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thewarrenist 2 years ago
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2022 REWIND: Warren County Artists Featured in "Quiltfolk Magazine" Local artists, Jada Mills (@jada_imbroidery) and the Heritage Quilters (@heritagequilters) were featured in the NC edition of Quiltfolk Magazine in July 2022. The magazine beautifully highlighted the works of quilters all around North Carolina and included detailed artist profiles. If you're a quilter or admire jaw-dropping quilted artwork, order a copy of the Quiltfolk: NC issue currently available at (NOTE: Both Jada Mills and the Heritage Quilters have been interviewed on the Warrenist LIVE. Check them out on The Warrenist YouTube channel!) 馃摲 @azureeholloway/ @quiltfolk #Warrenist #Quiltfolk #WarrenCountyNC #NCArts #NCArtists #Quilters #JadaMills #HeritageQuilters #WarrentonNC #SupportLocalArtists #NCNews #252News (at North Carolina)
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thewarrenist 2 years ago
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2022 REWIND: The dedication and unveiling of the Dr. L. Julian Haywood historic marker in Warrenton, NC World-renowned cardiologist, inventor, author, and philanthropist, Dr. L. Julian Haywood was honored in his hometown with a historic marker erected in front of his childhood home in October 2022. The project was made possible by a dedicated committee (Jennie Franklin, Dr. Cosmos George, Dr. L. Henderson, and Dr. Mark Wethington), the Town of Warrenton, Warren County, and donations from community members. Watch the ceremony in its entirety on @TheWarrenist YouTube channel! 馃捇馃挋 #Warrenist #DrLJulianHaywood #WarrenCountyNC #historymaker #WarrentonNC #blackcardiologists #NChistory #BlackHistory #NCNews #252news #NCBlog #HistoricMarker #NCNews (at North Carolina)
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thewarrenist 2 years ago
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2022 REWIND: Wesley Memorial Methodist Men's Ministry Treats WCHS Football Team to Dinner and Pep Talk 馃張 馃崫 馃棧 Giving back to the community appears in different ways. In this case, it came in the form of a home-cooked meal. Before the start of the season, Wesley Memorial Methodist invited WCHS Athletic Director Victor Hunt, Jr, Coach Maurice Crump, and the football team over for a pre-game dinner and a pep talk in August 2022. On the menu: Spaghetti, fresh garden salad, rolls, drinks, and to take with them on the road, a football-themed cake. Amongst the chatter between the men's ministry and the players were words of encouragement and the older generation sharing their childhood memories. Not only did they walk away with a belly full, but also a winning attitude they will continue to carry with them, on and off the field. 馃張馃挋 #Warrenist #WarrenCountyNC #WCHSFootball #WarrentonNC #givingbacktothecommunity #NCnews #252News #WesleyMemorialMethodist #NCblog #NCblogger #smalltownlove #TheWarrenist #2022recap (at North Carolina)
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thewarrenist 2 years ago
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All I want for Christmas is... one of these!馃槏 Did you miss the Warrenton Christmas Parade? No worries -- you can watch it in its entirety on @TheWarrenist Facebook page or by clicking the link in our bio! Happy Holidays!! 馃巹馃挋 . . . . . #Warrenist #WarrenCountyNC #WarrentonChristmasParade #WarrentonNC #ChristmasParade #NCEvents #NCnews #252news #outaboutNC #DiscoverNC #NCblog #NClifestyle #smalltowntown #mainstreetUSA #TheWarrenist #parades (at Warren County, North Carolina)
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thewarrenist 2 years ago
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Yep, December is here, and so are the chilly temps and holiday celebrations! There's a little something for everybody- Christmas parades, shows, and more! Find out what's happening in Warren County with The Warrenist Events Calendar 馃搮 馃憠馃徑 #Warrenist #WarrenCountyNC #WarrentonNC #Norlina #Littleton #LKG #NCEvents #ChristmasParade #HelloDecember #NCblog #NClifestyle #252news #NCnews #TheWarrenist #outaboutNC (at North Carolina)
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thewarrenist 2 years ago
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THIS SATURDAY (12/3) 7am-3pm: Mag's Marketplace Pop Up Market Grand Opening 馃帀 Shop for fresh produce, baked goods from @sweet_delightcookies, and more!! 鈴帮笍 Store Hours Tuesday - Sunday 7am- 3pm 馃搷 306 East Macon Street Warrenton, NC 27589 #WarrenCountyNC #MagsMarketplace #SweetDelightsCookies #WarrentonNC #freshproduce #bakedgoods #SupportLocal #ShopLocal (at Warren County, North Carolina)
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thewarrenist 2 years ago
