thewaterpix · 4 years
Gentle? The broken joystick on the RC car controller could seem misleading, but Vanellope could be gentle from time to time, when asked to do so. 
With her eyes lit up with curiosity and excitement, the girl slowly extends her arms and copies Rayna. “Ooh, it’s surprisingly soft,” she coos as she pets Sirin.
“My hands?” Rayna’s words make Vanellope re-think her relationship with her powers. She had never considered her powers as anything. It was just something that she had to live with, like her ADHD. 
“I don’t know… I’ve never thought of it that way. I guess it can go both ways.” Vanellope says as she observes her hands, which have stopped glitching. “Sometimes it’s helpful, sometimes it’s not.”
“How long have you had the bird, by the way?” Vanellope focuses her attention on the fascinating bird once more. “Oh, and what’s its name?”
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Rayna could resonate with what the girl was saying. Sometimes helpful sometimes not. She had needed to lose her wings. There wasn’t any other option, and it allowed her to swim. Even still she felt.. broken maybe.
“He’s been with me for a long time now, he’s a good little bird.” She cooed at him. “His name is Sirin. And he should be soft, with all the preening and cleaning he does. He won’t let a single feather fall out of place.”
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thewaterpix · 4 years
Alice couldn’t help the smile that graced her lips. “Me too. I love finding all the little hidden gems places have to offer. I’ve already explored a fair amount of the town so I figured I would start working on the woods.” When she had first arrived Alice had probably spent the better part of that first week exploring town. Though she knew there was still probably more to discover. “I’m Alice. It’s lovely out here, I can see why you like it.”  
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“Alice” Rayna said, trying out the name. “Alice have the feeling we could be good friends”
She began to muse aloud. “Maybe I could take you to all the places I’ve explored and you could take me to all the places you’ve explored. Before long we will have seen everything there is to see.”
All previous suspicion and worry Rayna had felt disappeared.
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thewaterpix · 4 years
He didn’t see the whole thing. Perched under a tree he was taking another one of his naps. Hypnos preferred it that way. Something calming about it. He was startled when he heard the beard. Immediately he stood up in shock. “The capital of Honduras is Techigualpa.” He uttered in response. His attention turned to the stranger. There was a slight tilt of his head. “I didn’t see you here before either.” He replied. “How long....have you been here?” 
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Rayna stared at the stranger, with a relatively confused look. “I’ve only been here for a moment. Were you asleep in the tree?”
In the past Rayna had often slept in tree branches, though each experience had ended with her falling out. Back then she had relied on her wings to catch her. Now, no more sleeping in trees.
Rayna caught herself lost in thought. “What was that?”
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thewaterpix · 4 years
“you can … certainly try. he likes the attention, but he’s been antsy here lately. hold on, let me grab onto him first, that way i can be sure he won’t be a jerk about it.” plagg is a big fan of attention no matter where it comes from- which is usually adrien, for the obvious reasons. well, the obvious reasons and the fact that before moving to porthaven, adrien was not a fan of plagg taking an animal form for free travel. he moves around the kwami dog, coming to stand behind him so he can squat down and hold on to the color adrien had bought the day before. “there you go,” he says with a smile. “go for it.”
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She watched as the stranger held the dog still. Rayna dropped to her knees and rubbed the dog's ear. “Aw. What a good dog.”
She grinned up at the owner. “Your dog is lovely!”
Rayna loved animals, she had always wanted a dog or a cat, but they were much too large and intimidating when she was in her pixie form. Sirin was a good friend, but not a pet. He came and left as he pleased.
“What’s his name.” Then Rayna remembered her manners. “I’m Rayna, it’s nice to meet you.”
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thewaterpix · 4 years
Cora laughed as she spotted the other, but her focus turned to the beautiful bird on her shoulder. “Oh, no worries at all!” she smiled. “I tend to blend into my surroundings pretty easily in the woods. Your bird friend looks very loyal, may I pet it?” she asked, not wanting to impose on the bond. Animals were her favourite beings, second only to plants of course. 
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Right away Rayna trusted this stranger. Maybe it was the way she almost disappeared into the surroundings. Probably it was because the stranger could tell Sirin was loyal and had complimented him.
“Of course.” She gently extended her hand, and Sirin hopped onto her knuckles, always seeking attention.
“This is my very good friend Sirin.”
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thewaterpix · 4 years
Total Fairy Fail // Rayna&Cerise
Cerise growled quietly to herself, cursing whatever higher power had given her the thought that making a flower crown would be a fun time. The festival itself wasn’t so bad. The crowds and the noise weren’t ideal, but they had some wicked food stands that more than made up for it. The kabobs were easily the best part, though the fried dough had been a close second.
