thewarymary-blog · 6 years
“Do you need help, Mary?”
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Mary jumped at the voice, not realizing anyone was near her. She had been talking to herself. As she turned around, she was surprised by who she saw. “Oh, Amelia!” A small smile found its way to her lips. “I-I’m just having trouble finding a good book. Anyway, I should be asking you that question.” She raised an eyebrow and then asked, “what are you doing in the library?”
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thewarymary-blog · 6 years
Marlene couldn’t agree more about the stress that Hogwarts could bring. While muggles were deciding on what university they wanted to go to, they had to decide what they wanted to do with their whole lives. She simply shrugged though. “There’s a ton of gossip, always. It feels like love is brewing in every corridor,” she rolled her eyes. “It’s exhausting, really. Trying to keep up with all these couples and might-be’s,” Marlene chuckled to herself, and sipped on the drink she had ordered when she arrived. “But I want to hear more about you, babe. I feel like I haven’t been able to catch up to what you’ve been up to in ages,” she smiled, resting her chin on the palm of her hand. “Don’t tell me love is brewing for you too?”
While she had asked the question, a part of her in the back of her head didn’t want her to, but she couldn’t quite put her finger on it. She was excited, however, that her friend had decided to drink with her. It was always more fun when Marlene had someone to drink with, instead of all by herself. “There’s nothing fun going on with me right now, so please tell me something interesting. Let me live vicariously through you,” she joked. Her days had been rather bland as of late. It was one of the reasons she called for this getaway. As much as she figured Mary needed a break, she did as well.
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Mary nodded her head, Alice and Frank coming to mind. “Have you seen Alice and Frank? I’ve seen him almost trip over himself when he was with her.” She giggled, remembering the day. She needed to remember to talk about it with Alice when she saw her next time. “I really need to see Alice and talk to her about it sometime. I’m pretty sure she has a crush on him, but I don’t want to say it for certain. She could just be being kind, she always is.” She smiled, and her heart always warmed at the thought of her best friend. “Yes, it really is. Sometimes I find myself irritated about it, and then I feel bad because it must be nice to be in love.” She sighed. 
When asked about her love life, Mary hesitated. She thought about Ted and their messy break up and how everything was a little screwed up with them at the moment. She relaxed a little, knowing this was Marlene, and she could tell the girl almost anything. “No, the complete opposite.” She huffed, frowning. “I haven’t had much interaction with anyone after I broke up with Ted. I think this,” she motioned between her and Marlene. “Is the most I’ve seen someone in weeks.” She really had been isolating herself, as she came to realize. “I haven’t had much time to fall in love with someone else. I-I just have a lot on my plate, it feels like.” The words tumbled out. She really didn’t have all that much, except the whole Mulciber thing but she wasn’t going to get into that. When her firewhiskey finally arrived, she took a long drink and glanced away from Marlene. God, how obvious could she get? She wanted to kick herself. 
Setting down her drink, she decided to continue the Ted talk. “I really messed things up with him, Mars. We use to be such good friends and now I ruined it all. Maybe, we shouldn’t have dated in the first place, I don’t know. Maybe, it wouldn’t have gotten all screwed up. I really miss him, and talking to him. He was such a good listener. Every time I see him now though, I just get all emotional and avoid him.” She sniffed, trying not to let her emotions spill as she talked about it. “Sorry, I don’t mean to get all teary eyed. I don’t even have those feelings for him anymore, I just miss the friendship.” She gave a small smile, looking back at Marlene. She took another drink, and could really feel it making her belly warm. “I’m such a lightweight, I’m going to be real drunk so quick.” 
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thewarymary-blog · 6 years
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Dianna Agron lockscreens! (Requested)
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thewarymary-blog · 6 years
If I told you even half of it, we’d be here for days, he wanted to say, but refrained. He didn’t know why he couldn’t tell Mary, why he hadn’t told her everything that had happened with Rodolphus; she was, after all, his closest confidant. He’d told Daisy, who he loved very dearly, but if he had gone back in time and told himself from three months previous that he’d trust Daisy with his deepest secret and not Mary, he never would’ve believed it. “Mundungus indeed! He’s wonderful. I mean, he’s no Mary, but he’s good to talk to. Or, er, study with. We studied. As study buddies do.”
