thewolfsbane · 8 years
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thewolfsbane · 8 years
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Call Unanswered
The Shannon you are trying to reach is unavailable at this time. Please feel free to adjust to the new. Leave all of what you think you know of me, at the sound of the chime And I’ll be sure to have my true form get back to you.
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thewolfsbane · 8 years
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Urban Explorations w/ @thewolfsbane
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thewolfsbane · 8 years
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Randolph Stone - Polarity Therapy.
Polarity Therapy is a four-part approach to balancing the Energetic patterns of the body. Based on principles developed by Randolph Stone, Polarity Therapy combines bodywork, nutrition, stretching postures and attitudinal counseling to free Energy blockages and establish a Natural Energy flow for Self-Healing.
Stone formulated his therapy based on the underlying principle of wireless currents in, around and through the body. It is this subtle Energy flow that gives Life and through which the Soul functions. Quite simply, disease occurs when the flow is disrupted. Polarity Therapy, rather than treating disease, is focused on reestablishing the Natural Balance of this flow, which in turn allows Healing to take place.
Polarity Therapy practitioners concern themselves with the positive, negative and neuter states of the Energetic wiring, flowing vertically and horizontally, and spiraling from the top of the body downward and from the center outward. The center from which the Energy flows and to which it returns, is considered the Source of the Energy and this triune action is what is required to keep the flow in motion. According to Stone, this circuitry flows in all aspects of Life and is a basic principle in Nature. Everything has a middle with opposing ends, in constant communication and relationship. In this law of relationship, there is attraction (pleasure/sensory) and repulsion (pain/motor). Blockage is more likely to occur in the negative (outgoing) flow. It is when the outgoing force is unable to remove from the system “unassimilable physical, emotional or mental material” that disruption in the circuitry occurs and the system becomes dysfunctional.
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thewolfsbane · 8 years
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What if kids can see things that we as adults can no longer see due to what society has done to us
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thewolfsbane · 8 years
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thewolfsbane · 8 years
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040816 Our Earth Your Wind My Fire
… Our love.. Our story..
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thewolfsbane · 8 years
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A smile for me Let’s make it last forever Letting love be free And something nothing can sever @themoderngoddess
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thewolfsbane · 8 years
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thewolfsbane · 9 years
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thewolfsbane · 9 years
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111115(Past Thought)
The more people walk out of my life, the more I enjoy the thought of them wishing they hadn’t. I will be known…I will accomplish great things. And all the loved ones who stood by me will be apart of that. This I promise.
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thewolfsbane · 9 years
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thewolfsbane · 9 years
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My best friend Yet you still my worse enemy Love you like a brother and yet you can’t even be real to me Damn I thought I truly knew you G Damn That fake face is a lie to me Respect is what respect give And no i cant sit and tell you how to live Your life Im respecting what you are about Yet you can’t even carry it out Instead you choose to run and hide Behind Friends, numbers, women and signs I tried To help you face that evil inside But the Blind can never truly see Claiming it all to be An act of masculinity Naw Its more then that You closing all these doors Cause you just cant face the facts Your scardier then ever But we all in this together Making the world better Then it is
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thewolfsbane · 9 years
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032016 Being in a store to long I subconsciously believe that I am being monitored. And walking through those sensors at the end is one of the most terrifying moments I have for half a second. Growing up black and with a bad history of shoplifting. Just a realization that I subconsciously have fears because of the color of my skin. Its sad that it has to be like that in these times.
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thewolfsbane · 9 years
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Could I just hold your hand? Something tells me that I just need some physical connect with you a power bond resting with just a touch. Not much Is needed to set off this stimulation I’m feeling from you Not any way to come off weird When I say that you are simply beautiful As a black woman As a woman in general you’re beautiful A little moment needed to connect with you And with this don’t wanna miss A chance so again I ask Could I simply hold your hand? I’m not tryna take advantage Proven it with my actions And no I don’t need to try and take it any further Not even trying to hit on you I just need the touch of you. I’m not pressing to be your man Just asking for a touch of your hand
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thewolfsbane · 9 years
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thewolfsbane · 9 years
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