However, no amount of festival food would be able to calm her mood if the freaking flowers wouldn’t start cooperating. She was on her third attempt, and the people running the activity had already warned her it would need to be her last one, lest the run out of flowers for the other attendees. Cerise just couldn’t get them to stay together no matter how carefully she followed directions, and the more frustrated she got, the more flowers were accidentally crushed within her fists. It didn’t help that the woman sharing her station didn’t seem to be having much trouble at all.
“Do you think you could…” She hated having to ask for help, it was a little to close to admitting defeat, but it was better than walking away empty-handed. Then the flowers really would have won, “I’m…kind of a mess…”
The festival had been exciting but very loud, and a little overwhelming, so Rayna and Sirin had retreated to the flower crown booth. Of all the things in the at the Festival, Rayna found the flower crowns to be the easiest, even with her clumsy mundane hands.
She wove blue and yellow and white flowers together, knowing any of her plant talent friends could have told her the names. She just picked the prettiest ones.
As she worked she tried hard not to stare at the stranger struggling with her own crown, so when the women spoke up Rayna felt relieved.
“Oh of course.” She dropped her own crown and picked up a few of the longer flowers.
“I like to braid them, it’s easier then tying.” She said conspiratorial, just incase the rather unimpressed booth attendant could over hear Rayna undermining her technique.
“Just try and do what I do.”
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thewaterpix · 4 years
Was this a bad idea? Probably. But that thought didn’t seem to stop Vanellope at all from sitting down on her skateboard. The view, which was complemented with a scenic river in the distance, was astonishing. After taking one last final look at her surroundings, Vanellope pushes off.
The first few seconds were pure ecstasy. The sensation of the wind against her face always made Vanellope giddy for some reason.
It was when she was around halfway down the hill that she realized she might be going a bit too fast. In a last minute effort to slow herself down, Vanellope deploys emergency brakes - her feet. But they prove to be useless.
At the foot of the hill, she sees a pedestrian, who she now had a high chance of colliding into. She tries to scream, to warn the other person, but fear has paralyzed the usually extremely chatty girl’s tongue. 
Vanellope wraps her arms around her head as she zooms towards the pedestrian, and prays for the best - that her skateboard was loud enough to catch their attention and make the other person get out of her way.
But, when she opens her eyes, shes in the middle of a river, nowhere near her skateboard, which had collided into a flower bed on the street.
“Help!” Vanellope screams as she tries to tread the water. The girl can swim, but right now, panic is rendering all of her limbs useless.
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Rayna just managed to dodge the speeding skateboard when she realized exactly who was on it. The little girl with the mini car. Which made sense, she seemed to always be rushing around.
The skateboard picked up even more speed, towards a flower bed. At almost the last second the girl wrapped her hands frantically around her head as the front wheel hit the side of the rocks and the girl flew through the air. Rayna starred in amazing, wondering if it felt anything like flying. 
Her wonder quickly changed to horror as she realized the skater still hadn’t emerged from the water.
She ran to the bank and slipped into her pixie from. The water collected around the girl, gently pushing her to the surface. Rayna concentrated all her abilities on keeping the girls head above water as she shouted for help. Then slowly as she gained more control of the water, Rayna pushed the girl away from the centre of the river. 
After a few uncomfortable scary moments the girl lay on the bank of the river.
“Oh please be okay.”
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thewaterpix · 4 years
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thewaterpix · 4 years
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thewaterpix · 4 years
Vanellope tries to stop after seeing Rayna pick up the car, but the last minute brakes cause her to trip on her own feet.
“I’m fine,” Vanellope answers while getting up from the ground. “This happens all the time when I’m…” She trails off while trying to calm herself down to stop glitching. “…emotional.” Something about the word didn’t sit right with her, but it doesn’t matter anymore because it already rolled off of her tongue. She brushes the thought off and makes up her mind to deal with her ill choice of words later when the need arises.
“Thanks, by the way,” The girl says as she skillfully takes the batteries out the car after taking it from Rayna’s hands. “Nice save there….” Vanellope adds on after seeing Sirin. “Bird!”
“Can I pet the bird?” Vanellope asks, her arms already halfway towards Sirin.
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Sirin ruffled his feathers gently, puffing up so as to look bigger. Rayna looks at her little dove considering. The fairies did call humans ‘clumsies’ for a reason. But really what harm could be done. Sirin would fly away if she got to rough.
“Just be gentle. He likes it if you slowly rub your finger against his head. Just like this. “Rayna had heard to support animals. Maybe petting Sirin would calm the girl down.
“Your hands, is that a curse? Or a blessing? Or..” She stumbled over her words as she thought aloud.
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thewaterpix · 4 years
Alice had taken to exploring the surrounding woods of Port Haven. Being outdoors was always the easiest way to clear her head. It brought back fond memories of childhood. Of laying in the fields surrounding her home with her sisters for hours on end.There was no clear destination in mind, just walking until she felt satisfied or something caught her attention. 
