The Wolf
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thewolflady · 4 years ago
For A Long Time Now (Ethan x MC)
Book: Open Heart, Book 3 Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Lilac Allende) Words: 2K Warning: Implied adult situations Premise: He can finally tell her the three words he meant to say for a long time. Author’s Note: The non-premium Ethan love confession is supreme and nothing will convince me otherwise. This is named after it. 
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The bright beams of moonlight illuminated the small, charming bedroom when Ethan awoke. One glance at the digital clock on her bedside informed him it was almost two in the morning. With a sigh that sounded louder in the still darkness, he sank back into her pillows, his heart beating a content, steady beat at the prospect of having just a few more hours by her side. 
A few hours, though a miserable consolation, were welcomed if it meant having her in his arms, peaceful and beautiful. Ethan glanced down at her, unable to avoid feeling awestruck. Her steady breath ebbed and flowed gently, caressing his skin as she slept against his chest, her ear pressed against the heart that beat for her. A few hours were a small but welcomed triumph.
Soon, dawn would break across the sky, announcing the beginning of a new day and bringing them closer to their inevitable end. 
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thewolflady · 4 years ago
Always knew that when Ethan finally said ILY he wouldn't be able to stop, and he'd keep saying it, over and over again.
Just like after Miami, where he couldn't stop himself kissing MC again, and in bk2 where he couldn't stay away.
When MC crosses his boundaries, it's for forever.
Love that Ethan and MC finally got their happy ending ❤️
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thewolflady · 4 years ago
Chief of Medicine and Head of the Diagnostics Team. Nothing but respect for MY power couple ❤️
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thewolflady · 4 years ago
I’m going to miss Ethan so much omg
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thewolflady · 4 years ago
Thank you so much ❤️❤️
Morning : During one date night, a few months later, three little words changed the course of the rest of their lives.
Find Someone Like You  : Ethan and Isabella attend her brother’s wedding.
Transference  : An ordinary night in the Wolf-Ramsey household.
Thank You : Ethan can’t sleep. He thinks back to the day his daughter was born.
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thewolflady · 4 years ago
Queen, I hope you're well. So I thought I'd ask this to my favourite OH writers. As we know, Ethan's route is slow-burn. And who are we kidding, irl both MC and Ethan would get asked out by a lot of people before they get official. So here's my question. How many such chances do your Eve and Ethan?
I scribbled this drabble just now while waiting for my exam to start and it stopped me being nervous so thanks for the ask anon ❤️❤️
Attention (Ethan x MC)
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(Words, rating: 
Her voice drifted in like rosy buds of sunlight in early spring and Ethan looked up from his journal. “That’s the twelfth person, Ethan.”“What?”“The twelfth woman who’s looked at you since we got here.”
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thewolflady · 4 years ago
This means so much to me pls 😭💛
Thank you for reading, and I’ll definitely add you ❤️❤️
For Sentimental Reasons (Ethan x MC)
Book: Open Heart
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Isabella Wolf)
Word Count: 492
Genre: Fluff City
Summary: A blanket causes Ethan a great deal of stress. 
A/N: Helloooo. I trust that you’re all well. I, on the other hand, was inspired by my recent illness for this little fic (obvs we’re all good now). Let me know if you’d like to be added to my taglist. Thank you very much for reading and enjoy!
Ethan watches Isabella slowly move around the house. A long, thick behemoth of a blanket covers her entire body as she drags her feet across the tiled floor. He quickly wonders how she’s able to move under all that weight. The thought is abruptly pushed to the back of his head when he notes that he’s actually never seen this particular blanket before. 
He also realises that he doesn’t necessarily like it.
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thewolflady · 4 years ago
Not a Minute More: Part I
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x f!MC
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings; Rating: Minor angst at the end; General
Premise: Ethan and MC are living in a honeymoon bliss and going about their normal routine. Then something happens that rocks Ethan to his core and threatens to change his life.
Author’s Note: New series comin' at ya! This is my first time writing fluff, so please excuse me if it's cringey 😅 Thank you to @choiceskatie for pre-reading!! I hope you enjoy and thank you for reading 💖
~ Monday, 7:00am ~
“Good morning, handsome.”
Serena walks up to an omelette-making Ethan, wraps her arms around his waist, and places a gentle kiss on his shoulder blade.
Ethan places one hand over hers, a smile spreading across his face, while the other wields a spatula.
He plates the omelette, turns the stove off, and turns in Serena’s arms to face her. He tightly envelops her, placing a sweet kiss on her lips.
“Good morning, indeed,” he smiles.
“Mmm, that’s my line,” she says, her hands moving leisurely up his bare chest, and her eyes trailing hungrily over his gym-honed physique.
Ethan lets out a hearty chuckle, turning slightly to grab their breakfast.
“As much as I’d love to take you back to bed," he gives her a quick peck, "you have a big day ahead of you, so,” he hands her a plate, “actual protein.”
