thetruthism · 6 years
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Let Us Evolve Righteously
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Technology gives our generation the chance to become THE GENERATION of turning point of goodness for the human history and evolution thus building the foundation of the next generation’s utopia and world peace once and for all. Let us be the generation that made the hard decisions and took the knowledge that was passed down from our previous generations and forgive those who wronged us and ask for forgiveness from whom we ourselves have wronged and catapolt our human evolution to making life on earth a true heaven on earth instead of losing our efforts to unnecessary conflicts and unnatural sufferings of the world.
We may have been evolved from savages but let not our past define us. Let us not waste the sacrifices of our ancestors who fought to give us what we have today. The great heroes who once walked among our not too distant great fathers and mothers who shaped our lives, let not their efforts be wasted by our sensitivity to our differences and let there be peace between all living things on earth.
Let us start this process and prepare this foundation. Let us become the pillars that stood tall for our children to be proud of.
Let Us Evolve Righteously!
I believe the timing of age of enlightenment and the speed at which idea evolves is much faster than physical evolution itself. However, we may hit physical limits in the way that our brains work when it comes to complex ideas and conception of thoughts that are beyond our current physical ability to comprehend but we surely are on our path to a time where the future generation compared to our current capabilities is same comparison between us humans right now to a chimpanzees. Genetically speaking this difference between HUMANS and chimps is only 1.2% as far as genum is concerned. Therefore, I have complete faith that humanity with the help of technological advancements will be able to evolve beyond just 1.2% to become, in my opinion, the Nietzschean idea of Ubermensch.
I will forever have faith that one day, under our eternal blue sky, the children of the oppressed and the children of the oppressors “will be able to sit together at the table of” humanhood in peace.
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thetruthism · 6 years
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Utopia. What real world examples other than fictional and imaginary tales that shows what it is like to be living in an Utopian society? What social implications would arise from if we had utopian society tomorrow dropped on top of today’s mentality? This process obviously will take significant amount of effort for the whole humanity to even adjust to begin to acclimate and accept this new way of life.
This inevitable transition or growing pain which few subsequent generations would most likely have to deal with and that noble suffering of being the cobblestone for our children’s children to walk upon in peace is I believe to be the most devine sacrifice of all.
Have faith in the process > have faith in the struggle > have faith in the progress.
Because no matter how shitty this world may be at certain places or even in our everyday and immediate lives, I believe that THERE ARE ENOUGH GOOD PEOPLE DOING ENOUGH GOOD THINGS for it to still survive and be at the level that we are at today.
No sentient being in the history of the universe as we know it has ever found the blueprint of saving the world or bringing peace upon it but doesn’t mean we shouldn’t have faith in those who have tried and are trying or the efforts of whom we are not aware of yet.
Because again, if you think about it, we’re still a very young universe within that we’re still relatively very young consciousness.
With this hopeful attitude in the back of our minds that even if we may not find the meaning of life, doesn’t mean our future generations can’t. Therefore, let’s at least pave the way for them so they can have a better chance finding what we understandably and inevitably couldn’t as we are a single cobblestone of the still under construction path of evolution.
Let us take one for the humanity.
This post in part inspired by “Japanese seniors volunteer for Fukushima ‘suicide corps'” where older engineers volunteered to work on the Fukushima plant so that younger people doesn’t have to suffer.
Evolve Righteously.
p.s. How do you convince a whole humanity or even just our current society to sacrifice their wants for the needs of the children of the future?
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thetruthism · 6 years
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Clotted cream of the crop
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Continuation of the Progress update of the Simmer….
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No one understands the need to go on living… you may have faith or speculations but not for the sheer urge to survive. What is life but a collection of experiences: that one simple theory I think therefore concludes from this is that we living creatures are experience crops.
…the delicious die young…
The suffering and diversity is the water which we keep creating for ourselves to keep going.
Now if you’re the God who reaps these experiences of lives you enable, wouldn’t you get sick of harvesting all sweet experiences? Sometimes you want a bit of bitterness. Therefore the bitterness and sorrow WE experience is ultimately nothing but a seasoning.
The more life you live, the more seasoned you, the crop, become. In other words, we are the autonomous crop with innate urge to become seasoned, even our cheeks brighten with shades of red and sunset orange when we’re healthy like a ripe fruit. Delicious right?
