Welcome! This page is an interactive community-driven story that will be updated weekly based off of everyone's feedback. The most popular opinion will influence next week's addition to the story. Enjoy!
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Please take 13 minutes out of your day to watch this video on valuing the priceless things in our life...
Why do you think this video might be relevant to our story?
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Meet Tom (12)
Description: The oldest of two, Tom loves his independence. Although he sometimes will include Chase in the action, there is usually a reason why he brings him.
Hobbies: Loves to explore, build zip lines in the community forests with the older kids in the neighbourhood, and play hockey.
Personality: Outgoing, Strong-willed, and Selfish

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Story: Week 1 Part 1 (Tom)
I couldn’t shake what the old man had told me. What did it mean? As I speed walk home after a cool fall overcast day at school, my mind keeps running over the same cryptic message. Would I really find something free that proves to carry value that I’ve never had before? Something under my nose, but not literally? Wait, maybe literally. I have no idea. As I make the final left turn of my walk onto the bike trail that leads into the back of my house, I’m starting to think that I was wasting my time thinking about a delirious old man that was rambling nonsense.
It wasn’t until later that night, while I was struggling to finish the bland chicken alfredo that my mother insisted I had to eat before leaving the table, when I was hit with another clue. As I reached down to sneak some of my pasta to Chelsea, the family dog, my eyes were drawn to the TV in the other room. To my surprise, the very same old man was being interviewed by a Global TV reporter about an upcoming garage sale where all the proceeds will go to paying for someone's cancer treatment. Dropping the fork, I leap out of my chair, narrowly missing Chelsea’s tail and race over to the TV. With my mother hot on my tail trying to send me back to living room jail, I plead with her to give me a second as I frantically type down the address. As she escorts me back to jail, I begin to spiral, thinking what could possibly be at the garage sale that would be worth incredible value.
Three more days pass by and it is finally the weekend. My normal speed walking has turned into a jog. I have to be the first one to that garage sale. The old man said the event starts at five so I only have two hours to make it there. According to Google, it should only take me fifteen minutes to get there by bike. I whip open the wooden gate to my back yard and when I get close to the back door, I launch my book bag at the steps. Chase, my younger brother, had kept up to me, obviously curious as to why I’m in such a rush. For a split second I question whether to tell him or not, but something inside tells me to keep it to myself. It is my mission, not his.
I check my chunky plastic purple watch and realize the time has come. In one big motion, I grab my now emptied bookbag, my iPod, and house keys. I brush past Chase and make my way to the door. Before anyone can interrogate me, I yell,
“I’ll be home for dinner at seven!”
“Where are you off to in such – “
The door slams and off I go to claim my fortune.
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Key Weekly Quote (Week 1)
Here is what the old man actually said to Tom:
"Something free is going to come into your life and prove to be the most valuable thing you have ever possessed. It may even be right under your nose." - The old man (Jack)
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Meet Chase (9)
Description: Chase is the younger brother of Tom. As a nine-year-old, naturally, he loves doing anything but homework. He would do anything for his brother, but his brother often leaves him hanging. He would like to think that the two are a team.
Hobbies: Loves to follow around Tom, play mini-sticks, bikes everywhere he goes and loves to walk Chelsea.
Personality: Curious, wholesome, and shy.

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Story: Week 1 Part 2 (Chase)
This week has been a strange one to say the least. I’m almost certain that Tom is up to something, but I can’t put my finger on what. For the past couple days, after school he hasn’t left his room, barely touches his food, and most importantly, hasn’t wanted to play mini hockey with me in the upstairs hallway!
Today my curiosity finally caved in. I needed to find out why he wasn’t playing mini sticks with me. As I make my way over to his room, across the hall from mine, I am bulldozered over by Tom and nearly get sent down the carpeted stairs.
“I’ll be home for dinner by seven!”
“Where are you off to in such – “
Tom slams the door and both myself and my mom run over to the front window to see what he is up to this time. We both make eye contact, but it is her who breaks first and starts laughing.
“Oh, you boys never cease to make my life boring.”
I shake my head in frustration and storm up the stairs. I would never be allowed to leave the house without telling her where I’m going, who I’m seeing, and what I’m up to. As I get to the last step of the stairs, I spot Tom’s diary book lying open-faced sitting on his window sill. I timidly look over my shoulder making sure that my nosy mom, apparently only for me, isn’t spying on me from the bottom landing. Good. The coast is clear. I walk over to the book and all that I needed to know was the open page. Something of value will be up for grabs at a mysterious old man’s garage sale? It all makes sense! Tom wants whatever it is all to himself. I know that I have to find the item before Tom does, so I quickly grab all of the toonies I had earned from mowing the lawn and decide to plan my escape.
Upon arrival, I spot my backstabber brother and see that he had already picked out an antique watch. To my surprise, everything in the garage sale was free, and it was up to the customers whether they want to leave a donation. I run up to my brother and confront him for leaving me out of the plan, but he pushes me aside once again. I have had it with him. I decide I’m not going to let him not share his new fortune so I jump on his back which causes a massive scene on this poor man’s driveway. Tom drops the watch while turning around and proceeds to pull my quarter zip over my head. After a few good hits, I am expecting a final finishing smack from my brother, but it doesn’t come. I curiously open my left eye to figure out why the beating had stopped. To my surprise, an old man was looking down at us both with tears welling in his eyes.
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Meet Jack (84)
Description: Up until recently, Jack loved to travel. Every winter he would take his wife Shelby to their summer condo in Fort Lauderdale. Nowadays, most of his time and effort is spent looking after Shelby who is currently battling a moderate form of Leukemia. Without chemotherapy, the chances of her surviving are very low.
Hobbies: Traveling, Scrabble, tennis, and spending time with Shelby
Personality: Determined, loving, wise, and clever.