“Buzzkill,” Serena pouts as she takes the ham, cheese, and veggie omelette from him. Ethan shakes his head in amusement and places one hand on her lower back to guide her towards the dining room table.
“For now, but in 10 hours…” he raises an eyebrow and smirks at her.
“10 hours and not a minute more,” she responds, sitting down, and giving him a stern look.
He laughs again. Something he’s been doing a lot more of since she came into his life. “Yes, baby.”
That seems to please Serena as she smiles and does a little wiggle in her chair, cutting into her omelette.
His apartment overlooks the glittering Charles River and the towering Boston skyline — a view people would kill for. But he’s not paying attention. His eyes are trained on the woman next to him. His t-shirt falls to her mid-thighs, her midnight hair tied at the nape of her neck, and the dainty gold necklace she never takes off is brilliant in the early morning glow. Serena shifts slightly and the faint smell of sunscreen wafts towards him.
“SPF on the face is important!” He grins at the memory.
She spends most of her time at Ethan's place nowadays. It's more private, compared to her shared apartment, and there's more space for them to sprawl out and be a couple. They cook dinner together, with Ethan learning to make her favorite dishes and incessantly asking her to taste test to ensure he gets the flavor right. They've made loading the dishwasher and walking Jenner into a two person job. He's even caught her stashing away some of his clothes in her overnight bag before: "I'm borrowing them!"
On the off nights when she insists on staying at her place to catch up on laundry or spend time with her friends, Ethan goes home to a dark and unwelcoming apartment. There is no source of laughter, light, or warmth. He never noticed it before, but now, Serena is his source of all of that, and more. Home is wherever she is.
How did I get so lucky?
“Why aren’t you eating?” Her head is tilted to the side and her brows are slightly furrowed.
Her question brings him out of his trance. He stares at her for a beat, his azure eyes filled with adoration. “Just admiring the view.”
Serena rolls her eyes and goes to playfully smack his arm, but he catches it. Interlaces their fingers and brings it to his lips. Her eyes soften as they gaze at each other.
“I could get used to mornings like this, you know," he rumbles.
He nods his head. "Yeah. I love spending them with you."
"The feeling is mutual, Dr. Ramsey." She leans in, stopping a hair's breadth away from his lips. "But I gotta get ready for my big day now," she says with a glint in her eye.
Ethan tries, and fails, to catch her lips with his own as she leans away and gets up from the table. "You're such a tease."
"Am I? Or are you just getting slow in your old age?" She playfully retorts.
Ethan stands abruptly from the table, chasing after her. Serena squeals in surprise and takes off towards the ensuite.
~ 7:40am ~
Ethan is leaning against the doorframe, arms and feet crossed, admiring Serena as she applies the finishing touches to her makeup.
"How many times are you going to stare at me today?" Serena questions.
He pushes off the doorframe and walks over to her. "As many times as you'll allow Rookie."
He hugs her waist. "Are you ready for today?"
Serena sighs and leans back into him. "I'm a little nervous. If testing doesn't go well today, we'll have to start from scratch. All our work, gone."
For the past few months, Serena has been consulting on a classified research project headed by scientists and engineers at Harvard University. The team was incredibly impressed with her capabilities, shown in saving Dr. Banerji's life and being the 2nd youngest member of the renowned Edenbrook Diagnostics Team, and liked that she provided a younger perspective. They brought her on and Ethan makes the 15 minute detour to drop her off three times a week.
"You all are ready. It will go great."
She locks eyes with him in the mirror. "Thank you, E."
~ 8:15am ~
Ethan puts the car in park, turns on his hazards, and turns to look at her.
"I can't wait to hear all about how today was an absolute success. You don't need it, but good luck." He squeezes her hand.
She nods. "Only 8 hours and 45 minutes left."
"And not a minute more," he smiles at her before leaning in to kiss her.
Ethan pulls away first, not wanting her to be late, but Serena continues to go back in for more soft kisses. After the sixth one, she finally pulls away smiling. She opens the car door, swings her legs out, and walks through the secured entrance.
~ 11:00am ~
The Diagnostics Team currently has no patients, so Ethan's morning is mundane, filled with meetings and endless paperwork. He itches to call Serena to break up the monotony, but knows she won't have her phone on her until lunch: no cell phones allowed in the lab. He settles on sending her a quick text — it'll be waiting for her. He pulls up their messaging thread, sends the text, and his eyes wander upward to see the remnants of their last conversation.
She had gotten, and dressed, Jenner in a new bow tie. She then blew up Ethan's phone with photos of Jenner, photos of her and Jenner, and even a few where she was wearing one of Ethan's bow ties to match.
"Look, we're twins!!"
Ethan re-scrolls through all of the photos and can't help the smile that lights up his face at how excited she gets about a small accessory for his dog. God, I love her.