“Have you come up with any post-Hoggy Warty Hogwarts plans? We’ll be gone before you know it,” he said, raising a brow. What could he tell her he’d been up to that was interesting without divulging everything? There was the Gilderoy situation, but frankly he had tired of thinking about it a bit. Remus! That was the ticket. “Well, Remus Lupin and I went on a date, I think. Maybe two? I dunno if the first one really counted.”
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“I’m glad to hear that Mundungus isn’t taking my place.” She grinned. She didn’t know Mundunugus very well, but she tried to keep an open mind for her close friend. “Although, I have heard that he quite excels here at Hogwarts. Do be careful, though, Doc.” Mary grabbed one of his hands, and gave it a squeeze. She couldn’t even imagine anything bad happening to Caradoc. She would probably go into a fit if anyone had harmed him. He was so dear to her heart, it hurt to even think of him in any sort of bad situation. “I hope that’s all. I’m sure he’s a wonderful study buddy.” She tilted her head, wondering if that really was all Doc had going on. She wasn’t going to push him, though. He would eventually tell her, as she would with him. 
“The year is definitely going by fast,” she nodded. Mary really had no idea what she was going to do. She had no where to go after Hogwarts and it frightened her. “Caradoc, can I tell you something important? It happened to me over the summer and I think I can confide in you about it.” She took at seat in one of the Hufflepuff chairs and let out a sigh. “I honestly am very scared of leaving Hogwarts. My...” She paused, putting on a brave face. “My grandfather died over the summer. He was my only family left, you know. I don’t know what I will do once this year is over as I have no where to go back to. I've been thinking maybe I should try to get into the Muggle Liason Office, over at the ministry, but I don’t know.” Mary shrugged her shoulders, looking down at her feet. 
She had no idea what the future would hold for her. She had been studying so hard this year so that she would graduate with nothing but fantastic marks. She wanted any and all doors to be opened to her once she left Hogwarts. “I’m just trying to keep my grades up this year so that when I leave, I’ll be able to, at least, get into anything I may apply to.” She really felt as if she had been studying her life away, though. “What about you, Doc?”
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thewarymary-blog · 6 years
And at night, tears replaced anger, making her feel lonelier than she really was.
L.R. excerpt from a book I’ll never write (via holaitsliza)
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thewarymary-blog · 6 years
“What are you feeling like?” Alice asked Mary, her dark eyes roaming around the kitchens as she tried to figure out what kind of snack she’d like. “Maybe a pumpkin pasty or a piece of pie? They make the best apple pie,” she explained, her stomach grumbling. She shook her head about Charlie and just raised her shoulders in a shrug. “Maybe he just doesn’t want to be tamed. I just love him too much!” 
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“I would love to have some of the apple pie! It really is the best apple pie I have ever had. My grandmother could make a delicious pie for the holidays, but these house elves have seemed to master it!” She looked at some of the house elves and gave a big grin. Any food they had made, Mary was always pleased with. “I do miss my grandmother’s baking, though. There’s just something about the food that grandmothers make that is always good.” She turned to look back at Alice. “Honestly, he should appreciate you more!” She huffed.
