Some Lost Soldier
638 posts
James Buchanan Barnes. But just call me Bucky. [Independent RP blog for Bucky Barnes/The Winter Solder. Mix of 616 and MCU canon. Please read the about page. Occasionally NSFW. FC: Sebastian Stan Tracking: thewintersamson]
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thewintersamson-blog · 10 years ago
sleep sentence starters 💤
"*yawn* I'm not tired I swear..."
"I'm too tired for this shit."
"Would you get mad if I fell asleep on you? You're so comfy.."
"You can take a nap on me if you want."
*wiggles around while dreaming like a sleeping puppy*
"I just had the weirdest dream... and you were in it!"
"My snoring's not that bad..."
"I do not snore!"
"Do I really snore?"
"I'm trying to sleep here!"
"That doesn't look like a very comfortable place to sleep."
"I do not drool when I sleep!"
"Do I really drool when I sleep?"
"If you do the cold water prank on me while I'm sleeping I'll kill you."
"If you do the whipped cream and feather prank on me while I'm sleeping you're dead to me."
*sleepy mumbling noises*
"Do I really talk in my sleep?"
"Do I say anything interesting when I talk in my sleep?"
"Have a nice nap?"
"Goodnight, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite."
"Want me to sing you a lullaby?"
"Having trouble sleeping?"
"You can sleep in my bed if you want."
"Your snoring kept me up all night."
"Go to sleep already..."
"You were crying in your sleep... is everything alright?"
"Bad dreams again?"
"Not another nightmare is it?"
"You look exhausted, you should get some sleep."
*draws mustache on you while you sleep*
"You woke me up... I was having a nice nap too..."
"I wanna go back to bed..."
"Wh-? I jus' woke up..."
"You sleep too much."
"You don't sleep enough"
"You look so cute when you're asleep. So peaceful."
"Sometimes I watch you sleep."
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thewintersamson-blog · 10 years ago
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You know that I do.
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thewintersamson-blog · 10 years ago
You’re a punk. Jerk.
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thewintersamson-blog · 10 years ago
so who wants to write some d/s or poly threads with me come on it’ll be fun and i’ll totally teach you all about anything you don’t know/understand!
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thewintersamson-blog · 10 years ago
Your muse walks into my muse's bedroom to find my muse naked and drying off after a shower, send "Flustered noises" for my muse's reaction to looking over and seeing your muse ogling mine and blushing...
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thewintersamson-blog · 10 years ago
psa ; i make it a habit to read everyone’s rules. i literally read everyone’s rules – and if not, at least skim it for important notes. but keep in mind that suggests that i read over a handful of pages a day, and it is impossible to remember everyone’s rules from the top of my head. it is impossible for me to remember which roleplayer states this and which roleplayer states that. so, if i ever break a rule, it is never intentional. its okay to get upset ( as i would, too, if someone were to break one of my rules ), and more importantly, it i okay to inform me that i did such a thing and i will do my best to not do it again. i never blatantly break someone’s rules.  
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thewintersamson-blog · 10 years ago
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Natasha Romanoff » Minimalist
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thewintersamson-blog · 10 years ago
bold which is most applicable to your muse between the two options!
cold OR hot
envy OR lust
blunt OR tactful
dreamer OR realist
impulsive OR regimented
stubborn OR flexible
sociable OR reclusive
lazy OR hardworking
half empty OR half full
excitable OR apathetic
dependent OR independent 
eloquent OR inarticulate
delusional OR realistic 
dwells in the past OR looks towards the future
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thewintersamson-blog · 10 years ago
kidnapped/imprisoned starter sentences
“Not eating the food I give you is not going to make me give you nicer food.” “You should be grateful I come down here and talk to you at all.” “Listen to me or I’ll treat you even worse.” “I picked you off the street because you were beautiful. You should feel flattered.” “You don’t need freedom if I give you everything you need.” “You can come out of the basement if you give me a very good reason to let you.” “What’s this? Are you trying to get away from me? You should know better.” “Get on your knees and pray I’ll forgive you.” “Oh, you’re hungry? Sing me a song and you can have my leftovers.” “Don’t cry, I’m keeping you safe down here, away from the world. You don’t need it. You only need me.” “Freedom is a burden. You should be glad I took it away from you.” “I bought you some new clothes. Please wear them tonight at dinner.” “You don’t get to decide anything, understood? I make the rules and you obey them if you want to remain unharmed.” “You’re nothing but a little doll I get to play with.” “I own you.” “Don’t worry, I’m not