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Story: Week 1 Part 3 (Jack)
I reach over to shut my alarm off that has been set on at the same time for over forty years. Ah, nothing better than routine. Except it felt different without waking up to my dear Shelby. Instead, I am reminded of her when I look at the picture frame sitting next to the alarm clock. A sharp pain strikes my chest and I am struck with the reminder that my poor wife of forty-three years is sick. Without her chemotherapy treatment, she is a lost cause. I need today to work out. I have no choice but to offer up anything that will be of value. There are no more savings to pull from since we spent all of it on her last run with the evil blood cancer. Hopefully, my psychology degree from the dinosaur ages is still applicable. By playing on the heartstrings of others, I am offering everything that I own for no cost. Well except that there is the option to donate to my wife’s cancer treatment. And that the items are all fake. I feel a little guilty for deceiving the neighbourhood but technically there is still something worth immense value that is under their noses. The priceless value is human life. Shelby’s life. I have no choice but to abandon my morals.
It is 5:05 and I have had little action on the garage sale. That is until a familiar little boy comes by to take a look. I am aware of his suspicion and he keeps side-eyeing me trying to figure out what is worth the value that I had promised him. After a couple minutes, he manages to find one of the most expensive things that I had hidden in the book aisle. It’s amazing how someone so young still has a nose for the finer things. He inspects it for a while before he is convinced that the watch is what my cryptic message was about. My plan was working until another little rascal came out of nowhere and the next thing I knew, the two were rolling around the back of my driveway. I hobble over to the two and the boy that I had run into earlier spots that I’m coming and stops immediately.
“I’m… I’m sorry sir. We’ll be on our way now.”
Without even considering the donation, the older boy runs away with the watch. I laugh to myself. Now I’m glad I didn’t give him the real one. Surely the others that have been drawn to the commotion will feel pity and maybe even donate to the cause. It was to my surprise that the little boy who had just been pummeled on my driveway would be the first donator. I was shocked. He didn’t even want to take anything he just apologized, gave me four toonies and off he went. I called after him to come back and offered him the real watch for no additional cost.
Great. My scheme to sell fake items now has me offering up my dad’s very real Rolex. I guess it’s in my DNA to be a good person. All of this drama had tired me out and I was about to throw in the towel when all of a sudden my luck (and Shelby’s) turned around.
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This Week's Agenda (Dec 6 - 20)
Okay folks, now that we've gotten through the 3-part introduction to the story, it is YOUR turn to determine how the story develops.
The weekly discussion forum will be where you get the chance to comment on what happens next. The community will also have a say in who narrates the next part of the story. Go vote on the StrawPoll posted below to take control!
The deadline for this week's feedback is December 20. The next part of the story will be up within a couple days after this date.
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Discussion #1
Do you think that the value comes from an item?
Do you think that the old man is selling something of value at the garage sale? If not, what is the value that he is talking about?
Will the donations be enough for Shelby's treatment? If not, what will he do?
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Please consider donating to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Canada.
Although this is a fictional series of stories, it is based on real-life scenarios.
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This Week's Agenda (Dec 6 - 20)
Okay folks, now that we've gotten through the 3-part introduction to the story, it is YOUR turn to determine how the story develops.
The weekly discussion forum will be where you get the chance to comment on what happens next. The community will also have a say in who narrates the next part of the story. Go vote on the StrawPoll posted below to take control!
The deadline for this week's feedback is December 20. The next part of the story will be up within a couple days after this date.
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