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Taylor art by @tactilescream
Invader Zim: No Propaganda Submitted
Taylor Hebert: - She's the protagonist and main POV character
- She spends the first several arcs going from "insecure teen" to "widely feared supervillain" over the course of a few months
- Her actions are definitely villainous, from robbing a bank, to attempting taking over a city, to putting bugs in the chilli someone was cooking
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Somehow, after thousands of years, the seventy-two nations came together again. Like streams joining into a mighty river, they all flowed together into the same spot. “Come, let us build us a city, and a tower whose top may reach unto heaven.” And when the LORD came to confound their speech a second time, He found that it was already confounded, English-speakers and Yiddish-speakers and Spanish-speakers and Mohawk-speakers, and people who were bilingual in English and Gaelic, and people who only knew Haitian Creole, and people who spoke weird degenerate versions of Portuguese intermixed with extinct aboriginal tongues, and God-only-knows-what else, and all of them were working to build the towers together, communicating through a combination of yelling and frantic hand-gestures. And the LORD said “Whatever,” and He let it pass. Thus rose New York.
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imagine a blog that posts ppictures of girls with large breasts, taken from or inspired by japanese cartoons
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Unsong (Scott Alexander, 2016-2017)
via SMBC
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theungrumpablegrinch · 2 months
Just realised that Super Mario Bros and Jurassic Park have followed the same naming convention with their franchises.
Super Mario Bros / Jurassic Park
Super Mario Bros: The Lost Levels / Jurassic Park: The Lost World
Super Mario Bros 3 / Jurassic Park 3
Super Mario World / Jurassic World
What I’m saying is I’m very excited about the prospect of Jurassic Galaxy
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theungrumpablegrinch · 2 months
worm cape names really do rock though because the book captures the sheer randomness and at times ridiculousness that cape names would realistically have in a world where there are thousands of capes and everyone has to have their own name. the early capes took all the really good and straightforward superman-esque names like "hero" or "legend," so the later generations have to pick out shit that's actually relevant to their powers for a shot at being unique. one of the most relevant villains in the united states of america is called "skitter," which isn't bad, but also, like, she didn't even pick it, the cops did because she was indecisive. also, while the cops were picking it, they unsuccessfully checked to see if like 5 other different bug-related names were free first. sorry, that username cape name is already taken. and then you have capes with really cool names that would, in any other cape media, be an indicator that they're a super important character. but in worm they're just getting murked left and right, or are at the very least extremely irrelevant. perdition is without question the funniest example of this--sounds like he should be a work's ultimate villain in the same vein as darkseid, actually is a loser teenager who gets sold to one direction. "eleventh hour" is a background cape that gets mentioned one (1) time and has an extremely lame power, but "gray boy" is a Big Fucking Deal. sometimes capes have names that are, unfortunately for them, extremely mockable, and characters in the story do in fact capitalize realistically on this. condolences to renowned superhero Glory Hole! as for the media/pr angle, calling a villain "bitch" isn't very pg-13, so you've got a cape running around calling herself something entirely different than the censored name the cops & media gave her. it's good. It's a good book.
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theungrumpablegrinch · 3 months
I was thinkin it’s weird that worm fans don’t really try to assign what their powers would be if they were worm characters bc people do that for everything else. And then I was like ‘well when would I have triggered , now I just have to examine that very thoroughly’ and anyway I understand why we don’t do that. Good call people
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theungrumpablegrinch · 3 months
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theungrumpablegrinch · 3 months
y’all remember being 15? That was fucked up
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theungrumpablegrinch · 3 months
The thing is that the most interesting and novel invention of the MCU is a universe where billions of people turned into dust and then were physically reconstituted on the spot five years later, in a world that had just barely adapted to their absence.
That is wild. That is intense! That is a series of pathos-ridden emotionally complex doorstoppers waiting to happen. Half the entire world! All dead! And somehow we coped with that! And now we have to cope with them all being back?
A whole street of empty houses--surely not everyone there became ash. Some of them moved to better places, now opened by the mass mortality. Some of them died afterward. Who will live there now? Even if inheritances are reversed by resurrection, surely leases aren't renewed. What the fuck happens to everyone who remarried?
What happens to the children snapped back to a world where their parents didn't survive, or the reverse?
But they had to then hastily smooth over this utterly batshit sci-fi premise and get the world mostly back to normal working order as rapidly as possible, without too much emphasis on how literally every person in existence has been placed in a mason jar by a narcissist and shaken twice in five years.
So they could get on with more superhero whack-blam business, which is customarily done against a background of Normality.
This is, tragically, the most Comics thing these movies have ever done.
It is beyond satire that they did this immediately before and during a worldwide pandemic that everyone was pressured to smooth over and 'return to normal' about within 2 years if not sooner.
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theungrumpablegrinch · 3 months
Never underestimate the wisdom of a bear. They see.
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theungrumpablegrinch · 3 months
I did not complete the assignment.
"I'm fem-presenting!" "My presentation is masculine!" "I present androginously!" well I forgot there was a presentation today and it's too late to put anything together
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theungrumpablegrinch · 4 months
I do think kids should have to be taught what gay is for the sole reason or preventing someone’s first exposure being Amy Dallon of Worm Parahumans. That was just twisted. My first time even hearing of the concept. Nothing can undo that. Anyone else experience this or was I the unlucky bastard
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theungrumpablegrinch · 4 months
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furious that i am not a playable character in this game
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theungrumpablegrinch · 4 months
this is literally like. Perfect posting
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theungrumpablegrinch · 4 months
hey girl are you in violation of Title 29 Code of Federal Regulations Part 1910.147, because i'd hot tap that ass, and the exception listed in 1910.147(a)(2)(iii)(A), uh... actually, wait, shit is that even the right one? [flipping through a gigantic book] uh... shit where is it... shit. fuck. okay no it was 1910.147(a)(2)(iii)(B). uhhh. anyway I'd hot tap that ass... without...... proper lockout/tagout procedures... and your ass does not qualify as [tracing my finger along the page as I read] a transmission or distribution system for substances such as gas, steam, water or petroleum products where, uhhh, where the employer has—wow okay this is a lot more than i remembered—where the employer has... demonstrated that continuity of service is essential, shutdown of the system is impractical, and documented procedures are followed, and special equipment is used which will provide proven effective protection for employees. yeah. oh, 1910.147(a)(2)(iii)(A) is an exception too of course, but that one doesn't reference hot tapping so it doesn't work as a double entendre. but that one doesn't apply to your ass either, just trust me. oh, nor does the other set of exceptions in 1910.147(a)(1)(ii). so. um. uhh. I forget where I was going with this. sorry to bother you.
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theungrumpablegrinch · 4 months
I'm usually pretty indifferent to dance and I'm not sure why this showed up in my YouTube feed, but it's remarkably compelling and the level of talent on show here is wild. Well worth a watch.
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