going to take away your virginity just like that. I’m saving it for something special.” “I’m not going to kill you. Not yet.” “If you’re good, you can shower with warm water today.” “Crying won’t make me stop hurting you. It just encourages me.” “You’re so young…” “I love it when you scream, but I will only stop when you can’t scream anymore.” “I’m sorry, I completely forgot you were still down here.” “There’s someone coming to join me tonight. I’m sure you’ll be quiet, or I’ll have to kill my guest again and it’ll be your fault.” “You’re going to have some company tonight. Try to think of him/her as your little brother/sister. I want you to do to him/her what I do to you, understood?” “I’m bringing some friends along to show them how well trained you are.” “How dare you talk to me like that. Wash your mouth, with soap. Now.” “It’s been a pleasure watching you grow up. Your mummy and daddy would have been so proud of you.” “I brought you some food. Now crawl over here and lick it out of the bowl like a good pet.” “I think you should remind me why you’re worth keeping alive down here.” “Tell me how much you love me and you can have your dinner.” — “Hello? Is anyone down here?!” “Oh my god, what is this place? How can you still be alive? I’ll get you help! Please hold on.” “You don’t have to hide from me. I’m trying to help you. I won’t hurt you, I promise.” “What happened to you? How long have you been kept here?” “Hello? Where am I?! Who are you?” “Have you ever tried to escape? Do you think it’s possible if we work together?” “It’s the police! Show yourself!” “Is that really you? Oh my god, I found you, I can’t believe I found you…”
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thewintersamson-blog · 10 years ago
                   AGE OF ULTRON SENTENCE MEME
“Language.” “I adore you.” “I just pay for everything and design everything, make everyone look cooler.”
“You didn’t see that coming?”
“Is that the best you can do?”
“You kiss your mother with that mouth?”
“I’ve got no strings to hold me down.”
“Keep up old man!”
“I suppose we’re both disappointments.”
“You get hurt, hurt ‘em back. You get killed… walk it off.”
“No matter who wins or loses, trouble always comes around.”
“As the world’s expert on waiting too long, don’t. You two are great together.”
“Really? That’s it? You just roll over and show your belly, every time somebody snarls?”
“I am always picking up after you boys.”
“Nothing lasts forever.”
“That’s not a question I need answered.”
“I’m sick of watching people pay for our mistakes.”
“You are all puppets tangled in strings.”
“I’m going to tear you apart; from the inside.”
“What’s a girl like you doing in a place like this?”
“A guy did me wrong.”
“We have no place in the world.”
“This is going to be like finding a needle in the world’s biggest haystack… fortunately, I brought a magnet!” “I got no plans tomorrow night.” “It just slipped out.” “I can show you what you truly fear.” “Yeah, we don’t have time for a city hall debate.” “And for gosh sake; watch your language!”
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thewintersamson-blog · 10 years ago
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Because you and me? Together? Together, Clint, I think you and me are the persona we both wish we could be, and I know that person. I know that person is worth something.
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thewintersamson-blog · 10 years ago
Joss Whedon: *holds Hulk and Black Widow toys*
Joss Whedon: *squeaky 'girly' voice* Oh, Bruce! You saved me!!
Joss Whedon: *low 'manly' voice* Stay away from me, Natasha! I'm a monster!!
Joss Whedon: *squeaky 'girly' voice* Me too, Bruce! Let's runaway together! I adore you!!!
Joss Whedon: *smashes toys together and makes kissing noises*
Marvel executives: ...
Marvel executives: ...
Joss Whedon: What? It's totally canon.
Marvel executives: But what about Hawkeye?
Joss Whedon: *points at doll house no one had ever seen before* He's obviously secretly married and with children.
Marvel executives: but what about Betty Ross?
Joss Whedon: Who the hell is that?
Marvel executives: Bruce's great love who-
Joss Whedon: Now you are just making things up to ruin my fun!!!!!
Joss Whedon: *throws toys to the floor and stomps out crying*
Marvel executives: ...
Russo Brothers: *deep long sigh*
Russo Brothers: *start picking up*
Russo Brothers: Just let him do whatever. We'll fix his mess later while he's napping.
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thewintersamson-blog · 10 years ago
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Civil War Set.
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thewintersamson-blog · 10 years ago
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thewintersamson-blog · 10 years ago
You officially have permission to slam my character against the wall and kiss them. Enjoy.
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thewintersamson-blog · 10 years ago
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thewintersamson-blog · 10 years ago
oh hi guys this account is a things whoops
I never have time to rp any more but i really miss it ugh
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