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300 鈥硷笍 That's how many turkeys were given out last Sunday in the Mag's Marketplace parking lot last Sunday, thanks to the philanthropic efforts of the Wilcox Family Foundation and Whole Health LLC. 馃 For more 馃摲s, check out @TheWarrenist Facebook page. #Warrenist #WarrenCountyNC #GivingBack #WarrentonNC #Thanksgiving2022 #WholeHealthLLC #WilcoxFamilyFoundation #givingbacktothecommunity #givingblack #NCevents #NCnews #252news #TheWarrenist #ThrowbackThursday #charitywork (at Warren County, North Carolina)
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thewarrenist 2 years ago
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I greatly appreciate the love and support you all have shown us over the year. May Thanksgiving fill your heart with warmth and joy. 馃挋 #HappyThanksgiving #gratitude (at North Carolina)
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thewarrenist 2 years ago
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Check out what popped up on the Courthouse Square today!!! 馃巺馃彔 Got my wish list ready! 馃搩馃挋 #Warrenist #SantaClaus #SantaHouse #WarrentonNC #WarrenCountyNC #smalltownlove #mainstreetusa #outaboutNC #discoverNC #NCblog #NCblogger #NCnews #252news (at Warren County, North Carolina)
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thewarrenist 2 years ago
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It's Election Day! 馃棾 Not sure where to vote? Need a list of who's running (sample ballot)? Experiencing issues at the polls? We have you covered! Here's what you need to know for Election Day. 馃棾 or click the link in our bio Get out and vote! 馃棾 (at Warren County, North Carolina)
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thewarrenist 2 years ago
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馃挋鉁笍Wishing you all a phenomenal week ahead! 鉁笍馃挋 #Warrenist #WarrenCountyNC #WarrentonNC #Norlina #NotAllHeroesWearCapes #WarrentonFireDept #NorlinaFireDept #outaboutNC #discoverNC #NCblog #NCEvents #NCNews #supportfirefighters (at Warren County, North Carolina)
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thewarrenist 2 years ago
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Happy Halloween! 馃巸 Several trick or treating and festivals planned for today! 馃崿 Be sure to check out our Ultimate Guide to Halloween Events in Warren County on 猬囷笍 Have fun and be safe! 馃挋 #Warrenist #WarrenCountyNC #Halloween2022 #HalloweenEvents #trickortreat馃巸 #NCblog #NClifestyle #NCnews #252news (at Warren County, North Carolina)
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thewarrenist 2 years ago
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Dress up in your favorite costume and check out these Halloween events happening all around Warren County! 馃巸 #Warrenist #Halloween2022 #WarrenCountyNC #trickortreat #trunkortreat #NCevents #halloweenweekend #NCblog #halloweenforadults (at Warren County, North Carolina)
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thewarrenist 2 years ago
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馃棾 Have you voted yet? 馃棾 鈴帮笍 One Stop Early Voting Hours Monday-Friday: 8am-7:30pm Saturday (10/29): 8am-1pm Saturday (11/5): 8am-3pm 鉁旓笍 Election Day is 11/8. 馃搷 309 N. Main Street Warrenton, NC 27589 #EarlyVoting #WarrenCountyNC #elections2022 #govote (at Warren County, North Carolina)
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thewarrenist 2 years ago
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馃摲: Community Fun Day hosted by Boyd Royster Funeral Services, honored the life and legacy of entrepreneur and philanthropist Lawrence "LB" Boyd 馃晩 (10/22/2022) #Warrenist #LawrenceBoyd #BoydRoyster #WarrenCountyNC #NCevents #communityevents #NCnews #252news #TheWarrenist #NCblog #communityfunday (at North Carolina)
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thewarrenist 2 years ago
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This Saturday (10/22) 1-5pm: Community Fun Day 馃帀 Hosted by Boyd and Royster Funeral Services, join family, friends, and community leaders as they honor the life and legacy of entrepreneur and philanthropist Lawrence Boyd with an exciting day of fun, food, and live music! 馃幍 Musical Guests: David Bullock, Jr. and the Spiritual Voices Brian Foster 馃構 Food Vendors: Sisterly Dreams Co. King's Smoke and Grill Funnel Cake Zone Big Red's Turkey Shack 馃搷Location: Seven Springs Farm and Vineyard 332 Axtell Ridgeway Road Norlina, NC #Warrenist #LawrenceBoyd #BoydandRoyster #WarrenCountyNC #NCNews #252News #Norlina #SevenSpringsFarmandVineyard #NCevents #communityevents (at Warren County, North Carolina)
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thewarrenist 2 years ago
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Eagles continue to soar!!! 馃 The Lady Eagles finished the season with a 17-1 overall record (15-1 conference), once again becoming TRAC Conference champions!! 馃弳 Congratulations!!! 馃帀馃帀馃帀 #WCHS #highschoolsports #highschoolvolleyball #WarrenCountyNC #supportlocalsports #NCNews #252News #WarrentonNC (at North Carolina)
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