There it is again, Ethan thinks. The 3 words and 8 letters that he never thought he'd feel, let alone want to voice. This feeling has become overwhelming in the past few weeks. He's reminded of it whenever he inhales the lingering scent of her perfume in the office, when he finds one of her forgotten face products at his place, the small moments they share when she sneaks away to visit him, "just because." It consumes him and makes his heart swell.
But he knows she's been extremely stressed with project duties, on top of handling the Diagnostics Team and regular patients. It just doesn't seem right to blurt it out when she's juggling so many things. But if all goes well, her portion of the project ends on Thursday and she'll be back to her normal workload. That's why he's been secretly making romantic plans for this weekend, not only to celebrate her success, but to also finally tell her how he feels. He wants the first time he utters those words to her to be special. Magical. Extraordinary. Just like her.
Just then, his pager beeps and he's pulled out of his second Serena trance of the day. He sets his phone down on the table, pulls out his pager, and is met with a message from Dr. Delarosa, asking for a consult. Just as he exits through the door, his phone lights up with a photo of Serena and her incoming call.
~ 2:15pm ~
The consultation with Ines turned into admitting the patient under the Diagnostics Team and the rest of the afternoon was spent running through possible diagnoses. Before he knew it, it had been over 3 hours and Ethan hadn't eaten since breakfast that morning. He can't help but think how much easier this case would be with Serena here and her perspective. Not only does her presence help keep him calm, but she always comes up with suggestions that would inevitably lead to the correct diagnosis. He throws his glasses on the table and pinches the bridge of his nose in frustration.
He begins to stand, wanting to make his way to his desk, intending to call Serena on the off chance she picks up. However, before he's even able to reach his full height, Dr. Banerji walks in.
"My boy, are you busy?"
"No. Am I needed somewhere?"
Naveen looks at him for a beat too long, causing Ethan's confusion to spike. Naveen walks to the center table and switches on the TV. There, panning around the screen is an aerial view of the Harvard University lab complex, surrounded by police cars and SWAT members, as well as multiple aircraft. In bold letters, scrolling endlessly across the bottom of the screen is: Possible attack at Harvard University labs. On lockdown.
Ethan gawks at the screen with wide eyes and his pulse immediately picks up.
"Isn't Serena at Harvard labs today?"
Disclaimer: I know Ethan starts his day and gets to the hospital at an ungodly hour, but let's ignore that bc I am my MC is not a morning person 😅
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thewolflady · 4 years ago
Flirt (Ethan x f!MC)
Book: Open Heart, Book 2 Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Lilac Allende) Word count: 1.1K Premise: Who would have thought that Ethan Ramsey would one day follow Bryce Lahela’s romantic advice?
Author’s Note: This takes place in book 2, sometime after the attack and before the gala when Ethan and MC are in a secret relationship. Thank you anon for the request (sorry it’s so late!). Thank you @aestheticartsx for the ideas!
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The beginning notes of Lahela’s playlist resound around the otherwise empty gym. With a groan, Ethan releases the heavy weights, the clashing metal serving as a glorious reprieve from the electronic, fast beat of the music. From beside him, the newest member of their workout entourage groans as well, with as much disdain as Ethan. He feels a surge of vindication at the fact that, though they may disagree on music preferences most of the time, they can at least agree on this.
“Bryce,” Lilac calls out over the song. Her voice fails to carry over the music and over the sound of Lahela’s sneakers hitting the belt of the treadmill. “You’re welcome to torture yourself on that treadmill but don’t torture us too with your awful music.”
Ethan fights back a grin at the quip. Lahela, meanwhile, clutches his heart with exaggerated flare.
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thewolflady · 4 years ago
P.S. I love you
Just a little ficlet where we see Alishka pranking Ethan
Alishka strode into Ethan’s apartment that morning, dropping his car keys into the ceramic bowl that sat on a low end table by the door before continuing on, tracing him in the master bedroom, where he was busy reading a novel.
‘Hey Ethan,’ she said, skipping over to him excitedly. He put the book away as she sat close to him, wrapping her arms around his waist. ‘Thank you for letting me borrow your car.’
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thewolflady · 4 years ago
Stress Relief (Ethan x f!MC)
Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Lilac Allende) Word count: 1K Warning: Strong Language and NS*FW content. Please use discretion and caution when viewing this work. By viewing of this work, you consent that you are 18+
Premise: Ethan is under a lot of stress due to recent developments, but his girlfriend has some ideas on how to make him feel better.
Author’s Note: That bee-jay fic I literally wouldn’t shut up about for weeks. Pure filth, guys. 
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“Lilac,” Ethan huffs, the sound a dark rumble against her lips as she kisses his throat. “You should be studying.”
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thewolflady · 4 years ago
Premise: When Ethan Ramsey’s mother walked out on her family 25 years ago, he promised to never get close enough to anyone that could hurt him. When Louise Ramsey returns, he’s reminded of that vow and wonders if he can risk his heart again.
