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shadowhunters: season 1 vs. season 2 
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“Mother is going to do everything to get you out of her institute now, you realise that, I hope.”
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Isabelle tilted her head, cocked her hips and raised an eyebrow at Lydia. “Nobody has faith in my cooking. I am hurt!”
“It’s a beautiful day. Want to have a picnic?” -theyoungerlightwood
Lydia smiled brightly. “That sounds perfect, Izzy.” She got up from her desk. “When should we go? We need time to get everything, don’t we?”
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“I was so ready to tear you to pieces when Jace first told me about you, but you have an amazing fashion sense. I think we’re going to get along just fine!”
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Isabelle Lightwood in Shadowhunters Season 2 Trailer
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So, by now my cast of SH muses includes:
My OC, Niall
and, most recently:
Damn this bloody fandom!!!
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Isabelle smiled brightly and pulled a basket from where she had stored it out of sight. “Done.”, she chirped, tilting her head to the side. “I knew you wouldn’t be able to say no.”
“It’s a beautiful day. Want to have a picnic?” -theyoungerlightwood
Lydia smiled brightly. “That sounds perfect, Izzy.” She got up from her desk. “When should we go? We need time to get everything, don’t we?”
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“I’m not even going to pretend that it’s not selfish, but my brother won’t be happy. And neither will you. Or I. Or Magnus.”, she started, twisting a ring around her finger. “Nobody wins in this apart from my parents. I love them, I do, but ...”, she looked down. 
It was horrendously selfish. She could hear her mother at the back of her head. Could see the disappointment and it hurt. But seeing her brother miserable hurt more. And the pin in her own heart was sharper, more present than the ache of her mother’s disapproval that she was so used to by now.
"Hey. I'm ... sorry I was gone for a bit. I had ... things to sort out." -theyoungerlightwood
“You don’t have to apologize, Izzy. I understand.” Lydia gave her a sad little smile. She did miss her, rather badly in fact, but she knew it wasn’t her place to say anything.
“Well…I’m glad you’re back.”
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“I spoke to Magnus.”, she blurted out, taking a step towards Lydia. Where was her bravery and confidence? She was pretty sure she’d lost it against Lydia’s lips. “About the wedding.”
"Hey. I'm ... sorry I was gone for a bit. I had ... things to sort out." -theyoungerlightwood
“You don’t have to apologize, Izzy. I understand.” Lydia gave her a sad little smile. She did miss her, rather badly in fact, but she knew it wasn’t her place to say anything.
“Well…I’m glad you’re back.”
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Isabelle liked Lydia for her strength, her beauty, her grace, but in that moment, she realised that she’d fallen for her because of her vulnerability. It was that vulnerability, that good heart underneath the gleaming, porcelain surface that had had Lydia agree to this wedding in the first place.
With one quick move, Isabelle stepped closer again and pulled Lydia into a hug. She held on for a moment, mourning for the first time in her life something that was not only so-close-yet-so-far, but also lost before she even had it.
When she pulled away, she firmly refused to cry and pressed a sweet, gentle kiss to Lydia’s lips.
Lydia did not want to be right, but she had to. If not for herself, for Alec.
She sighed, now wishing this never happened. She didn’t want to hurt this much.
“Can we…could we kiss one last time?” She asked softly.
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The smile on Isabelle’s face was a far cry for her usual bright, carefree ones. It didn’t quite reach her eyes. “I’m used to falling for the wrong person.”, she said.
She fidgeted with a ring on her finger, twisting it around and around. “It’s not like we can do much about it.”, she looked up at Lydia. “Please don’t call of this wedding. My brother ... he’s doing it to save us, I don’t think my family could take the blow. I can’t do that to him. And you ... it would ruin everything for you.”
Lydia looked down, if only they had figured this out sooner, then she wouldn’t have to do this.
“So, we just pretend this never happened?” Lydia didn’t want to do that, because that kiss did happen and she didn’t want to change a thing.
“Izzy, I…” The blonde sighed, closing her eyes.
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Taking a deep breath, Isabelle let go of Lydia to tug on a strand that had escaped the thick braid that was resting over her shoulder. “I don’t know.”, she said slowly and couldn’t help but glance at the beautiful, gem encrusted wedding gown in the corner. 
The gown that Lydia had looked so beautiful in that Izzy had almost forgotten how to speak for a moment.
“Well ... I do know. You’re going to marry my brother.”, she stated sadly. “The Law is hard, hmm?”
Lydia smiled shakily. “I don’t think so either.” She agreed, even though that that sentence almost came out of her mouth.
“Instead of ‘so this happened’, can I ask 'what happens now?’” She asked, mostly because she couldn’t answer that question herself.
This could get the both of them in trouble, and Isabelle was already in trouble once. Not to mention it could threaten Lydia’s position.
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Continued from here
Lydia let out a soft sigh. “I wouldn’t either.” She admitted before deciding to fuck it and kiss Isabelle again, her arms around Isabelle’s waist.
This was a long time coming, she thought. She had ignored the way her heart fluttered when they made eye contact. The smiled they exchanged. It was insane that they had avoided this for so long.
This could get them in a lot of trouble, but luckily, Isabelle was very good at navigating trouble.
So she curled one arm around Lydia’s neck, pulling her closer, while her other hand cupped Lydia’s smooth cheek. She leaned further into the kiss, eyes closed and stopped thinking for one glorious moment.
Then she pulled away, sucking in air sharply. “I could say ‘so this happened’, but I don’t think that’s helping right now.”, she smiled, not quite willing to let go yet.
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Stepping closer, Isabelle’s hands came to rest behind Lydia’s head, idly playing with one of the small, golden curls there. “I wouldn’t say no to a repeat.”
She hadn’t quite realised how much her heart skipped when she looked at Lydia until the moment their lips had touched. Things seemed a lot clearer now. In focus. The small, electric touches during their preparations, the smiles. 
//Oh, I'm not gonna let this opportunity go to waste!!!! -theyoungerlightwood
//yes yes this is good
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Lydia bit her lip, trying to mask her excitement. “Okay, um…here.” She leaned in and kissed Izzy gently, after a few seconds Lydia rested her hands on Izzy’s hips.
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Isabelle smiled as Lydia pulled away, head tilted and an almost challenging look in her eyes. “So ...”, she drawled, sliding her hands up Lydia’s arms. “That was nice.”
//Oh, I'm not gonna let this opportunity go to waste!!!! -theyoungerlightwood
//yes yes this is good
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Lydia bit her lip, trying to mask her excitement. “Okay, um…here.” She leaned in and kissed Izzy gently, after a few seconds Lydia rested her hands on Izzy’s hips.
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