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thewarymary-blog · 6 years
Edward Tonks experienced heart break for the first time due to Mary Macdonald. Being young, in love and for it all to crash down when you don’t expect it at all was a shock to the system. Ted learnt what love felt like with Mary and he learnt what heart brake felt like with Mary. None of this felt natural, what was natural was for Mary and Ted to be able to talk to each other without wanting the earth to swallow them up. The two were friends before everything else but when friendship and love mixes the aftermath becomes much more complex and Ted was fully aware of that. Of course they couldn’t go back to just hanging out as friends as if nothing had happened, Ted wouldn’t have been able to do that. He simply wasn’t ready or strong enough for that a couple months ago, the Ted a couple months ago and the Ted now however were different. He had moved on.   “It’s okay Mary.” He smiled a little hoping that he could reassure her. It felt so familiar and warm to keep his hand with hers. All Ted wanted to do was to give her a hug and tell her that he missed her but he didn’t. Instead he slowly pulled his hand back and ran his fingers through his hair. “It can be quite scary.” He nodded. “How have you been? We uh haven’t spoken in a while.” 
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Mary let her hand fall back to her side, and straightened up a little. She took in a deep breath, and tried to keep calm. “I’ve been fine.” Her words came out a little harsher then she intended, and she turned to look anywhere but Ted’s face. “I’ve been okay. Studying, a lot. That sort of thing.” Her voice was softer this time. “And um, what about you?” She asked back. Mary had always wondered if Ted was okay after she had broken up with him, after she had ruined something wonderful in her life. She had wanted to shove all her words back into her mouth that day after seeing the look on his face when she had said them. 
She shook her head and looked away from him. “We don’t,” she paused, trailing off. She stayed silent for a few seconds, getting up the courageous to spit out the rest of her sentence. “We don’t have to do this, you know. T-This small talk.” She motioned between them. “And to be quite honest, I-I don’t really want to.” She had tried to say it firmly, but she barely could convey it that way. She had wanted to talk to him, see him once again. To be friends again. She felt too many emotions at once, and even though she tried to have a brave face, it was cracked. Her usual Gryffindor bravery had been cracked, and she hadn’t been able to fix it. 
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thewarymary-blog · 6 years
Marlene got excited when Mary accepted her invitation to go to Hogsmeade with her. It really had been a long time since they had seen each other, and even longer since they had gotten to talk one on one. She was excited for some much needed girl talk with her friend. She had gotten there a little early in her excitement, and went ahead and ordered them both a drink, sure that they both were in need of one after the past few weeks. Marlene’s recent depressive state and Mary’s seemingly constant run in with bad luck. Who said you couldn’t have a little vacation during the school year just because they slept there? 
When she saw Mary walk into the bar, she perked up immediately. “Mary! I’ve missed you too,” she smiled. “I really haven’t been waiting too long.” Even though she had gotten there early, she wasn’t about to tell Mary about that. Especially since Marlene was normally fashionably late to everything. “We’re seventh years now, there’s a lot of work that comes with being the queens of the school,” she joked. “Everything has been alright. I went on a bad streak for a while and hunkered down, but everything is better now. How have you been?” It seemed like Mary was often so well put together, and she always managed to stay so nice and had that beautiful smile with everything she went through. Marlene honestly looked up to the girl. 
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Mary listened intently to anything Marlene said. She clung to each word, and giggled when Marlene joked. “I’m glad things are better now. You deserve nothing but happiness, love.” She gave a soft smile. “I’ve been better, honestly. I’ve really let the stress this year get to me, so I’m quite glad that you invited me for a little holiday.” She admitted, glancing away from Marlene. Her secrets held on the tip of her tongue, but would not spill. “I love Hogwarts, but sometimes it can feel overwhelming. Especially since this is our last year and we have to start thinking of the future.” Mary shook her head, letting out a sigh. She regained her composure, though, sitting up straighter and putting that soft and gentle smile back on her face. “I don’t want to talk about that depressing stuff, we are here to have a good time.” She leaned forward on the table, “is there any gossip you have to tell?” Mary usually never liked to gossip with people, but with her girls, she enjoyed it. She knew this trip could be a good time to laugh and talk about what has been going on with other students at Hogwarts. The girl waved to Madame Rosmerta, once she saw the women, and she came over to their table. She knew that tonight was a night to get drunk, even though Mary was a terrible drunk at times, she felt courageous. “I’d like a firewhiskey, please.” 