Book: Open Heart
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Cassie Valentine)
Rating/Category: Teen. Angst
Words: 4K
A/N: I generally prefer fluff, but sometimes a story full of angst must be told because it won’t leave you alone unless you do. I'm sorry, but it’s super long. I considered breaking it into two parts, but decided it worked better as one. Characters and some dialogue belong to Pixelberry.
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Ethan Ramsey was five years old when he saw his parents kissing under the mistletoe as “Silent Night” played softly in the background and shadows danced on the wall lit by the flames in the ancient fireplace. His tummy felt funny as if there were butterflies inside, but it was a nice feeling.
On the mantle hung three large stockings marked with large letters that he was just beginning to learn to read. Mommy had told him the letters represented (whatever that meant) the three of them – A for Alan, L for Louise and E for Ethan. But as his small fingers traced the raised edges before hanging them up, he wondered if there would be a fourth letter next Christmas.
He had asked Santa for a baby brother last year ─ he would grudgingly accept a sister, but really did prefer a brother because girls were gross ─ but hadn’t found anything when he’d torn into the neatly wrapped packages. He wanted to cry because he thought Santa had forgotten him or maybe he just hadn’t received his letter. He knew he should have added more stamps. After all, the North Pole was quite far from Providence.
So, this year he insisted on adding double the number of stamps, even when Daddy had said it wasn’t needed. Just to be safe, he had also whispered his wish to Santa in person when they visited his grotto later that week. As far as Ethan was concerned, when it came to getting a baby brother, one had to be “pur-sis-tent.”
He didn’t know exactly what that meant, but he’d heard Mommy say that he was like that when he wanted something badly. And he really, really wanted a baby brother so that’s what he would be now. And he would love his brother just as Mommy and Daddy loved each other and him.
Ethan was seven years old when he woke from a nightmare. He knew he should be too old to be afraid of the dark, and his friends would surely tease him if they knew, but he was scared of the monsters hiding in the shadows.
With tears running down his face, he hugged Teddy, the stuffed bear that had been his friend from before he could remember, and wished his mom was there to hold him.
As if in a dream, the door to his bedroom opened quietly, the light from the hallway casting whoever entered in darkness. He was scared, but only for a minute, as he recognized his mother’s scent and saw her tiptoe across the semi-darkness to his bedside.
“Are you afraid, baby?” she asked, her arms wrapping around him as she rocked him gently.
Mommy looked tired and was still wearing the clothes she had on in the morning when she left for work. Ethan didn’t know why she was always working, but at least his Daddy was home to play with him.
“I had a bad dream,” he sniffed, feeling safe as her scent embraced him.
“Everything okay, Lou?” Ethan turned as his father stepped inside the room.
“Just a bad dream, Alan,” she smiled sweetly up at his dad and Ethan’s heart felt full.
He wished that someday someone would smile at him that way. He still thought girls were gross, but maybe not all girls. Annie in his class had the prettiest smile. He liked pulling her pigtails and how she chased him around the playground when he did that.
Ethan burrowed deeper as his father came around the bed and sat next to him, spreading his arms to surround both him and Mommy.
“This calls for a Ramsey Sandwich,” his father said, laughing at the old joke.
It didn’t get funnier with time, but Ethan still couldn’t help the giggle that escaped his lips. He closed his eyes as his mother started to sing, the familiar lullaby slowly putting him to sleep, the monsters and bad dreams forgotten.
Ethan was eleven years old when he saw his father cry for the first time. And all because he’d loved with all his heart only to be betrayed by the one person who had promised to be there, through good times and bad.
It was a perfect Saturday afternoon and he’d been playing basketball with his best friend, Tommy and some of the boys in the neighborhood when his mom called him over to tell him she was heading to the grocery store.
She was wearing the yellow dress she often wore on weekends and hugged him tightly when he got close enough, telling him how much she loved him before kissing his forehead.
Embarrassed because he knew his friends were watching ─ he could already hear Tommy making gagging sounds ─ Ethan pulled away.
“Mom!” he wiped his forehead, giving her an aggrieved look as he thought of how his friends would roast him.
But she only laughed, tousling his hair before getting in the car and backing out of the driveway slowly. He waved back as his mom smiled at him before proceeding toward the stop sign at the end of street.
“Hey, Ramsey,” called out Tommy. “You ready to play or do you need Mommy to hold your hand?”
“Asshole,” said Ethan without heat, shoving his friend and laughing when Tommy pushed back. “Are youready to play or you want to yank my chain some more?”
Several hours later, sweaty and dirty from the roughhousing they’d done after the game, Ethan walked into the kitchen and wondered when his mom would be back with groceries.
Opening the fridge, he rooted around for something to eat, taking out the last of the bologna, cheese and pickles he found in the nearly empty shelves.
Half an hour later, he’d devoured three sandwiches and finished two cans of Coke. He quickly got rid of the evidence before his mom got home as he was only allowed one can a week and he’d already reached the limit yesterday.
He had just returned from disposing of the offending cans in Mrs. Giraldi’s trashcan when his dad’s car pulled into the driveway.
