thought maybe I’d see you again. You know, it never hurts to have someone to train with.” Especially if that someone was as gorgeous as Rose was. But she kept that thought to herself. Watching her put away the weights, a tilt of her head followed. “I’m actually finished as well, how about we go grab a drink?” A pause, a smile. “If you’re up for it, of course.” After all, the last thing she wanted was to make things awkward between them.
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Kiera: yo.
Kiera: whatcha up to, sis?
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@detectivekhadem // closed.
It had been a few days since the first time Kiera had seen Rose at the gym. She had wondered whether it might have just been a testing phase for her only to then go with a different gym. But as she had just said to herself that that was just how it was, her brown eyes spotted the rather attractive brunette across the room once more. Immediately, it felt like her heart skipped a beat – something Kiera successfully ignored. Still, she felt the urge to go over, especially seeing how once again her form was slightly sloppy. A small smirk tugged at the corners of her lips. Well then. Making her way over, her lips parted to speak when she was just a few short meters away, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. “Here I thought you might have moved on to a different gym.”
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So she was a regular. That could be very, very useful. It didn’t hurt that Rosie was slowly starting to enjoy the conversation– just a smidgen. This woman seemed like a no-nonsense, straight to the point kind of person, and she liked that. Those were the sorts of people she tended to surround herself with, if she could. It matched her own demeanour, and allowed for easier communication. Rosie, ironically, appreciated brutal honesty. Perhaps it was because it was a breath of fresh air with how much time she spent pretending to be someone else. “Two years, huh? What do you think of the place?”
An eyebrow shot up at the other woman’s suggestion, having not expected such a coy joke. “For the stretches,” She repeated after a moment, trying to get a read on the stranger. It was always odd to get hit on– but was that what was going on, or was she simply reading too far into it? Her total experience in that area amounted to zero, which evidently made it difficult to know how to behave. Rather than dwelling on it, Rosie began to pull of the circular weights she’d fastened on the bar; ferrying them over to their rightful spot, and then placing the bar back where she’d found it. When she was done, she dusted her hands off and spoke again. “Rose, by the by.” Yes, it was a lie (she’d never been called Rose in her thirty five years of life), but it was close enough to the truth that she wouldn’t get caught up in a web and forget who she’d told what. “Shall we grab a spot and stretch?”
“I really like the place, gives me a chance to get all the workouts in, you know. They do martial arts classes here and one of the trainers helps me with my boxing, he’s really good. Just an easy way to let out all your frustrations, you know.” A shrug. Kiera had never been someone who was shy when it came to other people. She was an extrovert through and through, and while of course even she sometimes needed some time off to herself, most of the time she thrived with people around her. “I mean it has its pros and cons, you have a few creepy guys here and there, but you get those at every gym.”
Once more, a chuckle bubbled up in her throat. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to drag you under the shower with me,” she said light heartedly. Sure, flirting was something that came rather naturally to her, but if she didn’t get the signal of reciprocation then even she would stop. That was what made her different from most men. If the person in front of her wasn’t into it, she wasn’t going to push unnecessarily. With the other woman finally giving her her name, however, Kiera flashed a smile in her direction. “Kiera,” she said simply. “It’s nice to meet you Rose. Let’s go grab a spot,” she then finally agreed, nodding. Glancing over to a few of the mats, she could see that most of them weren’t occupied. “Let’s go over there.” She pointed towards a corner. “Less prying eyes and ears.”
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“So you know the place well, then?” Maybe that was a little more of a probing question than her first one had been, but it was her job to be nosy. Sometimes it came off as rude and for the longest time she’d tried to avoid it, instead sticking to polite small talk and hoping that certain topics would come up. Unfortunately, she could only get so far using that method, and now knew that she had to push, just a little, and run the risk of seeming overly curious. If people were turned off by it, so be it. She had to get her information somehow.
“I think I’m pretty sold on the place, honestly. But this is only my first week training here… I guess we’ll see, right?” Pulling out one more squat, Rosie then leant forward and let the bar drop from her hands to the group with a loud clang. She’d been lazily running through her sets for a good twenty five minutes at this point, it was probably time to move onto something else before she started to look suspicious. That was the unfortunate catch with being undercover at a gym– she couldn’t spend a crazy amount of time there every day, else she’d ooze shadiness, and that meant she could miss important things. Truthfully, Rosie wasn’t too happy with the situation. This looked like it was going to be a long job. “I’m pretty much finished up here. You gonna do a cool-down?”