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thetruthism · 8 years
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Progress update of the simmer
There definitely was a time where anything that pops in to my mind, I’d find it very interesting and couldn’t wait to share which from this experience I have learned that this approach is naive and harmful. But now more than the most ideas that I intend on putting out are the ones that have been tested and tasted to be thorough-enough-ly cooked and hypothesized in an effort to not spread bullshit.
If ideas and even ourselves are constantly and, maybe not consistently but continuesly evolving then can any idea be ever perfect at any given moment or could there always be room for more perfectness or couple more changing of the view points away from perfection?
Because of this question, I find it difficult to spit out bogus ideas which COULD potentially influence, halt or skew YOUR current progress and process to perfecting YOUR own ideas.
This also leads to the limitations of the language itself, specifically the everyday language (out of ~171K words [english, not to mention the other languages], average person knows ~20K – ~35K words). I believe any idea (philosophical) at the time of discovery couldn’t possibly be described 100% accurately. Simple example would be the shades of color can never and ever possibly be described to be understood accurately.
Disclaimer: this above statement has been thorough-enough-ly cooked at the current state of this idea which is intended for informational, research and note taking purposes and is subject to change without notice. So please do not consume this information if it doesn’t taste good to you 🙂
P.S. I believe the above disclaimer should be default disclaimer on every statement that anyone makes at any given time.
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thetruthism · 8 years
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Thought before the thought.
What was the very first thought you ever conceived? Did your brain just decided to think? What decided that decision to think to create the first ever thought you ever conceived? All the other subsequent thoughts stemmed from that thought!
When you see a rolling ball, does it require someone or something to have pushed it? Would the direction of the arrow be still in your control even AFTER you let go of the bow string because you aimed it at the willed direction? Should the beginning always determined how the ending should arrive? What was the first thought that decided who you are today and who you to become tomorrow?
As I’m floating out into the sky closer and closer through the clouds, I can spot a familiar shape. Shape that’s not alarmingly different but something I’ve known before. As I got closer, I can recognize that this shape is me. This me doesn’t resemble anything physical of myself but every idea, every identity and everything that I think all balled up into one bright gray cluster.
Neither of us can speak through sound but I understand everything it’s communicating to me clearly.
Your thoughts define what state your whole being is in. You are the individual thought this universe is thinking about and all individual thought originated form a single thought. What is the purpose of the thought you ask? To understand. This universe is very young therefore so are you. You are all individual thoughts stemmed from one original thought. Imagine if you will, every thought in your head fights with one another to get accepted by the brain to be projected and manifested into reality. Every day, thoughts are fighting over who’s the most important thought of them all not understanding WHY you’re being able to think in the first place and that’s the key to all of this. Return to the innocence. Return to the beginning. But first….
I feel something pulling down on my leg as I feel myself falling back into the earth. More I thought about what this thing that’s pulling me by my leg, more I realized that this thought of pain became more important than the current thought of … whatever.
  Brainstorm: (what enlightenment would be like to reach, you are a single thought of the universe, where thought begin? thought creates thoughts, you need two thoughts to create the third, when you find the secret – looking at yourself [in God’s position] you tell yourself to hush it because all the other thoughts aren’t ready to accept this concept yet, tell them where the door/origin is, don’t show them what it’s like)
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thetruthism · 8 years
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Time is the most valuable thing in this existence so called life. Our time here is limited and it’s beyond precious. ‘Your life is ending one minute at a time’
There’s one thing You should never take away from someone without their consent and that is TIME. So what is time? If someone freely give you their attention or wouldn’t mind spending time with you then I believe they’re giving you her/his time freely. If they’re hesitant then don’t even bother because your about to waste away their life. But time goes beyond today’s present moment and now. It’s everything. And it’s all we have. We don’t truly own everything physical but we trade them for our life. We waste time to possess material things and when someone takes that from you without your consent then that is your time has been wasted or stolen. It’s not just only sentimental value that counts but your life moments you spent pursuing that ‘valuable’. It works both ways and it can relate to anything that is in our everyday lives and every situation because everything we do, we do it using TIME.
