thewhisperingsnitch · 9 years
@wrenthemerchmaid Sorry, sweetheart. Horrible's just part of my nature. C'mon, you can relate to that, can't ya? -Moriarty
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thewhisperingsnitch · 9 years
I wanna know who's getting some. Who's hoking up these days?
Let’s see.
Matt Webb is getting nice and cozy with a certain little redhead, but that’s not news anymore, and no one cared in the first place.
Still not convinced Josh isn’t screwing Belle, especially given her increasing enthusiasm over their “friendship.” Not that it would be so bad if they were fucking; at least it would get them both to stop pouting over constant rejection.
Everyone else at least attempts to hide who they’re getting hard for, so who knows? Maybe there’s more I’m missing.
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thewhisperingsnitch · 9 years
Seems like Frank is a little low these days, life must be sooooo hard for the successful frontman
“I have a hot new girlfriend I won’t shut up about! My band is doing great! I’m rich! I have supportive friends! Pity me!” Hard times, man. Hard times.
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thewhisperingsnitch · 9 years
Definitely saw Wren and Josh walking together in the hall the other night. What happened to 'I hate my brother with the passion of a thousand suns?'
Looks to me like the little princess finally got over it. It only took what, a decade to get those panties out of a twist? Good for them. Though that doesn’t seem to have stopped him from becoming a total wreck this past week. Just hope he doesn’t run her off again.
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thewhisperingsnitch · 9 years
Isn't Perla from the same town as the Webbs and Ramsays? Think they're friends?
I don’t think any of the four other Vancouver folk have even noticed our new girl, have they? They might just not be very good friends to have if they were, I guess? Then again, they’ve all been decently busy with their own issues, and a little digging does show that she went to high school with the little Trench Sisters…and lived not far from the Ramsays. Curious, yes?
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thewhisperingsnitch · 9 years
Does Jason think he's cool or something for smoking weed? Jesus, who cares?
My, my. Someone’s a little judgemental, nonnie. Compared to what some of the rest of our residents get up to, weed is a calm pastime. Maybe he’s just looking for some friends to join in on said pastime. I’m just trying to find out more about him, because a happy dog dad who smokes blunts isn’t all that gossip worthy. But of course, there’s always more to Whispering residents than meets the eye.
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thewhisperingsnitch · 9 years
So what's the story on Josh and Lia? Seems like the happy couple are no longer happy. Or a couple for that matter
Don’t you love the age we’re in? Where couples and exes and former friends send passive-aggressive tweets instead of just calling to say they hate each other? Unrequited love sure is a bitch, Josh. Even worse when it’s your actual girlfriend giving you the cold shoulder. Or does the late night visit of a certain fille de joie with alcohol in hand imply little Amelia is more of an ex girlfriend?
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thewhisperingsnitch · 9 years
Ella and Matt seem to be spending lots of time together, think it will become something more?
Little Mermaid and Prince Trustfund living happily ever after? Seems unlikely, but I guess she’s been sipping the same water that most of our girls do that have them going for older, well-off men. But we can be assured she may just spend Matt’s money more on necessities than designer handbags and such. The interesting thing is how he seemed to have moved on from little Isabel with her best friend, and the blonde was seen entering his old apartment tonight. An eye for an eye? Careful, kids, I’ve heard that leaves the whole world blind.
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thewhisperingsnitch · 9 years
Christmas is coming in less than three weeks, and you know what’s on my list? Scandals, gossip, and all your dirty little secrets. I know deep down inside, you’re all itching to make me happy, and you’re aware throwing others under the bus could get my sights off you this season. Come on, sweethearts and sweet tarts. Give your main Snitch my main wish.
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thewhisperingsnitch · 9 years
Out of the newer people, who do you think is going to be the most fun?
What an absolutely interesting new bunch we have, don’t we? I love fresh meat. (No offence to our many vegetarians and vegans.) As for who’s going to be the most fun? Good question, I’m still trying to figure that out myself.
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thewhisperingsnitch · 9 years
Charlotte was seen having a late night with Frank while on tour, thanks to creepy fans. Is there something going on with the duo now that Nikki is temporarily out of the picture?
Frank and his girlfriend’s best friend? I mean, tours do get lonely, and Nikki did mysteriously not join the two again when they left after Thanksgiving. And didn’t he get her as an opening act while he and his princess were still broken up? Curious, curious.
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thewhisperingsnitch · 9 years
Wait, Frank has literally saved people's lives? Elaborate, I wanna hear these stories.
And what interesting stories they are, though I’m not sure how grateful those lives are. Though, they should, they seem to be doing loads better now. Matty’s taking over as the islands’ manwhore, after all. I wonder who the next person Frankie’s gonna save, other than the fans who say that all the time, of course.
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thewhisperingsnitch · 9 years
It’s Their Party And They’ll Cry If They Want To
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How awful must this year’s Halloween party have been if three people — including it’s planner — ran away from it crying?
In fact, let’s start with the planner in question. She seemed to be having a great time, sharing a couple’s costume with her “friend” Frank (“Sexy, devoted blood slave” is a friendly title, right? And there’s definitely nothing strange about calling your buds “master.”) However, with impeccable timing that I can’t help but commend him for, Nicoletta’s ex, Vincenzo D’Angelo, showed up on the island right on time to ruin her holiday.
But that’s not what she was upset about.
No, instead, it seemed to have something to do with the birthday boy himself, Frank Iero. He didn’t seem too pleased by the end of the night, either. The two were caught arguing shortly before Iero’s own tearful departure. It’s hard to tell what caused the fight — after all, they’d been smiling and hanging on each other all night… and the entire month before that. So what could have possibly ruined their party?
Ooh, pick me! I know!
Not long before the animated argument, little old Belle practically threw herself at the much older man. (Hey, princess, a decade age difference is kinda weird.) The poor girl got rejected, of course, since Frank was so love-struck at the time that he couldn’t possibly think of having eyes for anyone besides Nikki. Or maybe it wasn’t that. Maybe he just didn’t want her. At any rate, she burst into tears afterwards and had her, err, roommate come and pick her up. I’m sure he made her feel much better about the rejection.
So there you go: Belle flirted with Frank (and struck out, poor girl) which lead to a jealous Nikki (even though she supposedly had no feelings for Frank) which lead to an argument, and they all went home crying.
You would too, if it happened to you.
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thewhisperingsnitch · 9 years
I don't know how anyone could stand being with Nikki tbh, especially her new yet somehow old boyfriend. Girl was clearly getting around before he came into the picture, and now suddenly they're the happiest couple on earth? Right.
Well, if your big, scary ex-boyfriend showed up at your front door after years of being kept away from the world, would you want to keep sleeping around?
But hey, maybe they are happy. Maybe Nikki’s a lot less of a player than we all realized, she was just heartbroken, waiting for her one true love to come back to her…
But somehow, I doubt it.
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thewhisperingsnitch · 9 years
I don't know how you can somehow keep writing songs with that lack of originality. I'm honestly disappointed.
Oh, sweetheart…
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thewhisperingsnitch · 9 years
Oh, sweetheart...
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thewhisperingsnitch · 9 years
I wanna know what's going on with Tay. Girl was in the hospital wing not too long ago. Too much partying?
Oh, sure. That’s definitely one way to put it. I guess it’s more of an old habit regarding partying rather than the actual thing. Unless you count parties for one?
Girl’s just lucky she ended up on a hospital bed and not her death bed. 
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