“I do, yeah. I’ve been training here for a good two years,” she said, nodding. After all, this was one of the few gyms that actually offered enough space for her martial arts and boxing training, including all the equipment she needed. So when she wasn’t with her archery club she was here, putting all her built up emotions into a good sparring session. After having lashed out in the past thanks to her anger issues she had figured out that this was the best way for her to keep control of that. It made her feel good, it made her feel more balanced. And she knew she wasn’t going to stop anytime soon.
“Good,” she then said, not at all trying to hide the fact that she was pretty pleased about the possibility of the other woman coming back here. “You gotta do what you gotta do.” And hey, if she truly decided she wasn’t coming back, then what had Kiera lost? Nothing, really. Her life would go on the exact same way it had been going before she’d met the other. Watching her put down the weight, she once again gave a nod. “Yes, I was going to do a few stretches before hitting the showers. Care to join me?” A pause, followed by a chuckle. “For the stretches that is.”
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“Oh, I definitely do not see her any more. It’s way too expensive.” Rosie smiled again, trying to seem approachable, kind and… well, nice. Everything she usually wasn’t. If she was at her actual gym and someone had approached her like this, she had no doubt that she would have dropped the bar and walked away. For the job, Rosie reminded herself. For the job. Besides, the woman wasn’t being rude, just helpful. At least she guessed that was the intent, and a small part of her hoped that she had nothing to do with why Rosie was here. Kind people didn’t need to get caught up in nasty business.
While she might have been focused on trying to come up with loose details about who she was pretending to be, Rosie still had eyes– and her eyes noticed that the woman’s were on her body. She kept that observation to herself, not wanting to let it slip that she was on the lookout right now, though she let the smile she was wearing spread a little wider; a subtle hint that she was aware. Attention like that, from time to time, was not unwelcome. Rosie couldn’t remember the last time she’d had someone check her out, if she was truthful. It was so rare that she found herself in positions like that, her mind always on work or Anahita, that she never really… attended to that part of her life. Her niece had even started to bug her about going out and making friends. But with clients lining up down the block, Rosie hadn’t gotten a chance to even consider meeting new people. Why was she thinking about that now, then? While she was undercover? This was the last place she should be mulling over something like that. Clearing her throat quickly, Rosie sank into another slow squat and brought herself back to the conversation. “Well– no. I just moved in around the area and this was the closest place I could find. Are you a regular here?”
Finally a chuckle left Kiera when the other admitted she wasn’t seeing the trainer anymore. “Probably a good choice.” After all, looking at what was in front of her, the technique the other brunette currently had was not the best. But cleary it had gotten her somewhere, judging by the way her body looked. But she also knew that the wrong technique could easily lead to injuries and it would be a shame not to see the other around the gym, that much she had to admit.
Did Kiera notice how the other’s smile widened just slightly when she was caught checking her out? Of course she did. Still, Kiera wasn’t shy about it. Even if the other were straight she most likely wouldn’t have many reservations when it came to this sort of thing. Any woman could be straight, well, until she wasn’t. Sure, sometimes Kiera was less successful than other times, but she’d had it a few times that women that had thought they were straight, well… ended up not being that straight. “I’m a regular here, yes,” she said with a nod as she continued watching the other with her squats. “Are you plannnig on coming back or are you just on a trial?” She paused. “I spend a lot of my time here,... welll, when I’m not working that is.”
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Rosie wasn’t unused to correction. After all, her father had been determined that she meet his admittedly high standards when she was a child, and even into adulthood as an officer in his precinct. That didn’t mean she had to like it. When people pointed out faults or mistakes she’d made, Rosie always found irritation to be the reigning emotion. It was no different right now, with the woman she’d been watching across the room adjusting the bar across her shoulders. She had been right about that confidence and arrogance blend before, but she let none of her thoughts about the situation show in her expression. It wasn’t going to do her any good to make a scene or snap at this stranger. She didn’t need eyes on her while she was working this job.
