thewiccankid-blog · 5 years
A Baby Witches Dictionary 📖
Disclaimer: This is all based on my opinion. It is not perfectly alphabetized. - Altar • A place for all of your witch supplies, tools, a place to meditate and worship your deities. It is the center of your practice. Astrology • You’ve probably heard of astrology, in witchcraft it is used as a form of divination.  Astral projection • Astral projection is a purposeful out-of-body experience where you, well, project a version of your consciousness (also known as an astral body) to a location that is separate from your physical body.  Athame • A ritualistic dagger used as a tool in witchcraft. Aura • An energetic field that surrounds a living creature, usually people are referring to humans when this term is used. Baby witch • A witch who is new to the world of witching and the community.  Beltane • A sabbat that celebrates fertility and the coming of summer. Besom • A broom used as a tool in witchcraft to cleanse.  Binding • A type of spell or magick used to bind something, as in keep it from continuing behavior or causing harm. Boline • A dagger or knife used as a tool in witchcraft to cut and harvest herbs. Banishing • A type of spell or magick used to get rid of something or someone. Book of shadows • A book or journal used by a witch to store information.  Candle magick  • The usage of candles in magick, usually in combination with color or sigil magick.  Cartomancy • A type of divination that involves cards (Can be oracle or tarot cards) Cauldron • A metal pot, used to mix herbs, or potions, or really anything you might want to mix in your practice.  Chalice • A fancy cup used to keep water in as a representation of the West when casting circles or to drink from during your practice. It can also be used to give offerings of liquid to any deities you work with. Chant • A type of spell or magick that includes speaking or singing aloud. The words can rhyme and often correspond with your intent. Clairovoyance • A type of divination where you see or perceive events in the future. Cleansing • One of the foundations of witchcraft, it has many methods. It is the act of ridding a space, person, or object of negative, stagnant, or previous energies. Circle • A circle is a type of spell you cast in magick, it enhances your powers and protects you. Closed culture/religion  • A closed culture, or religion is something that is closed off to people outside of it and does not condone taking (appropriating) anything from it. Color magick • A type of magick based around color, the idea is you use certain colors that you associate with certain things to make a spell more powerful. Ex: Using pink in a love spell.  Correspondence • A connection or association with something, you could use the example I stated above. If pink corresponds with love, you use it in a love spell. This usually refers to the usage/picking of ingredients for a spell. Coven • A group of witches that often socialize, or gather. Crystal magick • The usage of crystals for magick. Ex: Using clear quartz to cleanse something. Curse • A negative spell that has permanent, sometimes deadly effects on someone. Divination • Seeking information or guidance by supernatural means. Dream Interpretation • A form of divination where the events/symbols/scenery/actions ect in a dream are interpreted.  Empath • A person with a heightened level of empathy for others mental or emotional state. Enchant • A type of magick or spell that gives something a certain property, typically permanently. Esbat • A gathering of witches that does not take place on a Sabbat. Fae/Fair folk • Another word or term for fairies. These terms are more preferred by them, especially the term “Fair folk.”  Familiar • An animal, sometimes described as possessed by a spirit or entity that assists a witch in their craft. Glamour • A type of magick or spell that changes someones appearance or energy. Grimoire • Another word for a Book Of Shadows, a book or journal used by a witch to store information and experiences. Grounding • Like cleansing, this is a foundation of witchcraft. It is like meditation, the goal is to focus yourself and afterwards to feel more connected to this world and moment. Hellenism • A Pagan religion that worships the Greek deities you most likely know from mythology, such as Zeus, or Aphrodite. It is based around the 12 Olympians.  Hex • A negative spell, like a curse but less powerful, unlike a curse it’s usually not permanent.  Imbolc • One of the sabbats, it celebrates the coming of Spring.  Intent • Another common word that makes up the foundation of witchcraft, intent is that purpose or desire you have when you cast a spell. Ex: My intent is to banish a toxic person from my life with this spell. In other words, you have to really want it to get it.  Intuition • A supernatural or unexplainable feeling that warns, guides, or helps you. Invoking • To call or summon a spirit/entity/deity. Jinx • This falls under the category of curses and hexes, as in it is a negative spell. Jinxes are the least powerful of the three, they usually last a few hours or days and don’t cause any permanent or irreversible harm.  Lammas • Another Sabbat, it is the first harvest, a representation of a time to relax and appreciate your hard work.  Litha • A sabbat that celebrates Summer and the sun.  Mabon • One of the Sabbats, this one celebrates Autumn.  Magick • It’s as you’d imagine, magic. The only difference is the spelling which is used to differentiate between stage magic and what we do.  Medium • A person who has supernatural or clairovoyant abilities that they use to relay information or messages from the spirit world.  Moon water • A magickal water this infused with the moons power. Numerology • A type of divination based around numbers. Oracle/oracle cards • Similar to tarot cards but less common, these are a type of cards used for cartomancy or divination. The different between them and tarot cards is they are more modern and do not follow the same major/minor arcana system that tarot does. Often they do not follow any common system at all. Ostara • A Sabbats celebrating spring and the coming of fertility and well being. Runes • Nordic in origin, runes are symbols used for divination. Sabbat • A neo-pagan holiday. There are 8 Sabbats. They follow the wheel of the year and are based on the changing of the seasons and nature.  