How will the earth and mankind change over the next few decades? What can we do to move forward to make the world better? Here is a space where I will explore history, observe whats currently around us, and predict the future, through multitudes of mediums.
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Week 6 Critique
To our class’ surprise, we were asked to give a 2-part presentation. One specifically for our vision+ideations to our instructors Eunji and Jeff, and one for our research+interviews for this week to the rest of our class.
I got a similar crit from both 5-minute presentations. Eunji/Jeff and Zoe/Vanessa both felt like although my presentation was better in a sense that I was less shy/nervous, I don’t get to the point soon enough. Zoe/Vanessa felt like I am a person who liked to share my ideas, but I should come up with a way to organize it so it doesn’t sound like I’m rambling-that would bore the industry guys. Eunji/Jeff felt that my presentation style showed that I didn’t have much of a plan when going up to speak, because I skimmed the surface of as much a I could cover and jumped to so many different ideas. Also, when ideating, I should take one idea, and think more about different methods of expanding on that. For example, my shoe that transforms as your fitness level progresses-they loved that, but I only stopped there. Jeff felt that I could also come up with a shirt or socks or other clothing pieces that have a similar function, like a shirt that transforms pattern as your sweat more. Expand~~
Another point was that although I have a stronger vision now, and I had my deliverables for this week (3 directions+interviews), my 3rd direction(mindfullness) didn’t really fall with my main vision. It wasn’t as strong as my other two directions: Diet/ Staying active.
Though my sketches were weak, I was recommended by Eunji to not only look at the best sketches in the class, but also look at the best visions, directions, insights, and all other aspects of our project. I should try to improve in every area of my presentation, because just focusing on one thing won’t be enough.

Bruce Riley.
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look at the who, what, and why
I should show thought process, show how I think, brainstorm, and remember the goal isn’t to create a pretty picture to the class. It’s to show my dissection of my thought process. Zoe’s advice to peel an onion made perfect sense. Each direction: keeping active, controlling obesity, and preserving food culture are each my onions. Now I must peel them to the core. Keep questioning what if’s. What if 19 year olds are sedentary as 60 year olds now? So what? Well, maybe this will mean that these age groups fall into the same category of health. Then who is supposed to nurse and take care of the elderly? We don’t have anyone. If 19-60 year olds get sick faster, who will take care and teach the children of the future? On the other hand, what will happen to fitness centers and gyms? Will they still exist? If 20-60 year olds aren't using them, then what’s the point of them? Kids wouldn't be driving themselves to the local gym to workout; they play and do school sports! That leads me to the question of why so many parents force their children to participate in fitness classes such as gymnastics, swimming, softball, etc. from such a young age. Why do they stop once they get to high school? How can we continue this trend so that 19 year olds won’t be sedentary?
This is how I should go about thinking in my 3 directions.
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Design Process (a reminder)
discovery: I see a problem/challenge. How do I approach it?
interpretation: I learned something. How do I interpret it?
ideation: I see and opportunity. What do I create?
experimentation: I have an idea. How do I build it?
Though I have not necessarily found a specific problem yet, I have scraped the surface of learning about diabetes/obesity/paelo diet/ nutrition. Now, how can I take this information and find an opportunity to better our future? Ideations this week should allow me to explore lots of opportunities. Building comes later.
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For week 5, we were asked to pitch 3 concept directions. These were my 3. They were unclear, but will be updated. I was a little to focused on literally finding the who but wasn’t looking at the overall main issue/problem that I was trying to solve. Or... maybe I just wasn’t going deep enough.
1. 60 yr olds: In 2050, elderly people living in suburban cities forget the value of physical activity, and it turn, obesity rises.
2. desk job workers: In 2050, desk-job workers will not be eating a full nutritious meal due to lack of time and convenience. This kills the potential of coworker bonding, which is an integral part of building a strong team-work based working environment.
3. doctors: Like desk job workers, doctors have little to no time to eat with fellow medical assistants. Communication is key in these environments and we need to find a way to help them relax with the little time they have to eat and small talk.