And then a thought jumped into her head. If this woman was always as vocal as she had already been, there was a chance she could gather some information from her. No, it wasn’t particularly pleasant to trick people like that, but when it came to her job Rosie was prepared to do anything (legal) to get the desired outcome. At that realisation, she immediately flashed the other woman a smile of gratitude, even though she was well aware of her poor form. She didn’t necessarily need to mention that out loud, though. “Thanks,” Rosie finally replied, pretending to be a little out of breath as she dropped down in a slower and seemingly less controlled movement. “I guess that’s why there’s a mirror, hey? I’ve really only done weighted squats at CrossFit before; everything’s a little easier when you’ve got a trainer spotting you.” A total, total lie. But a few here and there wouldn’t hurt. Right?
With the smile she got from the other woman, Kiera immediately felt like she was on the right track. After all, she could have told her to go to hell or that she could do it by herself. But instead, she took hier guidance and tried to actually better her form. Admittedly, it seemed a little shaky altogether and Kiera couldn’t help but chuckle at the woman’s comment. CrossFit was a good way to keep fit in general, there was no doubt about that in her mind, but clearly the other didn’t have a very good trainer. “Little piece of advice – maybe you should fire that trainer,” she said, a smirk finally tugging at the corners of her lips.
She couldn’t help but watch the other in her movements. It made sense that she did CrossFit, her body was toned, her muscles on show. It was more than just attractive to Kiera and part of her had to remind herself not to stare too obviously. “That’s it,” she said with a nod when the other woman came back up and Kiera balanced out the bar once more. “Since they don’t offer CrossFit here, I’m guessing this is not your usual gym?”
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The first face that comes to mind when you think “punchable?”
They know who they are…
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Rosie had to admit it: she was impressed when the unfamiliar woman made good on her promise. Her opponent had been extremely cocky about the sparring session, from what she’d overheard in her quiet corner, and she knew if it had been her she would have done the exact same thing. The woman held herself with a weird mix of arrogance and confidence that Rosie found, to her own annoyance, rather appealing. She kept back from the others who’d given up their own workout to gape at the spectacle that had unfolded, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t paying attention. It was hard to direct her gaze anywhere else, especially considering she’d been facing that direction throughout her admittedly lacklustre workout. “Don’t think people care where in London they get punched,” She huffed out, a sassy response to the woman’s comment about the ‘shady parts’ of town. If she’d had less common sense she might have spoken louder, but throwing her hat into the ring was not a wise decision.
Of course, this whole thing was part of her latest case. This wasn’t her usual gym, nor would she usually be so goddamn lazy with her weighted squats, but she had to keep an eye out. She’d been hired to trail one of the personal trainers at the gym, with suspicions of illegal steroids making the rounds brought up by her client. Rosie wasn’t entirely sure how she was supposed to start sticking her nose into something like that when other people at the gym acted like… well, the woman who’d just socked someone in the jaw. Maybe all of.. that, would keep attention off of her. Her eyes were still on the stranger as she began another sluggish set, and as much as she reminded herself that she needed to be looking out for her person of interest, it was hard to look away. She was definitely not hoping to see more of a spectacle made, and more foolhardy people getting knuckles across the face. Definitely not.
Throughout the entire sparring session which ended with her opponent tapping out rather quickly, Kiera had noticed the gaze of a woman on her who seemingly was rather distracted by the whole spectacle to properly do her squats. Not that she didn’t seem capable of doing the exercise the right way, in fact, she looked rather toned herself. Even in between going against her opponent, Kiera had glanced over to her, throwing her a small smirk every now and again and finally a wink when it was all done. With the sassy response to her comment, however, Kiera couldn’t help the small grin that momentarily tugged at her lips. „Sassy. I like it,” she simply said, taking another gulp from her water bottle.
Finally, she stepped away from the sparring area and closer towards the woman, brown eyes taking in her features. She was attractive, there was no doubt about it, and the way her muscles tensed even with her rather sloppy technique caught Kiera’s eye immediately. Sure, there was always the possibility the other was straight and has simply found the spectacle hard to look away but Kiera was willing to take her chances. She stopped right in front of the woman, reaching out and placing her hands on the weight bar to steady it. “It needs to be in parallel with the ground,” she said gently, her voice neither demanding nor condescending.
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Katrina Law - Editorial Shoot in LA - Chad Rook Photo [x]
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