“Hi, Son. How was your day?”
“It was alright,” said Ethan. “Played some hoops with the gang. I got three slam dunks,” he finished, puffing up with pride.
“That’s wonderful! With how tall you are already you could be playing in the NBA in a few years.”
“Nah,” said Ethan as he walked inside the house ahead of his father. “I’m gonna be a detective and solve crimes like the guys on Law & Order.”
“Well, you’ve certainly got the curiosity and tenacity down pat.” His father smiled at him, putting away his jacket before heading to the kitchen sink to wash his hands. “Where’s your mom?”
“Out,” Ethan jumped onto the kitchen counter wondering if he could persuade his dad to grill some steak. “She went to the grocery story a few hours ago.”
“A few hours ago?” asked his father, a frown on his face as he dried his hands on a kitchen towel.
Later, he watched helplessly as his dad called around to friends and neighbors for any clue as to where his wife could be; tears slowly trickling down a face lined with worry as the hour grew late.
Convinced that something bad had happened, his dad told him to get in the car and they drove to the grocery store, looking for his mom’s car in the near-empty parking lot.
His father parked the car near the store entrance, switching off the engine before turning in his seat to face Ethan. “I’m just going to check inside in case someone saw her or knows what happened. Lock the doors and stay alert.”
“Sure, dad,” said Ethan, nerves forcing him to lace and unlace his fingers.
He had never seen his father this way before and he was afraid. Of what? He couldn’t say. He had certainly seen enough episodes of cop shows on TV to know that bad things happened to random people all the time.
Four days later, Ethan Ramsey learned that hate was as powerful an emotion as love. He had spent the last 48 hours with a babysitter ─ not that he needed one, but the state of Rhode Island had strange rules about not leaving an 11-year-old alone overnight ─ while his father went searching for his mom.
The police had told them that they couldn’t do anything for 48 hours, exactly like what the cops would say on TV. Rather than wait, his father had called in favors to swap his shifts at work, hired Mrs. Giraldi’s niece to look after Ethan, and marked stops on a map of everywhere he could think of that his mom could have gone.
He'd come home tired and weary, his clothes wrinkled from sleeping in the car, and his eyes full of grief. When the police arrived the next morning, he’d seen hope on his father’s face before it was wiped away as one of the patrolmen said that he had been dumped while the other laughed at the tears gathering in his father’s eyes.
Ethan rushed them out of their home, slamming the door behind them before leading his desolate father to the worn-down couch. That night, and for several nights after, he heard his father wailing through the thin walls of the old house and resentment built.
Ethan couldn’t figure out why his father still loved his mom; no, not mom but Louise, he thought. She was no longer his mother. The woman had walked away as if they meant nothing, like he meant nothing.
At that moment, he hated her for breaking up their perfect little family and he hated his father for holding on to the memory of a love that was never real.
“I will never let that be me,” he muttered in the dark room, covering his ears with a pillow to block out the sound of grief. “Never.”
And the vow was made.
Dr. Ethan Ramsey was known for being occasionally grumpy and sometimes indifferent to everyone but his patients, for knocking down a peg rivals and contemporaries when he didn’t agree with them, and for reducing interns to a bundle of nerves ─ well, all except one intern, they whispered in the hallways.
But lately, he had been smiling more than usual and the nurses, especially those that had a crush on him, were hard-pressed to uncover the reason for this change.
Some people said that he was dating that former intern and now junior fellow on the Diagnostics team, Dr. Valentine. She always had a sweet smile and kind word for everyone she met. Others thought that was pure conjecture as someone as nice as her wouldn’t be attracted to Dr. Terminator (everyone had heard her call him that once and the name had stuck), no matter how handsome he was.
Besides, he was a stickler for rules and wouldn’t dating a subordinate go against that? Not really, they said, as Dr. Valentine was now his peer on the Diagnostics Team and there wasn’t anything in the employee handbook about not dating colleagues.
Ethan ignored the whispers that followed him, focusing instead on his patients, the medical mysteries presented to the Diagnostics team, and Cassie. Not necessarily in that order. But he did agree that he felt happier than he had in a long time, maybe even forever. Except for one wrinkle.
They had just finished a team meeting when his phone buzzed. He sighed when he saw his father’s name on the screen before declining the call. He fully recognized that he was only delaying the inevitable, but he wasn’t ready to have the conversation about Louise or her sudden interest in the family she’d thrown away.
“Is everything okay between you and your dad?” asked Cassie. She was watching him closely, her green eyes alight with curiosity. Something else they had in common along with their shared love of medicine.
“He says my mother reached out again, wanting to see me. And he thinks I should.” Frustration and anger leaked out despite his best effort to control both. “It’s infuriating. She’s essentially making me hurt my father when I say no. She won’t stop.”
“I wish he would realize that this isn’t genuine, her coming back out of nowhere,” he continued when Cassie stayed silent. “She wants something. I know it.”
“How can you be sure?”
