Elizabeth Gilbert said this, and i would never be able to quote it enough: "Love the one in you who is sad. Love the one in you who is scared. Love the one in you who is angry. Love the one in you who is lonely. Love the one in you who hated herself. Love ALL the ones who you are, and then you will know how to love the world."
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Being human means encompassing so many different experiences and qualities. Taking yourself and other people out of their respective boxes is the most human thing you can do. Let them be. Accept them with their past and present versions. They can never be fit into one single adjective or even a few to name it. They are boundless, ever-changing, dynamic beings. And so are you. Allow that, and be happy about how widely human you are.
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Am i going to allow this mistake to decide how my life is going to be from this point onwards? Most certainly not. I choose to shed this part of me right here and right now. I know I have done terribly hurtful things, but i choose to learn, forgive myself and leave this person right here so that I can be born again. Nothing once done can be changed, and if you grow an accomodative perspective, nothing should be changed. This is an incredible opportunity for me to eliminate all the vices I have, and acquire as well as polish the virtues. It's so important to take healthy responsibility of your mistakes, even if they were utterly unconscious, once and for all. If God leads us to do something, there has to be something more in store that's waiting for us. It's so important to understand this. We need to be open to changes and to all the places our destiny takes us. And at some point, we need to pick ourselves up, and let go. Times that would make us wobbly are going to come, without a doubt. We're going to fall straight on our face again, without a doubt. But life has to go on. We have to fulfill the purpose we are here for. We have to brush past against it all and listen to our supreme selves, the most innocent, compassionate and wise versions of us, and we got to feed them and act from there. Accept being human, so compassionately that life becomes easier, bouncing back becomes easier. Face all the terrible realities about yourself, and accept them. They make you, you. They have brought you here, beautifully. There are going to be twisted, worked on, healed, and they will further take you to incredible places in your lives.
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The clouds will part again, for you and for me. Whatever is pulling you back, let it. It can't be stronger than your will to start over. Let it all consume you, whatever the little demon manipulates you to feed on, but never lose the sight of the shore. Never lose faith in the fact that it will all make tremendous sense one day. Afterall, we can only connect the dots looking backwards. So do it. Build milestones in such a way that when you look back, you can whisper to yourself how you turned things around, how you defeated what the smallest part of you assumed to be your fate. Hold your power in your hands and use it to transform things into something beautiful, something you can be proud of. Don't gather back your love, sprinkle it around. Use it to fill voids in every despaired human's life. Use it to take things up a notch, for yourself and the world as a whole. Use it to soothe the angry, the prided, the hopeless, the grieved, the hated and the guilty, both in yourself and others. Take the hand of the fearful innocent child inside, pull her out, and give her a warm, tight hug. Tell her that things are okay. Tell her that you believe in her, that you'll be there for her. In this life, and beyond. Love her, in everybody, and in you.
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So new, yet so terrifying! As if I somewhere had this fear deep down forever. The time has come, to start over; to leave behind everything familiar and pretend like none of it was something I put time and efforts in to build over the last 20 years. It's so overwhelming, so many feelings all at once. So many questions and a predominant wishful-thinking-state-of-mind. It's so hard yet so beautiful to leave my nest, my bubble, of my people and my comfort zone, somewhere I settled deep down in over the years. And how incredible it is that there are endless possibilities at how things are gonna turn out for me, for you! How incredible it is that what we often fix as a single track that we think our life's gonna follow over the years is probably the least preferred one by our destiny. It always surprises us, always.Life becomes easy and joyful if we willingly tread along, while tough and miserable if we cling to our ideal wishful tracks, but what has to happen, happens anyways, without much botheration for how we feel about it. "If you don't walk with life willingly, it drags you." Constant heaviness in my chest, so emotional looking at people who did so much for me, so grateful to have them as close as my heart, and so so so happy to step into this whole new chapter, the one I had been waiting for so long. The chapter that I willingly decided was gonna be the incredible change I needed, the transformation, the milestone; the peace and love and laughter. So gracefully ready to have it all!
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Healing actually requires a lot of efforts. It's not something that happens only with "time". Time, no doubt, has a big big role to play in helping you create a new space for yourself and become comfortable in it, but without active participation in recognising the core of how you're feeling, things are only as good as a temporary fix. It gets only as good as saving yourself from the demon waiting to unravel itself a day, 2 weeks, 7 months or 9 years down the line. If not today, then tomorrow, you come face to face with it, and the longer you hide, the uglier it gets. To heal, you have to consciously choose what you're going to allow your mind to accept, and what not. You have to act against your instincts, because your instincts are embedded in flawed patterns; patterns that led you to your unhealed self. On days, when deep down you're drowning, you choose to take it all in your stride and put in efforts towards building something beautiful for yourself. @hiboops once said these golden words to me: "You should never get disheartened over things you have no control over, because what can you really do about them? But you should always work towards your goals, no matter how small your steps are or what mood you're in. So if you're sad, you can still be sad while finishing that reading, or still be sad while working out. Because months from now when that sadness and anxiety would disappear, what would remain is the brilliant work you have created and the nice things you've achieved because you didn't lose focus even though you were upset. And that's all that'll ever matter." . Now, not a single day goes by when I don't try to follow her words, not only for achieving materialistic goals, but more importantly, emotional and spiritual ones. You always know all your quirks, deep down, but you always just "know" them and are not ready to persevere through doing something about them, until you are. And then, one day, it isn't that tough, not all the time at least. You make a little warm space for the heaviness in your chest and you endear, no longer endure it. You learn to love yourself through it. And you, in real terms, start to heal.