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thewarymary-blog · 6 years
Mary had been excited to spend some time away from Hogwarts with one of her dear friends, Marlene. She hadn’t spent time with the girl for awhile now, and Mary was happy to be able to finally talk and get caught up with her. It was also nice to be away from the looming threat of Mulciber. In Hogsmeade, it was as if his face disappeared from her mind. All she could think about was Marlene and her own excitement. She had told Marlene she would meet her at The Three Broomsticks, and hoped she hadn’t kept the other waiting. She really needed to finish up one of her Potions essays before heading off to her little weekend getaway. 
As she walked into The Three Broomsticks, her eyes roamed around for her friend. Once she spotted Marlene, she quickly made her way over and threw her arms around her. “Mars!” She exclaimed, holding her tightly. “I’ve missed you so much!” She pulled back and gave a big grin. “I hope I didn’t keep you waiting to long.” She took a seat, and let out a sigh. It was good to finally be able to relax in wonderful company. “I’m sorry I haven’t been able to be around you. I’ve been so busy with studying. You have no idea.” She shakes her head. “How have you been though? What’s been going on in your life?” Her eyes fixated on Marlene. It had felt like forever since she had really seen Marlene, and able to really look her over. She had worried about her, and also missed seeing her. She was still always amazed at how beautiful the other girl was, though. Any of her friends, really. 
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thewarymary-blog · 6 years
Alice smiled warmly at the house elves who were roaming about the kitchens. Part of what she loved so much about Hogwarts were the many creatures she got to meet and befriend. “You’re totally right. We should get both and maybe even a snack for ourselves!” The blonde went to work collecting the items for Charlie and when she was finished, she looked to Mary, “I certainly hope so. I don’t know how I’ll be able to keep an eye on him when I graduate. He’ll probably run away for good.” 
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“I wouldn’t mind a snack right now.” Mary roamed around the kitchen, looking through what they had. The house elves kept telling her they could get her whatever she wanted, but she had never been use to being served. “Oh, that would be horrible! I’m sure he wouldn’t run away far if he did, he probably would get hungry and just come right back home for more food.”
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thewarymary-blog · 6 years
“ I do too. I want to make as many wonderful memories as I can right now, because you never know when life can change things.” She said with a small smile. “ No don’t apologize, it’s something we should all be aware of. The war is moving closer each day and a nice sunny date won’t stop it.” She said 
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Mary nodded in agreement. “I as well, but it seems this year all I’ve managed to do is study my last year away.” She frowned. She really hadn’t been making the most of her last year at Hogwarts, but there was always the looming fear of Mulciber ruining it as well. “I-I wish we could just pause time. We could just sit here for awhile and bask in the sun and, and chat. Never have to worry about the world outside.”
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thewarymary-blog · 6 years
“ Me too but the sun was to distracting so I decided that I’ll spend all evening doing my work and enjoying the sun while it last right now.” She said with a smile. “ I wish it was always like this.”
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“I wish so too.” Mary sighed, turning her eyes to her books. “I-I try to hold on to these little moments as I never know when the next time I’ll see them. And with this whole war business, I don’t know.” She shook her head. “Sorry, I-I don’t want to make things depressing on this beautiful day.”
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thewarymary-blog · 6 years
Mary put a hand over her eyes as she looked up towards the sky. The sun sure was bright, not that, that was a bad thing. “Yes, I suppose it is. It was so nice I decided to do my studies out here.” She gave a small smile, a book in her hand. 
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“ Doesn’t it feel amazing out today.” She said sitting in the grass. “ Like the sun is so gracious today shining down on us. It’s a perfect day.” She said smiling. 
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thewarymary-blog · 6 years
“That’s what makes it so fun!” Alice chirped with a small giggle, before clarifying, “You don’t have to get drunk! We’ll have fun either way, Mare. You know that.” The girls could make fun out of any situation and she knew this wouldn’t be any different. It would make a great distraction from their surroundings and the depressing news they heard almost every day. Alice led them to the kitchen and through the entrance. She smiled at the house elves, dark eyes flickering across the kitchen. “What do you think we should get for him? A pumpkin pasty? Some biscuits?” 