“There’s a rational reason for everything, Cassie.”
“If we’re being rational…why not get a little more information?” she mused, lightly tapping her finger against her lips as she did when deep in thought. “Do you know where she’s staying?”
And that’s how Ethan found himself waiting in the car in a rough part of South Boston while rain fell down in heavy sheets, hiding him from view of anyone entering or exiting the corner store where Cassie had followed Louise.
His fingers nervously tapped against the steering wheel as memories whispered in his mind. He hated talking about that time in his life, but Cassie deserved to know what happened, even if he had abbreviated the telling.
Her family was perfect. Her parents were together and…perfect. He couldn’t think of any other word to describe the bond he saw between them. Meanwhile, his family was broken. His father had tried his best as a single parent, but Ethan had had to grow up quickly, supporting a parent who still grieved for what could have been.
Ethan had felt the old resentment rise as he told Cassie of how he couldn’t understand why his father could still want a chance of reconciliation with Louise.
“Because it’s not always easy to fall out of love with someone,” she had replied, her voice laced with sympathy.
He had scoffed at that, but now as he waited for her to return, he understood what she was trying to tell him.
If Cassie left him, would he just fall out of love with her or would he always mourn the loss of what they could have been? He felt a million emotions run through him at the thought of losing her, while also remembering the vow he had made that night twenty-five years ago.
Before he could ponder that further, the passenger door opened and Cassie dived into the seat, clothes soaked from the rain.
“Jesus,” he croaked as his body jumped in surprise.
“You didn’t see me coming?”
“I can’t see anything in all this rain,” he replied as she adjusted the air vents to direct more heat her way. “How did it go?”
He tried not to react when Cassie relayed her conversation with Louise, but a part of him couldn’t help it as she told him that his mom was proud of him. He heard himself say something nonsensical before starting the car.
Overcome with emotion, he reached for Cassie’s hand. Tenderly lacing his fingers through hers, his heart beat a little faster as they exchanged a shy smile, and he held her hand tight all the way back to Edenbrook.
This might be the last time, he thought, and he wanted to imprint the memory in his brain.
Ethan knew he was being a coward when he ignored Cassie’s calls or when he quickly left the office after every team meeting when it was clear that she wanted to talk. He needed more time to get his thoughts and emotions in order. But his heart cracked just a little every time he walked away from the hurt in her eyes.
Every time he saw her, he remembered his vow to never let anyone in that could break his heart. And she was the one person who could. The single soul on this planet – his mate – who could turn him into an empty husk, forever grieving a lost love, one so pure that he wondered how someone as broken as him could have ever found it.
Frustrated with himself and with the whole situation with his mother, he sat in the dark wanting the one woman who could make everything better, but not knowing how to reach out when that stupid vow kept rearing its ugly head.
With love came the possibility of heartbreak and he wasn’t sure that he was strong enough to survive it. His father hadn’t. Like father, like son.
But, he thought as the scotch burned down his throat, he knew with even greater certainty that he wasn’t strong enough to survive a life without her, and more importantly he didn’t want to. It was time to stop running.
Feeling lightheaded, and maybe a little drunk, he called a rideshare service and went downstairs to wait for his driver. The cool night air helped clear his fuzzy head, but only a little.
Cassie wasn’t Louise. And he wasn’t his father. And it was up to him to break the cycle. The reality was he loved her, and she loved him. Everything between them was…perfect.
Sienna had just switched off the kitchen light when someone knocked on the door. Wondering why anyone could possibly be visiting at that late hour, she almost decided to ignore it. But the second knock was more forceful, and she hurried to unlatch the security chain, checking the peephole before flipping the locks.
“Dr. Ramsey? What are you doing here?” she asked, surprise evident in the way her eyes grew big as she took in his disheveled clothes and the smell of whiskey wafting off his skin.
“I need Cassie,” he said a little too loud, his voice echoing down the empty corridor.
“Shush. You’ll wake the neighbors.”
She quickly pulled him inside, locking the door behind them. He leaned against the wall, groaning as he held his head between his hands, hoping to prevent it from falling off after the sudden movement.
Sienna, who had spent a couple of hours trying unsuccessfully to cheer up a morose roommate, felt sympathy for the horrible hangover he must be feeling while also slightly rejoicing in the fact that he deserved it for how he had treated her best friend.
Sienna looked over her shoulder when she heard Cassie’s shocked whisper. Her friend stood motionless in the hallway near the kitchen, her face betraying disbelief as she watched her normally “fully in control of himself” other half slide down the wall to sit on the floor. His head fell to rest on his knees even as he twisted toward her voice as if it was a homing beacon.
“Cassie? I wished for you and there you are.” His words slurred from weariness or alcohol, or likely both thought Sienna, walking away to give the couple some privacy.
She stopped midway, touching Cassie’s arm in comfort as her friend tried to hold back tears.
“Go to him,” she said quietly. “He loves you or he would never let himself lose control this way.”