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Doesn't it often feel like we box up and label ourselves and those around us so frequently? So many times I realise that i've consciously or sub-consciously limited my own potential and reality by claiming that "I am this". Now, that idea of putting on a "this" stamp on myself terrifies me boundlessly. I've discovered so much more about myself day in and day out, that maybe the whole concept of permanently labelling myself feels so absurd now; that maybe i wasn't what i thought I was, or what i was expecting myself to be; in the worst possible way, what i didn't want myself to be. On top of that, the guilt that comes with accepting something about yourself or your individuality that doesn't match your pre conceived standards about yourself can be immensely immobilising to all areas of your life. Coming out about it is pretty terrifying too. But, you gotta do what you gotta do. We can't forget that we are ever-changing, dynamic beings, with consciousness taking innumerable forms in ourselves and our worlds. We can't run away from the truth of our ideologies, opinions, values and standards changing as we move about in the world and meet new people and go to new places. New experiences are inevitably going to change our perceptions of our own selves, how we see others, and what ideas we hold about our old experiences now that we have gained a more enriched insight. We are allowed to hate chocolate today but start loving it day after tomorrow. We are allowed to being alien to the concept of romantic love but falling head over heels for someone someday. We are ALLOWED to have a change of opinions or desires or what we're looking for, in ourselves, in other people, and in life. But who grants us the permission? It's us. We, and nobody else; not our parents, not our friends, well wishers; nobody can decide for us or choose for us if we decide otherwise. We are solely capable of denying or allowing something to ourselves. So its not a big problem, just step out of the box. Pull off the label and own upto the change that has happened to you naturally and the change that you've actively brought about. And for once, breathe free. Beautiful artwork by: @zalinok
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Being human means encompassing so many different experiences and qualities. Taking yourself and other people out of their respective boxes is the most human thing you can do. Let them be. Accept them with their past and present versions. They can never be fit into one single adjective or even a few to name it. They are boundless, ever-changing, dynamic beings. And so are you. Allow that, and be happy about how widely human you are.
Artwork: @mmmina.jpg
#healing #writing #writingcommunity #writerofinstagram #poetry #lifequotes #life #wordporn #scribbledstories #wordgasm #human #loveyourself #acceptyourself #compassion
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“Working hard is important, but there is something that matters even more: Believing in yourself.”
— Harry Potter
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[fragments of vincent's letter (363) to theo // the olive trees by vincent van gogh]
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When you do not show absolute, real trust in the universe, you do not find yourself in situations where give and take of absolute and real trust, faith and firmness occurs. Simply manifestation.
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“How many times can the same thing break your heart?”
— Unknown
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I miss him so terribly sometimes. And even though I might be moving forward one step at a time, something inside of me just wants to pull me back, saying that I can't let go of all that beauty I had found with him in my life, even if it didn't exist anymore. I can't let him go because he is a part of me so terribly deep inside, because I saw in him what I wish him to see in himself and live upto the potential of what he can be.
I love you.
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It rained today. It wasn't the best of days, there was such a struggle going inside of me, like most of how all my days have been in the past three years;an oscillation between the two extremes of panic and emptiness. There's hasn't been one moment that perfectly striked the balance between the two. There have been so many strange turns that I had to take, unexpected failures and even more unexpected comebacks. Whilst walking through the light shower pouring down on me, it just hit me out of nowhere, all those memories that I used to feed on to make me feel better about how I was living. I had essentially started living in the past, carefully chosing the moments that made me feel the best and playing them in my head over and over just so I could convince myself that the reality is not that bad, because I was making my imagination so vivid that it seemed real.  I just couldn't relate to anything that was different that what in my head I wanted it to be. But it doesn't work out that ways, right? So I obviously could not escape the doomsday when I had to face the realities I was brushing under the carpet all at once.
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Sometimes, you're just going through a difficult phase in your life. And it gets ugly. You get ugly, so does your life. And it starts reflecting in the way you deal with others in your day to day life. It starts affecting your relationships with people, sometimes in ways you would never want it to. There's so much mess, and confusion, and irritation of not being able to be who you really are. Deep down you know you want to give out so much love that's buried somewhere beneath the dust storms that have taken over you and your entire world, but it seems extremely impossible in the moment. There are tears sitting right under your eyeballs waiting to find their way out the moment you make yourself vulnerable enough. Anything you do seems less. Nothing seems enough. All of it seems like it's never gonna end. Like it's a big big rabbit hole that you're gonna fall in deep deep down until the end of times, and nobody, not even your own self is gonna come and pick you up back.
In those times, my friend, take my hand. I want you to borrow hope from me. And when you have enough of it to bounce back up, lend it to someone and gift them this life of love and abundance.
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