The Vamps Updates
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thevampsupdate · 2 years ago
Hello, are you going to post yesterday's live and the new episode of the car?
The episode from the car I did record and upload, I just haven't gotten around to posting about it because of school 😅 (it's in the OG Drive)
And I'm assuming you mean the live that's happening on Friday (tomorrow for me) at 5:45pm UK time? I will try to record that after I get back from school tomorrow but no promises cause tomorrow and this weekend are gonna be a bit busy for me 🩷
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thevampsupdate · 2 years ago
I've sent out the email for the link to our Part 3 Google Drive. You will have to request access again but I promise to grant it to you as soon as possible 🩵
I will be making a post with what's in each folder. I will be using pictures this time around as to avoid typing out "The Vamps Plus" onto the post so it doesn't get taken down again.
When I uploaded videos, I will continue to let you all know what folder and what drive it's in 💙
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thevampsupdate · 2 years ago
Hey, can you let us know when you have emailed everyone the link to the 3rd drive? I rarely check my emails so may not know :)
Also please don't worry about when you do everything, we are all eternally grateful for what you are doing, so nothing but love and thanks from all of us <3 xx
Just now seeing this so I apologise sincerely.
But yes, I'll let you all know when I send out the email for Part 3. Currently working on organizing the drives before sending out the email and uploading all the new stuff 🥰🩵
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thevampsupdate · 2 years ago
I've got everything recorded except the Milan episode ☺️ (which I'll try to get today). Right now I'm working on organizing where to put things because there's gonna be 3 Google Drives now.
And for the 3rd drive, I'm gonna have to email everyone, who has access to the first 2 drives, the link to the 3rd one so that'll take me an afternoon.
I've just got school so it's been a little hectic to find time but I promise I'm working on it 😅🩵
I'm waiting for @thevampsupdate to post the new episodes. I don't have money to pay for tv+, like, I really don't have. I'm a poor one
They/she (idk how many people manage the account) deserve the world for posting those. Thank u so much ♥️♥️
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thevampsupdate · 2 years ago
why don't you create a new account and put the new episodes there?
In drive, I mean
I did indeed make the 3rd email, so there will be a 3rd drive. Right now, I'm working on what to put where and I have to email all off you who have access to the first 2 with the link again so that'll take me a bit.
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thevampsupdate · 2 years ago
Or maybe just include pictures of a notes list of what's in each folder. I don't know, I'll think of something 🤔😬 //
this would be awesome!! and part 3 google Drive wouldn't be much of a hassle honestly
Yeah, I was thinking the pictures of a notes list might just be the easiest thing while avoiding using the words Vamps Plus on the post itself cause I'm thinking that's why it got taken down 🤷‍♀️
And if you're all absolutely sure a Part 3 wouldn't be too much, I'll start making another one later today.
I'm also gonna do my best to record the Wake Up concert and the bonus content that's with it today as well.
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thevampsupdate · 2 years ago
you can delete that live show, the episodes are more interesting
I'm not a huge fan of deleting the videos off the Drives because I took the time to screenrecord them and even though the Live shows are on YouTube... I don't like relying on YouTube after what happened 😅
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thevampsupdate · 2 years ago
hi! have you thought of marking the videos as unlisted on youtube? only those who know the link can see the video and it can't even be searched on youtube :))
I do have the O2 show and the Meet The Vamps show on YouTube with unlisted links provided in the Part 2 Google Drive.
I just didn't wanna rely on YouTube for all the videos because last time they all got taken down and they suspended our YouTube account because of it 😅
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thevampsupdate · 2 years ago
Don't apologise for not being able to post them 🥺 and i don't think it's necessary to buy storage, I'm thinking maybe u can delete some old stuff, like make a poll with what u'd delete like the learn with us episodes or maybe one of the full concerts u have there and use that space. Or even a 3rd folder if that doesn't make u buy storage on Google drive. It's enough u give us the content, it would be selfish of us to have u pay for more stuff. I'm sure people can manage 3 folders to check the content out
If y'all are sure a Part 3 Google Drive wouldn't be too much? 😅
Just feels like a lot to expect you all to remember.
I think if I avoid using the Vamps P*lus words in a new post, I can remake the post with the links to each drive and a description of what's in each. Or maybe just include pictures of a notes list of what's in each folder. I don't know, I'll think of something 🤔😬
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thevampsupdate · 2 years ago
Helloo when we will have the zurich ep?
Tumblr media
First, my sincerest apologies for the delay on episodes. It's been a very personal week for me, so I really am sorry for not uploading anything sooner. I do have the other two Germany episodes recorded and the Zurich episode is processing on YouTube as we speak.
The thing is, there's only room for one more episode on the OG Google Drive. So I'm either going to have to move the entirety of The European Tour folder to the Part 2 Google Drive and move some things back to the OG Drive.... or I'm going to just have to pay for the 100 GB of storage on the OG Drive....
With the archived footage Dean has promised and the Sydney live show, paying for more storage might be the only option because creating a Part 3 Google Drive seems like a lot for you all to remember where things are 😅
Tumblr also deleted my post with the links to the Google Drives and the descriptions as to what was in each so I'm trying to find a way around that as well.
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thevampsupdate · 2 years ago
Uploaded the new TV+ episode, Brad Cam In Cologne, to our OG Google Drive in the folder, The European Tour 🩵
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thevampsupdate · 2 years ago
hey i was wondering if you have a vamps instagram account?
Uhm, I believe we did but we never used it (sorry for the late response btw)
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thevampsupdate · 2 years ago
Uploaded the new TV+ episode, Touring Tips from Tris In Paris, to our OG Google Drive in the folder, The European Tour 🩷
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thevampsupdate · 2 years ago
Uploaded the new TV+ episode, Tops & Teas in Brussels, to our OG Google Drive in the folder, The European Tour 🩵
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thevampsupdate · 2 years ago
The FULL Meet The Vamps Live in Birmingham Concert is now in our Part 2 Google Drive in the folder, Meet The Vamps Live ❤️
The YouTube link is also there along with the links for the 5 individual parts 🥰
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thevampsupdate · 2 years ago
If you would like to watch the Meet The Vamps Live concert now, I have provided all the YouTube links to all 5 individual parts in our Part 2 Google Drive under the folder, Meet The Vamps Live ❤️
I am currently working on combining all 5 parts into one video before uploading that to YouTube as well and putting it in the Drive 🥰
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thevampsupdate · 2 years ago
Uploaded the new TV+ episode, Amsterdayuuum, to our OG Google Drive in the folder, The European Tour ❤️
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