Cassie waited as Sienna softly closed her bedroom door. Then she was alone with Ethan and yet she stayed standing where she was. She was hurt, dammit, and once again he was the cause. Every time they got close, he pushed her away and she was so fucking tired of it.
But seeing him like this, so different from the Ethan she knew or even the Dr. Ramsey she had met last year, she felt sympathy, pity, and yes, love for him, well up inside her. She must be a sucker for punishment because she kept coming back for more.
“I’m sorry.” His gruff voice broke through her thoughts.
“For what, exactly?” she asked, folding her arms as she looked down at him, the distance between them feeling wider than ever before.
“For being a fucking coward. Pushing you away because I thought if I left you before you left me it would hurt less,” he paused, his eyes, those beautiful blue eyes, never wavering from hers. “But it hurts just as much, or maybe even more, because I did this to myself, to us.”
“I’m so angry, Cassie,” he admitted. “Seeing Louise, remembering my dad the way he was when she left…it’s just so messed up. I’m so messed up.”
“I’m tired, Ethan,” she sighed as his words hit home. “I’ve told you and shown you again and again that you’re my forevermore. But if I’m not yours, then let us go and move on with your life.”
She walked towards him, kneeling down to place her hands on his. Tears ran down his face as he laced their fingers together before bringing their enjoined hands to his lips. “I don’t know how," he whispered.
“I heard what you said when we talked about your mom that day in the car. I heard you and I listened. But Ethan,” she paused. “You hear me, but you don’t listen. Loving someone who doesn’t want to love you back is the worst kind of pain. So, answer me truthfully because I’ll know if you lie.”
She kept her eyes steady as he gazed into hers, green meeting blue, no prevarication, no artifice. “Do you want to be in love with me? Can you let yourself be in love with me? Do you even want us?”
“I do. I can. I’ve never wanted anything more, and after these last few days I know that I never will.” His voice grew stronger with conviction with each word.
“I made a vow to myself when I was eleven that I would never let myself be hurt by love again. But, Cassie,” he tightened his grip when she tried to pull her hands from his. “That was a promise made by a young boy who’d seen his entire world shatter in the blink of an eye. Now, I make a vow to you, as a man who can forgive the boy for words said in grief and anger and who knows that the world is bigger than one moment, that he’ll never be afraid to love you. You are my forevermore.”
“It’s about time, Dr. Ramsey,” said Cassie, smiling through the tears running down her face. He gently wiped them away before their lips connected, whisper soft, an affirmation of the vow.
“Now, come on,” she said, helping him off the floor. “You need a shower because you smell like the inside of a whiskey barrel. While you do that, I’ll put together Dr. Valentine’s Miracle Hangover Cure.”
“Whose cactus are you planning to butcher today?” he teased, feeling lighter than he had in days.
“Trust the professional, Ramsey.” She playfully pushed him toward the bathroom, grabbing a towel from the linen closet along the way. “I’ll have everything ready by the time you’re done.”
“Can’t wait,” he mocked a quick salute before shutting the door in her face.
Smiling, Cassie walked into the kitchen, grabbing the necessary ingredients for the nasty but effective beverage. She sliced the cactus she kept on the counter, laughing as she remembered the first time that she had made the cure for Ethan.
“You have the cold heart of a surgeon,” he smirked. “And the knife technique to boot.”
Well, she had never claimed to being a surgeon and anyway, it was just a cactus. Although the way Ethan had winced, she might as well have killed his most prized possession. The man could be a real drama queen.
As the blender did its magic, she thought that they likely hadn’t seen the last of Louise if the conversation she heard Ethan’s mother have on the phone was anything to go by. And she herself would need patience because he still had a lifetime of hurt pent up inside. But they would deal with it together. She was more certain of that now than she had ever been before.
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Submission for @choicesficwriterscreations
Tags: @jamespotterthefirst @starryeyedrookie @genevievemd @starrystarrytrouble @forallthatitsworth @queencarb @ohchoices @casey-v @anntoldst0ries @imaneditorthankyouverymuch​ @coffeeheartaddict​ @brooks-eden @openheartfan @udishaman @danijimenezv @potionsprefect @quixoticdreamer16 @schnitzelbutterfingers @mainstreetreader (let me know if you'd like to be added or removed)
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thewolflady · 4 years ago
Thank you so much for reading 💕
For Sentimental Reasons (Ethan x MC)
Book: Open Heart
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Isabella Wolf)
Word Count: 492
Genre: Fluff City
Summary: A blanket causes Ethan a great deal of stress. 
A/N: Helloooo. I trust that you’re all well. I, on the other hand, was inspired by my recent illness for this little fic (obvs we’re all good now). Let me know if you’d like to be added to my taglist. Thank you very much for reading and enjoy!
Ethan watches Isabella slowly move around the house. A long, thick behemoth of a blanket covers her entire body as she drags her feet across the tiled floor. He quickly wonders how she’s able to move under all that weight. The thought is abruptly pushed to the back of his head when he notes that he’s actually never seen this particular blanket before. 
