thewailer · 4 years
Officially putting this blog on hiatus until I get out of this funk. I really feel removed from my muse and tumblr in general rn. Hopefully that changes soon. I think it’s bc I just have so much going on in my life at the minute. I miss you all. And I’ll be back to writing soon 💋
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thewailer · 4 years
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     ‘  you, uh, might wanna destroy that.  ’      he advised her, pointing at the hex bag, as they moved to the car.  he pulled out his lighter and held out his palm, expecting her to give it back to him.  once they entered the car, he lit the hex bag on fire and dropped it on the asphalt, knowing that it would turn to ashes.   ‘  there’s no guarantee that that witch won’t use it again.  ’   he informed, and started engine, pulling out into the road. 
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Lydia   is   more   than   happy   to   hand   the   hex   bag   back   over   the   Dean.   She   pulls   it   from   her   pocket   it,   holding   it   delicately   with   index   finger   and   thumb,   before   placing   it   in   his   palm.      
❝         right.   Should   have   assumed   that”
Intrigued   eyes   watched   as   Dean   lit   the   bag   and   tossed   it   from   the   car.   The   shadow   of   blue   flames   catches   her   attention   before   it   disappears   onto   asphalt.   Lydia   exhales,   pushing   her   head   back   in   the   seat   of   the   car   before   brushing   hair   from   her   face.      ❝      Is   there   —   is   there   a   way   this   witch   might   know   we’re   onto   them ?   That   we’re   looking   into   this   stuff ?   ❞   
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thewailer · 4 years
Having some time away has done me some good! It’s also made me addicted to Outerbanks (I also have @boysarcasm to blame for that)
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thewailer · 4 years
So I kinda lied. I really didn’t do any drafts yesterday. And tbh I’m not sure I will today. I’m feeling quite overwhelmed & anxious at the moment with everything happening in the news and my own personal life, and it makes me withdraw a bit. It’s effecting my muse too. So rather than sending out shitty replies that I wouldn’t be happy with, I think I’m just going to take a break for a day or two. Love you all!
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thewailer · 4 years
So I kinda lied. I really didn’t do any drafts yesterday. And tbh I’m not sure I will today. I’m feeling quite overwhelmed & anxious at the moment with everything happening in the news and my own personal life, and it makes me withdraw a bit. It’s effecting my muse too. So rather than sending out shitty replies that I wouldn’t be happy with, I think I’m just going to take a break for a day or two. Love you all!
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thewailer · 4 years
I’ll be hanging on here & my mumu ( @hearhercry ) on and off today, attending to drafts. Have a good day everyone. 
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thewailer · 4 years
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thewailer · 4 years
𝐩𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐞‌
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               ❝ Maybe he doesn’t have reception. ❞  Peter wasn’t going to worry about Scott not answering his phone until there was a reason that he had to worry. Even if he might have gotten into some trouble, he felt that Scott could handle it and would get back to them as soon as everything was alright. Blue eyes rolled heavily, the disbelief in her words evident in his cold gaze towards her.  ❝ You and Scott dragged me into this. I know as much as you do. ❞
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It   was   at   times   like   this   that   Lydia   wished   she   had   the   ability   to   listen   in   on   others   heartbeats.   Maybe   that   way   she’d   be   able   to   read   the   Hale   werewolf   a   little   better.   ❝      If   I’ve   learnt   anything   about   you   Peter,   it’s   that   you   always   know   more   than   you   let   on   ❞  
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thewailer · 4 years
I want you. No one else could even begin to compare.
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thewailer · 4 years
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❝   it’s   the   twenty   -   first   century   cure   .   ❞   :   @scarfwere​
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                    narrowed   eyes   lift   from   the   bottle   of   liquor   in   Isaac's   hand   to   his   eyes.   Those   orbs   that   she   𝒌𝒏𝒆𝒘  had   seen   pain   and   destruction.   But   this   really   wasn't   the   answer.   ❝   you   can't   even   get   drunk,   Isaac      ❞   Lydia   reaches   forwards   and   makes   an   attempt   to   snatch   away   the   booze.        ❝   and   technically   it's   not   a   twenty   first   century   thing.   People   have   been   drowning   their   sorrows   for   hundreds   of   years.   And   it   never   fixes   the   problem.   So   ━━━━   ❞   Pale   fingers   push   the   cap   back   onto   the   bottle   with   a   satisfying   click,                                                      ❝   why   don't   we   talk   about   it   ?   ❞  
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thewailer · 4 years
Having a day off here to focus on myself & a few things. I’ll be around tomorrow though. Have a good day everyone!
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thewailer · 4 years
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thewailer · 4 years
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Lydia in 2.03 “Ice Pick”
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thewailer · 4 years
@lghtpulled liked the psc      
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❝        well,    it's    not    that    easy    to    find.        ❞    Lydia    replies    over    her    shoulder    as    heeled    ankle    boots    navigated    through    the    fall    leaves    on    the    forest    floor.            ❝    the    nemeton    is    located    at    a    convergence    of    telluric    currents.    So    I    need    to    enter    a    bit    of    a    trance    to    find    it.    ❞    The    redhead    halts    abruptly    and    turns    around    to    face    Ben,    ❝    maybe    you    could    hypnotize    me    ?    ❞            
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thewailer · 4 years
@strigct liked the psc      
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Oh    she    knows    dari    holds    the    harsh    mask    close    to    a    perfectly    immaculate    complexion.    But    Lydia    almost    enjoys    the    game    of    bringing    out    her    softer    side.    And    getting    her    own    way.         ❝    Come    on    Dari.    It's    just    a    cocktail    party.    You    can    wear    whatever    you    want.    And    once    we    get    the    answers    we    need    we    can    leave        ❞    
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thewailer · 4 years
@pahriahs liked the psc  
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❝            the    pain    ?    the    heartache.    the    constant    ups    and    downs    of    a    disastrous    relationship    ?        it    all    fades    away.    But    𝓎𝑜𝓊.    You    still    stick    in    my    memory    like    some    ━━━━        ❞        She's    on    a    rampage    now.    Words    tumbling    from    her    mouth    without    second    thought,    as    they    match    the    rhythm    of    her    pacing    heels.                ❝    like    some    perpetual    fly    ❞    Eyes    don't    meet    his.    Not    for    a    minute.    As    she    blurts    out    a    million    unsaid    emotions.    ❝        𝒐𝒇    𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒔𝒆    𝑰    𝒅𝒆𝒔𝒆𝒓𝒗𝒆𝒅    𝒃𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓.   I    deserved    someone    true    and    honest.    And    good    !    but...    that    doesn’t    mean    I    didn’t    love    you    Aiden. ❞            the    past    tense    stings    and    Lydia    is    sure    it    hurts    him    too.    
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thewailer · 4 years
@codeworn liked the psc     
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❝            please                    ❞    a    haunting    and    desperate    plea    slips    through    ruby    red    lips.    Lydia    waits    and    hopes    for    an    answer    from    her    best    friend.    Hands    desperately    want    to    inch    forwards    to    grab    her,    but    she    knows    now    isn't    the    time.    ❝    Im    sorry    okay?    But    I    really    need    your    help.    And    if    we    can    just    through    this,    I    promise    I'll    make    things    up    to    you.    I    need    you    Allison.        ❞    
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