Samhain • A Sabbat that celebrates the last harvest, the veil between worlds is thinnest at this time.  Scrying • A form of divination where one peers into a reflective surface. Traditionally a crystal ball is used, but there are many ways of doing it.  Sigil • A type of magick or spell, a sigil is a symbol you create, the intent of the sigil is embedded into the symbol. (If you look into making sigils, it makes a bit more sense.)  Spell jar • Any spell that is made in a jar, usually you’d mix common ingredients like magick waters, oils, and herbs that correspond with your intent.  Tarot/tarot cards • A type of cards used for cartomancy, or divination. There are 78 cards in a set, which are categorized as the major and minor arcana. The minor arcana are separated into 4 suits. Tarot spread • A way you lay out tarot cards when you do a reading, each card represents a question. Ex: A tarot spread for love. Tasseomancy • A form of divination where tea leaves are used. Theban Alphabet/Script • An ancient alphabet used by modern witches. It’s Latin based and centuries old. Its origins are unknown. Because of its modern use among witches and Wiccans, it is also known as the witches alphabet.  Paganism • An umbrella term that refers to many religions practiced by witches, including Wicca & Hellenism, the commonality between all Pagan based religions is they are based on nature and or multiple deities. Palmistry • A form of divination where you inspect someones hands and the lines present on them. Pentagram • A symbol that contrary to popular belief is not Satanic in nature, but actually represents the 4 elements and the spirit. Pendulum • A form of divination where a pointed object hung from a chain/string is used. The way the pendulum swings is what determines the results of a reading. Warding • A magickal barrier that protects you from energetic/magickal threats, such as bad spirits or curses even. One such barrier can be formed in many ways. Wicca • A Pagan religion based on nature and the divine Masculine and Feminine. Wheel of the year • A witchy calendar used to track the Sabbats, holidays based on the changing of the seasons.  Yule • One of the sabbats, this one is based on celebrating winter but also the coming of spring. This is also when the dark half of the year ends and the light half begins. - I came up with the idea for this post and was surprised I’d never seen one. So I made this! - Let me know if you have any corrections or additions and I might add them. - I hope this helps someone. Enjoy! Have a lovely day 💖
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thewiccankid-blog · 5 years
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thewiccankid-blog · 5 years
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A woodland elf claiming her new home 🌱
IG: plantskies 🌱
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thewiccankid-blog · 5 years
🏠🔗House Protection Spell Jar🔗🏠
(House Protection Spell Jar)
This a spell that will help to protect your house and all that is in it.
A jar (this is also completley compatible with a bag or pouch)
Grinded eggshells
A black candle
Blackberries or blueberries or both
Bowl for crushing berries
After casting your circle (or whatever you do as a pre spell preparation) grab the jar/bag and place it in front of you and light your candle.
Take salt and pour into jar/bag, however much you want.
Pour eggshells into jar.
Place your berries into a bowl and smash them. Take a spoon and place the smashed berries into the jar.
Pour wax from your candle into the jar to top it all off.
Screw on your cap to the jar (or whatever your using) hold it inbetween your two hands and say, “Let this jar protect my home and all in it. This jar will exude power and give it to the home,” repeat 3 times. While doing this summon energy into your body. Pour the energy into the jar and fill it up. Think of protection while doing this.
Now youre finished! You can keep this jar in your room, or outside the house, or even as a decoration! Id reccomend replacing the jar about every 6 months. Please send pics of your jar if you can! Id love to see anyones work! Please dont steal my spell, but feel free to reblog and give credit to me.
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thewiccankid-blog · 5 years
Me: *has 189 candles lit at once*
Also me: why is it so hot in here?!
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thewiccankid-blog · 5 years
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thewiccankid-blog · 5 years
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thewiccankid-blog · 5 years
What to do if witchcraft suddenly gets way too intense
► DO NOT walk away from an uncompleted ritual
► DO NOT walk away in the middle of a spell
Grab your notes and close everything down. Dismiss any spirits or entities you are working with. Close down the circle. End the ritual. Diffuse the energy of the spell and close it down. If you were enchanting an item, announce over it that it is closed and nothing more may come in or out.
Spells and rituals are little portals of power; if you leave one open without closing it, all sorts of things could get screwy and come through.
2. End any spooky/witchy atmosphere immediately.
Blow out all the candles.
Put out all the incense.
Turn on all the lights.
Turn off spooky chanting music. Turn on some happy music or better yet, a non-supernatural television show or movie you love.
If you were enchanting an item, immediately put it in salt.
3. Don’t destroy the items/notes you will need later.
Trust me, do not throw away the spell you wrote or the objects you were working on. If things go wrong in the future you will need these to fix the problem.
► Immediately write down exactly what happened. Write down every deviation from the spell that you did. Write down exactly what you said and saw during any visualizations. Write down exactly when things started to get freaky.
► If you were enchanting an item, keep it in a black bag filled with salt until you are ready to deal with it.