He also realises that he doesn’t necessarily like it.
Keep reading
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thewolflady · 4 years ago
Thank you so much! ❤️
For Sentimental Reasons (Ethan x MC)
Book: Open Heart
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Isabella Wolf)
Word Count: 492
Genre: Fluff City
Summary: A blanket causes Ethan a great deal of stress. 
A/N: Helloooo. I trust that you’re all well. I, on the other hand, was inspired by my recent illness for this little fic (obvs we’re all good now). Let me know if you’d like to be added to my taglist. Thank you very much for reading and enjoy!
Ethan watches Isabella slowly move around the house. A long, thick behemoth of a blanket covers her entire body as she drags her feet across the tiled floor. He quickly wonders how she’s able to move under all that weight. The thought is abruptly pushed to the back of his head when he notes that he’s actually never seen this particular blanket before. 
He also realises that he doesn’t necessarily like it.
Keep reading
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thewolflady · 4 years ago
Thank you very much 💛 and I’ll do so!
For Sentimental Reasons (Ethan x MC)
Book: Open Heart
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Isabella Wolf)
Word Count: 492
Genre: Fluff City
Summary: A blanket causes Ethan a great deal of stress. 
A/N: Helloooo. I trust that you’re all well. I, on the other hand, was inspired by my recent illness for this little fic (obvs we’re all good now). Let me know if you’d like to be added to my taglist. Thank you very much for reading and enjoy!
Ethan watches Isabella slowly move around the house. A long, thick behemoth of a blanket covers her entire body as she drags her feet across the tiled floor. He quickly wonders how she’s able to move under all that weight. The thought is abruptly pushed to the back of his head when he notes that he’s actually never seen this particular blanket before. 
He also realises that he doesn’t necessarily like it.
Keep reading
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thewolflady · 4 years ago
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thewolflady · 4 years ago
For Sentimental Reasons (Ethan x MC)
Book: Open Heart
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Isabella Wolf)
Word Count: 492
Genre: Fluff City
Summary: A blanket causes Ethan a great deal of stress. 
A/N: Helloooo. I trust that you’re all well. I, on the other hand, was inspired by my recent illness for this little fic (obvs we’re all good now). Let me know if you’d like to be added to my taglist. Thank you very much for reading and enjoy!
Ethan watches Isabella slowly move around the house. A long, thick behemoth of a blanket covers her entire body as she drags her feet across the tiled floor. He quickly wonders how she’s able to move under all that weight. The thought is abruptly pushed to the back of his head when he notes that he’s actually never seen this particular blanket before. 
He also realises that he doesn’t necessarily like it.
“Where did you get that from?” he called out from his spot on the couch, voice singed with distaste.
“Get what?” Isabella’s voice sounds small, sickly and bored.
“The blanket,” he practically spits the word out.
She glares at him, which looked like it took a monumental effort on her part. 
“That’s what you’re worried about? The blanket? Not the fact that I’m knocking on death’s door?” she coughs out the last sentence. Apparently speaking more than three words at a time was a terribly difficult job for her body these days.
“Of course I’m worried about you, baby,” Ethan’s eyes soften for a moment. Isabella’s insides flutter in response. It’s not a word he uses often, but it always catches her off guard whenever he does. Suddenly, she feels the need to sit down. She makes her way to where Ethan is sitting, and clumsily drops herself half onto the cushion and half onto Ethan. 
“I’m also worried about this hideous piece of cotton you’ve apparently been hiding in our house,” he continues.
“I haven’t been hiding anything, and, it’s really not that bad.”
Ethan blinks at her. She rolls her eyes at him, something she instantly regrets because her head starts swimming. Ethan notices.
“Will you take it off so I can hold you, please?”
“There’s more than enough space for the both of us under here,” Isabella says, grinning in anticipation of his response.
A thousand responses rush to Ethan’s mouth, none of them make their way out, so he just stares at her as if she has just lost all sense.
“The blanket isn’t diseased, Ethan,” he grumbles something disagreeably.  “Besides, when I bought it, I thought it reminded me of you.”
The words come tumbling back to him. He turns so that his entire body faces her, face deadly serious.
“How on earth did you come to that conclusion?”
“If you could stop gagging for a second, you would notice that these are the colours of your favourite ties.”
“A happy coincidence.”
“Well, Ethan, when you’re in love, you see your partner in many things. Ugly blankets slash happy coincidences included.”
Ethan’s heart swells and he finds that he can’t argue with that point, so he pulls her closer instead and kisses the side of her head. Isabella drapes the blanket across their tangled legs. His lips are still at her temple when he whispers,
“So, you agree that it’s ugly then?”
Isabella slaps his chest. Ethan chuckles against her before kissing her once more.
Taglist: @openheartfanfics @gryffindordaughterofathena @mvalentine @xxtraord1nary @fierycookie @stygianflood @tinkertailorsoldierspy
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