“The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones worth suffering for.” ― Bob Marley
Well, what about the the time they promised to meet up and you prepared spending YOUR time but never fell through. Is that THEIR doing or YOUR consenting that has wasted your time? I believe at the end of it all, is that your trust in your belief in that person caused you to spend time on doing things which was fruitless and didn’t meet your expectations. Now is it then your expectations of this promised time at fault or the one you expected to produce is at fault? Or would it depend on whether if it was an unfortunate circumstances that caused this unexpected delay that caused you your time?
Now take relationships into the consideration. Have your ex’s wasted your time? Have you wasted their time?
My main question is, regardless the circumstances, could you ever repay of someone else’s time on this earth? And if so, how could that be done?
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thetruthism · 8 years
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What is music? Can water describe the ocean or ocean describe the water?
If human consciousness created music, can the creation have hidden signature of the creator? Could the Details in the Fabric somehow describe the textile machine which it was born from?
I believe music defines life itself perfectly even though life itself created music or better yet, life made ears possible therefore ears can make music out of vibrations in the air. If you take the definition of music above and make sense of it in terms of life, you will get something like:
Self or non-self (or both) combined in such a way as to produce beauty of existence, harmony, and expression of soul.
If you take each note of a beautiful musical piece as individual days of life, there are always ups and downs, lows and highs. It’s always wiggly and never static. If a music only had 1 note, it would not be music. If everyday were always the same, life wouldn’t be the life as we know it. When we’re listening to a music, it’s not the highest note of the piece nor about reaching the end of the music as if the shortest songs are better, but it’s about enjoying the whole process from begining to the end. When we’re living our lives, it’s not about waiting for the weekends or certain time in the future, but living for the now.
Snippet of sheet music from The Swan by Camille Saint-Saëns. Note that is circled is where this music is at its most beautiful point in my opinion.
This is a simple yet very beautiful piece of music and below is a video of Yo-Yo Ma, Kathryn Stott performing it live in a concert hall. When you’re watching this video at around 2:23 where Mr. Yo-Yo Ma is at the note I’ve circled above, he happens to hold on to that note about half a second too long which is bad in no means but I believe it is a representation of longing for that moment where you wish you could stay with it as long as you could similar to when you’re having the best day of your life and you wish you could have it for the rest of your life. You could watch the studio version here and compare both to really hear the difference.
As a musician myself, I’ve experimented with this idea that I would hold on to a certain part of a music where I like the most and to see how long I could long for that moment without ruining the whole song. Sooner or later though, I had to move on with the flow of the song or else the song loses its meaning as it ends at that moment.
So I believe, we all should take every moment of life how as precious as we do with the best moments of our lives because if it wasn’t for all the moments that lead to that best moment, you wouldn’t have the moment that you’re having today.
Cherish everyday no matter how low you may feel, because eventhough it maybe a bad day it will never be a bad life.
  This is one of our high quality, custom motivational stickers. If you’d like to receive some, please contact us with your address.
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thetruthism · 10 years
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thetruthism · 11 years
Happy Holidays
Merry Christmas to all those who supported us and continue to support us. We have so much in store for you guys. We're picking up speed starting next month and back into producing more quality stickers and so much more exciting productions.
Have a safe and happy holidays!!!
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thetruthism · 11 years
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Tim and George went out to shine the light on the ignorance of advertising! Great responce from everyone and loved the calls we recieved! Thank you so much for supporting what we do. Follow our other media outlets. Facebook, twitter, youtube and google+ !! Namaste -Monika
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thetruthism · 11 years
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Lake Glenview cont'd.. Got a little filming done as well for introductory videos! :) how excitingggg
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thetruthism · 11 years
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Fun day at Lake Glenview :) having a little outside meeting and regroup with Tim, George and I.
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thetruthism · 11 years
Its time.
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thetruthism · 11 years
Small but strong couple of couples united to do everything in our power to make the world a better... 
Check out our facebook page as well as website and dont hesitate to reach out :) 
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thetruthism · 11 years
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thetruthism · 11 years
We are looking for like minded individuals to help us out in your own way. 
Are you a compassionate person? Do you wanna make people's lives better by your own actions? Do you feel the higher calling to help others that are in need? Would you like to make people's lives happier and at the same time you make yourself feel better? Would you like to be a part of a community that the whole world needs?
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thetruthism · 11 years
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