Lazarides Rathbone.
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One of my biggest setbacks since this class has started is just getting myself out there, being myself, asking questions, and enjoying the process. I don’t know why I let my nerves get to me; it’s not professional whatsoever. It’s a constant struggle, but I can do better. I’ll find myself. I can do it. Don’t give up just yet. You’re not weak.
Comme des Garçons Shirt Autumn/Winter 2007
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week 5 vision
In this world that we live in today, in 2050, tech is pretty ubiquitous and is rapidly getting more advanced each and every day. It has replaced most manual work, which has been an unfortunate circumstance for some, but has mainly made life easier for many.
Due to this change in atmosphere, we expect more and do less, resulting in soft bodies. By soft bodies, I mean us, the generation of couch potatoes. We no longer value physical movement like our ancestors of 2017 used to. Our smart contact lenses and [reality distortion] now allow us to be completely immersed into the windows of these other worlds where we're practically spending all day long on these devices. The problem with this is that we weren't evolved to sit around and do nothing. Since 70,000 years ago during hunter and gatherer times, we worked together to create, innovate, and build what we have now. In order to solve this issue, we must work towards creating a solution that can continue to evolve us for the better. With the lack of physical activity, negative effect has affected our health and wellbeing as humans. We notice now, more than ever, obesity rates on the rise despite an increase in healthy food advertisements and fitness “solutions” such as gym memberships. The most common aftermath of all of this is and diabetes.
Not only is there a change in the physique of people, but now, with a variety of meal replacement options, there is a desperate need for people find their tradition in eating. With many mixed races now, many have lost their identity, and can’t find the joy of that we would get from food with our cultural ties. With this kind of “comfort food” no longer existing, we look at food as something to check off on a to-do list, like fuel for gas. The idea of eating in a social setting to bond with others is gone, and as a result, people are even more reclusive than before(also connects to depression). When eating with others used to be the easiest way to get to know others, now that no longer exists. As humans, we are social creatures that thrive off of human bonds, so that is necessary,
In 2050, we will live in a era of decreased physical activity due to constant innovation in technology. With obesity on the rise topping over 40% of the population by 2050, we will see a chain of health problems caused from obesity including diabetes and depression, which will become the norm. Also, evolving food trends will keep us from being able to bond with coworkers, friends, and family over meal time; which is so crucial for people, since we are social creatures. Lastly, based on the the trends that have already started, technology will push us to the point where we will not do less manual work, we’ll also start sleeping less, eating faster, working harder, and eventually be dehumanized.
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Week 5
For week 5, our assignment was this:
Vision Statement(written): in 5 paragraphs, including the final paragraph being the summary of your vision (Should be included in your pitch) - Pitch of 3 concept directions moving forwards, including what, who, why, specific area where solutions are needed, next steps, etc. (slide deck) - 1 collage of future world in a poster format - 3 collages of concept directions in a poster format - Oversized 4x6 foot-page of concept sketches (kraft paper style concepts. Example will be provided)
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Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.
T. S. Eliot (via beinchargeofyourlife)
something to remember in the next few weeks
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links for week 4 research
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[WEEK 3] look at a Day in the Life of an Illustrator in 2050
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What are 5 needs? (think of people)
1. Autonomy (urge to direct laws)
2. purpose (what we want/why we want it)
3. Mastery (need to better yourself)
4. Being creative
1. Dominance over opinions
2. self-esteem
3. self-confidence
4. recognition
5. Respect for ourselves and others
6. status
1. friendship
2. acceptance
3. engaging with coworkers
4. affirmation
5. marriage
6. intimacy
1. stability
2. Law & order
3. security
4. employment
5. Fear of surroundings
1. Tablet for artists
2. Food & water
3. warmth
4. rest
5. schedule
6. reproduction
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Inceptualism: How computers use data to dream. They basically use a method also known as the infinite monkey theorem, where the computer sees an image that we provide it with, and it attempts to guess any possible specimen that it could be. Through the billions of attempts, we humans, who have the ability to see patterns and beauty, guide these machines. “Yes, you're looking at a cup of coffee or no, that is not a cat.” With our guidance, the system eventually will learn these relationships.
#from pig snail lives cloud dumbells human arms google reveals bizarre images created artificial intelligence software learns recognise world#week3 week3research product3 inception
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list of links for research
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Week 1
For this term’s product design 3 class, we are expected to bring in exciting new findings, research, and ideas to the table based on our major topic “designing for the future of 2050.” We are to learn from each other’s findings and provide input to further boost their and our ideas. I do find this topic to be quite interesting because I’ve actually never specifically thought about designing for the future.
Today, consumers want everything now. I believe that we as designers often fall into the same pitfall when thinking about designing for ourselves with what looks cool to us rather than for others. Selfish thoughts on designing aside, I do believe that the purpose of this class is to observe the past, record what’s happening now, predict the future, and problem solve for tomorrow. Design for others, not for ourselves. Ironically, product design has catered to the most selfish consumers, us! We are our own guinea pigs, which is great.
By the end of the next 14 weeks, I plan to design a product that solves one of the many major issues that will rise by 2050, whether it be healthcare, tech, transportation, population growth, global warming, or education. I'll have a solid direction in which area I want to focus in on and will be able to answer the questions “who, what, where, when, why, and how.”
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Hi, I’m Shannon and for the next 14 weeks, my class, as designers, are to look at product design in a different perspective than what we may be used to. We are to look at the the “why” in our everyday life and products. This video that our instructors Jeff and Eunji shared with us reminds us that design is more than just beauty and aesthetics. What responsibility will you take to make the world a better place?
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Week 1 thoughts: How will transportation change in the future? Will all cars be autonomous? Will aircraft evolve the same way that other vehicles have?

Chicago, 1967.
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Week 1 thoughts: How will climate change affect plant growth in different regions? How will this affect us? What can we do to stop this?

Lauren Spencer King.
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