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Mary didn’t know if she agreed with Alice, but she giggled anyway. “Of course. I always have fun when you’re around. You always know how to make me laugh till my stomach hurts!” She beamed. When all the girls got together it always made Mary feel incredibly happy. Arriving at the kitchens, Mary greeted the house elves. She was always amazed every time she saw them, and treated them warmly. “Why not all of it? Maybe if you fatten him up, he’ll just be lazy and never try to run about.” She laughed.
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thewarymary-blog · 6 years
“Yes! Makeovers, secret telling, and chocolate. This time we can add a bit of firewhiskey and it’ll be perfect,” Alice exclaimed excitedly, her dark eyes lit up at the thought. In their younger years, the girls were more naive, less informed about the world around them. Now that they were older, it was hard to ignore the darkness that surrounded the castle walls. No matter how much she tried. She nodded, “Let’s look in the kitchens first. If he isn’t there, we can at least grab him a snack to bribe him.” 
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“Alice, you know I’m such a horrible drunk.” Mary groaned. The few times she had drunk she had become such a trainwreck and seemed to cry at almost anything. Her friends could convince her to do almost anything, though. If they wanted to get drunk, Mary would join in with them. “Sounds like a plan. I really hope we find him soon.”
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thewarymary-blog · 6 years
Mary was like a breath of fresh air amidst all the stress he had been experiencing. He could really just sit there and listen to her speak for hours, if necessary, about anything and everything, about the most mundane aspects of her life, because she could make nearly anything interesting, or if she couldn’t make something interesting she could at least be endearing doing it. “I’m doing much better now that I see you. Seriously, I’ve been dying! Well, not dying, but I’ve got so much to tell you, it’s insane. My studying is… well, it’s happening, sort of? I’ve been getting some help from Mundungus, and he’s been a big help.” In some, non-studying aspects, that was true. But, as per usual when he was around someone he liked, it was difficult to focus on schoolwork when there was opportunity for real conversation. “No, no, it;s my fault too. We were both busy, and now we both forgive each other for being awful, yes? How have you been, though, Mary? Any new developments in Mary Town that I’ve missed?” 
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Mary listened to him with wide eyes and a big smile on her face. It was so good to hear his voice and to see him, it was like all her troubles were not that big of a deal now that he was around. “You must tell me all of it!” She exclaimed, quite excited to hear about all that has happened since they had been distant. “Mundungus, huh?” She raised an eyebrow, wondering just how big of a help the guy had been to Doc. 
Once he asked about her, Mary’s smile slipped a little. She wasn’t ready to talk about Mulciber to anyone yet. She shook her head, regaining herself and thought of what to tell him. “Hmm, honestly, nothing that I can think of. I’ve been studying a lot though, and thinking about what I’m going to do once I leave Hogwarts. It’s quite daunting, but I think I will be okay with you and all my other friends around!” She certainly hoped that they would all still be around in her adult life. “But, Doc, really. You must tell me all that you’ve gotten yourself into.”
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thewarymary-blog · 6 years
“Well just don’t forget it, alright? Whatever you need, I’m here.” Lily replied, sending her best friend a smile in response as she rested her elbow on the table, her head resting on her palm. “Oh, I’m alright… Just trying to keep on top of coursework deadlines whilst simultaneously trying to decide what on earth I want to do once we leave here… So you know, that’s sort of stressful. But James is great, as always.”
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Mary definitely understood the stress. She had no idea what she was going to do after Hogwarts as she had no where to return to once she graduated. She would be on her own. “I understand. Maybe we could have some studying sessions together? That way it’ll be a little more invigorating.” She really just wanted to spend more time with her friends before they all had to go out into the real world. “That’s good. I haven’t heard of any mischief caused by him, lately.” She stated, remember back when they were kids and always hearing what trouble James was causing. 
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