She was currently walking along a stream, humming as she went along. The waters eventually lead to a more open area and to her surprise she wasn’t alone. “Hi, I wasn’t expecting to see anyone else out here. Are you exploring too?”
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The blonde seemed nice enough. Rayna had been taught to be cautious of the clumsies, but it was hard to be afraid of something so interesting. No matter how much she tried to avoid Port Haven curiosity always won out.
And this stranger would be no different. As long as she didn’t suspect Rayna wasn’t human, everything would be okay.
“I am. I love venturing all throughout the town and the woods.”
Spinning around the little stream Rayna threw her arms in the air. “I’m Rayna, welcome to my oasis!”
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thewaterpix · 4 years
“Somebody! Stop that thing, that, mini car thing!” Vanellope hollers on the top of her lungs as soon as she sees someone in the car’s way. The joystick of the remote controller in her hand is jerked awkwardly to the side. 
“Watch out! I can’t stop it! The crummy joystick thing is jammed!” She yells as the vehicle starts to get dangerously close to the other person. Out of the corner of her eye, she notices that her arms are ‘glitching’ again, flickering in and out of this dimension. Oh shucks.
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Rayna finally caught on to what the stranger was shouting just as the tiny car barreled by her.
Taking a moment to register the sight of the tiny car, she joined in the chase, wishing her mundane forms’ legs were less clumsy.
Her little white dove, Sirin dove at the car, tipping it enough to slow down its racing pace. Seeing the opportunity, Rayna leaped a head and snatched the car off the road.
She held it proudly as its tiny wheels continued to spin aimlessly. “I got your tiny vehicle- oh, your arms, are you okay?”
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thewaterpix · 4 years
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thewaterpix · 4 years
“plagg,” he hisses out, well aware that the kwami- currently in the form of a bulldog and pissed about it- can both hear and understand him. plagg, for his part, is acting the part of a disobedient pup- nevermind the fact that he is older than adrien could ever comprehend. he’s a second away from offering the spoiled kwami a whole round of Camembert when he realizes that the two of them are far from alone.
“uh, know anything about dogs?” he asks the closest person, who surely has seen this entire exchange. adrien surely doesn’t know anything about dogs; he’s a cat person, and his cat kwami taking the form of a dog is getting on his nerves.
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Wandering up and down the streets of Poet Haven, Rayna had enjoyed taking in the view of all the small shops and cafes. Like most days, Rayna was completely and utterly lost in her own head, until a stranger's voice pulled her from her dreams.
“Oh no I can’t say I do. But some of my friends have a really way with animals.” She allowed herself a private smile at her own joke.
“Can I pet your dog?” She asked excitedly.
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thewaterpix · 4 years
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Quickly Rayna slipped into her mundane form, stretching her longer, clumsier limbs in the bright sun. She was in a small bit of wood, next to a very small stream, her usual entry point to Port Haven.
Although she did love the hollow, Rayna had been looking forward to going to Port Haven all day. She loved exploring its bright and colourful streets and meeting its exciting and diverse residents.
She grinned to herself as she scooped up a satchel she’d stashed by some rocks. Now she was ready for an adventure.
Sirin, the small white dove on her shoulder, sang out a warning cry, alerting Rayna to the stranger approaching.
“Oh, hello, I didn’t see you there.”
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thewaterpix · 4 years
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。✧*  STATS
Name : Rayna Brooks Origin : Disney Fairies Age : March 22, 1938 Gender : Cis Female Faceclaim : Lily James Availability : Taken
Rayna had never questioned her talent for a second. Water felt so natural to her.
Even as a young fairy, Rayna looked for the opportunity to help anyone she could. She’d help new water fairies practice their talents, and anyone felt comfortable coming to her with problems.
Although her giving nature earned her many friends, Rayna spent most of her time alone on the river banks, exploring and dreaming of flying along under the water.
While her wings prevented her from swimming, Rayna would often swim in her mundane form.
When the hollow began to die, Rayna was one of the first people to signup to go and help restore it.
While on the adventure, the fairies came across an item that could help to save the hallow. Unfortunately it was deep under water, in a small cavern.
Realizing her mundane form would never fit Rayna chose to sacrifice her wings for the Hallow and asked her compatriots to cut off her wings.
She insisted she would be okay without her wings, as long as the Hollow was saved but privately she mourned the loss of her wings.
Once the hollow was saved she was given a small white dove who would carry Rayna anytime she needed to fly.
✓  selfless, passionate, creative ✖  daydreamer, insecure, emotional
Fae : Can switch between a miniature pixie form and a larger mundane form. Lacks wings. Water Talent : Can manipulate water, create bubble messages, and walk on water.
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thewaterpix · 4 years
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