Simple Passing Ceremony for a Pet
Simple Passing Ceremony for a Pet
Simple Passing Ceremony for a Pet
One purple candle, holy water, Oreo cookie, one favored pet toy, stalks of fresh mint. NOTE: Purple is the color associated with the dead. The Orea cookie, with its white and black coloring stands for the darkness before the Fire Mother and the Light of Spirit. (It also happened to be my pet’s favorite food). Mint is used to banish negative energy as…
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Pet Passing Rituals
Pet Passing Rituals
I posted Silver RavenWolf’s Pet Rite today for a reason. The reason it was the first Rite as far as a beloved animal passing I had to do. I always had my family around me and they would do the Rite for my animals. I also watched them do their own.
The first time I had an animal pass on me, I was all by myself.  It was my first hybrid wolf dog, Rocky. He died with me holding…
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A Beautiful Blessing for Our Familiars
A Beautiful Blessing for Our Familiars
A Beautiful Blessing for Our Familiars Furry and mysterious You have blessed my life And my magickal practice With your sweet spirit And the essence of your soul.   Be blessed and welcome Companion and helper As you boost my power By lending your strength And your own deep magick.   May we live together And practice together For many years to come And bring joy and strength As we grow in our…
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10 Tips for Using Essential Oils in the Home
10 Tips for Using Essential Oils in the Home
10 Tips for Using Essential Oils in the Home
By J. Black
When guests enter your home the first thing that greets them is the aroma. Essential oils are often used to create a homey atmosphere within the home. Add 6-8 drops of your favourite scent to water in a diffuser or place the drops directly into a bowl of boiling water.
Sweet orange, lemon and your favourite spice oil are especially good when…
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Calming Aromatherapy Spray - Formula
Calming Aromatherapy Spray – Formula
Calming Aromatherapy Spray – Formula
Adapted from Aromatherapy for Healing the Spirit, by Gabriel Mojay (Inner Traditions, 1997).
This easy-to-make formula is based on centuries-old aromatherapy wisdom that reduces anxiety and apprehension.
After all, we can all use a little more calm and reassurance from time to time–and this spray smells simply divine!
According to aromatherapy wisdom,…
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Aromas to Heal a Broken Heart
Aromas to Heal a Broken Heart
Aromas to Heal a Broken Heart
By Francoise Rapp
Too often people write off break-ups as just another page to turn in the book of life. There is some truth in that, but break-ups should be taken a bit more seriously. After all, this is the end of a relationship. And this loss can be as painful as losing a loved one in death. To heal it takes time, self-care, and conscious processing of your…
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Ease The Stress With Aromatherapy Massage
Ease The Stress With Aromatherapy Massage
Cypress – 8 drops Lemon – 5 drops Bergamot – 5 drops 1 cup cool water Mix oils into cool water, wring out a cotton cloth in mixture and place over area. Leave compress on for 15 minutes, then replace. Do this 2-3 times daily
* Eases muscular aches and pains and promotes muscle relaxation. * Releases endorphins, the brain’s natural opiates, which encourages a feeling of well being and confidence.
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Cypress – 8 drops
Lemon – 5 drops
Bergamot – 5 drops
1 cup cool water
Mix oils into cool water, wring out a cotton cloth in mixture and place over area. Leave compress on for 15 minutes, then replace. Do this 2-3 times daily
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Take a bath with a teaspoon of this Blend added to the water
50 ml Sunflower oil
6  drops Lemon
12 drops Coriander
6  drops Neroli
5  drops Ylang ylang
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Myrtle – 4 drops
Spearmint – 4 drops
Grapefruit – 4 drops
Cajuput – 3 drops 15 ml of a carrier oil
Blend together and add 7-9 drops in foot bath,  swirl water to disperse the oils, insert feet and relax for 15 minutes
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Sensual Back/Body Massage
Sensual Back/Body Massage
You will need one ounce of apricot oil, three drops of jasmine-scented oil, three drops of sandalwood-scented oil, and three drops of ylang ylang scented oil.
In the morning, leave a love note where your lover will find it. Make it personal. Tell him or her how much he or she means to you. For example, write:
My Sweet Love, all that I am, all that I see, all that I…
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Let The Love Flow Shower
Let The Love Flow Shower
This is a shower best taken by two people.
You will need a cup of fine mud and a cosmetic mud mask.
Begin by standing in the bathtub and applying the mud to one another. Rub the mud all over your partner’s body, taking delight in the way it feels. Press your bodies together, exchanging mud in slippery skin movements. The Earth Goddess and God merging together as One. In…
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A Lovers' Moon Potion
A Lovers’ Moon Potion
A Lovers’ Moon Potion
When the nights are cold, it’s nice to have a warm body next to you to hold and love. This potion is best done with the one you love on a cold evening when the two of you want to set the night on fire.
To perform this spell, you will need two candles, one red and one green, chamomile and jasmine tea, and a teaspoon of honey.
Draw the circle and call in the elements. Set the…
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Finger Painting Magick
Finger Painting Magick
 You will need your lover, one ounce of olive oil, nine drops of vanilla scented oil and three drops of jasmine-scented  oil. Just before you make love, take a warm bath with your beloved. Decide what you both want to direct your sexual and orgasmic  energy toward. Keep it simple and be specific. Next, mix the oils together, and paint words of endearment on your lover’s…
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Lovers’ Moon Sachet
Lovers’ Moon Sachet
You will need one-half cup of dried lavender flowers, one-quarter cup of dried rose petals, and one-quarter cup of dried jasmine flowers.
At 9:00 p.m., tie the herbs up in a red drawstring bag. Hold the bag of herbs in your hands, merge with the divine, and say:
With these power, fragrant flowers
Love, joy and pleasure fill my every hour
The love of Lady and Lord surrounds me
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Let’s Talk Witch - Love Spells
Let’s Talk Witch – Love Spells
Let’s Talk Witch – Love Spells
Before you can fulfill your goals through spells, you first need to take inventory of your love life. The following questions should give you a fairly clear idea about the patterns that run throughout your intimate relationships. Once you identify your patterns, it’s easier to change them.
*Describe your ideal intimate relationship.
*Describe the worst intimate…
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Final Thought of the Day (I have some more files to unpack)……
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