The year is 1995, congress member Bernie Sanders stands in opposition of a homophobic statement said by Duke Cunningham. Cunningham derisively refers to “homos in the military” to support his argument while (strangely) discussing the Clean Water Act. Sanders, having none of it, quickly rises to the defense of thousands of men and women everywhere. Sanders ire is such that he repeatedly disrespects the Chairman by speaking over him in order to say his piece. [Video Source]
What does this say for Sanders? Well, that’s for you to decide. But to me, it says that for 20+ years strong he has shown his public support for LGBT+ persons everywhere, even in the face of ridicule and disrespect. Unlike some, Sanders has always been vocal about his beliefs concerning the LGBT+ community, and he has always held them. Key word always, and not just when doing so might garner him support for his campaigns.
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Chers concitoyens,
Aujourd’hui est un jour sombre. Aujourd’hui est un jour grave. La réforme orthographique est entrée en vigueur et nous sommes contraints de faire nos adieux à un certain nombre d’accents, de lettres et de tirets qui, ne nous voilons pas la face, nous ont donné du fil à retordre, mais qui font également la préciosité et l’exception de la langue française.
A partir d’aujourd’hui, il est acceptable d’écrire ognon à la place d’oignon. Ou paraitre à la place de paraître.
Que ma rébellion sonne le glas le mon blog, Awesomefrench restera dans le déni d’un tel affront. OIGNON BORDEL DE MERDE
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“Je vais me faire un petit jeûne” “Je vais me faire un petit jeune”
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Remember the confident, strong-willed, goal-driven version of me? Hilarious.
I wish I could do what I love.
I’d love to be a librarian, but my life plan isn’t set up for that.
It’s not “exciting” enough.
I’ve been planning my life since I can’t even remember how long ago. I refuse to become my sister. I will not flake out. I will not.
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Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes
Amazon: 4.6
Goodreads: 3.9
This story is about Charlie Gordon who with an IQ of 68 can only hope to sweep the floors at the bakery… well, that is until he is invited to participate in an experiment previously only tested on animals. The experiment is an operation that will gradually make him a genius and allow him to become the person he’s always longed to be. But, as with Adam and Eve in the genesis story we all know, intelligence comes with a price. Charlie learns that the people he’s known for years are not what he’d always thought, where he once associated laughter with friendship, he soon learns that it is mockery. Stephen Fry once said that intelligence is almost entirely about the strength of your memory - and Charlie Gordon finds that out the hard way. Memories that had been forgotten come flooding back, bringing pain with them.
Flowers for Algernon looks at so many different things: mental disabilities, human nature, intelligence and love. It made me feel sad, angry, frustrated and hopeful, it made me shake my head at people’s behaviour and it made me incredibly thankful for so many things - I know how cliche that sounds but it’s true.
Even though Charlie’s intelligence grows to beyond that of a normal human, he is emotionally still very much a child and has to learn the things other people learned long ago. He doesn’t understand what is happening when his body becomes sexually responsive to a woman and he often doesn’t understand why people say one thing but mean something completely different. The abuse he has endured because of his disabilities runs back through the years to his first public school and even his own mother. This is a very sad story that made me think about so many things and the ending just about broke my heart.
by guest reviewer Emily May
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So I randomly ran into Lena on Halloween and as strange and annoying as she is, she asked me to reintroduce myself as the person I am today. I told her that I'm exactly the same person as I was in high school, but that's not true. I'm nothing. I am a literal nothing and my life no longer has any meaning or purpose. So there's your answer, Lena. If growing up is just getting closer to death than I think I've done all the growing I can do because I'm pretty sure that I am entirely dead inside. Currently, I have the TV on, I'm doing something else on the computer and I'm also on my phone just refreshing the same social media sites over and over again. What a metaphor for my life: Just watching that refresh symbol spin. When does my page start loading new posts again?
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Sorry I guess
I hate that fucking kid in every class who’s like “Im double jointed in my arm” and then takes his arm out and swings it around or whatever like chill dude
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If someone out there has a more pathetic life than me can you please reveal yourself so I can make fun of you and feel better about myself for a little while?
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You hope for the best, but the best always leave you behind.
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This is how I feel. But don’t worry Hil, I’m still your girl. Just not this primary. I’m sorry :(
I wanted to love Hillary Clinton. I really did.
But, I’m sorry, Bernie Sanders 100% has my vote. He stands for everything I stand for. Not just some things like Hillary. I’ve been told that I’m not a “real feminist” since I don’t plan to vote for her. I want to see a female president just as much as anyone else does. But Sanders could lead this country in a wonderfully amazing direction and I am confident that he has a lot more to offer than Clinton does. Sorry not sorry.
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My doctor jokingly offered me dinosaurs. I was not joking when I said yes. #cast #dinosaurs #iamalmosttwentyone #wishyouwereme
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What am I going to do without @claudiarodders ?????? #leaving #tomorrow #howcanilive #withoutyou #allthesestepsforsomething #friendship #lifesaver #theworldrevolvesaroundyou #mylifeguide (at Reading, England)
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