MLA Work Cited Page
“Photograph.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 20 Oct. 2018, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photograph.
“Explore the Major Advances in the History of Photography.” The Spruce Crafts, www.thesprucecrafts.com/brief-history-of-photography-2688527.
“Photojournalist | Definition of Photojournalist in English by Oxford Dictionaries.” Oxford Dictionaries | English, Oxford Dictionaries, en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/photojournalist.
“Photojournalism.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 1 Oct. 2018, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photojournalism.
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These two gentlemen own a beautiful little bookstore called  “Boutique du livre”, it has been my safe haven ever since I moved to Switzerland and I don’t know what I would do without it! 
Boutique du Livre 
6 Rue des Chavannes, 2000 Neuchâtel
They are two incredibly kind people and are so passionate about their bookstore but the thing I love the most is that they are willing to share their little corner of the world with any book lover. 
- Cat.S.
Element of Design: Description
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« Quand je cherche un mots dans le dictionnaire, je me rappelle plus du mot dont j’ai chercher car j’ai pris le temps de le rechercher.
Un étudiant de lycée par example, quand ils ou elles veulent rechercher un sujet, un mot, un objet, ils vont sur Google pour le faire.
Le sens de mémoire est perdue dans la transaction et l’élève en question oubliera ce dont il on chercher pas plus de 5 minutes plus tard.
... »
TRANSLATION French to English
“When I look up a word in the dictionary, I remember the word I searched because I took the time to look for it.
A high school student for example, when they research a subject, a word or an object they use Google to do it. 
The sense of memory is lost in the transaction and the student in question will forget about what they searched not 5 minutes later. 
- Nice lady in bookstore whom I forgot to ask for their name. 
Element of design: point of view
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TRANSLATION: French to English
Dear clientes and clients,
During my absence, you may find a book or many books. You may borrow them. For payment, please leave the money in an envelope and slide it into the library’s letterbox. You will find it on the right-hand side as you exit the building. You may also write your address, the names of the books and the amount paid on the bill. 
Thank you for your comprehension, see you soon.
- The librarian 
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« Je penses qu’il est maintenant impossible d’éviter un écran. Just a prendre le bus pour me rendre ici (Place pury) il avait des écrans qui montre les prochains arrêts. ... Oui je lit souvent sur un écran, même si j’aime pas je le fait pareil.
((Moi: pourquoi?))
Et bien parce que j’aime trop lire, entre le choix de lire sur un écran ou pas du tout Je choix l’écran. ... »
TRANSLATION - French to English
“I think it impossible to avoid a screen today. Just taking the bus to get here (Place Pury), they had screens on the bus showing the next stops. ... Yes I read on a screen, even if I don’t like it
((Me: Why?))
Because I like to read, if I had the option between reading on a screen or not reading at all, I choose to read on a screen.  ...”
- Anonymous heart who shared some of their time with me.
Element of design: description - emphasis
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Le Cabinet d’Amateur
~Livre Anciens & Modern
Odile Jobin Mettler & Marc Mettler 2, escalier du Château CH - 2000 Neuchâtel Email: [email protected] www.cabinetamateur.ch
Horaires d’ouverture Mardi à Vendredi 9h30 - 12h00 & 13h30 - 18h30! Samedi 9h39 - 12h00 & 14h00 - 17h00
Element of design: description - balance - point of view
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“I don’t believe there is anything wrong with reading on a screen, reading is reading. As long as someone enjoys reading then what's the problem?
I understand that there are mental concerns with children who watch a computer or phone screen for an extended period of time but that’s just one point. We never talk about the benefits of technology, or at least rarely. How it has helped us grow and has helped us connect to people from all corners of the world.
- Fellow Millennial who just wants to be left alone and read her stories. (Again, I’m sorry for bothering you!!) 
Element of design: description
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“I can smell the old paper and ink just by looking at this! It’s like, instead of a breath of fresh air, it’s a breath of history. You can just feel years forth of usage flow through you”
-Cat. S.
Element of design: description - emphasis
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« Nous sommes devenu tellement dépendant de l’information instantanée que nous avion perdue la patience et le sens d’éfort au l’on du chemin. »
“We have become dependant on instantaneous information that we have lost our patience and sense of effort along the way”
-Anonymous heart who gave time to answer a few questions but preferred not to give their name.
