theunapologeticanarchist · 31 minutes
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I wish all environmentalists a very suck cocks in hell
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Remember when people got mad at me for calling israel a glorified us military base which makes them western that was funny anyways israel is a glorified us military base and they're western
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Something something if gender is what’s in your pants
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you tell a bitch to keep their cat indoors and suddenly their town is the first in the world to have eradicated every viral, bacterial and parasitic disease, they invented completely harmless cars, dogs and predators dont exist either but somehow the native songbird population is fine since the cats in this place have lost the hunting instinct, there's no pollutants or toxic plants and human cruelty has ceased to exist. and mr mittens has a chip in his brain that will explode if he doesnt go outside 10 hours of the day
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very few US veterans remotely regret their service, and the ones that do overwhelmingly do not regret it out of politics or remorse over participating in the machine, but regret over the fact that the personal trauma they endured was not "worth it" for the benefits they received. they are not upset they were a pawn for us imperialism, they're upset that they were not sufficiently rewarded enough for being said pawn.
stop trying to woobify these fucking people. you do not know US military culture if you think most people enlisted regret it for any reason other than "going to boot camp fucking sucks" or "the VA doesn't cover my medication". they are predominantly self-serving individuals who know exactly the deal they made: they directly uphold us imperialism in return for its spoils. that's it.
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i have to say it is funny that of all the reasons you shouldn't let cats roam around outside unattended the only one that outdoor cat owners care about is the possibility that someone could steal your cat and keep it inside. literally this
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the fact Prismatic Bell is allowed to keep having a blog after everything they’ve done is such a blatant example of Tumblr’s complete and utter disregard for moderation. They literally just ban random trans people and random black people for BREATHING but if you tell your followers to dogpile on someone and report them so many times they get automatically deleted it’s perfectly fine. Being an ableist, racist, crybaby piece of shit cunt is 100% endorsed by staff
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They really hate being called 'weird,' huh?
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Everyone else talked about outdoor cats, it's time for me to talk about offleash dogs
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A lot of my friends have backslid--understandably--into despairposting and doomreblogging about this, so I want to give you something a bit different: the UK does not like these rioting racist twats and is prepared to say so loudly and with force.
please don't reblog posts that are "EVERYTHING IS TERRIBLE" unless they contain some way for the people reading them to take action--whether it's gofundmes, or letter templates for MPs, petition links, etc. "LOOK AT THE BAD THING" is for the newspapers. we are not the newspapers, we are the people trying to fix the fucking mess they've made.
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every time we start the perennial "forced labor: is it bad" debate and anarchists have to fight tooth and nail to be taken seriously when we say "yes, always"
I have to wonder what the ideal world looks like for those disagreeing, and what happens to people who refuse, you know? Like... sure sure I'm a "bad" person if I choose to, say, pursue my art instead of working the fields, but I'm an artist living under late stage capitalism and I'm very used to being considered a feckless layabout useless eater, so. I'm not really going to be motivated by moralizing alone.
So then, I wonder. What is the motivation to be? If someone says "no I'm not doing that," and the obviously infallible board of experts decides that they aren't disabled enough to have autonomy over their labor, what happens? By what mechanism is our labor coerced?
And - this is important - is that mechanism fundamentally different from the ones that force our labor under capitalism?
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"controversial" take but I absolutely get angry and uncomfortable every time I see something HP related. it's not the series itself it's just the fact it's literally inseparable from jkr who herself is a massive fucking transphobe/transmisognist and made herself the head of that movement. I get wanting to "reclaim it" but is it worth hurting our trans sisters over a generic wizard series.
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As it becomes increasingly clear that Kamala Harris will be the Democratic candidate for President, we will no doubt be deluged with a new type of psyop known as information. Examples of information may include:
Her policy positions
Quotations she said and the context in which she said them
The impact of her decisions on other people's lives
Stay vigilant! Remember that if the information has not been properly vetted by the Harris campaign, it is not Official Propaganda and is not to be trusted!
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I've been reading so much about rabies and cats and there are so few cat owners who keep their cats up to date on rabies vaccinations and buds please keep your kitty's jabs up-to-date and please please please keep your cats inside and please treat any cat with an unknown vaccination history as a wild animal and don't try to touch it or pet it or catch it.
The most recent survivor of the Milwaukee protocol is an 8 year old girl who contacted rabies through scratches from feral cats that lived in a colony at her school.
Don't touch strange cats even if they're friendly, and teach your kids not to touch strange cats either. (For that matter teach your kids not to touch strange dogs either, but decades of stray eradication and mandatory vaccines means that the US is one of the few places in the world where cats are more likely to be rabid than dogs)
Also did you know that there's one case of transplant-acquired rabies recorded in the US? The recipient got a kidney from a donor who died in an accident and nobody was aware the donor had rabies. The recipient died of rabies, which is a bit of an extreme flavor of graft failure if you ask me. Terrifying!
Anyway. If you, too, want to have nightmares about rabies you can search my website (www.ms-demeanor.com) for "keep your fucking cat indoors" and scroll to the section on rabies and read some nightmare fuel (like the case report on the family that moved across 3 states with their 13 barn cats, unaware that one was incubating rabies).
Did you know that in 1994, 665 people in New Hampshire had to be given post exposure prophylaxis for rabies because of one infected kitten that had contact with a racoon before being brought to a pet store?
The only way animals are tested for rabies is to examine their brain tissue. The animal is killed in order to do this. If your pet is exposed to rabies they stand a much, much, much better chance of being quarantined instead of being euthanized for testing if you have kept their vaccinations current.
Please keep your pets' vaccinations up to date, and please keep your cat indoors. There's a risk of exposure even for indoor cats, so make sure they've got their shots.
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Starmer’s first visit to Scotland as Prime Minister off to a good start.
He snuck in the back door of Bute House to meet the First Minister because of Palestine protestors outside.
This comes after Starmer phoned Benjamin Netanyahu and told him he “looked forward to further deepening the close relationship between the two countries”.
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