4. Cleanse.
Use an energy cannonball to purify the space you were working in. Burn rosemary and bay leaves to fumigate the area, or spritz a premade water solution if you can’t have smoke. Pay special attention to all ritual tools.
If you feel the need to, cleanse yourself by visualizing the power of the smoke enveloping you and driving away any bad vibes; or take a shower if you really feel something has gone wrong.
5. Get out of the area you were working in.
Go to another room. Leave the house if possible. Seek the company of others or turn on the television if you are alone.
6. Do mundane things for a while.
Eat a nice meal. Drink a big glass of water. Go for a jog. Do some chores. Put anything magical totally out of your head. Absolutely do not focus on how weird things just got.
7. When you are ready, return to the area you were working in.
Relax yourself and judge the energies within the room. Are things still ‘creepy’? A heavy-duty cleansing is in order. Do you feel as if someone else is there? Open a window and command it to leave - if it does not, more fumigation or a banishing is required.
Judge your ritual tools and determine if they will need additional cleansing. If you were working on an object, determine if it has been corrupted or if anything is wrong with it. If so, put it back in the salt and deal with it as soon as you can.
8. Take a break from witchcraft for a couple of days.
9. Figure out what went wrong.
Fear is never a good thing. There is a difference between embracing the darkness and being afraid.
► Fear can be caused if an entity showed up you were unprepared to deal with.
► Fear can be caused if your intuition (or perhaps a spirit ally) was warning you that what you were about to do was a really bad idea.
► Fear can be caused if you tap in to powers that overwhelm you.
You need to figure out what went wrong. It isn’t a situation where you can say “oh well” and try something else later - because you screwed up, and next time you may not get an adequate warning before things go to hell.
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thewiccankid-blog · 5 years
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Cottages are cute
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thewiccankid-blog · 5 years
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Balcony goals 😻🙌🌿
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thewiccankid-blog · 5 years
reblog if ur the witch friend
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thewiccankid-blog · 5 years
Lee says:
Here’s a transitioning starter pack for all my trans folk out there! Happy pride month!
Transfeminine resources:
Chest area
Broad shoulders tips
Hair removal
Feminine walk
Waist training
Growing out your hair
Medical transitioning:
Not medically transitioning
Puberty blockers
Estrogen & anti-androgens/testosterone blockers FAQ
The types of surgery available
Surgery: A guide for transfeminine people
Pumping (Silicone injections)
Facial Feminization Options
Breast Augmentation
Transfeminine period dysphoria
Yes, Transfeminine People Can Get Period Symptoms
Slipping into masculinity
Women’s restroom etiquette
Transfeminine people can breastfeed
Having sex or masturbating
Transmasculine resources:
Binding FAQ
Facial hair
Masculine makeup
Getting short hair / Masculine long hair
If you can’t start T
Lowering your voice
Packing and standing to pee
Passing as male
Not shaving legs
Medical transitioning:
Not medically transitioning
Puberty blockers
Testosterone FAQ
Top surgery
Facial masculinization surgery
Body masculinization surgery
Hysterectomy and oophorectomy
Bottom surgery (genital surgery)
Periods and related things
Help! I need to see a gyno
Masturbation and sex
Using the men’s bathroom
Hudson’s FTM Guide
Height dysphoria
Hip dysphoria
More resources:
What gender am I? A brief intro to questioning
Trans 101 for trans people
What is the transgender umbrella?
How do I choose a name?
How do I come out at work/school or to family/friends?
Dysphoria info and tips page
Mental health coping page
Being trans in school
Non-binary resources
Resources to send allies/friends
A page to send to parents/guardians
Convincing someone to respect name/pronouns 
Here is how to get hormones in the US
Here is how to get hormones in the UK
The NHS’s Guide For Young Trans People in England
Here’s a US resource with info on changing legally changing your name and gender marker 
Here is a UK resource with info on changing legally changing your name and gender marker
What are the WPATH-SOC guidelines?
How to save money
How to buy a trans-related item online without parents knowing
I have to go swimming, what do I wear/do?
Trying to sleep when you have dysphoria
Airposts and traveling by plane
Gender neutral bathrooms
Getting insurance to cover your transition
Does transitioning help mental health?
Trans teen’s experiences with inpatient hospitalization
Trans identity isn’t a mental disorder
Vaping prevalence
Being religious and LGBT
Transgender Lives: Your Stories (to see trans adults) 
Gender neutral pronouns in Spanish
Gender Variance Around the World Over Time
A map of gender-diverse cultures
American LGBT history by the National Parks Service
Crisis help: Suicide and crisis hotlines
Anyone can reblog, including allies!
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thewiccankid-blog · 5 years
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thewiccankid-blog · 5 years
One of my witchy shelves 🖤🌿
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thewiccankid-blog · 5 years
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“I Find A Good Place To Live”
Keep this sigil with you while you’re house hunting or going on house/apartment tours
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thewiccankid-blog · 5 years
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now all I need is to have a large library in an old house, which is located on the outskirts of a small town, with a lot of magic books that can help make a potion for a variety of purposes, cure a person or predict the future
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thewiccankid-blog · 5 years
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spending a morning reading herbal folktales and drinking irish breakfast tea with almond milk
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