Element of design: reflection - balance
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“The leaning tower of Books”
Element of design: Point of view
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“I took this picture on the train ride back from Geneva on 4/11/2018, I had forgotten to bring a book and found myself downloading short stories on a PDF. It had never occurred to me how often I did this until my storage ran out of room it was overwhelmed with online books. While I do prefer to read a physical book, I am incredibly guilty of reading on a screen and have caught myself doing so multiple times. 
I wanted to try capture this moment of realization and was very proud of the end result of the picture. The reason I chose a 1990 style filter for this picture and for most of the ‘Pixel’ picture is to show a bit of irony. Technology, such a new, bright and clean topic - portrayed in an ‘old’ style of photography.” 
-Cat. S.
Element of design: Point of view 4/11/2018
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“So many books, so little time” 
Element of design: Balance
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Artist Statement...
The point of this project is to show how important books and bookstores are in general; examples would include the difference between reading a book vs reading on a screen or the feelings of purchasing books at a bookstore vs online. My thesis; paper vs pixel, neither will ever truly replace the other in the world of reading. 
As I conducted my interview I realized that the age range of people who had the time to answer my question was usually above 20, when I would ask a child about what they liked to read they would usually answer with ‘I don’t like to read’ or ‘whatever the school makes me read’. So to make this a fair debate I had to make sure the person I was interviewing met with certain criteria;
At one point in their life, they have read both a physical book and have read a book on a screen.
That they knew what a bookstore or library was because believe it or not, some people don’t know what a those are, not going to lie I felt like crying.
They must be older than 6 years of age - typically the age children learn how to read.
Since I have yet to invest in a professional camera, I have used my iPhone camera to try and capture the images for my thesis. I have no skills in photoshop whatsoever so there is minimal editing done on most picture for “Paper” As for “Pixel” I have used a phone application called “HUJI” for an oxymoron type of photo, by this I mean I have used a 1990 style filter to showcase modern technology in this project. 
While I understand that my generation is not exactly known for reading, I was never expecting only 5 years to have such a drastic difference between behaviours. I was able to find certain teenagers and children of my generation that do read and have an incredible passion for it (thank goodness). I was able to ask them a few questions before the hustle and bustle of life snagged them away forever and I was quite pleased with some of the answers!
((Side Note:
What I am hoping to achieve with this blog is to capture the beauty in reading, even though my thesis and personality are incredibly biases to physical books (especially old books) I was saddened to learn that reading was something no one has time for anymore.))
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Reference and examples of photojournalism...
Two wonderful examples of photojournalism that I have found are actually right here on Tumblr! 
The first one would be; @gaiapictures
They show beautiful pictures of breathtaking views of the world, always giving a brief description of the location and letting the image speak for itself. 
The second amazing blog I found was; @adventurevibesnet
Similar to the first one, the show beautiful sceneries of the world accompanied by a human presence. I believe that presence adds an entire other level of beauty to the picture as it shows how well humans and nature can blend together. 
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History of Photojournalism...
Photography began when the discovery of two elements happened;  the ‘pinhoel image’ and the understanding of how light can affect an object. Both of these things became the fundamentals of all pictures taking and while people may not have called the subject photography at first, the creation of the camera is where the action of taking a picture started.
Even though the development of coloured pictures became known around 1850, it was considered an incredible high piece of technology, only to be offered to the noble and rich. It around WW2 did the camera become incredibly popular as everyone seemed to want to capture the horrors of the war to report to all sides of the globe. It was only after 1942 did cameras start to appear more and more of the shelves in stores for everyone’s disposal. While they still remained a luxury to the working class, the fact that everyone had access to them now (not just professional taking pictures for newspapers) was a step forward in the development of photography and photojournalism.
Today photojournalism remains a highly respected form of art. It shows the important stories rather than telling them. In a world where everything is becoming more and more visual, photojournalism is becoming the primary way to tell an important event or story. It breaks my heart to know that fewer and fewer people are reading just for the simplicity of it. While photojournalism is an incredible alternative to make sure that people still feel a message when shown a picture, it is still important to be able to read about an event rather than just look at a picture and call it a day.
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Definition of Photojournalism...
The term ‘photojournalism’ has changed drastically over the years. Photojournalism’s only job was to accompany an article written for a new paper company, there was rarely any deeper duty the photo had to deliver other than be a picture to better accommodate the article. Today, where anyone and everyone can have a camera, photojournalism has an entirely new meaning. Now it’s the photo is the main star while the small bit of article next to it briefly explains when, where and who. The Oxford dictionary’s definition for the term ‘photojournalism’ is; a journalist who communicates news by photographs (ex: ‘a photojournalist with a knack for capturing the decisive moment’).
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